In regards to atheism.

Fallacy: begging the question - mixing up the conclusion with the premise.

If there is no God, then there is nothing to deny. Your task remains - as always - to first show that the premise is valid. In over a thousand posts, you have yet to do so.

For you there is no God.

For you there is no God.
It is quite all right for you to believe that you are somehow different.
But there's a big difference between a personal belief and an assertion based in reality.
We, here, are arguing reality. You have no need to defend your beliefs - as long as they stay that way.
It is quite all right for you to believe that you are somehow different.
But there's a big difference between a personal belief and an assertion based in reality.
We, here, are arguing reality. You have no need to defend your beliefs - as long as they stay that way.

What is unrealistic about what I said?

You really are not expecting anything other than a photocopy answer are you?
Of course not.

Every time he does that though, a little part of him realizes he's run out of any rational arguments.

He's a grown-ass adult, and he knows that "I-know-you-are-but-what-am-I-I-know-you-are-but-what-am-I" shouts don't work anywhere but the grade school playground. They just make him look more foolish with every iteration.

He will eventually go back to having his personal beliefs unchallenged by rationality. As is his right. Personal beliefs should not be exposed to rationality without careful consideration of the consequences.
I like this and other threads in the total forum

I am able to answer ANY question thrown in the thread or direct to me

The question is do I want / need or care to?

If I expect I will learn from others in what they post I generally answer

Posters may not like the answer and / or it might well be wrong

If it is a subject I am following and learning from I will follow up on others answers

Should I think they are mistaken I will quote their post

explain why I think they are incorrect and

if I have found a quality reference post a link

In order words DEBATE

I reserve the right to draw the line at being requested to debate a photocopy answer generator

There is no benefit

I know ANY answer will be changed and / or distorted and the goal post moved

MY answer will be re defined with the definetion shoehorned into the photocopiers subjective understanding of the words

The photocopier then complains

the answer is wrong

gives a unsupported by evidence photocopy answer

before deflecting off to another question


DEBATES should be about learning from each other and / or at least understanding each other's point of view

From my extremely humble prostrate position opinion the photocopier has a touch of Dalek

The EXTERMINATE loop being replaced with another stuck loop

Run Forest run

Of course not.

Every time he does that though, a little part of him realizes he's run out of any rational arguments.

He's a grown-ass adult, and he knows that "I-know-you-are-but-what-am-I-I-know-you-are-but-what-am-I" shouts don't work anywhere but the grade school playground. They just make him look more foolish with every iteration.

He will eventually go back to having his personal beliefs unchallenged by rationality. As is his right. Personal beliefs should not be exposed to rationality without careful consideration of the consequences.

You have so much more patience than me

I don't mind my hair being grey from age but to loose it from pulling it out would be to much

Your right I do detect a subtle shift

Maybe running out of paper or toner??? :)

Because it's a science forum... duh!


Here was JamesR's post (regarding my KSM post), based on DaveC's recommendation to start a new thread:


That question would be more appropriate for a different thread. It's more of a science question than a question about atheism.

James R, Yesterday at 4:20 AM

Here's your (gmilam)post:

karenmansker said:
James, then why is the atheist side of this long argument being argued on such restrictive "scientific" (Method) grounds?
Click to expand...
Because it's a science forum... duh!

gmilam, Today at 3:59 PM

Perhaps we should determine whether 'In regards to atheism' (the Thread title) is a scientific or nonscientific endeavor. JamesR seems to think NOT, You seem to think 'duh'. This discrepancy of thought may be one root of the disagreements produced within the thread. So which is it (atheism) . . . . . . scientific? or nonscientific? Can one credibly apply the Scientific Method to a nonscience (likely philosophical) discussion?
So which is it (atheism) . . . . . . scientific? or nonscientific? Can one credibly apply the Scientific Method to a nonscience (likely philosophical) discussion?

Atheism is a neither scientific or non scientic

It's a non position

No scientific research is being done on a non position

I guess it (atheism) can be be likened to a cousin twice removed from philosophy

But it's hard to be philosophical about a non belief

What I understand the thread has morphed into (if it has morphed) into Does god exist

Which appears to back up it is hard to be philosophical about a non belief

There may be grades of atheism (if it atheism can be graded)

ie you don't believe in a anthropomorphic god but

do believe in some sort of spirit higher power

To the scientific side I contend EVIDENCE would be required to to settle the existence or non existence of god

Since no evidence is available to either side science defaults to UNKNOWN

Unfortunately thesist default UNKNOWN into

since you can't prove gods NON EXISTENCE my position holds true

Atheists default UNKNOWN into

OK science will keep looking but
not with any fervor since thesist contend
they have evidence but have not produced any

Why should Atheists do Thesist work for them?


And I contend Scientist do not expect to to find any for Thesist (guess that's why they are not looking)

Also contend Scientist are not looking on behalf of Atheists and Atheists couldn't care less


James, then why is the atheist side of this long argument being argued on such restrictive "scientific" (Method) grounds?
Sorry. Maybe it wasn't clear what I was replying to. I was replying to your post where you wrote:
karenmansker said:
It is amusing, IMO, in a sad sort of way, that most of the so-called scientists here who are arguing that there is no evidence for God (atheism, +/-) are more than willing to accept that 'everything' came from 'nothing'. Where is the observable (not hypothetical or theoretical) evidence for "everything came from nothing"?
That's a science question, not a question about atheism - even assuming that so-called scientists are in fact willing to accept that "everything came from nothing". If they do accept that, it will be on scientific grounds, presumably, at least to some extent.

