Intelligent design.


Valued Senior Member
Why were pigeons not made large enough so I could ride one rather than having to drive everywhere?

And why can't our pets talk?

Why not have lawns that you do not have to mow?

Anything else?

Why were pigeons not made large enough so I could ride one rather than having to drive everywhere?

And why can't our pets talk?

Why not have lawns that you do not have to mow?

Anything else?

A breathing system that reacts, not to insufficient oxygen, but only to an excess of CO2.
A breathing system that reacts, not to insufficient oxygen, but only to an excess of CO2.
We would be all dead by now.

And get rid of eating and design us to run off the direct energy from the Sun .... Or Moon.

Nice fur so we don't have to worry about suits etc.

Why were pigeons not made large enough so I could ride one rather than having to drive everywhere?
ID To keep statues a little cleaner than they are now and not covered in pigeon poo the size of oranges

And why can't our pets talk?

ID Who wants to be told by your dog "You know you are supposed to pick up my shit right?"

Why not have lawns that you do not have to mow?

ID We were designed to make our own. We have 2 basic models green concrete or green plastic. They provide perfect play training areas for kids to use plastic toy lawnmowers. The play provides them with the mentality to do boring jobs, which accomplish nothing, in the future


Oh god I need a holiday from my holiday :)
I hear there are a lot of foreigners over there...have you seen any.

And why does grass have to be green....that seems so rural.

Now %age wise European / Japanese / Australian but it's been skewed due to volcano as some flights are easier get out than others

I've heard of bluegrass and I guess you could have any colour if don't need to worry about chlorophyll

I've heard of bluegrass
I tried to give you a utube link to a guy who I am starting to hold as my favorite guitarist of all time, playing blue grass, but I could not..utube kept going back to the cage fight I have been watching.
I play a 3 string guitar but he plays one such that I feel like putting an axe to mine...Justin Johnson 3 string cigar box guitar or shovel guitar will find him.
My point is have a look and listen if you like guitar...

I have extended my stay here as well, not hard to take, no people, couple of horses, a dog, a cat and parrots ..even a visiting peacock from the next property.

Why were pigeons not made large enough so I could ride one rather than having to drive everywhere?

And why can't our pets talk?

Why not have lawns that you do not have to mow?

Anything else?

Why do we need reading glasses as we get older? Why do some people need glasses from birth? Why do we get sick? Even animals seem to rarely get sick. Why do chickens have wings? How did the penguins get from the Arc to Antarctica?
A breathing system that reacts, not to insufficient oxygen, but only to an excess of CO2.

based on size, number, and shape
found on fossils
some have estimated composition of ancient atmospheres
Ginkgo comes to mind.

based on size, number, and shape
found on fossils
some have estimated composition of ancient atmospheres
Ginkgo comes to mind.
No I meant in human beings. I knew of someone killed in a refinery accident due to breathing nitrogen and not realising he was short of oxygen. And my wife when she was anaemic felt ghastly in a plane, which we found out later was oxygen starvation, though she was not breathless. The breathing reflex works on CO2 concentration, not oxygen.

A definite "design" fault, if we are listing these.
The need to sleep for 8 hours out of every 24 hours could be considered a design flaw as well.
I know, what a waste of time.

I also think physics should have been designed differently so we could exceed the speed of light, a star wars or star trek universe is much more fun than reality!
I hung a wind chime outside my front door last week, but there has been no wind, so I tap the chime whenever I pass under it.
Having one's breathing tube and one's eating tube be the same tube. That's a bad one.
Heck, even the animals have figured that one out.

(Robert Sawyer wrote a book about some aliens coming to Earth to make friends, but first they had to be certain that humans were also part of God's perfect plan. So they did some dissections. What they found led them to try to exterminate these flawed pretenders.)
The need to sleep for 8 hours out of every 24 hours could be considered a design flaw as well.
The sleeping self has an even bigger issue, with the 16 hours it needs to waste on being awake - almost completely disconnected from the subconscious, for starters. Like being stood in a corner.

I want a prehensile tail, with fur, if we're improving things.
Why were pigeons not made large enough so I could ride one rather than having to drive everywhere?

And why can't our pets talk?

Why not have lawns that you do not have to mow?

Anything else?

Sorry, are your questions not like.
... Tell me why butter fly in the sky? Nature has many different modifications. Variations in forces, energy, particles, atoms, molecules, substances, beings etc... there things and beings are different inspite of same at prime level in quality.
Sorry, are your questions not like.
... Tell me why butter fly in the sky? Nature has many different modifications. Variations in forces, energy, particles, atoms, molecules, substances, beings etc... there things and beings are different inspite of same at prime level in quality.
Greetings Kumar5
Thank you for participating in this thread.
I can not disagree with anything you say but I am not entirely sure who you refer to when you mention beings so perhaps you could go into a little more detail as to that aspect.