In the Philippines, Ex-Judge Consults Three Wee Friends

Setting aside one's judgement and depending on the council of invisible entities is simply insane. Why have a brain or free will at all? I'll tell you why. It's because humans are built to start at a certain level and work their way up. "Revealed" wisdom simply reflects the will of the Almighty without allowing for the free will of the human.

It is just that the 75 pages decision in my case was reduced to 3 paragraphs for entertainment by media hypes, pay envelopemental journalists would write anything under the sun to have their news on the desk.

If you read the decision, and my 3o pages brief or pleading, truly I do not consult elves in writing judgments but to inflict illnesses and deaths upon those justices who consult money and extort bribes to pen decisions.

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Filipino 'dwarf' judge loses case

Supreme Court of the Philippines' Decisions on Judge Floro's Case:

1. The Main Decision: 75 pages - March 31, 2006 - A.M. No. RTJ-99-1460 No. RTJ-99-1460.htm

2. August 11, 2006, Denial of the Appeal No. RTJ-99-1460.htm

3. July 12, 2007, Final Denial with Contempt Warning

SC TELLS ‘MYSTIC JUDGE’ - ‘Stop filing appeals or be cited in contempt’

Thursday, July 19, 2007 - SC tells sacked psychic magistrate to stop bothering court

Judge Floro's Appeal:
Surely you see the irony.

Please read my long disquisitions and submitted comments on the insanity of the media reports that BOT my case.

It is scientifically and spiritually impossible to consult council of elves in writing court judgments and resolutions. These spirits do not deal with law, they are not judicial elves in the literal sense, but mystic and healing dwarves ANGELS of God who is up there watching crooked and corrupt 9th circus courts in La Ca and burning the Bushes there...

read my thoughts in this forum
Please read my long disquisitions and submitted comments on the insanity of the media reports that BOT my case.

It is scientifically and spiritually impossible to consult council of elves in writing court judgments and resolutions. These spirits do not deal with law, they are not judicial elves in the literal sense, but mystic and healing dwarves ANGELS of God who is up there watching crooked and corrupt 9th circus courts in La Ca and burning the Bushes there...

read my thoughts in this forum

I would be far more interested in seeing your response to my post:

10-15-07, 07:29 AM #36
I would be far more interested in seeing your response to my post:

10-15-07, 07:29 AM #36

My dear Crunchy Cat,

I cannot possibly relate or candidly tell you the entire story of these 3 dwarves without your great PATIENCE in reading carefully those links about my case

it will take you a week

If you read the Le Petit Prince by Antoine de St. Exupery, which I read 20 x after it was assigned to us in 1972 Philosophy

that book for children could hardly be understood by grown-ups
who only are interested in matters of consequences.

Take the classic example of the question in that book:

Is my house beautiful

If you answer, there are 3 cats, 2 dogs, a baby and ...

the scientist will not appreciated that
but if you reply
my house cost $ 100,000 then that is a beautiful house.

What is essential is invisible to the eye.

As an established WikiPedian, I state with certainty that even in google or yahoo, msn, etc.

No dwarf or any elemental had been caught on film or video ...

More importantly, all elementals including dwarves and similar kinds were and are known in history ONLY in fiction or mythology

There had never been any dwarf or elemental who had been filmed, seen or had been written in the news or in any court decision as ALIVE REAL and not imaginary


LUIS, Armand and Angel, on april 6, 2006

I too am an avid and die-hard scientist when I studied at our Ateneo de Manila in 1972-83

But I cannot and will never be able to upload any pics or video of these 3 anywhere

If I can do that I would be richer than Harry Pottier

LUIS is the King of Kings of elementals for which reason he and the 2 are the only ones in history since God created the world to have been reported by ace papers like BBC reuters etc which you all read

you have to read the long links I gave you to appreciate this and to answer your question

It is not as simple as that
answering you query in one line?
Oh no

the deepest secrets of the Universe are shown only to the predestined few

I had made an inventory of a) all the pics on the dwarves from blogs news and forums and b) of the 140 forums that reported my case and wherein I joined and replied to (draft only) here


