In goes another nail: Pierolapithecus catalaunicus

David F. said:
What basic aspect of evolution do you think I don't understand (or choose to ignore)? Please enlighten me.
Clearly, I was not being clear. Evolution does not require progress. Evolution is not progress. That is pretty basic. You say it is progress. You are wrong. Are you now enlightened?

David F. said:
The fossil record show whole series of phylum (and orders, and classes, and species, etc) popping into being with NO PROGRESSION. There are NO TRANSITIONAL FORMS. There is NO PROGRESS, either stead or otherwise, prior to the Cambrian Explosion. There is NO EVOLUTION - no change from simple to complex. The fully formed animals just suddenly appear in the fossil record, out of nowhere.
Well here you add to the requirement that evolution=progress, the notion that the Cambrian explosion offers no transitional forms. Can I take it from this, that despite the vast reading you have done on the subject you do not hold with conventional explanation for this omission? What is your counter to the conventional explanation?
Silas said:
Possession of Ph.Ds in scientific subjects does not automatically give him the credentials you seem to think. Wells does not appear to me to contribute to scientific learning, neither is he engaging in normal scientific discovery and promoting his ideas as coming from a member of the scientific community. On the contrary he is clearly coming from the religious community, and his pronouncements on science are thus much less credible to me. As is usual among the Creationist fraternity he engages in wilful distortion of fact and the deliberate misrepresentation of the truth in order to sow doubt and uncertainty about subjects which have been well-established for a century.
I don't know enough about Dr. Wells to comment, but I do know that one of his PhDs is focused on Evolutionary Embryology. That makes him much more of an expert than you. Just because he happens to disagree with you means nothing bad. It only means that you don't have a clue what you are talking about.
From my first link:From the second:I'm sorry I find those as quite conclusive indications that both of those sites consider Wells to be in error.
Listen to yourself… You accept one link over another without any proof and even though your link does not even say Wells is wrong in his actual facts! You don’t know either author, so how can you tell?
Wells is wrong to think that his questions pose any challenge to evolution. In the interest of responding to Wells's erroneous claims and setting the record straight, NCSE has prepared answers to his ten questions. Please feel free to copy and distribute this document to teachers, students,parents, and any interested parties.​
Did you actually read any of their answers? They don’t point out where Dr. Wells is wrong, they only complain that he did not look at all the facts they think are relevant (aliens did it). In fact, their answers admit that Dr. Wells is RIGHT and they only try to talk around his points! Read your own link!
They are, however, quite careful in how they express themselves in this litigious day and age.Totally irrelevant. The principle of the spontaneous generation of amino acids from processes that do not involve life has been established. Since they do not have the precise composition, mass, pressure, temperature of the primordial atmosphere, nor the actual energy of the Sun, nor a billion years, the fact that they haven't exactly reproduced all the components necessary to life is hardly surprising. Neither does this supposed failure of something they weren't trying to do in the first place do anything to disprove evolution. If all experiments in attempting to synthesise organic molecules using naturalistic-derived processes had actually failed, not one scientist would then conclude, "Hey, evolution is false, it must have been God after all."
No, there is no evidence at all that the amino acids needed for life, Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine, Thymine and Uracil, can be created spontaneously by any known process. Even if there were, this would only be the beginning of a long list of statistically impossible tasks. But, since you seem to think otherwise, please prove your assertion - show some reference where any of the above amino acids have been produced spontaneously.
I didn't attack his character, I attacked what he does. He attempts to subvert the teaching of good science (upon which, ultimately, the wealth and prosperity of the nation rests) to promote an inappropriate religious agenda and stifle the natural human instinct to explore and discover one's origins without relying entirely upon an unsourced book.
It appears to me that he attempts to spread truth and logic. Macroevolution/Abiogenesis is not science, it is fantasy. There is no wealth created by either of these pursuits. In fact, it could be argued that such pursuits, not all science but just these, are a waste of time and money. However, I am never opposed to scientific research so by all means continue. I am simply not willing to stand by while my children are taught lies, yes lies, in place of true science.

