In the Book of Job, there is reference to the constellations.


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
M*W: Bootes, Arcturus, Serpens? The story of the Garden of Eden. Bootes, the Herdsman, namer of all the animals. Arcturus, the Ark of Noah, and the Ark of the Covenant, what a coincidence? And Serpens, the Serpent, at the heel of Eve! Need we look further for them? No, I think not. The story of the GoE is wrapped up concisely in the constellations. Are they real people? Hell, no! They're stars that shine in the night skies! That's all religion is... stars that shine in the night sky!

The sun is worshipped on Sun-Day. The sun is the creator of the universe and the deliverer from sin (darkness). There is no hell (no lake of fire). There is no hell, only astrology. Believers are duped and stunned.
M*W: Bootes, Arcturus, Serpens? The story of the Garden of Eden. Bootes, the Herdsman, namer of all the animals. Arcturus, the Ark of Noah, and the Ark of the Covenant, what a coincidence? And Serpens, the Serpent, at the heel of Eve! Need we look further for them? No, I think not. The story of the GoE is wrapped up concisely in the constellations. Are they real people? Hell, no! They're stars that shine in the night skies! That's all religion is... stars that shine in the night sky!

The sun is worshipped on Sun-Day. The sun is the creator of the universe and the deliverer from sin (darkness). There is no hell (no lake of fire). There is no hell, only astrology. Believers are duped and stunned.

your premise is flawed, and language based.

religions pre-dated all of the words you use, and in several of your examples you hold english translations of proof.

*holds up "where the wild things are" to prove wormhole theory*

its ridiculous.
your premise is flawed, and language based.

religions pre-dated all of the words you use, and in several of your examples you hold english translations of proof.

*holds up "where the wild things are" to prove wormhole theory*

its ridiculous.

M*W: According to you, but not according to your bible!
Medicine lady, I think you're better off saying you are an athiest than a star believer.

And if you are a star worshiper, which do you follow, chinese or greek?
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Medicine lady, I think you're better off saying you are an athiest than a star believer.

M*W: Yes, I am an atheist. I'm not a star believer. My premise is that ancient humans believed in the stars... not moi!
God made you to find a prove he doesn't exist. You failed a big time.

-I do not know what I may appear to the world; but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore, and diverting myself now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me. ~ Isaac Newton
Actually this is a common theme in other religions as well:
In any case it makes for interesting debate of the subject.

An excerpt from a site about Robert Bauval: "The Age of the Sphinx"

In his ground-breaking book Fingerprints of the Gods (Heinemann-Mandarin), Hancock pointed out that the 'First Time' date of 10,500 BC also denoted the beginning or 'First Time' of the Age of Leo. This was when the 'lion' constellation would have risen heliacally (at dawn before the sun) on the day of the spring (vernal) equinox. This event brought the celestial lion to rest due east, thus in perfect alignment with the Sphinx. The Sphinx, in other words, was made to look at his own image in the horizon - and consequently at his own 'time'. Hancock pointed out that 10,500 BC was no random date.

It very precisely denoted another beginning, that of Orion-Osiris defined on the ground with the pattern and alignments of the nearby Pyramids. Here, then, were not just the Pyramids but also the Sphinx luring us to the same date of 10,500 BC. But were we dealing with a 'coincidence' -albeit an astonishing one- or was all this part of a deliberate long term scheme set by the ancients?

Could it be possible that some blueprint was put into motion in 10,500 BC with the making of the Sphinx then to be completed much later by the builders of the Pyramids? Was there evidence of a continuous presence here at Giza through the ages of some master 'astronomers' who could have been responsible to see this scheme through?
The above premise of course is based on recent evidence that the sphinx is much older than previously thought. Around 10,500 B.C or older.
Which based on the new geogolical evidence seems likely.
The sphinx originally no doubt had the head of a lion and was replaced much later with the one we see now.
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It was much rainier in Egypt circa 2000 B.C., which caused the water erosion of the Spinx quarry, noted by Schoch and others.

Even staunch Egyptologists who oppose Schochs' conclusions on the age of the sphinx insist the amount of rain needed to produce the weathering patterns on it could only have fallen thousands of yrs before 2000-2500 B.C .The time they originally believe it was built. Recent evidence suggests it is MUCH older.

Another excerpt from the same source:

Something, clearly, was worth investigating here. West knew, of course, that most Egyptologists believed that the Sphinx was built in 2500 BC in the time of the pharaoh Chephren (of Khafre), who is identified with the Second Pyramid at Giza. He also knew that this belief was now so entrenched that it would take an intellectual bulldozer to tug it out. Yet his study had shown him that this believe was more a dogma than any-thing else. He asked himself if a proof-positive identification between Khafre and the Sphinx would stand in an 'open court' under public scrutiny?