As to your question here (Why is this "atheist side" being argued on restrictive scientific grounds?), I am wondering what kind of discussion you'd like to see instead. What other way do you think atheists might argue their case?

Most of this long argument, by the way, has come from Jan Ardena's apparent inability to distinguish subjective from objective reality.
It is quite all right for you to believe that you are somehow different.
But there's a big difference between a personal belief and an assertion based in reality.
We, here, are arguing reality. You have no need to defend your beliefs - as long as they stay that way.
Given Jan clearly struggles with issues of subjectivity and objectivity, perhaps we need to map Jan's assertions to something more understandable...

"God is" becomes "My subjective worldview is that God is"
"You are without God" or "For you there is no God" or "God does not exist as far as you are aware" becomes "you do not share my worldview"
"Atheist" becomes "someone who does not share my worldview"

Any claim by him that his worldview equates to reality then need defending by him.
Perhaps we should determine whether 'In regards to atheism' (the Thread title) is a scientific or nonscientific endeavor. JamesR seems to think NOT, You seem to think 'duh'. This discrepancy of thought may be one root of the disagreements produced within the thread. So which is it (atheism) . . . . . . scientific? or nonscientific? Can one credibly apply the Scientific Method to a nonscience (likely philosophical) discussion?
It is an ontological position in response to another (theism), and is thus philosophical, at least until such time as someone asserts that their view equates to reality. As Jan has done repeatedly (with claims that "God is", that one is "without God" - when he defines "without" as only applying to something that exists, thus asserting that God exists).
Perhaps if the theist constrains their assertions only as relating to their subjective worldview...?
The world also appears to exist from my subjective view point. It's the same with you, only God does not appear to exist from your subjective viewpoint. The reason for this is because you are currently without God, as your title, atheist, suggests. I think the reason for this is stated in the verse "the fool doth say in his heart, there is no God.
I already told you that idea is a non-starter. It would only work if atheists were always atheists and theists were always theists, but I know of atheists who were formerly under the impression that god was real, who changed their minds, accepting this impression as a delusion.
I already told you that idea is a non-starter. It would only work if atheists were always atheists and theists were always theists, but I know of atheists who were formerly under the impression that god was real, who changed their minds, accepting this impression as a delusion.
Prepare for the "No true Scotsman" fallacy.
Perhaps we should determine whether 'In regards to atheism' (the Thread title) is a scientific or nonscientific endeavor. JamesR seems to think NOT, You seem to think 'duh'. This discrepancy of thought may be one root of the disagreements produced within the thread. So which is it (atheism) . . . . . . scientific? or nonscientific? Can one credibly apply the Scientific Method to a nonscience (likely philosophical) discussion?
This thread is neither - it was a troll from post one. It deserved no comments. But people came along and asserted that God (whatever that word means - hard to get a definition) does in FACT exist. They are rightfully asked for evidence of this "fact". So far, none has been offered.

Do you find it odd that readers of a science forum request scientific evidence for this (or any other) claim?
I already told you that idea is a non-starter. It would only work if atheists were always atheists and theists were always theists, but I know of atheists who were formerly under the impression that god was real, who changed their minds, accepting this impression as a delusion.

Atheists are always atheists, and theists are always theists, until they change.

If you are atheist, it doesn't mean you can't be religious. It means you don't accept that God Is. Or you only accept a particular religious concept. This can be very comforting (which is why most atheists will Cite comfort as a reason people believe).

But what tends to happen is a lot of these religious types soon get fed up with this false, idealistic, way of life, and claim they no longer believe. That it is all based on delusion.

The thing is, they are correct. Their so called devotion to God was based on an ideology.

Those institutes that claim they are the true religion, and all other religious are false. Or God will only bless their religious faith, and any other worship is not of God, but some dark force masquerading as God, are IMO atheistic.

Now let's look at certain characteristics of atheist who post here. They believe that their position is the correct position, and the opposing position is delusional.
They're right, and we're wrong!

Now lets look at the theist characteristics, who post here. We haven't (to my knowledge) stated that the opposing position is wrong, or delusional.

I myself, have said on numerous occasions, that your position is correct, because there truly is no God, currently, for you. You can't believe in something that you are totally oblivious to.

So to summarise, it is my opinion that most religious institutes are atheistic by nature, and that is due to specific, subconscious characteristics.

There are Catholic priests who are atheist, but perform their job as priests.


That should tell you something, unless you decide to hide behind this" no true Scotsmen nonsense.

So while people may profess theism, they are only theist if they are actually theist. And not so because they say so.

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This thread is neither - it was a troll from post one. It deserved no comments. But people came along and asserted that God (whatever that word means - hard to get a definition) does in FACT exist. They are rightfully asked for evidence of this "fact". So far, none has been offered.

Do you find it odd that readers of a science forum request scientific evidence for this (or any other) claim?

Is it true, factual, or both, that God doesn't exist?

"God is" becomes "My subjective worldview is that God is"
"You are without God" or "For you there is no God" or "God does not exist as far as you are aware" becomes "you do not share my worldview"
"Atheist" becomes "someone who does not share my worldview"

That's okay Sarkus. You're atheist. If God doesn't exist as far as you're aware. You have a choice. Either accept that you are not able to comprehend God. Or that you are correct in your thinking, because as far as you can see, everything you have read, and all your effort (if that is correct), you have yet to comprehend God.