I’m sorry, you are right about sources. I have provided numerous sources on this thread and no one seems to bother to read them. I’m talking to about a dozen different people at the same time (and next week is finals week and I’m spending all my time tutoring). Please go back and read some of the sources I have provided to others. It doesn’t seem that you are willing to read any sources I provide anyway since anything you disagree with must be religious (and that is bad why?). I assume by an unsourced book, you mean the bible, which is not unsourced at all but rather a compilation of all the sources into one binding (actually not all the sources, but most of them).
Quite right, I'm afraid I confused the inability to provide same-century accuracy for historical items with 50,000 millenium-ballpark ages.

Now to go back to the original post I wanted to respond to.Thank you for highlighting another piece of evidence in favour of evolution. Older fossils are less developed and have fewer different species, and younger fossils are developed from the ancestral species. You implicitly acknowledge that relationship in your post. But if evolution were not so, then you wouldn't merely expect to find older fossils on top of younger fossils, you'd expect to find older fossils mixed in with younger fossils in any old order. The fact that the order is reversed (rather than higgledy-piggledly) shows that the stratum has somehow been turned upside down, but the fact that there is a clear order is what confirms the fact of evolution. As to how the stratum was turned upside down, well, it may have been a process so slow that the kind of evidence you expect to find would either not appear or would have been eradicated through erosion. But the point is, of course, that such a process would of itself prove an old-Earth theory.
You miss the point. There is no process. There is no supposed movement of billions of tons of rocks (in some cases, several whole mountains). If there are supposedly older fossils on top of younger fossils anywhere then either the whole idea of superposition is wrong or the supposed ages of the fossils MUST BE WRONG. Older fossils on top of younger fossils is a death knell for superposition theory. Yet, this happens on every continent of the world over thousands of square miles. Do the Darwinist's recant and come up with some new theory which fits the available facts? No, they go on in blind FAITH despite all the contrary evidence (just as you are doing now).
Are you kidding me with that link reference? That's a page pointing to a religious tract with a recommendation page to a whole bookshelf of other religious tracts. I have not once argued religion with you, David - your religious beliefs are your business - I have argued science. Please provide scientific sources, not apologetics.
This is not a religions tract. This link points to an Amazon page where they are selling a book. I'm having a little trouble with your requirements. Anything which agrees with me and does not agree with you is apologetic? This book is written by an Atheist Journalist who changed his mind while interviewing prominent scientists on the subjects we are discussing. You seem to be saying that I must prove my point by NOT referring to anything which agrees with my point? Exactly how can that happen. Anything I point to which you disagree with you will simply label as religious. Not very open minded are we?
I cited examples of where the evidence is being found - in general terms. But you don't cite anything at all - you merely state that "Evidence is coming out all the time". Please cite a reliable non-religious source for actual evidence in the latest developments in genetics which disprove evolution.

Please provide some citation, preferably not by Behe or anyone else who follows the "argument from personal incredulity". Behe can't imagine how certain processes evolved below a certain level - his inability proves nothing, just as your inability to imagine how rock strata may have ended up upside down proves nothing.
Once again, you reject a learned scientist simply because he doesn't agree with you. Get over yourself and smell the coffee. Your theory is getting pummeled and you just don't want to admit the tide is turning away from you.

