

My true colours clash
Registered Senior Member
I know most people consider incest evil, immoral, etc. But do you think it would ever gain social acceptance? For instance, homosexuality was looked at the same way incest is looked at today--it was even illegal (and still is in many countries). But now it's slowly gaining acceptance. So is it possible that society would find incest acceptable in the future?
I know most people consider incest evil, immoral, etc. But do you think it would ever gain social acceptance? For instance, homosexuality was looked at the same way incest is looked at today--it was even illegal (and still is in many countries). But now it's slowly gaining acceptance. So is it possible that society would find incest acceptable in the future?

If you take a look at evolution, we all are related somehow because there was only one woman and one man to start the show off wasn't there?
I know most people consider incest evil, immoral, etc. But do you think it would ever gain social acceptance?

I'm curious as to why this is true. Is there some sort of evolutionary selection going on here? Inbreeding is bad, right? Some "immoral" acts are rooted in genetics, is this one of them?
The moment you accept and legalize homosexuality, the bestiality and incest crowds become larger, more vocal forces, and their cause seemingly becomes reputable (just like homosexuals and the arguments they put forth today). Soon after homosexuality's legalization, bestiality and incest become legal as well. If a man and another man can be together, why not a man and his family member? A man and his beloved pet? People often ignore the bigger picture.

Kadark the Wild
In some ways, it is already becoming more acceptable.

In days of yore, it was actually illegal to sleep with your sister/brother-in-law as it was considered incest.
Nowadays, would anyone be disgusted?
It should be ok if they are of age. What consenting adults do is none of my business. I do have issues with them having children if there is a greater risk of birth defects. That's just selfish.
Just because some things have gained some ppls acceptance doesn't necessarily mean it's a good thing.
i agree orleander. There was a case recently of a father and daughter with kids. The father was charged with incest for ever child (i honestly cant rember if the daughter was but she should have been if they were going to charge the father). To be honest she was 30 so i really dont care what they chose to do but if thats the way they want to do it then the court should order them both to be sterilised.
i agree orleander. There was a case recently of a father and daughter with kids. The father was charged with incest for ever child (i honestly cant rember if the daughter was but she should have been if they were going to charge the father). To be honest she was 30 so i really dont care what they chose to do but if thats the way they want to do it then the court should order them both to be sterilised.

I agree. How do you tell a kid that their Dad is also their grandfather?
what i found funny wasnt the comments like that but his ex wifes comments. She kept going on about how discusted it made her feel and so they should be locked up. Well im sorry but its none of her buiness. Apart from inforcing a no child policy because the risk of defects is so high i dont think anyone should go to jail for having sex with ANY concenting adult
well firstly i wouldnt, secondly the "child" wasnt hers it was a child from an earlier marriage and lastly who cares?

i mean seriously say you marry a homophobe and then devorce and decide your gay. Should your ex husband have any say in wether its acceptable for you to sleep with your new partner because hes a homophobe?

just because i say something shouldnt be illegal doesnt mean i would want to do it
Yeah, well, when the man you have loved and slept with turns around and sleeps with his daughter....I can totally understand her disgust.
um yea but then i dont think that gives you the right to make $1 million from it. My sympathy dries up around then
the money that ACA paid her to say what a terible guy he was for sleeping with his daughter. Strangle no one seemed to say she was just the same for wanting to sleep with him. After all a 30 year old can do whatever the fuck she wants right?
Yeah, well, when the man you have loved and slept with turns around and sleeps with his daughter....I can totally understand her disgust.

Isn't this disgust a product of nurture, not nature? I'm not advocating incest, but why is it taboo? There must be a reason...

the money that ACA paid her to say what a terible guy he was for sleeping with his daughter. Strangle no one seemed to say she was just the same for wanting to sleep with him. After all a 30 year old can do whatever the fuck she wants right?

Hear, hear. Absolutely.... However, what is "our" responsibility, if any, as a "society"?
In some ways, it is already becoming more acceptable.

In days of yore, it was actually illegal to sleep with your sister/brother-in-law as it was considered incest.

That is interesting, hard to believe though. And of course not true the an "inlaw" would be considered incest.

The moment you accept and legalize homosexuality, the bestiality and incest crowds become larger, more vocal forces, and their cause seemingly becomes reputable (just like homosexuals and the arguments they put forth today). Soon after homosexuality's legalization, bestiality and incest become legal as well. If a man and another man can be together, why not a man and his family member? A man and his beloved pet? People often ignore the bigger picture.

There's an important difference between bestiality and (some types of) incest. The difference is that that animals cannot do not consent to sex with human beings, whereas it is possible in some incest cases (that don't involve child abuse or underage participants) that you're dealing with two consenting adults.

The fact is, incest will never become commonplace. The vast majority of people have a biological aversion to it.