In the Philippines, Ex-Judge Consults Three Wee Friends

This isn't a legal site, this is a science site. There is one authority and that's reality. Those links were great examples of human psychological needs consequently.

Oh common you are asking me evidence, and this thread is not under science but on psychic phenomena or psi called

Subcultures : Parapsychology
In the Philippines, Ex-Judge Consults Three Wee Friends

we are not dealing with science evidence here but parapsychology
Oh common you are asking me evidence, and this thread is not under science but on psychic phenomena or psi called

Subcultures : Parapsychology
In the Philippines, Ex-Judge Consults Three Wee Friends

we are not dealing with science evidence here but parapsychology


This is a parapsychology sub-forum on a science site. The topic of the sub-forum doesn't excuse claims from scientific scrutiny.
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Science is not yet ready to explain psi


This is a parapsychology sub-forum on a science site. The topic of the sub-forum doesn't excuse claims from scientific scrutiny.

Well, as WikiPedian, I had had very few notices on science's attempt to study scientifically unexplained matters

take the case of OBE, science said it made some approach to do it in the laboratory

but the study was not too close to reveal more

take Kirlian photography,

it cannot take good pics of the real aura and lights that I have

science to day is far far far from discovering the inner mind, awareness, the brain's capacity to go beyond what science does today

It will be futile for me to give you the scientific evidence science and you would demand to prove in science terms the existence of my dwarves

and my dwarves will never ever permit to reveal their secrets

so we end up in draw

you would debunk this as psychological psychosis
and many spiritualists would appreciate my statements

like in the dark ages many scientists were burned by the Inquisition but now
the church is more prone to believe science

like in Lourdes, once science cannot explain the miracle they would affirm the cure

for science that is weird

read this

Taotaomona, duendes and White Lady

Chamorro people believe in tales of taotaomonas, duendes and other spirits. Duende (mythology), according to the "Chamorro-English Dictionary" by Donald Topping, Pedro Ogo and Bernadita Dungca, is a goblin, elf, ghost or spook in the form of a dwarf, a mischievous spirit which hide or take small kids. Taotaomona are spirits of the ancient Chamorro that act as guardians to banyan trees. White Lady hauntings surround buildings like the old Bordallo mansion in Yona, schools, hotel elevators and the Maina bridge
Well, as WikiPedian, I had had very few notices on science's attempt to study scientifically unexplained matters

Many times what people considered unexplained external phenomena is really non-existing external phenomena. There are heaps of evidence that 'God', 'psychic powers', 'demons', 'angels', 'werewolves', 'ghosts', 'souls', 'vampires', etc. are all human inventions... i.e. psychological phenomena.

take the case of OBE, science said it made some approach to do it in the laboratory

At present OOBE's can be reproduced via different methods in a lab. They are hallucinatory experiences that overlap with sensory input. There was also an experiment performed in U.S. hospitals in cardiac departments where patients hearts were routinely stopped and started. OOBE's were common and the experimenters proved the visuals were all hallucinatory.

take Kirlian photography,

it cannot take good pics of the real aura and lights that I have

Kirlian photography is a contact capture of coronal discharge. In other words it only captures electrons by contact... not photons.

science to day is far far far from discovering the inner mind, awareness, the brain's capacity to go beyond what science does today

I think the field of neuroscience might be making faster progress than you realize.

It will be futile for me to give you the scientific evidence science and you would demand to prove in science terms the existence of my dwarves

and my dwarves will never ever permit to reveal their secrets

so we end up in draw

It's a shame they wont. It cost you your job.

you would debunk this as psychological psychosis
and many spiritualists would appreciate my statements

Everyone without exception is delusional about something. Whether or not you subjectively experience elves isn't really that important. What is important is that there is no objective evidence of their existence.

I wouldn't call you psychotic... just elf-deluded. Unfortunatly, that delusion was incompatible with your job responsibilities; hence, your present situation.

like in the dark ages many scientists were burned by the Inquisition but now
the church is more prone to believe science

like in Lourdes, once science cannot explain the miracle they would affirm the cure

for science that is weird

Miracle? I think the issue is that science cannot explain something that doesn't appear to exist.

read this

Taotaomona, duendes and White Lady

Chamorro people believe in tales of taotaomonas, duendes and other spirits. Duende (mythology), according to the "Chamorro-English Dictionary" by Donald Topping, Pedro Ogo and Bernadita Dungca, is a goblin, elf, ghost or spook in the form of a dwarf, a mischievous spirit which hide or take small kids. Taotaomona are spirits of the ancient Chamorro that act as guardians to banyan trees. White Lady hauntings surround buildings like the old Bordallo mansion in Yona, schools, hotel elevators and the Maina bridge

The link doesn't work, but reading the excerpt provided I can safely assume there is no objective evidence for any of it.

