
KADARK: "You said yourself that there was nothing wrong with incest as long as it didn't lead to procreation."

JAMES R: "Did I?"

A few posts earlier ...

JAMES R: "What's your problem, if there is consent, and no chance of procreation?"

Conclusion: You implied that there was no problem with incest as long as there was "no chance of procreation".


JAMES R: "So, presumably you have another rationale for banning those things? Do you?"

KADARK: "Of course I jolly well do, ole chap. Aye, but the thread is about incest, see?"

JAMES R: "Why would you like to see homosexuality outlawed? This is the second time I have asked."

Conclusion: Completely ignored the fact that I didn't want to argue my stance on homosexuality in a thread about incest. In your post, my explanation was deleted.

Final Conclusion: Fuck off.

Kadark the Relentless
You implied that there was no problem with incest as long as there was "no chance of procreation".

No, I asked you a direct question, which apparently you were unable or unwilling to answer.

Here's my guess: you want homosexuality outlawed because of your religious views, but you're unwilling to admit to your own religious beliefs. Why are you ashamed?

Conclusion: Completely ignored the fact that I didn't want to argue my stance on homosexuality in a thread about incest.

Will you argue it if I start a new thread just for you?
Hmm, I best back away from this wretched thread before ban-worthy words weasel their way through my agile typing fingers. James R simply doesn't get it.

Will you argue it if I start a new thread just for you?

I've argued homosexuality with you before, or have you forgotten already? Take a dive into the archives and fish out what you'd like to argue. If you're simply going to delete my answers to your questions and ask the same questions again, then I urge you not to waste my time. You won't like Kadark when he's mad.

Kadark the Vicious
You disagree with this?

Did I say that? I said that the risk isn't as high as most people think. Plus, I dislike how everyone just takes it as gospel truth without actually understanding the whys and wherefores of it all. Of course it increases the chance of deformities, but I added the fact that cloning has that defect too. Individual cases prove very little, but thanks for the links anyway.

there is universal taboo against sitting on hot stoves
sounds ridiculous, ja?

That's not what's meant by a taboo. A "taboo subject" is something you avoid talking about for reasons of embarrassment, disgust or fear. People just avoid sitting on hot stoves full stop, because at first touch they will discover how painful it can be.