LUIS, Armand and Angel in 140 World Forums

and I compiled all in one blog

Judge Florentino V. Floro, LUIS, Armand & Angel - Immoratlity, The SAGA

Let me sum up with this

My brother robert floro sees physically in human form 7 inches and stoot with beards and with violet pink and brown regal clothes these 3 angels called by filipinos duendes or dwarves in english

but I had seen then via lights only of the highest order in our universe violet and white since 1992

since 1984

LUIS appeared to me just 3 times in visions

march 1 1996
good friday 2001
and october 21 this year

he promised me that he will and will show himself to me as he had to robert daily and robert hears LUIS daily the words and whisper of very high wavelength

but I heard LUIS' sounds very very rarely

I hope I answered your question

Let me break down the recent important Q&A between us:

1) Crunchy Cat: Can the invisible elves affect objective reality (e.x. make things move)?
2) Floro: Yes
3) Crunchy Cat: Can you show me video of the elves moving something (knowing that the video would only show somethign moving and not the invisible elf itself).
4) Floro: Yes... here.
5) Crunchy Cat: There are no videos of elves moving things but rather commercial props and art. Do you realize this?
6) Floro: Yes... elves are invisible to all others.

The first thing you should not have done is lie to me in 4). That hurts your credibility. Beyond that, it does not matter if the elves are invisible to other people. What matters is that they can affect objective reality (which is visible to other people). Get an elf carrying a glass of milk to your brother on video (for exmaple). If you can do that then you can prove there is a measureable effect even though the source is invisible.

Let me break down the recent important Q&A between us:

1) Crunchy Cat: Can the invisible elves affect objective reality (e.x. make things move)?
2) Floro: Yes
3) Crunchy Cat: Can you show me video of the elves moving something (knowing that the video would only show somethign moving and not the invisible elf itself).
4) Floro: Yes... here.
5) Crunchy Cat: There are no videos of elves moving things but rather commercial props and art. Do you realize this?
6) Floro: Yes... elves are invisible to all others.

The first thing you should not have done is lie to me in 4). That hurts your credibility. Beyond that, it does not matter if the elves are invisible to other people. What matters is that they can affect objective reality (which is visible to other people). Get an elf carrying a glass of milk to your brother on video (for exmaple). If you can do that then you can prove there is a measureable effect even though the source is invisible.

What will I gain financially if I will be able to show you on film what you want? Will you pay me?

So, I just answer your questions, and If you are not satisfied then, I cannot do more. Further, I cannot share with you the deepest secrets of these 3 angels, since the best things in life are not free.

Yes, most of you live in the


obviously you demand more infotainment.

I had given you enough, but I cannot let my elves move a glass for you to movie watch.

But we can inflict illnesses and accidents or dire pains if you wish.

Just tell me
What will I gain financially if I will be able to show you on film what you want? Will you pay me?

If you can get what I ask for on film and its very clear cut then I would be happy to pay you for it if thats what you want.

A concise video for example would be a glass of milk floating through the air, following the laws of motion for being carried, and being grapsed by your brother out of mid-air.
But you did not read between the lines,
my case, life, and 3 angels, their mission and appearances are not subject to financial arbitration or dealings,
these Gifts were given to me as St. Paul wrote on the gifts of the Holy Spirit,
and I have to give them free,
not for your infotainment,
but we had been here not to debate with hard core atheists or religious fanatics, agnostics, skeptics, we are not here to demonstrate our wares or
to ridicule your beliefs,
we are here because our story were reported in 140 forums 1,000 blogs and 200 world reports
we reply and share our lives and these 3 angels' message

they actions and appearances are priceless
you cannot gain anything from being allowed to have a glimpse upon the deepest secrets of the universe

if you can give me an authentic picture or video of any elemental, spirit or dwarf then I might as well consult these 3 and endorse them to give you one
if you can give me an authentic picture or video of any elemental, spirit or dwarf then I might as well consult these 3 and endorse them to give you one

That would be difficult as I have no idea what an elemental or spirit is; however, dwarves are the result of genetic mistakes in humans that inhibit growth. Here are objective pictures AND videos of them:

If you will not accept that then all I can say is that your 'belief' in the existence of those 3 elves does not appear to have any correspondence to anything outside of your own mind.
That would be difficult as I have no idea what an elemental or spirit is; however, dwarves are the result of genetic mistakes in humans that inhibit growth. Here are objective pictures AND videos of them:

If you will not accept that then all I can say is that your 'belief' in the existence of those 3 elves does not appear to have any correspondence to anything outside of your own mind.

