Interesting things about Islam


Registered Senior Member
First interesting fact, the cresent moon is a symbol of Islamic religion, yet the Catholic church has many key works of art emphasising this symbol? Are Catholics embracing Islam? What do you think?

Also did you know that Mahumad came from a line of Idol worshipers. His father and fathers fathers kept their Idols at meca and turned and prayed towards meca because that's where all their Idols were. Also they were required to journey to Meca in their lives. They head Idol was the moon God, and the major symbol of Islam is the moon. Interesting hey! There are many other interesting facts which all have lead me to the conclusion that Islam is Mahumad's attempt to change Idol worship into a monotheistic religion.

Anyway does anyone else know more on this subject. I hope I haven't offended any muslims, Jesus wants you to go to Heaven just as much as He wants me to go to Heaven. He loves you just as much as he loves me, and He died for you as much as He died for me. So if I've said anything that offends you present faith, it is only because I desire you to change faiths and go to heaven, I don't write these things out of a desire to put down other faiths etc... but I actually do care about you and where you are going.

My source for the above information was from Swords Of Allah and I've actually just found a link to his mp3's etc... so here it is if you want to get it straight from the source as my babbling sometimes doesn't make much sense

anyway God bless

first of all i like to ask that from were you are getting the information. Secondly how said to you that moon is symbol of islamic religion?
The moon does sit at the very top of the mosque after all.

Where and why do you suppose that tradition stared?

Moon Gods were quite in vogue in the 5th century Middle East.
In Arab nature worship Allah was represented by the moon.
Large square rocks were religious symbols as well and were located all over arabia. As a matter of fact they are still found now and again in KSA.
When Muslims conquered Istanbul, then Constantinople, Osman, the founder of the Ottoman Empire had a dream in which the crescent moon stretched from one end of the earth to the other. The cities existing flag consisted of the crescent moon and star, hence the murdering Muslims took it as their symbol.
Answers you may also want to look very carefully into the ancient Persian turn Roman religion of Mythra.
answers said:
Anyway does anyone else know more on this subject. I hope I haven't offended any muslims, Jesus wants you to go to Heaven just as much as He wants me to go to Heaven. He loves you just as much as he loves me, and He died for you as much as He died for me. So if I've said anything that offends you present faith, it is only because I desire you to change faiths and go to heaven, I don't write these things out of a desire to put down other faiths etc... but I actually do care about you and where you are going.
this was taken from, a thread about free will by mustafhakofi. "How can Christians use free will as an excuse for their god sending people to Hell who do not believe in Jesus as the Christ? People born to Muslim parents in a Muslim country where belief in the Muslim faith is a law will almost certainly not grow up to be Christans. Why would this loving god of theirs create men and send them to Hell for growing up to be a good Muslim citizens? If the man is born in a Muslim country to Muslim parents, the chances of him changing his faith to Christianity is lower than his chances of winning the Lotto. Most people stay in the faith that they were raised in. Perhaps not the same sect, but still the same god. 99% of these "Good Christians" would be "Good Muslims" if they had been born in Iran/iraq etc Then they would be going to Hell, too. how fair is that coming from your loving god?. " t
this thread
Good Chrsitians? Good Muslims? This is where you go wrong. No one is good except God. Bad people deserve bad things, bad people are those who sin even once, God can't stand sin, therefore because people choose sin instead of God, God honours that choice, but that choice is choosing not to be around God. Trust me non-christians would be happier in hell then in heaven. A non-christian doesn't desire the things of God, but the things of men, those things lead to death, but it is what they desire, so God let's them have it. ANyway big subject and I gotta go sorry.

Romans deals with this if you don't mind having a read.
answers said:
Good Christians? Good Muslims? This is where you go wrong. No one is good except God. Bad people deserve bad things, bad people are those who sin even once, God can't stand sin, therefore because people choose sin instead of God, God honours that choice, but that choice is choosing not to be around God. Trust me non-christians would be happier in hell then in heaven. A non-christian doesn't desire the things of God, but the things of men, those things lead to death, but it is what they desire, so God let's them have it. ANyway big subject and I gotta go sorry.

Romans deals with this if you don't mind having a read.
before we go on answer me a couple of question, just to understand your stance.

do you consider muslims to be ungodly and unrighteous?
do you believe that the muslims believe in christ?
do you think muslims follow your god?
do you consider the qu'ran to be the same book as the bible and allah the same god as yours?

yes or no would suffice.
answers said:
First interesting fact, the cresent moon is a symbol of Islamic religion, yet the Catholic church has many key works of art emphasising this symbol? Are Catholics embracing Islam? What do you think?

Curious. What are these key Catholic works?

Also did you know that Mahumad came from a line of Idol worshipers. His father and fathers fathers kept their Idols at meca and turned and prayed towards meca because that's where all their Idols were. Also they were required to journey to Meca in their lives. They head Idol was the moon God, and the major symbol of Islam is the moon. Interesting hey! There are many other interesting facts which all have lead me to the conclusion that Islam is Mahumad's attempt to change Idol worship into a monotheistic religion.