Sorry for wrong link paste here is the link

You are rather misled by conservative notions on science.

If you had lived in the dark ages of the Inquisition, or during the 3rd century a.d.

you would be astounded by my views now

but science today cannot be better than maybe science 2040 etc. vis-a-vis SPIRITUALITY

You cannot just debunk the miracles of the saints, the millions of unexplained but existing data on mysticism of the catholic saints

when I received the gifts of healing and prophecy,

I debunked psychic phenomena and most of parapsychology as emanating from the devil

I admit that most of the mystical and spiritual reality cannot be proved by science

until now there is endless debate on the existence of God

had science accepted the proofs of existence of God

oh no not yet

no one had ever seen God and put God in the laboratory



and the ATHEISTS call us IDIOTS

so this earth is populated by FOOLS like you and IDIOTS like me

as fools, you are psychologically aware while we IDIOTS are delusional or psychotic

that is the normal curve of science

and science is the most backward psychotic creation man ever made

WE ARE BEING watched from a distance

so today New Year's Day of Witches and blood fetus suckers

they commemorate the burning of wiccans at stakes in the patios by cardinals

it is really an imperfect world

and science though advanced will never ever learn it is conceited so much
Sorry for wrong link paste here is the link

You are rather misled by conservative notions on science.

If you had lived in the dark ages of the Inquisition, or during the 3rd century a.d.

you would be astounded by my views now

Fortunately, education and biology have empowered me to comprehend things a little better.

but science today cannot be better than maybe science 2040 etc. vis-a-vis SPIRITUALITY

You cannot just debunk the miracles of the saints, the millions of unexplained but existing data on mysticism of the catholic saints

when I received the gifts of healing and prophecy,

Again, there is no observable phenomena to debunk to begin with.

I debunked psychic phenomena and most of parapsychology as emanating from the devil

All you're doing is throwing another imaginary character into the mix. Without objective evidence that a 'Devil' exists then you're trying to explain fantasy with fantasy.

Do you honestly not know deep down inside that its all in your head? How does it make you feel with the constant feedback that its all fantasy and the fact that there is zero objective evidence for any of it?

I admit that most of the mystical and spiritual reality cannot be proved by science

It's not even a matter of proving something by science. It's a matter of there is simply an absence of any kind of objective evidence for anything mystical / spiritual / paranormal.

until now there is endless debate on the existence of God

had science accepted the proofs of existence of God

oh no not yet

no one had ever seen God and put God in the laboratory

Science has uncovered exactly what human claims of 'God' are. Pure psychological phenomnia eminating from natural needs and anthropomorphization.

Beyond that, no human knows anything about life-forms elsewhere in the universe which might be 'God-like'.



and the ATHEISTS call us IDIOTS

so this earth is populated by FOOLS like you and IDIOTS like me

as fools, you are psychologically aware while we IDIOTS are delusional or psychotic

that is the normal curve of science

and science is the most backward psychotic creation man ever made

WE ARE BEING watched from a distance

so today New Year's Day of Witches and blood fetus suckers

they commemorate the burning of wiccans at stakes in the patios by cardinals

it is really an imperfect world

and science though advanced will never ever learn it is conceited so much

We are both human, have different educations, different mental faculties, and a whole lot of common psychological needs and behaviors.

The key difference is how we explore and understand objective reality. You turn to the subjective and I turn to the objective. The objective is consistent, persistent, and non-contradictory. It can be shown to anybody and is quite self-evident when visibility is gained. The subjective does not share any of this. You cannot show me objective elves or their effects because they only subjectively exist in your mind. Considering this has led to the destruction of your career and an inability to provide any evidence of your fantastic claims, it really should act as a huge red flag for you that you are thinking very incorrectly.

Unfortunately, I cannot help you because the objective doesn't appear to be something you want or value. All I can say is that you lost your job for the right reasons.