I accept your scientific theory, although, as WikiPedian with established AUTHORITY, I have to edit your learning - this way:

DNA or genes and chromosomes largely play part in diseases, causes of abnormality, specifically, on dwarfism
we call them in lay terms as midgets

But your pics and videos were just taken from google, I have to give you since YOUR WISH IS MY COMMAND,
what I will give you here is ORIGINAL, with me
and sent to me by a forum

I hope you lick it


Florentino and I arrange to meet at what seems the most apt of places to discuss such matters - the Hobbit Bar on Mabene St in the Manila district of Malate. Charitably offering employment for the vertically challenged, it has been a tourist attraction for more than 10 years.

Florentino's three sidekicks, or "spiritual guides" as he prefers them to be called, take many different forms. Luis is the "king of kings" or "God's angel," while Armand is a beautiful boy who, like Luis, has wings. Angel is their sister. Florentino has on
ly seen Luis once - on a rock in the middle of the Philippine archipelago. Luis communicates and uses his powers via violet and white lights.

Florentino peers over the bar and orders a bottle of Australian shiraz but shows no sign of recognition - it seems that Luis, Armand and Angel are not among the diminutive presences to serve us. Moments later a pudgy hand holding a 2003 vintage appears out of nowhere; two glasses follow, as if by levitation, from beneath the bar.


Well anyway, midgets as humans are different from elementals which are spirits created by God, and if you are not religious, we call him Daddy up there in the Sky...

So, dwarves are earth elementals ....

An elemental is a mythological being first appearing in the alchemical works of Paracelsus. Traditionally, there are four types: gnomes, earth elementals; undines, water elementals; sylphs, air elementals; and salamanders, fire elementals.

Elementals of Air, Earth, Fire and Water
Image identified as a salamander by M.P. Hall
Image identified as a salamander by M.P. Hall

In mysticism, magick and alchemy, an elemental is a creature (usually a spirit) that is attuned with, or composed of, one of the classical elements: air, earth, fire and water. The elements balance each other out through opposites: water quenches fire, fire boils water, earth contains air, air erodes earth. The concept of elementals seems to have been conceived by Paracelsus in the 16th century, though he did not in fact use the term "elemental" or a German equivalent.[3] Paracelsus gave common names for the elemental types, as well as alternate names, which he seems to have considered somewhat more proper. He also referred to them by purely German terms which are roughly equivalent to "water people," "mountain people," and so on, using all the different forms interchangeably. The Paracelsian elementals were:
Well, so you've gone from elves to elementals and 'God'. I take it you don't have any objective evidence that any of these things exist outside of your own mind?
God Ghosts Science Legal

Well, so you've gone from elves to elementals and 'God'. I take it you don't have any objective evidence that any of these things exist outside of your own mind?

this one IS this not objective evidence ... huh ...

I physically and spiritually BOTH see the violet and white lights of LUIS...
Then, my brother sees LUIS daily physically...

In legal parlance, under our Rules on Evidence borrowed from USA CA Rules of Federal Service,

the best evidence is object evidence, like panty, briefs with blood, stains, corpus delicti at the body of the crime, or the knife with blood.

Of the highest character also are testimonial evidence by children who would not lie

so on christmas day 2003
my 2 grandsons aged 3 and 5 both described to me the physical features of LUIS and armand, the clothes and they jive

well you are not a lawyer so you would not comprehend this as object evidence

I tell you this:

as philosopher and theologian ex-seminarian, I got A in math 2, chemistry and B+ in physics A.B.,

I know what you are asking for

but precisely, I told you so
that these spirits cannot be caught on film,
that is their spiritual law


I say that OBJECTIVELY SUBJECTIVE I had shown to you their objective existence

WHY do Iceland and Ireland deal with them DO THEY EXIST only in the mind?

I repeat:

Iceland’s Myths and Magic in New York

Scandinavia House – The Nordic Center in America, located in New York, will host “The Myths and Magic of Iceland: A Children’s Literature Installation” between November 3, 2007 and March 29, 2008, following a children’s theater and related events.

A broad range of children’s literature featuring folk traditions, fairytales and Viking adventures will be presented at the Nordic Center in a colorful playspace for toddlers to seven-year-olds, which imitates Iceland’s otherworldly landscapes.