I actually like Behe because he is not religious and presents only scientific arguments. Obviously you have not read his book or you would also find the complexity of microbiological life to be incredible and without logical or Darwinian explaination.
The initial amount of C14 is inferred from the amounts of the other isotopes.
I think you must just be making this up. You are again way off here. What other isotopes are you proposing?
There is nothing any less scientific about the determination of the initial conditions than there is about the rate of decay. If there were no way of determining how much C14 existed in order to determine how much has decayed, then there would be no C14 dating at all.
Finally, you are getting the point. There is NO WAY to determine the initial conditions so when they came up with this in the 1950s they just used the current percentage and assume it has always been so. However, we now know that the percentage changes all the time due to a whole host of factors, so they tried correcting the errors by measuring the C14 trapped in tree rings. The problem there of course is that trees are not dead so the amount of C14 is not constant from the time the ring is laid down and of course we now know that one ring pair does not necessarily represent a year anyway. You are starting to see the paradox. Keep thinking. Just because the scientist/priests of your Evolution religion tell you something, does not mean it is true nor does it mean you have to accept it without thinking the problem through - use your mind and don't just believe everything you are taught.
Why are you so certain that the creation of the Earth is less than 4.5 billion years? Just because you don't believe the strong evidence for that age for the Earth from the existing methods does not mean that the Earth is certainly younger than that. For all you know the Earth could be much older - assuming the dating methods are incorrect. The dating methods all assume that a minimum amount of time has taken place for the various processes to take place.
Here I will actually not argue much since I simply don't know how old the Earth is. However, there are things which point to a younger Earth. One evidence is Moon dust, which can be explained in other ways such as a non-uniform cosmic dust rate. Another is the erosion rate of the Earth - all the continents of the entire planet should erode away in 200,000-300,000 years at the current rate, yet there is only enough silt on the bottom of the oceans to account for even a fraction of that time. The magnetic field of the Earth is decaying - at the current rate it will be gone before too long allowing cosmic radiation to destroy life on Earth - but if the current rate is followed into the past then life should not be able to exist much further back then 100,000 years or so (again explainable by non-uniformity). Magnetic halos in rocks point to a sudden cooling of the Earth's crust and not, as has been supposed, a long (billion year) period of slow cooling. These are just a few pointers which point to a younger Earth. How young? I don't know, but certainly older than 6000 years.
Your last line proves the point I was trying to make, thank you. I do not have a science degree, it is true, but please don't assume that that means I don't have some kind of scientific background. I personally would be fascinated to discover how successful you are in getting your Physics Ph. D. after you tell your professors that you don't believe in peer review.
I don't buck the system and I abide by peer review just like everyone else - I have no choice.

I find it amazing that you insist I cannot quote "Religious" sources on a religion forum. This almost sounds like you are saying that anyone religious is stupid? Are you telling everyone here that you have to be an idiot to be religious?
Ophiolite said:
Clearly, I was not being clear. Evolution does not require progress. Evolution is not progress. That is pretty basic. You say it is progress. You are wrong. Are you now enlightened?
No, I am confused. How can evolution explain the rise of life from non-life or the divergence of the species from a common ancestor without progress?
Well here you add to the requirement that evolution=progress, the notion that the Cambrian explosion offers no transitional forms. Can I take it from this, that despite the vast reading you have done on the subject you do not hold with conventional explanation for this omission? What is your counter to the conventional explanation?
The conventional explaination has been, ever since Darwin, that transitional fossils will emerge. There are not simply gaps in the sequences, there are no transitional sequences at all. Evolution requires millions of "tiny steps" and there are not any. Not that there are gaps with every few steps, but that MILLIONS OF STEPS are missing in each and every supposed transition. There is literally NOTHING in the sequence, not just a few missing but NOTHING.

The tired old explaination that transitional forms will eventually emerge is getting embarassing after a whole century. :confused:
Full reply will come later. Its well past my bed time.
Evolution is change - sometimes the change involves an increase in complexity, but this is not a necessary consequence of individual instances of evolution. If you consider increase in complexity = progress, then progress is likely to be an eventual outcome of evolution, but it is not evolution itself. The fact that I am having to explain this to you over a series of posts, calls into question the quality of your scientific education in this sphere.
Secondly, evolution, in the context I understand us to be within, is quite different from the origin of life, which I am not currently discussing.

No. You got the wrong conventional explanation for the Cambrian explosion. That is another indicator that you are not well versed in the fundamentals of evolutionary theory. Hard parts. OK. I really shouldn't need to say any more.

I just re-read this in one of your earlier posts:
Another is the erosion rate of the Earth - all the continents of the entire planet should erode away in 200,000-300,000 years at the current rate, yet there is only enough silt on the bottom of the oceans to account for even a fraction of that time.
This does not match any data I am familiar with. References please. And haven't you heard of plate tectonics?
Ophiolite said:
Full reply will come later. Its well past my bed time.
Evolution is change - sometimes the change involves an increase in complexity, but this is not a necessary consequence of individual instances of evolution. If you consider increase in complexity = progress, then progress is likely to be an eventual outcome of evolution, but it is not evolution itself. The fact that I am having to explain this to you over a series of posts, calls into question the quality of your scientific education in this sphere.
Secondly, evolution, in the context I understand us to be within, is quite different from the origin of life, which I am not currently discussing.

