In regards to atheism.

That was an interesting response from you. You chopped up my posts, jumbled them up and then vaguely replied in an almost random order.


Did same with my post

Can you list or detail any god

Received this response

There's no need to. If you're. really interested Ed, do your own research.


Whereas putting ALL of the post in context it looks like this


When someone is without God, at the moment God not exist.

Michael 345 QUOTE


So all is non believers need to do is organise a 7 + billion people flash mob an convince everyone present to be atheist and bingo god gone

I'm concerned he might not take the hint and come back

Any ideas how to prevent that?


I have no idea what you're talking about mate.

What will it take re unicorns


Because they don't exist as far as I'm concerned. I'm being honest.

for you to change your position re unicorn


But if they do exist, I will change my position.

Something like a unicorn doing something like


Through His manifestations, and through basic human intelligence.

Can you list or detail any god



I think if you read the full post you can see I was asking a question and putting in sequence pertinent quotes

In effect asking a question composed of his post

Sad day if can't answer questions from your own post

Oh wait isn't that is what has been happening all along

Please do not be too hard on Jan.
He does a great job of justifying his belief in a myth and personaly I find his input causes me to think there is really no point in getting involved.
It may be time to resurect the proof of God thread it was going to pass the one hundred page mark but for some reason died before we even got a reasonable definition of God.
Please do not be too hard on Jan.
He does a great job of justifying his belief in a myth...
No he doesn't! He never actually tries to justify it. He just tells the atheists that they can't possibly comprehend why he would believe in God, because they apparently won't be "open" to the explanation.

We're supposed to just accept God, not to question.

It may be time to resurect the proof of God thread it was going to pass the one hundred page mark but for some reason died before we even got a reasonable definition of God.
There's no proof of God.
No he doesn't! He never actually tries to justify it. He just tells the atheists that they can't possibly comprehend why he would believe in God, because they apparently won't be "open" to the explanation.

We're supposed to just accept God, not to question.

There's no proof of God.
I can not disagree with anything you say.
I can give you my definition.
A mythical character made up by ancient authors who were superstitious and concocted an entity that made everything or caused anything they could not explain. A figure they sort to please in order to gain reward, a sort of santa for grown ups, an all powerful entity that could create the universe and loves them (the humanshecreated in his own image) but in order to be kind lets them kill each other in the millions and not withstanding the billions upon billions of stars in this vast universe and no doubt planets with life other than ours, chose to send his one and only son to save us from our sins. Perfectly reasonable and fits our observations. Have no doubt God is as real as santa its just that we have been so bad he does not come by these days. He has been around for longer than forever and got bored so set to designing and creating living creatures and the fact that we find so many complexities in life is proof of his efforts.
Personally I dont think he lives alone but we never hear about Mrs God but that is to be expected as no doubt he keeps his private life seperate to his work.
I can give you my definition.
A mythical character made up by ancient authors who were superstitious and concocted an entity that made everything or caused anything they could not explain. A figure they sort to please in order to gain reward, a sort of santa for grown ups, an all powerful entity that could create the universe and loves them (the humanshecreated in his own image) but in order to be kind lets them kill each other in the millions and not withstanding the billions upon billions of stars in this vast universe and no doubt planets with life other than ours, chose to send his one and only son to save us from our sins. Perfectly reasonable and fits our observations. Have no doubt God is as real as santa its just that we have been so bad he does not come by these days. He has been around for longer than forever and got bored so set to designing and creating living creatures and the fact that we find so many complexities in life is proof of his efforts.
Personally I dont think he lives alone but we never hear about Mrs God but that is to be expected as no doubt he keeps his private life seperate to his work.

That's waaaaay to much to fit on a bumper sticker

Or even a T shirt using the front and back with the inside

Mythology does not stop, even for those who say they are atheists. For example, very little of the downside of the Obama Administration, which helped cost the Democrats the election, ever stuck to former President Obama. President Obama always had a high approval rating. Yet a different proportion of people did not approve of his policies. It is like the two were not connected, even though the President is connected to all these things that happen on his watch. It is sort of like me stepping on your foot and you apologizing to me. Something is not equating, without an extra variable needing to be added.

On the other hand, to the left, Bush was responsible for things, even when out of office. This was always magical to me. Again it does not add up without an extra unknown variable. This is done with a mythology, which adds magic to help explain and create data anomaly.

The mythological factor is inherent in human nature. It is part of our personality firmware. This can be generated anew, and once generated by some, other people will want to believe, because it reaches them at some deeper unconscious level. People on the right, have other outlet for this; religion, which allows more self control in secular mythology. The people on the left and atheists, put its egg in this secular basket, and can't help but believe in human centric mythology of data anomalies.