The Icelandic “Adventureland” beings Skoppa and Skrítla return to the Scandinavia House (their last appearance was last March) today, at 11 am, for a 40-minute-long theatrical performance for children ages nine months to six years, filled with colors, numbers, letter and rhymes, and magic butterflies.

Another play starring the twosome, “Skoppa and Skrítla Find the Elves,” is scheduled for November 3 in the Scandinavia House, which will be a world premiere.

The Scandinavia House’s program is also for adults; On October 29, Professor Ingeborg Kongslien will hold a lecture entitled “New Voices in Nordic Literature: Contemporary Scandinavian Multicultural Literature” and other lectures are scheduled for the following weeks.


Chasing waterfalls ... and elves
What Happens Next

Wednesday, October 24, 2007 2:42 PM PDT

Eric Baxter

(Humble apologies, sir.)

Many Icelanders believe in huldufólk or “hidden folk.” Elves that live in rock formations. If the natives don’t explicitly express their belief, they are certainly reluctant to express disbelief. As Novia and I made our way around the country on the main highway, the Ring Road, we came to see why. In this starkly beautiful and largely deserted landscape, there was plenty of room for spirits and other creatures.

Most of the Ring Road is paved. The 20 percent that isn’t is hard-packed earth. Travelers, at least the foreign ones, tend to slow down a bit when they hit the dirt. Especially in the rain on steep portions of the road. As harrowing as it might be, there is nothing else to do but press on.

I asked him if he spoke English. He regarded me thoughtfully and, lips pursed, shook his head. I pointed to the waterfall and asked if it had a name. He looked at the cascade. Looked at me. Said, “Foss” which, in Icelandic, means waterfall.

I thanked him and shook his hand again. He throttled the tractor up and, instead of going back to the road, drove straight ahead over the rock and down into a ravine, out of sight. Novia and I looked at each other. Walked to where the rock sloped away and down. Nothing.

We listened for the sound of the engine. Could only hear the distant roar of the waterfall. The Icelandic farmer had vanished.

Back in the car, as we drove down into the valley, we looked over at the ravine from time to time. No sign of the tractor.

Finally, Novia turned to me and asked,“Do you think he was an elf?”

An elf on a tractor? In Iceland, we’d already seen many wonderful and strange things, both natural and man-made.

I pursed my lips and squinted. Nodded my head slowly. Finally, I said,“Well I’m sure not going to say he wasn’t one.”

(I just hope he wasn’t too upset about our parking on his house.)

Close your eyes and think of Iceland
Eish: Andrew Donaldson

Freedom of the press and public interest were “red herrings”, Mpofu said. “The press is a machine, it doesn’t have any freedom. Freedom belongs to the people, they have a right to make choices.”

He then turned to his penis. In the South African context, he said, freedom of expression should also be the right to express culture. In his culture, for instance, he could not address gatherings, like the conference, if he was uncircumcised. “So, from narrow Western eyes, [they] see it as a denial of freedom expression.”

But what of Iceland? Is it possible, the cynics ask, that it has the freest press in the world because it is also the world’s most boring country, and that nothing ever happens there that is contentious? Who can say?

Icelanders are among the happiest people on the planet. Their country is one of the world’s most productive. They punch above their weight when it comes to arts and culture, and they’ve certainly more than their fair share of Nobel prize winners. And — here’s an interesting fact — a significant number of them believe in elves.

We will just be going in and around the circle and you will never ever see an elf.

Believe me, even in your mind.

In order for anyone on this site to take you even remotely seriously the onus is on you to provide pure objective evidence that those three elves exist. Now I do understand that they cannot be caught on video camera but you did state that they can affect objective reality. Capturing that effect clearly on video is about your only option and without pure objective evidence I can only agree that the court system made the right decision by removing someone whom cannot distinguish between the subjective and objective.
Last edited:
Land of Fruits and Nuts


In order for anyone on this site to take you even remotely seriously the onus is on you to provide pure objective evidence that those three elves exist. Now I do understand that they cannot be caught on video camera but you did state that they can affect objective reality. Capturing that effect clearly on video is about your only option and without pure objective evidence I can only agree that the court system made the right decision by removing someone whom cannot distinguish between the subjective and objective.


There and here we go again !!
I told-you-so, there are many countries like Iceland, Ireland, Chamorro People of Guam and Philippines, that believe in these spirits ... whether as part of culture, as in mythology, legend or spiritualism.