No. You got the wrong conventional explanation for the Cambrian explosion. That is another indicator that you are not well versed in the fundamentals of evolutionary theory. Hard parts. OK. I really shouldn't need to say any more.
Oh, I see, you want to use the Dictionary definition of Evolution rather than the Biological definition. We are discussing Science and Biology, not the Dictionary. We are defining Evolution as Darwin defined it. I am not willing to argue dictionary definitions so if you want to discuss this, stick with the science.

Evolution, in the Science/Biology definition, means changes in the DNA of an animal which are inheritable. Evolution is the rise from simple organisms to more complex organisms - from slime, to worms, to aquatic organisms, to ..., to man (or whatever present day animal you find at the end of your particular evolutionary chain). Progress means evolutionary movement along this evolutionary chain. You might call some of the steps backward rather than forward and I won't disagree since I don't see any evidence of any of it anyway.

Evolutionists have recently tried to distance themselves from the problem of evolution of life from non-life by making a new category called Abiogenesis. Nevertheless, if you can't get over the Abiogenesis problem, you are still faced with the only alternative (Intelegent Design) and none of the rest of Macroevolution makes any difference. Why should I believe that someone or something created a cell but didn't create whole animals. You must show a process whereby life came from non-life. You must have this foundation or none of the rest of Evolution means anything at all.
Sigmund Freud often remarked that great revolutions in the history of science have but one common, and ironic, feature: they knock human arrogance off one pedestal after another of our previous conviction about our own self-importance. In Freud's three examples, Copernicus moved our home from center to periphery, Darwin then relegated us to "descent from an animal world"; and, finally (in one of the least modest statements of intellectual history), Freud himself discovered the unconscious and exploded the myth of a fully rational mind. In this wise and crucial sense, the Darwinian revolution remains woefully incomplete because, even though thinking humanity accepts the fact of evolution, most of us are still unwilling to abandon the comforting view that evolution means (or at least embodies a central principle of) progress defined to render the appearance of something like human consciousness either virtually inevitable or at least predictable. The pedestal is not smashed until we abandon progress or complexification as a central principle and come to entertain the strong possibility that H. sapiens is but a tiny, late-arising twig on life's enormously arborescent bush - a small bud that would almost surely not appear a second time if we could replant the bush from seed and let it grow again.

Dr. Gould's essay explains that a progressive view of evolution is mistaken.
No, he explains only that complexification is rare, not that progress is mistaken. If you view progress as only toward the complex then perhaps your view makes sense, but I specifically defined progress as anything along the evolutionary path toward any current animal (or plant or bactirium). Gould's writing does not change my view at all.

It is only if you view progress in the narrow band of one particular goal, complexity, that his thesis applies. I do not nor have I said any such thing.

Since I reject the whole idea of evolving from the simple to the complex, his thesis has no applicability at all to me.

Notice this quote from your link:
We do not know why the Cambrian explosion could establish all major anatomical designs so quickly. An "external" explanation based on ecology seems attractive: the Cambrian explosion represents an initial filling of the "ecological barrel" of niches for multicellular organisms, and any experiment found a space. The barrel has never emptied since; even the great mass extinctions left a few species in each principal role, and their occupation of ecological space forecloses opportunity for fundamental novelties. But an "internal" explanation based on genetics and development also seems necessary as a complement: the earliest multicellular animals may have maintained a flexibility for genetic change and embryological transformation that became greatly reduced as organisms "locked in" to a set of stable and successful designs.

In any case, this initial period of both internal and external flexibility yielded a range of invertebrate anatomies that may have exceeded (in just a few million years of production) the full scope of animal form in all the earth's environments today (after more than 500 million years of additional time for further expansion). Scientists are divided on this question. Some claim that the anatomical range of this initial explosion exceeded that of modern life, as many early experiments died out and no new phyla have ever arisen. But scientists most strongly opposed to this view allow that Cambrian diversity at least equaled the modern range - so even the most cautious opinion holds that 500 million subsequent years of opportunity have not expanded the Cambrian range, achieved in just five million years. The Cambrian explosion was the most remarkable and puzzling event in the history of life.​
Somehow, in the short span of just 5 million years, all of today's phylum arose, and no one has any clue how this happened!

In other words, an impossibly quick evolution occured so that (geologically speaking) animals were literally popping out of the woodwork and no current theory can explain why. I can explain why. First, the strata do not represent long periods of time - which should be obvious since fossils will not form this way. Second, the animals did not come from a common ancestor, but rather from a designer - common design - which explains why all life uses the same basic building blocks.

