It is a difficult situation as humans have such a violent nature which is reflected in many of the religions that they have created. Even in Greco-Roman Myths there is a God of War but that is tempered with a God of Fertility or Love – a Goddess that enjoys a sense of humor and enjoys a good joke - including at the God of War’s expense
However, in the Middle Eastern monotheistic religions we find a single One God – one that gets jealous, surprised, angry and is homicidal to the point of murdering all of humanity - simply for the crime of acting on their own free accord. This God is the God that inspired the inquisitions, It supported Slavery, It enjoys a man to have 4 wives (so long as he doesn't like pork) and It iwas the nspiration for both Xian and Muslims to brutally kill and conquer most of the known world (the Xians way way way more so than the Muslims) in Its name.
It is History
Instead of relying on a well thought-out enlightened approach to human suffering – say something like empathetic meditation (empathy via neural plasticity); this God instead relies on the promise of eternal hell-fire and tricks such as a tax on non-believers to coerce belief. Indeed, these beliefs (especially if taught at a young age)
will modulate the brain. They have a
DIRECT effect on neural conductivity. If one lives their whole life in fear of a God the sits in judgment – expect that person's brain to be completely rewired towards this fear. It is so.
As a Great Jedi Master once said:
"Fear leads to Anger.
Anger leads to Hate.
Hate leads to suffering."
Look at the rise of Christianity – witness the Dark Ages.
It’s demise heralds the Renaissance and the rise of secularism: The Age of Enlightenment.
Can one find another main stream religion that has even close to the violent history as Christianity and Islam?