I and you live in the land of Fruits and Nuts, where people whose brains are empty and filled with COCO juice are pasted to bodies whose stomachs are filled with mad crabs, thereby converting these minds to crab mud mentalities.

And we and you are also populated with IDIOTS and FOOLS (religious fanatics and scientistic scientologist agnostics, skeptics and atheists) call them names...

If you can get a good parapsychologist in your advance country to capture movements or even still pics of these dwarves or any elementals, for sure, you could write a book and sell this a fortune... but

our discussion, argumentation and debate will only end up in the 9th circus court of CA

or in the archdioceses of san diego and La where foreskins of UNCUTS were sold for $ 2 billion settled by pedo priests since 1950. It could have fed hungry Filipinos who are sane with these UNCUT burgers.

consider this

Published: July 13, 2005

Building in Iceland? Better Clear It With the Elves First

HAFNARFJORDUR, Iceland - Do elves exist? Like many Icelanders, Hildur Hakonardottir considers the question to be more complicated than it appears.
"This is a very, very, very delicate question," Ms. Hakonardottir, a retired museum director, said. "If you ask people if they believe in elves, they will say yes and no. If they say yes, maybe they don't, and if they say no, maybe they do."
Hypothetically speaking, what does she think elves look like?
"Well, my next-door neighbor is an elf woman," she declared suddenly. "She lives in a cliff in a rock in my garden."
Despite having seen the elf only once in 15 years - enough time to determine that she was "bigger than life and dressed like my grandmother, in a 1930's national costume" - Ms. Hakonardottir, 67, has no doubt of her existence. "My daughter once asked me, 'How do you know where elves live?' " she said. "I told her you just know. It's just a feeling."
It is a feeling that many people in Iceland apparently share. Polls consistently show that the majority of the population either believes in elves - generally described as humanlike creatures who are fiercely protective of their rocky homes - or is not willing to rule out their existence. But while believing in elves is rooted in Iceland's culture, it remains a touchy subject.
"You have to watch out for the Nordic cliché," the Icelandic singer Bjork told The New Yorker magazine several years ago. "A friend of mine says that when record-company executives come to Iceland, they ask the bands if they believe in elves, and whoever says yes gets signed up."
Yet even Bjork cannot say no for sure. "We think nature is a lot stronger than man," she said in another interview, when the Elf Question came up. "A relationship with things spiritual has not gone away."
A belief not just in elves but also in the predictive power of dreams, in the potency of dead spirits and in other supernatural phenomena, is closely linked to Iceland's Celtic traditions and punishing, powerful landscape - especially the harsh weather and the rocks that appear everywhere.
"If there was a large stone in the garden, and somebody said to an Icelander, 'That's an elf stone,' would they blow it up? They wouldn't," said Terry Gunnell, head of the folkloristic department at the University of Iceland in Reykjavik.
"It's not like they think there are little people living in there who come and dance outside," he added. "It's more a sense that there are other powers, other forces around them."
This town, a port on the outskirts of Reykjavik, prides itself on its unusually high elf population. Tourists are invited to tour the known elf locations, including a large rock whose reputation as an elf habitat meant that a nearby road was diverted some years ago so as not to disturb its unseen residents.
Elly Erlingsdottir, head of the town council's planning committee, said that made sense to her. Recently, she said, some elves borrowed her kitchen scissors, only to return them a week later to a place she had repeatedly searched. "My philosophy is, you don't have to see everything you believe in," she said, "because many of your greatest experiences happen with closed eyes."
Recently, the planning committee considered a resident's application to build a garage. "One member said, 'I hope it's O.K. with the elves,' " Ms. Erlingsdottir related. Should the council determine that it is, in fact, not O.K. - usually this happens when a local mystic hears from the elf population, directly or through a vision - the town would consider moving the project, or getting the mystic to ask the elves to move away, she said.
Such occurrences are not unusual. In nearby Kopavogur, a section of Elfhill Road was narrowed from two lanes to one in the 1970's, when repeated efforts to destroy a large rock that was believed to house elves were thwarted by equipment breakdowns. The rock is still there, jutting awkwardly into the road, but it is unclear whether the tenants are.
"With the artificial lampposts, there's too much light for them, and there's also too much noise," explained Gurdrun Bjarnadottir, who has lived across the street for some 30 years. "A lot of people believe they still live there, but I think they've moved."
In the same town in 1996, a bulldozer operator, Hjortur Hjartarson, ran into trouble as he tried to raze a suspected elf hill to make way for a graveyard.
After two different bulldozers repeatedly and inexplicably malfunctioned, and local television cameras failed when trained on the hill, though they worked elsewhere, the crew halted the project. "We're going to see whether we can't reach an understanding with the elves," Jon Ingi, the project supervisor, told Morgunbladid, a Reykjavik newspaper, at the time.
Local elf communicators were called in to arbitrate, and after a while, work resumed. "In my opinion, well, whatever it is, hidden people or elves, it has just accepted this and moved away from there," Mr. Hjartarson told Valdimar Hafstein, an academic researcher who in the late 1990's published "The Elves' Point of View," an article about elves and their effect on construction projects. "That's my opinion."
Although he found many similar cases, Mr. Hafstein has grown weary of the subject. For a while, the Icelandic tourist board cited him as a national elf expert. "I kind of feel that I've done my part," he said. He recently completed a doctoral thesis (on Unesco, not elves) for the University of California, Berkeley.
Although it is easy to find Icelanders who roll their eyes at elf conversations, it is not easy to find hardcore skeptics. But 73-year-old Arni Bjornsson is one.
"Today, it is almost a fashion to say that you believe in supernatural beings, but I take this with a pinch of salt," said Mr. Bjornsson, who worked for 25 years as the head of the ethnology department at the national museum.
But even he is not saying no, exactly. "If you were to ask me, 'Are you sure there are no supernatural beings?' I would say I don't believe there are," he said. "But I wouldn't rule it out."
In Kopavogur, a section of road was narrowed to accommodate elves thought to live in the nearby rock.
Residents of Hafnarfjordur sometimes dress up as elves to amuse themselves and tourists. The Elf Question is a delicate one in Iceland.