Why would you blindly follow something as ridiculous as all life evolving from a single ancestor in only 5 million years - Absurd! Gould himself even expresses his total puzzlement at this impossible situation.
David F. said:
Oh, I see, you want to use the Dictionary definition of Evolution rather than the Biological definition. We are discussing Science and Biology, not the Dictionary. We are defining Evolution as Darwin defined it. I am not willing to argue dictionary definitions so if you want to discuss this, stick with the science.

Evolution, in the Science/Biology definition, means changes in the DNA of an animal which are inheritable. Evolution is the rise from simple organisms to more complex organisms - from slime, to worms, to aquatic organisms, to ..., to man (or whatever present day animal you find at the end of your particular evolutionary chain). Progress means evolutionary movement along this evolutionary chain.
Actually it does seem you are making the mistake of thinking in terms of an evolutionary ladder with humans at the top of the heap. Because this is a commonly made mistake you’ll find it is usually discused at the onset of introductory ecology or Biology.

Humans are no more evolved than ants.
Since arguing with creationists is as absurd as arguing with a brick wall, this will be my last post in this pointless thread. I do not blindly follow those who study the evolution of life on Earth. I have paid close attention to the controversies (or as close as a layman with an interest in biology can) over the years. Their explanations fit the facts that I'm aware of better than any alternative explanation I'm aware of. Stephen J. Gould's credibility is well established. All you are achieving here is establishing that you are a creationist crank.

Yes, he admits the Cambrian explosion is puzzling. But not to you! It's too bad for Dr. Gould that he didn't live long enough for you to explain it to him.
Thank you Michael. Exactly the point I am trying to make, with no success to David F. What I recall from my training in evolution and all my subsequent reading on the topic is exactly as I have posted.

David F I am not using a dictionary definition. I don't believe I have ever consulted a dictionary for a definition of evolution. Since I spent four years studying it at University and further thirty four dabbling in it since, I never saw a need to go to the dictionary to clarify what had been taught to me, and what I had learned, during that period.
I regret I have to turn your own remark on yourself. If you want to discuss this stick with the science. I am correct on this point, you are demonstrably wrong.

The origin of life is a separate issue from the subsequent evolution of life. I repeat that this is not a topic I wish to debate at present. There is sufficient meat in the rest four billion years to keep us occupied for the moment.

David_F said:
Why should I believe that someone or something created a cell but didn't create whole animals.
Indeed, that is exactly the question several of us are asking and which you are doing a singularily poor job of addressing. Why should you believe either of these propositions?
David F. said:
Second, the animals did not come from a common ancestor, but rather from a designer - common design - which explains why all life uses the same basic building blocks.
No that explains nothing.

That, David F, is just tossing your hands up in the air and saying I have no idea what the hell is going on so I’ll just say the Gods did it.

Second, there is no logical reason why the Gods/Aliens would choose to use a common design over different “unique” designs for each living thing. As a matter of fact - if everything were created in situ by a designer we could assume that there’d be quite striking differences between the genes in man, mice and fruit flies – and as you know that’s just not the case.

So? Why the common genes between animals David F?

Why would mice man and fruit flies share so many genes when a “designer” could have just as easily made each animal out of the same basic building blocks and used different biological constructed enzymes to catalyze different reactions specific for each individual animal.

I mean it certainly is possible to catalyze a similar reaction using different amino acids with different molecular architecture:

Structural basis for the reversible activation of a Rho protein by the bacterial toxin SopE

The bacterial enteropathogen Salmonella typhimurium employs a type III secretion system to inject bacterial toxins into the host cell cytosol. These toxins transiently activate Rho family GTP-binding protein-dependent signaling cascades to induce cytoskeletal rearrangements. One of these translocated Salmonella toxins, SopE, can activate Cdc42 in a Dbl-like fashion despite its lack of sequence similarity to Dbl-like proteins, the Rho-specific eukaryotic guanine nucleotide exchange factors. To elucidate the mechanism of SopE-mediated guanine nucleotide exchange, we have analyzed the structure of the complex between a catalytic fragment of SopE and Cdc42. SopE binds to and locks the switch I and switch II regions of Cdc42 in a conformation that promotes guanine nucleotide release. This conformation is strikingly similar to that of Rac1 in complex with the eukaryotic Dbl-like exchange factor Tiam1. However, the catalytic domain of SopE has an entirely different architecture from that of Tiam1 and interacts with the switch regions via different amino acids. Therefore, SopE represents the first example of a non-Dbl-like protein capable of inducing guanine nucleotide exchange in Rho family proteins.

