
Yeah, you absolutely beat me to the punch there James.

Trust Kadark, 'the wild one' ( straight as a row of garbage bins at boot camp) to take this directly to his barrow pushing 'I hate gays'

Grow up Kadark, wake up Kadark or just fucking shut-up Kadark.

Homosexuality is no big deal, really, if you don't like it, it's your problem and shame on you.

Incest is a completely different story and major differences in experience, status and innocence come into play and abuse will rear its ugly head.
:shrug:There is a reason that incest was and still is taboo in society. Breeders of livestock thousands of years ago saw that recessive unwanted traits emerge in the offspring of siblings or parent/sibling mating. The same goes for humans. Now incest without producing an offspring has been practiced by some tribes in Africa where the father introduces his daughter to sex and the mother introduces her son to sex. Consenting adults.....weird. I don't honestly think I could have sex with one of my daughters so the concept is beyound me.
Incest is wrong from biological it creates mutations...

once these difficulties are overcome, by canceling reproductive properties...incest has a possibility of becoming an accepted social act.
actually cousins were probably the most common mates for early humanity ie the tribe would all be related. James and Spud i have never understood why there is a specific law relating to incest, if the only issue was abuse there are already laws about abuse, and its not illegal for a step parent to sleep with there step child. In some states the laws about concent are specific on this sort of realtionship (for instance victoria where even though the age of concent is 16 its 18 if the other person is legally responcable for you).

I actually knew a girl who slept with her twin brother, she didnt actually know he was her brother when she met him but she still did sleep with him. In reality if a study was done on rates of non abuse incest i would predict that twins specifically and brother\sister incest would be the most common
There's an important difference between bestiality and (some types of) incest. The difference is that that animals cannot do not consent to sex with human beings, whereas it is possible in some incest cases (that don't involve child abuse or underage participants) that you're dealing with two consenting adults.

The fact is, incest will never become commonplace. The vast majority of people have a biological aversion to it.

Do animals consent to being killed and eaten? Of course not, but it's still a legal process practiced by nearly every community throughout the world. Same thing applies for sex: you don't need to ask for an animal's consent. I also notice that you are defending incest by referring to the oft-expressed "two consenting adults". Thanks for confirming my initial statements, James - you legalize homosexuality, and abominations such as incest surely can't be far behind. Whether or not it becomes commonplace is irrelevant, because homosexuality itself isn't common (even if we are using the ridiculously exaggerated figures of 10% of the population being gay). Who knows how many people will practice incest once it becomes "socially accepted"? That sure doesn't sound like any type of society I'd want to live in. But hey, don't let my diatribe ruin your dream of a utopian society wherein gays, animal fuckers, and family fuckers run amuck, holding hands and singing to equality and freedom. No sir, don't let me stop you.

Yeah, you absolutely beat me to the punch there James.

Trust Kadark, 'the wild one' ( straight as a row of garbage bins at boot camp) to take this directly to his barrow pushing 'I hate gays'

Grow up Kadark, wake up Kadark or just fucking shut-up Kadark.

Homosexuality is no big deal, really, if you don't like it, it's your problem and shame on you.

Incest is a completely different story and major differences in experience, status and innocence come into play and abuse will rear its ugly head.

Are you trying to "read between the lines" again? I advise you to re-read my initial post and tell me where I made a statement akin to "I hate gays". My previous post's sole purpose was to outline the reality of consequences that ensue from homosexuality's legalization, and they are the incline in bestiality and incest rates. The three aren't as far off as you'd like to think. Homosexuality is obviously inferior and incorrect in contrast to heterosexuality; denying this is a fool's errand. So, if something uncommon and unfruitful (especially in comparison to heterosexuality) is legalized, why not go one step further? Pretty soon, you have the complete and utter downfall and eventual destruction of a society. Thanks for your passionate, fiery post, Spud, but it certainly would have helped to actually read and comprehend what I had to say off the start. Kadark ain't such a bad person once you get to know him.

Keep my sentiments in mind, the two of you.

Kadark the Natural
If it's 2 consenting adults, so long as they don't have children, they can do what they like.

how is that incest? You said as long as they dont have children...well that mens they both need to destroy their ability to have children, sperm production to none and egg production to none.
how is that incest? You said as long as they dont have children...well that mens they both need to destroy their ability to have children, sperm production to none and egg production to none.

How about just using a condom Draqon? They actually function as advertised, you know. Oh, I'm sorry, you don't know...
How about just using a condom Draqon? They actually function as advertised, you know. Oh, I'm sorry, you don't know...

use of condom is still a high probability of fertilization process to occur. A tiny hole in the condom can allow sperm to fertilize the egg. That high of a risk...from an incest-type not worth it at all.
How about just using a condom Draqon? They actually function as advertised, you know. Oh, I'm sorry, you don't know...

Actually even though I never had sex, I did try and put a condom on myself to see how it all works down there, did it 3 times, feels...well...:rolleyes:...tight.
If it's 2 consenting adults, so long as they don't have children, they can do what they like.

If they're permitted to have sex, then why not children? What if there's an accident (condom breaks, for example) and the woman is impregnated? What then? Forced abortion? Then you have a police state which forces its residents to undertake abortions as it sees fit, ultimately resulting in the complete loss of individual liberty. You think that's normal? Unbelievable. Your stupidity doesn't really surprise me, though; your rash decision making is reflective of your young age and backward upbringing.

Some people never learn.

Kadark the Messenger
If they're permitted to have sex, then why not children? What if there's an accident (condom breaks, for example) and the woman is impregnated? What then? Forced abortion? Then you have a police state which forces its residents to undertake abortions as it sees fit, ultimately resulting in the complete loss of individual liberty. You think that's normal? Unbelievable. Your stupidity doesn't really surprise me, though; your rash decision making is reflective of your young age and backward upbringing.

Some people never learn.

Kadark the Messenger

Goddammit Kadark, grow up, stop taking whatever it is you're on, and act like a normal human being.

Why not children? Why do you think? Where do you think the cliche of the harelipped incest child comes from?

No, I think they should not be allowed to be together unless they underwent some form of reversible sterilization (in case they broke up and subsequently took non related partners.).

And hey, nice bit of ad hominem there.
use of condom is still a high probability of fertilization process to occur.

Cite your source. Condoms are one of, if not the most effective methods of birh control. Except for sterilization, of course.
Goddammit Kadark, grow up, stop taking whatever it is you're on, and act like a normal human being.

Why not children? Why do you think? Where do you think the cliche of the harelipped incest child comes from?

No, I think they should not be allowed to be together unless they underwent some form of reversible sterilization (in case they broke up and subsequently took non related partners.).

And hey, nice bit of ad hominem there.

"Reversibly" sterilizing incest couples? You're clearly making this shit up as you go along, yet somehow I'm the one who isn't acting like a "normal human being". If being a "normal human" means supporting reversible sterilization laws for legalized incest relationships, then you can gladly count me out.

Kadark the Warrior
Yes. I think that's reasonable. Having sex affects only those 2 adults, but having children affects those children.

And why you always gotta call yourself Kadark the Something?

At least be honest and call yourself Kadark the Annoying.