The Trump mythology has two different versions. On the left, Trump is the god of all that can go wrong; Murphy. To some on the right, he is the god of all that can go right. Some people project into each mythology, to help explain the world around them, and how they see it changing or needing to change.

The main difference between now and the past, is the mythology of the past is a greatest hits collection from over thousands of years. It appears like a special set because it is the greatest hits collection. The modern secular mythology is faster changing, and does not yet have a greatest hits list that can endure. When Hollywood makes a celebrity, this mythology has a finite shelf life, until it wears out and no longer satisfies an unconscious need. The left would love to find the holy grail of modern mythology that would endure and lead their flock.
FFS, wellwisher, keep your anti-liberal drivel to the politics thread. This thread is not about left v right of the political spectrum so please, for once, put down your hammer and see that there is no nail here to be hit.

Did same with my post

Received this response

Whereas putting ALL of the post in context it looks like this


When someone is without God, at the moment God not exist.

Michael 345 QUOTE


So all is non believers need to do is organise a 7 + billion people flash mob an convince everyone present to be atheist and bingo god gone

I'm concerned he might not take the hint and come back

Any ideas how to prevent that?


I have no idea what you're talking about mate.


Because they don't exist as far as I'm concerned. I'm being honest.


But if they do exist, I will change my position.


Through His manifestations, and through basic human intelligence.



I think if you read the full post you can see I was asking a question and putting in sequence pertinent quotes

In effect asking a question composed of his post

Sad day if can't answer questions from your own post

Oh wait isn't that is what has been happening all along


I noticed you didn't thank me for the videos I sent you.
I'm seriously in two minds about sending you anymore.

Mod Note

Wellwisher has been issued with an infraction for his off-topic posts. Wellwisher, cease and desist with the off-topic posts. If you persist, you will face further moderation and post deletion.
Yet here you are.

Of course Jan.
I do enjoy reading your posts.
My comment was to point out that I can see you have your beliefs and they probably wont change and so you dont need my chattering whilst you pursue arguement.
Our beliefs are opposite.
But I do think we are both without God simply because he does not exist.
Love your fellow man is a reasonable instruction.
Wellwisher think of the decency liberals put forward.
They generally just want a fair go for everybody which would seem a good thing.
But I do think we are both without God simply because he does not exist.

That's exactly what I am saying.
From the atheist perspective, God does not exist. Period. This is because you are an atheist, and has nothing to do with evidence, or lack of. Thank you for backing me up, as an honest atheist. I will now concentrate not only on Anthony Flew, but also Alex (the real deal atheist). Once again, thanks.

That's exactly what I am saying.
From the atheist perspective, God does not exist. Period.
Perhaps from the perspective of hard atheists, those who do believe that God does not exist. Not from the perspective of the rest of us.
Is your entire intention now to assume that only hard atheists are atheists, that all atheists are hard atheists?
This is because you are an atheist, and has nothing to do with evidence, or lack of.
Oh, I assure you it does. Alex believes what he does because of the lack of evidence. If Alex is a hard atheist then he goes so far as to believe that God does not exist, and does so because of his take on the evidence (or lack thereof). Many of us don't go so far, but our positions are reasonably consistent on being the result of the lack of evidence.
Thank you for backing me up, as an honest atheist. I will now concentrate not only on Anthony Flew, but also Alex (the real deal atheist). Once again, thanks.
That you see his comment as backing you up is a pretty sad indictment of your understanding, Jan. That you then confirm your blinkered misunderstanding is simply the cherry on top.
Perhaps from the perspective of hard atheists, those who do believe that God does not exist. Not from the perspective of the rest of us.

More like you use your point of view (atheist) to argue 'I cannot see God, therefore God does not exist' and translate that as 'lack of evidence for God' s existence. Can you explain what type of evidence would convince you of God's existence?

Is your entire intention now to assume that only hard atheists are atheists, that all atheists are hard atheists?

No. That atheists are atheists, and are so because of what it says on the label.

If Alex is a hard atheist then he goes so far as to believe that God does not exist,

He can believe there is no God, but it is not due to lack of evidence. It is due to the fact that he is an atheist.

Many of us don't go so far, but our positions are reasonably consistent on being the result of the lack of evidence.

I see no difference between you and Alex, other than the waffle.

Sarkus said:
That you see his comment as backing you up is a pretty sad indictment of your understanding, Jan. That you then confirm your blinkered misunderstanding is simply the cherry on top

'Atheist' means without God. Both you and Alex are without God. How is it I lack understanding?