Hey, this is interesting: The number of different amino acids found in human cytochrome C as opposed to selected organisms

Human: 0 (Family Hominidae, Order Primates)

Monkey: 1 (Different family (Pongidae), same order (Primates)

Pig, bovine, sheep: 10 (Different order (Carnivora), same class (Mammalia)

Horse: 12

Dog: 11

Rabbit: 9

Chicken, Turkey: 13
(Different class (Aves), same phylum (Chordata) - homeothermic)

Duck: 11

Rattlesnake: 14
(Different class (Reptilia), same phylum (Chordata) - poikilothermic)

Turtle: 15

Tuna: 21
(Different class (Ostheichthys), same phylum (Chordata) - poikilothermic)

Moth: 31 (Different phylum (Arthropoda), same Kingdom (Animalia)

Candida fungus: 51
(Different Kingdom (Fungi)

From Atlas of Protein Sequence and Structure, 1967-68 by Margaret O. Dayhoff and Richard V. Eck. Washington D.C.: National Biomedical Research Foundation.

As life shares such large amounts of genetic and biochemical information with all other life it is actually more logical to think that those living things that happen to share common genes had a common ancestor.

This picture must completely baffle you.

Why would any rational Gods/Aliens make things so f*cked up? Hmmm maybe because there aren’t any . . . .

On the side: It must irk you to know that you're very own almamater accepts evolution. That all of the top universities in the world teach evolution. That most of the high schools and elementary schools teach evolution. That almost all scientists accept evolution. Not that those are proofs of evolution – just that it must somewhat infuriate you.
The origin of life is a separate issue from the subsequent evolution of life. I repeat that this is not a topic I wish to debate at present. There is sufficient meat in the rest four billion years to keep us occupied for the moment.

I tried explaining this to David over 20 times on another thread, but he is seemingly lost in his own little world of make believe and couldn't comprehend what I was saying.
SnakeLord said:
I tried explaining this to David over 20 times on another thread, but he is seemingly lost in his own little world of make believe and couldn't comprehend what I was saying.

Ah Snake, the nub of the problem is that you are trying to explain something to someone who is already totally convinced of his own version of truth. These people, like bible punchers in the religious threads, are totally convinced that they are correct and no amount of perfectly logical arguement will deter them from their impressions. Open minded they are not.
Michael said:
Actually it does seem you are making the mistake of thinking in terms of an evolutionary ladder with humans at the top of the heap. Because this is a commonly made mistake you’ll find it is usually discused at the onset of introductory ecology or Biology.

Humans are no more evolved than ants.
On the contrary, I am not arguing that humans are at the top of the heap. I am taking the view which I have learned from evolution (which I subsequently rejext) which says that there is an evolutionary path from some common ancestor to each and every life form alive today. I think this is a correct assesment of the teachings of evolution - which I find to be unsatisfactory and unsupportable with the current data.

In what way is looking at the individual evolutionary paths of each species, contrary to the current teachings of evolution?
Ophiolite said:
Thank you Michael. Exactly the point I am trying to make, with no success to David F. What I recall from my training in evolution and all my subsequent reading on the topic is exactly as I have posted.

David F I am not using a dictionary definition. I don't believe I have ever consulted a dictionary for a definition of evolution. Since I spent four years studying it at University and further thirty four dabbling in it since, I never saw a need to go to the dictionary to clarify what had been taught to me, and what I had learned, during that period.
I regret I have to turn your own remark on yourself. If you want to discuss this stick with the science. I am correct on this point, you are demonstrably wrong.

The origin of life is a separate issue from the subsequent evolution of life. I repeat that this is not a topic I wish to debate at present. There is sufficient meat in the rest four billion years to keep us occupied for the moment.