I didn't know that, but it's hardly surprising. Where do you think Catholicism got so many saints? Pagans. Catholic churches the world over are built on the holy sites of the natives. Beneath the churches in Mexico lie the foundations of Azteca ziggurats, cathedrals throughout Europe are built on ley lines and sacred shrines of the Romans, the Celts, the Gauls. If you can't bring the worshippers to church, bring the church to them.

And you know how all those cities in Italy have their own patron saints? Roman cities used to have their own patron deities. When the Empire converted, the towns were given Christian idols to worship and the pagan deities thrown out.
Honestly Cottontop get over the whole 'I'm smart and everyone else is stupid' mentallity. What's the point of comming on this site if all you are going to do is call people names. Didn't your mum and dad tell you not to do that when you were like 2 years old? Haven't you at least matured enough to contribute to a conversation rather then name calling. It's pathetic.

In answer to the other questions:

do you consider muslims to be ungodly and unrighteous? Yes. Just like everyone else that hasn't been changed by the belief in Christ. I think of muslims as being no more ungodly then any other non-christian.

do you believe that the muslims believe in christ? Yes as a prophet. They don't believe the truth about him though.

do you think muslims follow your god? No. Neither do they.

do you consider the qu'ran to be the same book as the bible and allah the same god as yours? No. They believe in Moses etc... (forget the name of the books sorry) and so do the Jews, but there's a lot of stuff that happened after Moses which the qu'ran denies emphatically. Allah is an ancient moon God, there are so many differences. I believe in the Trinity. So very very different.
"Where do you think Catholicism got so many saints?" I'm a Prodestant, so I don't think much of the Catholics, especially after they killed the Lollards and original Bible believers who wanted to preach the truth. Thomas Huss etc... I think Satan has used the Catholic church more then God has. The Catholic Church is a business which has created a system of control. They don't care what the bible says, they only want control, hence why they throw out what the bible says and bring in idol worship etc... The bring in purgatory in order to make people do good works in order to get into heaven quicker. Nothing to do with the bible, simply a system of control. The bible says that beilief in the risen Son of God as being the payment for sin, is the only requirement for salvation. You don't even need to go to church, but this cuts out the Catholic churches power, hence why at the start they wouldn't even let people read the bible to find things like this out. They don't care about peoples salvation, they only care about controlling people. Of course there are still many sincere believers in the Catholic church, they aren't all decieved.

But anyway that's enough
answers said:
Honestly Cottontop get over the whole 'I'm smart and everyone else is stupid' mentallity. What's the point of comming on this site if all you are going to do is call people names. Didn't your mum and dad tell you not to do that when you were like 2 years old? Haven't you at least matured enough to contribute to a conversation rather then name calling. It's pathetic.

In answer to the other questions:

do you consider muslims to be ungodly and unrighteous? Yes. Just like everyone else that hasn't been changed by the belief in Christ. I think of muslims as being no more ungodly then any other non-christian.

do you believe that the muslims believe in christ? Yes as a prophet. They don't believe the truth about him though.

do you think muslims follow your god? No. Neither do they.

do you consider the qu'ran to be the same book as the bible and allah the same god as yours? No. They believe in Moses etc... (forget the name of the books sorry) and so do the Jews, but there's a lot of stuff that happened after Moses which the qu'ran denies emphatically. Allah is an ancient moon God, there are so many differences. I believe in the Trinity. So very very different.
from the kjv:romans 1,18: For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; so your statement
Jesus wants you to go to Heaven just as much as He wants me to go to Heaven. He loves you just as much as he loves me, and He died for you as much as He died for me.
was lies, because quite clearly god does'nt, and neither do you.
answers said:
Also did you know that Mahumad came from a line of Idol worshipers. His father and fathers fathers kept their Idols at meca and turned and prayed towards meca because that's where all their Idols were. Also they were required to journey to Meca in their lives. They head Idol was the moon God, and the major symbol of Islam is the moon. Interesting hey! There are many other interesting facts which all have lead me to the conclusion that Islam is Mahumad's attempt to change Idol worship into a monotheistic religion.

The prophet Muhammad (s) [not mahumad, this is a different name] destroyed the pagan idols and outlawed the worship of these gods. The Prophet Muhammad (s) said Allah swt rules over all things in this world and we do not know the true form of Allah swt. Also the Quran says, Allah swt is the lord of the sun and the moon, the universe, and all of creation. He is not like anything in creation, He is perfect.

Personally, I believe your site on the Swords of Allah swt is false and the author is not very knowledgeable on Islam.

Also, not all Arabs are Muslim, many of them are Christians as well.

I wanted to ask you what you think are the people of Gog and Magog.

DiamondHearts said:
The prophet Muhammad (s) [not mahumad, this is a different name] destroyed the pagan idols and outlawed the worship of these gods.

So, Islam IS intolerant of other religions. You said it wasn't?
Well , before Muhammed invented Allah, he was a strong believer himself in the former
gods of Arabia - he even went as far as naming one of his sons Abd Menaf - which means " servant of Menaf " - Menaf was one of the many heathen gods (idols) of Arabia.
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M married an old bag for money , I think her name was Chadidja .......
Later when he was rich, he married a 6 year old girl ......
M started to hear voices - but for some reason the arab dudes did not think he was schizofrenic - I guess schizofrenia was not invented in those days ....
Life was now hard for M - so he started a new career as a criminal highwayman and murderer - attacking peaceful caravans .......