Incestuous Lot


OH JOY!!!!
Valued Senior Member
Lot, who is mentioned in both the Bible and Quran, his wife and 2 daughters fled Sodom. Lots wife got turned into a pillar of salt. Lot and his virgin daughters lived in a cave. Lot had sex with both daughters, who then had sons Moab and Ammon.

Lots daughters apparently got him drunk and he wasn't aware of what was happening. Do any of you men think this is possible? Does anyone know the odds of 2 out of 2 virgins both getting pregnant the only time they have sex?

And believers, why was what Lot's wife did worse than what happened in that cave?
Clearly disobedience is far worse than incest.

Or maybe Lot's wife saw what she wasn't supposed to see...which might have been that the two towns were never destroyed? It was just a hoax? Maybe she was stabbed rather than...a-salted :rolleyes:
My sister-in-law has gotten pregnant pretty much every time she's had sex. So yeah, I think it's pretty possible that both those chicks got knocked up in one shot. (no pun intented!)

True, she disobeyed a direct order, but seriously, worse than having sex with both your daughters? I think there's a pretty logical difference between the two. I don't see her actions deserving to be turned into a pillar of salt.
Is that the first use of the "I was drunk, it wasn't my fault, she took advantage, she did it" line so prevalent among abusers everywhere ?

Y'know, it doesn't actually say he only fucked them once each. It kind of leaves that impression,without specifying directly.
Lot, who is mentioned in both the Bible and Quran, his wife and 2 daughters fled Sodom. Lots wife got turned into a pillar of salt.
M*W: A mountainous peak in the area where Sodom and Gomorrah were supposed to have been (if they ever existed), and this peak is a naturally carved statue of a woman looking backward toward S&G. The myth of Lot's wife is how this mountain peak was named. I believe it is actually called 'Lot's Wife.' It is not referring to a real woman, but a local myth.

Lot and his virgin daughters lived in a cave. Lot had sex with both daughters, who then had sons Moab and Ammon.
M*W: Okay, 'virgin' daughters only meant 'young woman.' In fact, those virgin daughters of Lot had husbands! No telling whatever happened to them. Anyhoo, Lot and his wife and virgin daughters flee from the burning S&G to a cave safely at a distance from their home. Interesting story, but all they managed to take with them as they fled into the desert was a couple of jugs of wine, but valuables or pots or anything. The girls assumed everyone left behind including their husbands were dead, so they didn't waste any time looking for new husbands and decided to get impregnated to replenish the Earth, even if it was by their drunken old man. I still have questions about how a man who is drunker than a skunk can get it up, but that's another story. Nine months later, give or take a week or two, two baby boys were born and great nations were descended from them. The End.
In the Quran, Lot (peace be upon him) didn't commit those sins. Prophets are chosen as they are the best of mankind, no prophet would be chosen who would commit sins like these.
Lot was also the asshole in christian fiction that offered up his own daughter to a mob of horny Sodomites to rape in the place of strangers (who were, unbeknown to Lot, "angels") who were about to get corn-holed.

Such stories are clearly embarrassments to modern fundamentalist xians who take biblical mythology as literal truth. I've yet to see a xian defend Lot's evil acts. It would be interesting to see it attempted here.
In the Quran, Lot (peace be upon him) didn't commit those sins. Prophets are chosen as they are the best of mankind, no prophet would be chosen who would commit sins like these.

No, but the pedophile prophet you worship did. No, wait... the child he slept with wasn't his daughter. My apologies.
Clearly disobedience is far worse than incest.
M*W: Incest wasn't considered as taboo in those days. It was common practice to marry/conceive with one's sister/brother/mother/father/aunt/uncle/cousin. In fact, marrying outside the immediate family was considered to be morally unacceptable.
M*W: Incest wasn't considered as taboo in those days. It was common practice to marry/conceive with one's sister/brother/mother/father/aunt/uncle/cousin. In fact, marrying outside the immediate family was considered to be morally unacceptable.

Also, violent male chauvinists and rapists were morally acceptable.
No, but the pedophile prophet you worship did. No, wait... the child he slept with wasn't his daughter. My apologies.

Considering the short life span, I think most men slept with young girls. As soon as they got their period, they were considered eligible.
The young girls then are not like the young girls now. They grew up a lot faster due to necessity.

By the way, why take that jab?
No, but the pedophile prophet you worship did. No, wait... the child he slept with wasn't his daughter. My apologies.

Making such disparaging remarks of such a great man shows just how immature you are. I cannot believe you are a moderator.

First of all, this topic is about Prophet Lot (peace be upon him), not any other prophets.

Second, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was married to woman who had reached the age of puberty and was eligible for marriage (as is the Semitic custom) [age 9 or 14, we do not know for sure].
Considering the short life span, I think most men slept with young girls. As soon as they got their period, they were considered eligible.
The young girls then are not like the young girls now. They grew up a lot faster due to necessity.

By the way, why take that jab?

Its pretty common with some atheists on this forum. They believe morality was invented by them, and they prefer to ignore all history that doesn't suit their beliefs.:p

You're a smart woman (for an atheist ;)) Maybe we should replace Skin with you. :D
they prefer to ignore all history that doesn't suit their beliefs

Wait.. was Skin wrong? Or was he being historically honest by saying muhammed was kiddie fiddling?

If that is historically accepted, what does your above comment relate to, where is it's relevance and what supports it?
Wait.. was Skin wrong? Or was he being historically honest by saying muhammed was kiddie fiddling?

If that is historically accepted, what does your above comment relate to, where is it's relevance and what supports it?

1. There is no agreement on Aisha's age (9-18)
2. Marrying for "love" is a new and predominantly Western phenomenon
3. Marriage for solidifying community relations is the norm rather than the exception in all Asian/ME societies
4. It is not considered "wrong" in many Eastern societies to have large age differences between couples (either way, remember Mohammed was 25 when he married his first wife, then 40 and was married only to her until her death, 24-25 years later)

Based on these "facts", I'd say there is a lot of presentism involved in all the "judgments" we hear.
In the Quran, Lot (peace be upon him) didn't commit those sins. Prophets are chosen as they are the best of mankind, no prophet would be chosen who would commit sins like these.
M*W: So, basically you are saying that the bible lies? I would have to agree with you on that one.
Clearly disobedience is far worse than incest.

Or maybe Lot's wife saw what she wasn't supposed to see...which might have been that the two towns were never destroyed? It was just a hoax? Maybe she was stabbed rather than...a-salted :rolleyes:
great point. dirty old incestuous Lot told his daughters not to look back and went back and killed his wife. He drugged his daughters and had incest and then blamed them for seducing him. Classic pedophile.
Considering the short life span, I think most men slept with young girls. As soon as they got their period, they were considered eligible.
The young girls then are not like the young girls now. They grew up a lot faster due to necessity.

By the way, why take that jab?
Actually the exact opposite is true in regards to women maturing. Women today mature physically much more quickly an reach their periods years quicker. Girls today are thousands of times more educated then some desert dwelling nomadic children 2000 years ago.

As to your assumption of old enough to bleed old enough to breed, yeah, civilized and uncivilized men alike used to think like this. Sadly some still do (not saying you do - just that some societies still accept it).

great point. dirty old incestuous Lot told his daughters not to look back and went back and killed his wife. He drugged his daughters and had incest and then blamed them for seducing him. Classic pedophile.

How old were his daughters? And aside from religious considerations, incest has been pretty common in all cultures.