Indeed, that is exactly the question several of us are asking and which you are doing a singularily poor job of addressing. Why should you believe either of these propositions?
You need not believe that there is a designer. As I have repeatedly stated, I cannot prove creation so I will not argue for or against. I simply accept it as the only plausible explaination given the available data. What I can show is the absurdity of the idea of evolution by random chance.

You have given me nothing but a twisted meaning of the word progress. If Evolution is so true, then show some hard data - show some small-step transitional forms.

The origin of life is a separate issue? Like rats fleeing a sinking ship, Darwinists have tried to distance themselves from the absolute proof that evolution is wrong. Darwinism is totally unable to deal with this foundational issue, so Evolution Scientists now try to wave their hands and say this doesn't matter or is of no consequence. This is the foundational consequence! If you can't show an Evolutionist/Darwinian path from non-life to life then you MUST deal with the consequences of the possibility of a Creator/Designer. Once you accept that Abiogenesis is only possible through Intelegent Cause, then the rest of the Darwiniam progression of common ancestory must follow. If there is a Creator/Designer which formed the first Cell, then there is no reason not to follow the same logic to the rest of the animal/plant kingdom and thus to all life. The origin of life is NOT a separate issue - it is the fundemental issue. You just try to avoid it because it is the fundemental proof that Evolution is FALSE.
Last edited:
Red Devil said:
Ah Snake, the nub of the problem is that you are trying to explain something to someone who is already totally convinced of his own version of truth. These people, like bible punchers in the religious threads, are totally convinced that they are correct and no amount of perfectly logical arguement will deter them from their impressions. Open minded they are not.
Sorry, to disappoint you. I am not bible thumping. I am sticking strickly with the science and the data available.

I see you are answering Snake. I had a long discussion with him concerning this subject and his final answers degenerated into whinning and name calling so I put him on my Ignore list. Life has been much more agreeable ever since.

You also seem to have no grasp of this subject other than to malign and falsely accuse. Perhaps the two of you should stick together?
Michael said:
No that explains nothing.

That, David F, is just tossing your hands up in the air and saying I have no idea what the hell is going on so I’ll just say the Gods did it.
Yes, I admit, I can't see any scientific explaination for what appears around us in nature. What I do see is sophisticated organic machinery which simply can't be an accident - but you are right, that is not an explaination.
Second, there is no logical reason why the Gods/Aliens would choose to use a common design over different “unique” designs for each living thing. As a matter of fact - if everything were created in situ by a designer we could assume that there’d be quite striking differences between the genes in man, mice and fruit flies – and as you know that’s just not the case.

So? Why the common genes between animals David F?
You are quite wrong here. I am an engeineer by training and I have done a lot of design work. If I design a building, I do not go out and design each beam and each strut as a unique piece. Instead, as much as is humanly possible, I use common pieces - things I can buy out of a catalogue.

Further, I have to wonder, if some alien designer were to put together life on this planet, and the life was to interact in a food chain, wouldn't that life have to be made of common parts? If a human eats a cow, doesn't the cow have to have complimentery parts to the human's parts in order for the human to gain sustanence from the cow? If the human needs hydrocarbon parts as food, and the cow were made of sulfer, then the cow could not be consumed by the human. If the basic parts of life are not common, then there cannot be a food chain.
Why would mice man and fruit flies share so many genes when a “designer” could have just as easily made each animal out of the same basic building blocks and used different biological constructed enzymes to catalyze different reactions specific for each individual animal.

I mean it certainly is possible to catalyze a similar reaction using different amino acids with different molecular architecture:

Structural basis for the reversible activation of a Rho protein by the bacterial toxin SopE

Hey, this is interesting: The number of different amino acids found in human cytochrome C as opposed to selected organisms

Human: 0 (Family Hominidae, Order Primates)

Monkey: 1 (Different family (Pongidae), same order (Primates)

Pig, bovine, sheep: 10 (Different order (Carnivora), same class (Mammalia)

Horse: 12

Dog: 11

Rabbit: 9

Chicken, Turkey: 13
(Different class (Aves), same phylum (Chordata) - homeothermic)

Duck: 11

Rattlesnake: 14
(Different class (Reptilia), same phylum (Chordata) - poikilothermic)

Turtle: 15

Tuna: 21
(Different class (Ostheichthys), same phylum (Chordata) - poikilothermic)

Moth: 31 (Different phylum (Arthropoda), same Kingdom (Animalia)

Candida fungus: 51
(Different Kingdom (Fungi)

From Atlas of Protein Sequence and Structure, 1967-68 by Margaret O. Dayhoff and Richard V. Eck. Washington D.C.: National Biomedical Research Foundation.