In order for anyone on this site to take you even remotely seriously the onus is on you to provide pure objective evidence that those three elves exist. Now I do understand that they cannot be caught on video camera but you did state that they can affect objective reality. Capturing that effect clearly on video is about your only option and without pure objective evidence I can only agree that the court system made the right decision by removing someone whom cannot distinguish between the subjective and objective.

Continue reading this

I am horrified by witches and broomsticks, why not take pics of them instead I will put them in my blog

Anton Stewart and Lisa Stewart celebrate Samhain, the Wiccan equivalent of Halloween. Anton is a priest, and Lisa is a high priestess who has been practicing Wicca for 22 years.Times Herald-Record/KEN BIZZIGOTTI

In the Spirit: Nothing wicked about Wicca
Ancient practices cast modern spell

By Sandy Tomcho

Times Herald-Record
October 29, 2007
New Paltz — When it comes to religions, Wicca is perhaps the most misunderstood.
The confusion actually begins by classifying Wicca as a religion, which it is not. Its reputation is also tainted by how it's portrayed in mainstream media.
Yes, people who practice Wicca are called witches, and they say incantations. But there's no flying around on broomsticks, no pointy black hats and no charmed sister witches like on the WB's "Charmed." Sorry for the disappointment.
The belief system of Wicca or the basis of Wicca — understanding the basics of the moon and the stars, how the earth works and the cycles of nature — has been around since primitive man.
It's modern man, however, who has a hard time with it.
"Every Catholic is Christian, but not every Christian is Catholic," says 43-year-old high priestess Lisa Stewart.
"So, every Wiccan is indeed pagan, but not every pagan is Wiccan because paganism basically means a polytheistic, earth-based religion. Wiccans believe in a specific god and goddess."
Stewart has been practicing Wicca for 22 years and owns The Awareness Shop in New Paltz. She and her fellow Wiccans are preparing for their Sabbat (Sabbath) which falls on Oct. 31, which non-Wiccans refer to as Halloween.
Just like Catholics have Christmas and Easter, and Jews have Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, Wiccans also have High Holy Days.
"Samhain (pronounced sow-en) is our highest holy day. It is a night to honor the ancestors and those whose blood is part of your blood, or even people who are very close to you that passed away who you're not even related to," Stewart says. "Samhain starts a time of introspection."
Wiccans also believe that the veil between both worlds is at its thinnest on this night, so it's common for them to invite their ancestors to what's called a Dumb Supper and set a place for them at the dinner table to honor them.
It's considered a very somber time, Stewart says, because in ancient times people were deciding what animals would be made into food for the winter and which ones would be taken care of.
They had to decide between breeding stock and which would be harvested, which is why Samhain is referred to as the last harvest festival or the last harvest day.
The bad reputation that comes along with this night originates with the god of animals — Cernunnous or Hurn — who has horns or antlers, depending on the depiction. For hundreds of years, some people have compared this god to what Christians refer to as Satan, resulting in Wicca's bad rap.
"Satan is a Christian deity. He doesn't exist in our pantheon," Stewart says. "The horned-god, or the goat-footed god, is one of our most revered fathers. He's protector of the animals and what gives us our strength. So, of course, he had to be made bad, or how could Christians convert people? It was probably most prolific during the burning times (witch trials)."
Stewart acknowledges the skepticism surrounding Wicca. "This is considered a mystery religion," Stewart says. "And the only way to really find out about it is to dedicate yourself."
"In the Spirit" is the Times Herald-Record's weekly religion and spirituality feature. If you have any ideas, please e-mail Regional Editor Kristina Wells at