Jobless is utterly irrelevant in our discussion.

Fortunately, education and biology have empowered me to comprehend things a little better.

Yes, I too got A and B+ in math, chemistry and physics at the Ateneo 1975, respectively, and I learned so much from those favorite subjects.
My major was philosophy and pre-divinity or theology, but they were so boring unlike these sciences where daily different things propped up unlike in these philos.

But in all these arts and sciences, I considered these are mere books. Like you I did comprehend things a LITTLE better. You know I did top the psychiatric and psychological exams at that time.

In fact when I did treasure hunting here I brought my brother robert floro

to the chair of the department of psychology Fr. Jaime Bulatao S.J. 1984. I was amazed that when I thought that psychology would scientifically tell me the facts and things, Fr. Jaime also had dwarves and at that time like you, I did not believe until I not only see, not only move, but get MONEY, from these dwarves.

Until I got them what I like but I failed to see them, so I offered them food daily waiting in vain to see them as you would like me to submit evidence

until it was in 1992 that I saw their lights ...


my eyeglasses grades

were 325 / 275 from age 16 on 1966 until 1992
when miraculously

the grades turned 175/125 in just 6 months

and my pulse rate often was 120 (my doctor told me that she had 110 when she was delivering her baby)
I was diagnosed with blinding disease glaucoma by the best doctor here who had tons of Ph.D.s in eye science in USA.

Until they said it was only nervous...


now my eye grades are 75 and 25 with little astigmatism

so maybe these medical record of mine still cannot prove under evidence the movement you want

the same with Padre Pio, tons of medical studies proved the non explanation of his miracles, bilocation...

Again, there is no observable phenomena to debunk to begin with.

there are lots of ...

just that some of us would not be able to see ghosts, dwarves etc.

they are for the privileged few

All you're doing is throwing another imaginary character into the mix. Without objective evidence that a 'Devil' exists then you're trying to explain fantasy with fantasy.

Do you honestly not know deep down inside that its all in your head? How does it make you feel with the constant feedback that its all fantasy and the fact that there is zero objective evidence for any of it?

It's not even a matter of proving something by science. It's a matter of there is simply an absence of any kind of objective evidence for anything mystical / spiritual / paranormal.

Objective evidence is too subjective to be defined in a controlled environment. I had seen Lourdes France documentaries on cable tv which showed cabinets of transcripts and evidence presented to professionals doctors scientists about the medical miracle

and Lourdes would only certify these unexplained by doctors

but for us both, we still cannot accept these as miracles

since for you and me

the dwarves have to move this coffee on video

this happens daily but the movement cannot be caught on file where the dwarves would be doing the things

Science has uncovered exactly what human claims of 'God' are. Pure psychological phenomnia eminating from natural needs and anthropomorphization.

Beyond that, no human knows anything about life-forms elsewhere in the universe which might be 'God-like'.

So the moral lesson is TO SEE IS TO BELIEVE is the parameter of science
and faith is the measurement of spirituality

I hope you like to ride in the Ship of Fools

The first printed reference to the name is in a 15th-century allegorical poem, The Ship of Fools, by German poet Sebastian Brant, who set his drama on a ship crewed by all the fools of the world. Here are the relevant lines from the poem's prologue...

I have pondered how a ship
Of fools I'd suitably equip –
A galley, brig, bark, skiff, or float,
A carack, scow, dredge, racing boat,
A sled, cart, barrow, carryall –
One vessel would be far too small
To carry all the fools I know...
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Jobless is utterly irrelevant in our discussion.

Please do read these long story, it is my sad life, how I became JOBLESS, please have time.

That's called a contradiction.

to the chair of the department of psychology Fr. Jaime Bulatao S.J. 1984. I was amazed that when I thought that psychology would scientifically tell me the facts and things, Fr. Jaime also had dwarves and at that time like you, I did not believe until I not only see, not only move, but get MONEY, from these dwarves.

This is interesting. It has only been in very recent years that psychology has begin practicing real science.

so maybe these medical record of mine still cannot prove under evidence the movement you want

Nope, all it proves is that you have had eye-issues.

