Insulting Religion


Satanism=worship of Satan, a supernatural being named Lucifer(Light Bringer)who was an angel in Heaven who thought he could replace Jehovah,(chief god of the Christian faith)who failed in his coup leading to he and minions being cast out of Heaven(the Fall)and condemned to Hell, a supernatural realm created for just that purpose by Jehovah.

Atheists think ALL of the above is a bunch of whooee.

So no, Satanists are not Atheists and there is no overlap.

And you know that, so you are nothing but a Troll and you don't deserve to be here.


Satanism=worship of Satan, a supernatural being named Lucifer(Light Bringer)who was an angel in Heaven who thought he could replace Jehovah,(chief god of the Christian faith)who failed in his coup leading to he and minions being cast out of Heaven(the Fall)and condemned to Hell, a supernatural realm created for just that purpose by Jehovah.

Atheists think ALL of the above is a bunch of whooee.

So no, Satanists are not Atheists and there is no overlap.

And you know that, so you are nothing but a Troll and you don't deserve to be here.


Actually, that's not true. The official Church of Satan is atheistic. It's about symbolism, not supernatural beings. And who cares? I'd rather live next door to a Satanist than an Evangelical Protestant.
True, especially when terms are changed at the whim of those who don't wish to associate themselves with them, like religion, for example. The atrocities committed in the name of a god are well known to all especially considering how much information is available on the internet and how many people have access to it. We can see the results of that when believers wish to disassociate themselves from the very religions they belong that have such a sordid reputation. So, they start to say they don't have religion but they still believe in the same things as before.

Atrocities do not define everyone who believes a god exists. Just like Pol Pot and Mao do not define all atheists. Or are you saying that Mao is representative of all atheists? It is trivially false that all people who do not associate themselves with religion do so only because of religion's history.

Pandeism is a combination of pantheism and deism, in which the universe was created by God, in which God takes all of his energy and resources and becomes the universe itself, no longer existing as God.

And? That is part of the freedom to speculate on the nature of god. It may exist as a singular entity or throughout existence, the later not necessarily meaning that it does not exist.
Atrocities do not define everyone who believes a god exists.

But, they do the define the religions that believers continue to support.

Just like Pol Pot and Mao do not define all atheists. Or are you saying that Mao is representative of all atheists?

They are representative of psychotic dictators, or do you have evidence they commit atrocities specifically in the name of atheism?

And? That is part of the freedom to speculate on the nature of god. It may exist as a singular entity or throughout existence, the later not necessarily meaning that it does not exist.

Just as we can speculate the nature of Santa, too.

Satanists can be atheistic in the same way many Buddhists are, I guess, but both are worshiping concepts almost all Atheists would reject, adhering to precepts and rituals that have nothing to do with anything an Atheists thinks have value(or, at least necessarily, Atheists can be nutjobs, too). An Atheist participating in Satanic ritual is an Atheist with a hobby unrelated to his Atheism(or some SERIOUS cognitive dissonance). I mean, what's the point, it certainly has nothing to do with being an Atheist. A true actually thinks Satan is real, but they are still a Christian cult. Buddhists at least realize that, however wise, their namesake was not a god, but simply an enlightened human being.


Satanism=worship of Satan, a supernatural being named Lucifer(Light Bringer)who was an angel in Heaven who thought he could replace Jehovah,(chief god of the Christian faith)who failed in his coup leading to he and minions being cast out of Heaven(the Fall)and condemned to Hell, a supernatural realm created for just that purpose by Jehovah.

Atheists think ALL of the above is a bunch of whooee.

So no, Satanists are not Atheists and there is no overlap.

And you know that, so you are nothing but a Troll and you don't deserve to be here.


Let me enlighten you. said:
LaVeyan Satanism is a philosophy (not considered a religion by many of its followers) founded in 1966 by Anton Szandor LaVey. Its teachings are based on individualism, epicureanism,[12] and "eye for an eye" morality. Unlike theistic Satanists, LaVeyan Satanists are atheists who regard Satan as a symbol of man's inherent nature.

And you're right. I don't belong here. Surely there are intelligent people on the internet who are of the light.

Satanists can be atheistic in the same way many Buddhists are, I guess, but both are worshiping concepts almost all Atheists would reject, adhering to precepts and rituals that have nothing to do with anything an Atheists thinks have value(or, at least necessarily, Atheists can be nutjobs, too). An Atheist participating in Satanic ritual is an Atheist with a hobby unrelated to his Atheism(or some SERIOUS cognitive dissonance). I mean, what's the point, it certainly has nothing to do with being an Atheist. A true actually thinks Satan is real, but they are still a Christian cult. Buddhists at least realize that, however wise, their namesake was not a god, but simply an enlightened human being.


There was another topic on this forum that atheists liked some of the benefits of religion. there are actually atheists out there who think that they can reproduce the benefits of religion without actually including God. I just cannot conceive of an atheist religion that so fervently rejects God that is not satanism.
There was another topic on this forum that atheists liked some of the benefits of religion. there are actually atheists out there who think that they can reproduce the benefits of religion without actually including God. I just cannot conceive of an atheist religion that so fervently rejects God that is not satanism.

If you can conceive of "ascended masters" surely you can conceive of rejecting God without involving Satanism. However, I don't get atheists who try to make a "religion" out of it either with Sunday services and the like. To me they are just people who are having a hard time letting go of religion.

Satanists can be atheistic in the same way many Buddhists are, I guess, but both are worshiping concepts almost all Atheists would reject, adhering to precepts and rituals that have nothing to do with anything an Atheists thinks have value(or, at least necessarily, Atheists can be nutjobs, too). An Atheist participating in Satanic ritual is an Atheist with a hobby unrelated to his Atheism(or some SERIOUS cognitive dissonance). I mean, what's the point, it certainly has nothing to do with being an Atheist. A true actually thinks Satan is real, but they are still a Christian cult. Buddhists at least realize that, however wise, their namesake was not a god, but simply an enlightened human being.