Derek Gee/Buffalo News
Chelsea S. Kelm, a practicing Wiccan who is coordinator of Niagara Pagan Pride Day, says Halloween is a time when witches look within themselves to improve and change their habits.

A witch explains Halloween

By Louise Continelli NEWS STAFF REPORTER
Updated: 10/28/07 7:59 AM
On Halloween, real witches may come out of the broom closet.
“We do not seek converts but ask that each person honor the divine in the manner that seems best for him,” says Cecylyna Dewr, founder of Pagan Pride Day, which took place not long ago in the Town of Tonawanda and scores of other towns and cities, including Elmira, Rochester, Syracuse and Toronto.
Buffalo Niagara Pagan Pride Day attracted scores of attendees, resulting in many donations to the Western New York Food Bank.
Pagans celebrate what’s considered to be Witches New Year on Oct. 31, when it’s believed “the veil between the worlds of the living and the dead is thin and that spirits can pass through easily,” says Chelsea S. Kelm, Buffalo Niagara Pagan Pride Day coordinator. In her working life, she’s a Buffalo customer service representative and looks corporate-chic wearing a pin-stripe pantsuit — in black.

Toil & trouble
A local author digs up common ground with her ancestor, witch trial judge Samuel Sewall

By David Mehegan, Globe Staff | October 29, 2007
We look back today on the Salem witchcraft trials with a mixture of horror and fascination - those awful Puritans! But how would you feel toward the judges who sent innocent people to the gallows in 1692 if one of them was a relative?

Brookline writer Eve LaPlante faced that question when she set about writing "Salem Witch Judge," the new biography of her ancestor, Judge Samuel Sewall of Boston. What she found surprised her.
"He was very much the way I think of myself and my friends," LaPlante said. "He was very human and understandable, in a certain way ordinary, and I can understand his motivations."
Today the witch is a figure of fun on Halloween, in her black dress and pointy hat, with a big nose and a wart, zipping across the moon on a broomstick. But to the Puritans, the agents of Satan were not harmless imaginary figures - they were as real as terrorists. Untold thousands of people accused of witchcraft were burned and hanged in Europe.
To the people in colonial Massachusetts, fearful of the great wilderness, the French, and the devil, the suspicion that disliked neighbors were witches in disguise, out to destroy the community, was perfectly reasonable. When the accusations began in January 1692, a special court of nine prominent judges was impaneled, and 40-year-old Samuel Sewall of Boston was named to it. Some members of the court, including William Stoughton and John Hathorne (one of whose descendents, novelist Nathaniel Hawthorne, wrote "The Scarlet Letter"), were disposed to believe any accusation, on the flimsiest of evidence. Nineteen people were hanged, and one was pressed to death. The reign of terror went on for months, and the jails were filled with the accused and convicted. Finally, in September, Governor William Phips shut down the court and ordered prisoners released - after his wife was accused.
Eve LaPlante, 49, never expected to explore this history. After her parents' divorce when she was 3, she grew up in Brookline (on land once owned by Sewall) with her mother, Virginia LaPlante, an editor with Harvard University Press. As a child she heard stories about her colonial ancestors from her Aunt Charlotte, an enthusiastic family historian and Provincetown innkeeper. However, the stories did not excite LaPlante's pride in her forebears.
"I was really horrified by these people - Anne Hutchinson, Samuel Sewall, Simon Bradstreet, John Cotton," she said during an interview near Sewall's tomb in Boston's Old Granary Burying Ground. "They sounded creepy. One was a heretic. One was a judge who hanged people. I thought, Why would anyone want to be associated with these people?"
She majored in Irish poetry and music performance at Princeton, graduating in 1980. She taught for a year at a New Hampshire private school, then taught literature at an international school in Rome in 1984. She taught part-time at Brookline High School in the late 1980s. After she was married in 1990 she mostly combined freelance writing with raising her four children.
You are certainly going through alot of trouble to provide evidence that people believe weird things. That's nothing new. Regardless, perhaps someday you will be able to distinguish between reality and fantasy. If that day comes, I hope they let you have your old job back.
You are certainly going through alot of trouble to provide evidence that people believe weird things. That's nothing new. Regardless, perhaps someday you will be able to distinguish between reality and fantasy. If that day comes, I hope they let you have your old job back.