...the same with Padre Pio, tons of medical studies proved the non explanation of his miracles, bilocation...

there are lots of ...

just that some of us would not be able to see ghosts, dwarves etc.

they are for the privileged few

Objective evidence is too subjective to be defined in a controlled environment.

but for us both, we still cannot accept these as miracles

since for you and me

the dwarves have to move this coffee on video

this happens daily but the movement cannot be caught on file where the dwarves would be doing the things

This is defense mechanism. It's a psychological phenomena where the belief is protected from objective scrutiny by placing it out of bounds.

So the moral lesson is TO SEE IS TO BELIEVE is the parameter of science
and faith is the measurement of spirituality

The lesson to be learned is how to distinguish between reality and fantasy and how to understand your psychological needs. Of course this can only be learned if you want to learn, which is not the case for you.

I hope you like to ride in the Ship of Fools

The first printed reference to the name is in a 15th-century allegorical poem, The Ship of Fools, by German poet Sebastian Brant, who set his drama on a ship crewed by all the fools of the world. Here are the relevant lines from the poem's prologue...

I have pondered how a ship
Of fools I'd suitably equip –
A galley, brig, bark, skiff, or float,
A carack, scow, dredge, racing boat,
A sled, cart, barrow, carryall –
One vessel would be far too small
To carry all the fools I know...

Its funny how poetry tries to convey superiority of subjective values.
Is seeing elves and calling on their powers any worse than believing in an invisible god who helps you and does miraculous things for which there is just as much evidence? It's a pity that Dubya Bush could not be kicked out of his job for similar hocus-pocus.
Weird Scientific World

Hmmm... cute. Bush and Nancy ...

When I traveled to the castle of the King of Kings of Angels, I found him CHATing with CHANG - a servant of the King

President George W Bush told Palestinian ministers that God had told him to invade Afghanistan and Iraq - and create a Palestinian State, a new BBC series reveals.... Jeb Bush has an imaginary friend named "Chang" who helps him fight for right-wing extremism... A lot of people have an imaginary friend at one time or another. It's just that most of us part ways with these pretend people well before we enter adult life. Florida governor Jeb Bush has an imaginary friend named "Chang" who he told everyone about during a ceremony naming Rep. Marco Rubio as the 2007-2008 state House speaker:

Chang is a mystical warrior. Chang is somebody who believes in conservative principles, believes in entrepreneurial capitalism, believes in moral values that underpin a free society. I rely on Chang with great regularity in my public life. He has been by my side and sometimes I let him down. But Chang, this mystical warrior, has never let me down. Governor Bush's delusion may be inherited from his father, former President George H.W. Bush (aka Bush Sr.). He was quoted in a 1989 Washington Post article on politics in tennis as threatening to "unleash Chang" to intimidate other players. It isn't clear whether President George W. Bush (aka Bush Jr.) also has a make-believe friend named "Chang."

May 4, 1988 - White House Confirms Reagans Follow Astrology, Up to a Point

President Reagan and his wife, Nancy, are both deeply interested in astrology, the White House spokesman, Marlin Fitzwater, said today, and two former White House officials said Mrs. Reagan's concerns had influenced the scheduling of important events. A California astrologer said she had been consulted by the Reagans regarding key White House decisions, but Mr. Reagan said astrology had not influenced policy.

So, I ask: How in this world can Bush say that he has the mandate, is he sure the King of Kings of Angels does shield him?


let me divert

but related to this stuff


I'm astounded by agnostics, skeptics and some moron atheists, who 'want' to know the universe when it's hard enough to find your way around Chinatown (Manila). There must be a HOLY solution to the mysterious problem of different tastes and ideas. Perhaps there should be groupings. Agnostics should populate Russia, atheists can roam around China, skeptics or magicians will be allowed to dwell in Pakistan, terrorists would be legalized in Iraq, Iran and Saudi Arabia, but all catholics, christians, born-again, pedophiles, priests and nuns would be incarcerated in the Vatican. Now, what happens to the hypocrites, the honorable thieves, the majestic jurists and politicians? They are all free to buy havens in Boracay, El Nido and Manila. Iceland and Ireland would be exclusive to elfin lovers, witches, ghost hunters, extra-terrestials, humanoids, robots and exorcists. For sure, the more, the merrier, since birds of the same feather flock and sleep all day long. I forgot the most brilliant NASA looneys and other scientists, they could not permanently live on the moon, hence I would choose Myanman, Rangoon, Burma or Pakistan, but California is better, as their home sweet home (it can be the home of mermaids too). It is so beautiful to imagine. But there are special people whose bloods were endowed with snows and cream by biblical history. These are the jews and Israelites who glorified Chirst with olive palms, and at 3 p.m. Good Friday they nailed him (and there is a debate today on whether the nails were exactly on the wrist or on the palms). Karma and curse on their blood destined most of them to be slaughtered by Hitler. [Instead of DVDs I would install IMAX theatres for cats and dogs, and galactic war theatres for gnomes].

