Intelligent People 'Less Likely to Believe in God'

Stranger, not to stray too far off topic, but I agree with you. Just in whose eyes? God considers himself Just, and what we think about it may or may not line up with his opinion.

In general, though, I am confused by this thread. Are we saying that intelligent=educated=knowledgeable? If so, I would have to refute that.

I think an agreed upon definition of intelligence is called for before any further discussion of the OP can be honestly had.
Why define intelligence? That just gets in the way of the stereotyping theists as dumb.
But, it is true that theists in general are less intelligent than atheists. they're also better in bed ... oh God, oh God, oh God.... :p
SAM said:
Why define intelligence? That just gets in the way of the stereotyping theists as dumb.
Just more likely to be - I believe you are now adopting the stance of treating that distinction as important, no ?
Stranger, not to stray too far off topic, but I agree with you. Just in whose eyes? God considers himself Just, and what we think about it may or may not line up with his opinion.

YOUR opinion is not your gods opinion.

In general, though, I am confused by this thread. Are we saying that intelligent=educated=knowledgeable? If so, I would have to refute that.

You don't have an education, how can you refute what you don't understand?

I think an agreed upon definition of intelligence is called for before any further discussion of the OP can be honestly had.

So, what would be your definition? :rolleyes:
Just more likely to be - I believe you are now adopting the stance of treating that distinction as important, no ?

Yeah, correlaton is not causation. Unless you consider it otherwise?

My only argument here is whether the proponents of this theory also support arriving at similar conclusions on the Bell Curve.
YOUR opinion is not your gods opinion.
Actually it really is!

*child standing next to his mother with outreached hands*
Mommy, Mommy, Jimmy wants another cookie! He likes them, he does. He reall really does Mommy, Jimmy just wants, just one more.

Now now, it's time to stop talking to your invisible friend Hamtastic, you're 38 years old! if you want a gawd damn cookie just take one! (grumbles something about get a life and a job and adult children living in their parents basement playing WoW...)

I thought this was a scientific fact? The theory has been tested and a significant difference determined without bias.
SAM said:
My only argument here is whether the proponents of this theory also support arriving at similar conclusions on the Bell Curve.
What theory, exactly, are you talking about?
What theory, exactly, are you talking about?

Have you missed all the discussion on this thread?

Ben made a pretty good summary of my position

Good God man... I don't think ANYONE believes this. SAM is being quoted out of context, JDawg is a dumbass and a half-wit troll, and I'm losing my fucking mind because SAM's point has been so ridiculously misunderstood.

The assertion that atheists are in general more intelligent than non-atheists is based on some definition of "intelligent", as well (I should add---where's Fraggle when you need him?) as on some definition of "atheist". The definition of "intelligent" comes from some IQ test that some silly social scientists invented and thought was accurate. Of course, the same IQ tests can also be used to show that white people are more intelligent than black people, and that Jews are all of our intellectual superiors.

SAM pointed this out, and her posts were deleted from the original thread for some reason I have yet to (and possibly will never) understand, hence the three (?) threads in this fucking forum.

If the results are correct, all of the atheists can sit around, and comment on how wonderful their own shit smells because they are more enlightened than the poor Bush voting, knuckle dragging creationists in Kentucky. Of course, then they also have to admit that if they believe the results of the study, and that they have absolutely no grounds for disregarding "The Bell Curve" and other such studies.

Either that, or they can admit the study was flawed in a fundamental way, and that IQ tests only test the ability of someone to figure out how to solve fucking Soduku puzzles.

Am I alone in this realization?
SAM said:
What theory, exactly, are you talking about?

Have you missed all the discussion on this thread?
With all due respect, I have found it absolutely necessary to verify in advance, before attempting a reply, as specifically as possible, exactly what you talking about in such contexts - and reading the rest of the thread, or any thread involving you and religion, does not provide enough information.
Actually it really is!

*child standing next to his mother with outreached hands*
Mommy, Mommy, Jimmy wants another cookie! He likes them, he does. He reall really does Mommy, Jimmy just wants, just one more.

Now now, it's time to stop talking to your invisible friend Hamtastic, you're 38 years old! if you want a gawd damn cookie just take one! (grumbles something about get a life and a job and adult children living in their parents basement playing WoW...)