Certainly, I had given you the evidence called ONUS PROBANS, the burden of evidence (in law we call it that, so the burden of proof ONUS probandi SHIFTS to you) and who will judge our debate neither I nor you of course

we need an impartial arbitrator who would judge the 2 of us.

Do not be stuck up with science, there are lots of things that science cannot explain... just take a good spa bath and it will do... our discussion does not focus of JOB witch hunting ... not on reality or fantasy since these are subjective

I found this for you to analize

Watch out, or you'll make a God out of godlessness
Abbey Fenbert

Ever hear the one about the rabbi who doesn't believe in God?

OK, it's not so much a joke as it is an actual event held at NYU recently. Rabbi Sivan Maas, Israel's first ordained secular humanist rabbi, spoke at the Bronfman Center for Jewish Student life on Oct. 15 about the possibilities of a god-free Judaism.

By now, especially as NYU kids, we should all be well-acquainted with the phenomenon of the secular Jew. I've always envied their ability to maintain their cultural ties to the faith without any of the actual, you know, believing. All the latkes, none of the laws. Sweet deal.

But a full-on rabbi? Really? Could somebody become a priest of fallen-away Catholicism? A guru of half-assed Hinduism? I mean, we have to draw the line somewhere. Just how relevant is God to religion?

In the good old days, it used to be "thou shalt have no other God before me" or you got eaten by dogs à la Jezebel. In our pluralistic world, the convergence of culture, faith, ritual and practice are becoming more complicated. We've got people who earnestly believe without ever attending services, and nonbelievers who trot regularly to the worship houses. We've got secular humanist rabbis and Christian punk rockers.

Could it be that the trappings of religion - the rites, the symbols, the stories - mean more than their original god-inspired spirit? What need do these traditions fulfill for those who reject the divine? Does this paradox signal a turning point in the evolution of religion?,+says+Isaac&Title=Thiruvananthapuram&Topic=0

CPM, Church should join hands to solve problems, says Isaac
Monday October 29 2007 13:43 IST
Express News Service
T'PURAM: Finance Minister T M Thomas Isaac on Sunday urged the CPM and the Church to join hands to address the larger problems of the day through dialogue.

Isaac, speaking at a reception given to Malankara Mar Thoma Syrian Church Metropolitan Archbishop Philipose Mar Chrysostom on his 90th birthday at the St Thomas Mar Thoma Syrian Church, said that disputes should be solved through discussion and dialogue at a time when talk of a second liberation struggle is encouraged.

The CPM did not entertain ideas of snubbing faith through rationalism. It is also the duty of atheists to protect the faith of the faithful.
Certainly, I had given you the evidence called ONUS PROBANS, the burden of evidence (in law we call it that, so the burden of proof ONUS probandi SHIFTS to you) and who will judge our debate neither I nor you of course

we need an impartial arbitrator who would judge the 2 of us.

Do not be stuck up with science, there are lots of things that science cannot explain... just take a good spa bath and it will do... our discussion does not focus of JOB witch hunting ... not on reality or fantasy since these are subjective...

This isn't a legal site, this is a science site. There is one authority and that's reality. Those links were great examples of human psychological needs consequently.