As life shares such large amounts of genetic and biochemical information with all other life it is actually more logical to think that those living things that happen to share common genes had a common ancestor.

This picture must completely baffle you.

Why would any rational Gods/Aliens make things so f*cked up? Hmmm maybe because there aren’t any . . . .

On the side: It must irk you to know that you're very own almamater accepts evolution. That all of the top universities in the world teach evolution. That most of the high schools and elementary schools teach evolution. That almost all scientists accept evolution. Not that those are proofs of evolution – just that it must somewhat infuriate you.
I see nothing f***ed up... I see evidence of common design. What part of anything you have shown me indicates anything else?

DNA is very much like a computer program with subroutines and multiuse code. I have spent many years as a programmer - and a few years teaching programming at the university level - and I can tell you that I often grab code from an old program to create a new one. Any time I can shorten the design process by reusing other work, I do it in a second - and so does every programmer I know. Not only does this shorten the design process, but it makes support easier since I don't have to go back and figure out what I was thinking when I wrote this proceedure. I remember common code. Even if the old code does not do exactly what I need, I still use it and tweak it slightly as is necessary to do the current task. This is called black-box programming and I have taught computer programming students to do exactly this process. Why then should I be surprised when I find the same thing in DNA encoding? This is quite understandable to me since this is exactly how I would have done this kind of design. This argues even more to me that all life has a common designer.
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Repo Man said:
Since arguing with creationists is as absurd as arguing with a brick wall, this will be my last post in this pointless thread. I do not blindly follow those who study the evolution of life on Earth. I have paid close attention to the controversies (or as close as a layman with an interest in biology can) over the years. Their explanations fit the facts that I'm aware of better than any alternative explanation I'm aware of. Stephen J. Gould's credibility is well established. All you are achieving here is establishing that you are a creationist crank.

Yes, he admits the Cambrian explosion is puzzling. But not to you! It's too bad for Dr. Gould that he didn't live long enough for you to explain it to him.
Its interesting that you would contradict yourself in just three short sentences. You say the explaination fits the facts you are aware of and then you admit that the explaination does not fit the facts at all (the Cambrian Explosion). Can you see the discontinuity? If you can't explain the facts with the current theory, they go find an new one.

The old Darwin explaination absoultely does not fit the Cambrian Explosion. You are acting like a little girl who won't give up on a bad boyfriend until she finds a new one. Go ahead. Give up on the bad old discredited theory. If it doesn't work (which is abundantly obvious) then scrap it. You don't need it any more once it has been shown to be false. Better no theory then a known false one. This doesn't mean you have to accept something else you don't like. Just be willing to say "We Don't Know!".
I see you are answering Snake. I had a long discussion with him concerning this subject and his final answers degenerated into whinning and name calling so I put him on my Ignore list. Life has been much more agreeable ever since.

Not that he can see what I'm saying, but the long discussion about evolution actually ended up with me providing him numerous links after he failed to recognise that what he was arguing about had little to do with evolution. He openly refused to look at the links, saying that other peoples versions of what evolution is are worthless and ended the entire thread with: "EVOLUTION IS DEAD".

Aside from that I found myself having to repeat what I was saying a thousand times just for the benefit of a young man who is clearly blind. He would say "provide some transitionals", I would do just that, and wait for his very next post which said; "provide some transitionals". He also failed to answer any and all questions I posed to him, while ranting 'evolution is dead', as if it's some self created defence mechanism of his.

I pity the fool.
David F. said:
...if some alien designer were to put together life on this planet, and the life was to interact in a food chain, wouldn't that life have to be made of common parts? If a human eats a cow, doesn't the cow have to have complimentery parts to the human's parts in order for the human to gain sustanence from the cow?

Michael made a point about structural parts being the same, not chemical parts.
If you eat a cow, of course you're going to be made of the same chemicals as a cow. Where do you think your chemicals come from?

How can you get from that obvious point to the speculation that an "alien" designer would use exactly the same bone structure for a whale, a human and a bird?