It's not entirely unrelated to atheism, as some branches of Satanism require a lack of belief in a god. There is, obviously, the kind of Satanism that believes it is real and stuff, but I dont't see what makes that "real" Satanism.

Having a worldview or philosophy that other atheists would find stupid doesn't mean that it has nothing to do with athesim.
And you're right. I don't belong here. Surely there are intelligent people on the internet who are of the light.

Mazulu, have you done an Internet search for what you yearn for?

I typed " forums for intelligent people on the internet who are of the light ? " into dogpile search engine and got the response linked below.

Possibly one of the forums linked on those results pages may be more to your liking.

Good luck finding a forum where you feel you belong.
Be advised though that a professional Metrologist must always follow Ohms Law!
V = I x R !!
Ergo,in basic terms: the values YOU insert into the equation (discussion) directly determines the amount of resistance that YOU produce!
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If you can conceive of "ascended masters" surely you can conceive of rejecting God without involving Satanism. However, I don't get atheists who try to make a "religion" out of it either with Sunday services and the like. To me they are just people who are having a hard time letting go of religion.

The message of the ascended masters is "hope", copious amounts of hope. Unfortunately, if they do exist, they are not revealing their existence for all the world to see. The same goes for all religions, theisms, witchcraft, occultism, it's all about hope. Hope of an afterlife, hope that there is more to life than what science has revealed, hope of immortality, hope of traveling to the stars, hope that we will have another chance at life. It is very unfortunate that science leads to a dead end. The big message of science is that the standard model and periodic table are all there is.

I was not raised a Christian, I was raised with New Age philosophies. Laugh all you like, but we use crystals all the time. In fact, were using crystals right now. Computer IC chips are made using silicon semiconductor crystals. But New Age philosophies are far more hopeful than what science has demonstrated reality to be. New Age beliefs even tried to serve as a replacement of the old Christian/Baptist ways.

Honestly, I don't think atheists are very excited about atheism. If angels, God, or aliens showed up, atheists would drop atheism like a rock, like a hot potato. If the supernatural showed up, I think atheists would be delighted. Atheism is just the cold hearted cynical reality that we are have to face. In my view, atheism is what happens when hope dies, when people stop caring about other people.
Mazulu, have you done an Internet search for what you yearn for?

I typed " forums for intelligent people on the internet who are of the light ? " into dogpile search engine and got the response linked below.

Possibly one of the forums linked on those results pages may be more to your liking.

Good luck finding a forum where you feel you belong. Be advised though that a professional Metrologist must always remember Ohms Law!
Ergo, V = I x R !!
In basic terms: what YOU add to the equation directly determines the amount resistance that YOU encounter!

I'll take a look at the other forums when I get home.
It's not entirely unrelated to atheism, as some branches of Satanism require a lack of belief in a god. There is, obviously, the kind of Satanism that believes it is real and stuff, but I dont't see what makes that "real" Satanism.

Having a worldview or philosophy that other atheists would find stupid doesn't mean that it has nothing to do with athesim.

Honestly, when I heard Anthony Levay admit that he was an atheist and didn't believe in the devil, his stature shrunk in my mind. It would be exciting (dark and dangerous) to have a guy that has connections to an evil Luciferian power. There is something exciting and fun about occult powers. But when Levay admitted that such things don't exist, he became a dork in a costume with vaseline on his head. That's just not fun. I remember being a kid in the French Quarter, New Orleans. I knew some witches & warlocks. I wish you people could appreciate that such things are exciting and amazing.

I wish you people could appreciate that some experiences are amazing and magnificient (until science shows up and sterilizes it). After that, it's just not the same.
Naturalism allows for a non-religious concept of god. The universe, considered a closed system, can only be effected by that which is either a part or product of the universe. Pandeism explicitly assumes a god that became the universe, without any further input other than naturalistic interactions of its constituent parts.
Solar system, galaxy, universe, multiverse, can all be considered distinct entities composed of various dynamic elements. Other than just proclaiming it as such, what qualities would distinguish one from the others in regards to its classification as god?
If angels, God, or aliens showed up, atheists would drop atheism like a rock, like a hot potato. If the supernatural showed up, I think atheists would be delighted.

Perhaps, that is true because atheists would be honest about such things. But, we can certainly see that no matter how long reality has been in the faces of believers, they still continue to cling to their fantasies and delusions and have been doing do for centuries.
I wish you people could appreciate that some experiences are amazing and magnificient (until science shows up and sterilizes it). After that, it's just not the same.

Aw, poor baby, your fantasies and delusions aren't true, no matter how much you really, really, really want them to be.

What's hilarious is that science has uncovered and discovered things far more amazing and magnificent than anything believers have ever conjured from their pea brains.
I wish you people could appreciate that some experiences are amazing and magnificient (until science shows up and sterilizes it). After that, it's just not the same.

I do find Harry Potter and Star Trek amazing and magnificent, it doesn't diminish the experience that I know they are fictional. Science generates a sense of wonder about the world which faith diminishes, thinking it knows the origins of everything.
Science generates a sense of wonder about the world which faith diminishes, thinking it knows the origins of everything.

How absurd that a collection of atoms and molecules such as yourself, really not much more than a puddle of goo, can claim to feel wonder, or for that matter, feel anything at all.
What's hilarious is that science has uncovered and discovered things far more amazing and magnificent than anything believers have ever conjured from their pea brains.

How would you know? Do you watch the science channel?