The answer was no. The reason was, quite simply, this. There was no inscriptions - not a single one - either carved on a wall or a stela or written on the throngs of papyri that identified Khafre (or anyone else, for that matter) with the construction of the Sphinx and its nearby temples. As for the proximity of Khafre's pyramid to the Sphinx (in fact it is 1700 feet away) this did not prove that both monuments were built as one complex nor, more relevantly, at the same epoch. By such standards future generations of archaeologists may one day allocate ownership of the Sphinx to the builder of the Sound & Light theatre because of its proximity to the Sphinx complex or - as someone else has put it - attribute St. Paul's Cathedral to General Gordon of Khartoum just because his statue was found in it. In short, Khafre may well be the quintessential 'Kilroy was here' of antiquity. So could the Sphinx be much older than the reign of Khafre, as West had long suspected it was? Could this hypothesis explain, for example, the strange vertical weathering on the statue?

In 1991 John West rounded a crack team of scientists who were not hampered by an ingrained Egyptological consensus, and took them to Giza. Along came Dr. Robert Schoch, a prominent geologist and professor from Boston University to examined the unique weathering patterns on the Sphinx and its enclosure. His conclusions, which came after several months of analysis, was to convulse the world of archaeology. The vertical weathering patterns on the Sphinx and its enclosure, Schoch argued, were not caused by wind effect, as had previously been thought, but by water - water from torrential rains and pouring down in sheets over these ancient structures. But how could this be? Was Schoch saying that such heavy rains only fell on the Sphinx area but nowhere else at Giza?

That was impossible, retorted the Egyptologists. Not impossible, said Schoch, if it is conceded that the Sphinx was built at an epoch when such rains were common in this region but that the other monuments at Giza, however, were built long after these rains had stopped occurring. Again impossible, replied the ruffled Egyptologists; such heavy rains stopped occurring thousands of years before the time of Khafre. Schoch politely shrugged his shoulders. This, he answered, was not his problem.
They worship on SATURDAY, the sabbath, and was only changed to sunday by society. know your stuff
Bootes, Arcturus, Serpens? The story of the Garden of Eden. Bootes, the Herdsman, namer of all the animals. Arcturus, the Ark of Noah, and the Ark of the Covenant, what a coincidence? And Serpens, the Serpent, at the heel of Eve!
I admire your tenacity in this, MW.

Unfortunately, just 'cos words have the same derivation in ancient Greek and Latin does not imply, let alone prove, the symbology / link that you seem to suggest.

Arcturus comes from the ancient Greek ARKTOUROS - meaning "Bear Guard" - as the star forms the left boot of Bootes the Hunter - which is next to the two Bear constellations - Ursa Major and Ursa Minor.

Arcturus is also derived from the future active participle of "Arcere" - a Latin word meaning to guard or to restrain.

The Greek and Latin etymology would have been from the same ancient root word.

The word "Ark" comes from the Latin "Arca" meaning chest - but there is some confusion as to the actual word "ark" for use in both the "Ark of the Covenant" and "Noah's Ark":
Clicky for explanation etc
The conclusion is that "Ark" in both senses means some form of "box-shape" - presumably "to guard" the contents - hence the possibly similar etymology in ancient languages to the word for "bear-guard" and / or "to restrain / guard".

However, as said, just 'cos words share the same etymology does not imply a purposeful link between the two.

Does the word Centurion immediately imply a link to Alpha-Centauri?
And who was the "Alpha Centurion"?

See what I mean - you could go on and on with such tenuous and unproven links.

So nova900 would have us believe the Sphinx was built about 7,000 years before the rest of the ancient Egyptian megalithic structures, go figure.
I suggest you do some research on this for yourself.
The on-going debate surrounding the era of the Sphinx's construction is generally well known.

Do you find it difficult to accept as a reasonable possibility?
So nova900 would have us believe the Sphinx was built about 7,000 years before the rest of the ancient Egyptian megalithic structures, go figure.

Not me Ice. I am not Mr.Schoch.
I am just someone interested in researching the new evidence as it appears.
I'm always open to new info and conclusions on the subject.
Don't tell me..the new apparent age of the sphinx threatens the biblical view of the age of the earth,right?
The foundations of dogma crumble again! ;)
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Don't tell me..the new apparent age of the sphinx theatens the biblical view of the age of the earth,right?
The foundations of dogma crumble again! ;)
Unfortunately not - 'cos God would just have created the earth with the Sphinx already built and in a condition such that people would think it already 1,000s of years old at the time!
Just like he put all the dinosaur skelingtons in the earth, ready for us to dig up and age at 1,000,000s of years old.