Hmmm... cute. I would be excited if the Utopian community would copy my above master thesis.

I want to meditate on evolution vis-a-vis faith (or nuts as the morons raving atheists would, but we have religious freedom ...). I had been fascinated by DINOSAURS. In my heavy brain, there is nothing more exciting than to scientifically measure how they popped like corns.

Consider this:

Extinction theories - Asteroid collision

In September of 2007, U.S. researchers led by William Bottke of the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colorado, and Czech scientists used computer simulations to identify the probable source of the Chicxulub impact. They calculated a 90% probability that a giant asteroid named Baptistina (about 160 kilometres (100 miles) in diameter) orbiting in the asteroid belt which lies between Mars and Jupiter, was struck by a smaller unnamed asteroid about 55 kilometres (35 miles) in diameter about 160 million years ago. The impact shattered Baptistina, creating a cluster which still exists today as the Baptistina family. Calculations indicate that some of the fragments were sent hurtling into earth-crossing orbits, one of which was the 10 km (6 mile) wide meteorite which struck Mexico's Yucatan peninsula 65 million years ago, creating the Chicxulub crater (175 kilometres wide (110 miles)). The researchers also calculated a 70% probability that an earlier-arriving fragment (108 million years BP) struck the Moon, creating the Tycho crater. Philippe Claeys of Vrije Universiteit Brussel in Belgium stated that the findings were "clear evidence that the solar system is a violent environment and that collisions taking place in the asteroid belt can have major repercussions for the evolution of life on Earth."

In short, foolish scientists would ask not how dinosaurs got extinct, they ask how they existed, but they never asked who created man, and spirits. They would just ignore the unseen.
Judge Floro's Curse on his 54th birthday Nov 5 07

Is seeing elves and calling on their powers any worse than believing in an invisible god who helps you and does miraculous things for which there is just as much evidence? It's a pity that Dubya Bush could not be kicked out of his job for similar hocus-pocus.

I do not theaten people like Bush. I do not use vedic astrologers who are not familiar with science.
I do not consult elves, I am sorry that 140 forums were mislead by 3 paragraphs summary of my 75 pages decision DRAFTED by my own lawyer's partner's DAUGHTER aTTY. bIBING tIMBANBKAYA.

I worked hard in the ateneo 1972 for A in chemistry, math 2 and B+ in physics
I studied so hard for second honors ateneo law school, and placed the bar exams 12th place


I am a catholic ex seminarian and I even topped the hardest psychologica exam here with IQ of 110 quite higher only or above average,
but St. Paul's Gifts were endowed to me to clean our courts full of HONORABLE THIEVES by fire and light.

Our courts are as worse as the 9th circuit circus court of California where decisions are bought ...

So, these justices who were afraid of illnesses consulted psychics and blamed me for causing these
since there is no ground to kick me out they separated me by accusing me of consulting elves.

Oh my God.

So, on my birthday Nov 5 I filed in court my last pleading to END MY CASE since they cannot end it and they were afraid to appoint a new successor since each process they do to move it, for nomination, there were fires and death

so paragraph 2 of page 3 of my motion predicted the death of the one who caused the 140 forums including yours, to read the BBC news etc. that I consulted dwarves

Well, coz of it i had known you and you are all treasures of my life.
If I had been dismissed due to gross ignorance of the law on the 13 charges allegedly committed on my first day of session (and this could be a cause of legal revolution here) I could not be posting here, but I would be rich.

But I chose to and refused bribes, so they pinned me down on my belief of catholic purification, changing the word angels to dwarfs elves gnomes etc.

this is the horrible result inter alia

if you have time, please read my JOBLESS JUDGE IN A PRETEND WORLD STORY
it is very SCIENTIFIC there is nothing unscientific about it, just that bribery cannot be proved here but by entrapment, same rule in your California where we borrowed your rules of federal service

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