In goes another nail: Pierolapithecus catalaunicus

guthrie said:
We dont know for certain about life, and we cant date the earth to the precise day. But the 4.6 billion year thing hangs together. Tell us about your alternative hypothesis.
I don't know how old the Earth is - nor do I have to. I can tear down a false theory without knowing what is true. It's OK to just say we don't know.
Really? You mean all the history books written by professional historians that I have sitting on my shelves right now are completely wrong?
Really? Can you find something in one of those books - written by a Historian, not a paleontologist or archeologist - which uses C14 to date a relic or artifact? Please give us a quote.
But the gloop isnt oxygen, and the hypothesis is based about a reducing atmosphere that was low in oxygen. Free oxygen came along later when life was properly started.
Yes, I know the theory, but somewhere along the way the atmosphere has to change to 20% or so oxygen. As soon as that happens, life must be already in progress and the cell must already be living, working, reproducing - which as far as we know - requires oxygen. Which came first, the amino acid or the oxygen? How did life, which requires oxygen, develop without oxygen?
I presume you will completely dispute the simple observed fact of the decay of radioactivity? I believe Andre has already answered you about carbon 14.
Oh no. I don't dispute the decay of C14 at all (No, Andre seems to be unwilling to defend his ideas and beliefs). It has a half life of approximately 5730 years. There is no problem with the fact there is C14 in the environment or that it decays at a steady-state rate, or that the living organism consumes C14 just as it does C12, or that it stops consuming once it is dead so the level should stay approximately constant due only to normal decay (actually there are known problems with specimens encased in bacteria which eat the organic parts of the specimen but get measured as part of the specimen in the analysis even though they are much younger - causing dating errors because of the mix). The problem is the initial conditions. All C14 dating makes an unfounded assumption that the level or ratio of C14 to C12 in the environment at the time of the demise of the lifeform - maybe thousands of years ago - is the same as it was in 1950. How do we know this and why should we believe such a thing without a shread of proof? Actualy, the C14 level has risen since 1950. If the level has risen in just 50 years (actualy it seems to rise measurably every decade) then why should we assume it hasn't risen in thousands of years? We shouldn't, but we do. There have been some attempts to correct this error but so far not successfully. The only conclusive way to calibrate radiocarbon dating is to date known relics to get data points. If we have established past data points at 100 years, 200 years, 1000 years, 2000 years, 4000 years (you get the idea), then a curve can be established to show C14 ratios and decay rates for the past few centuries/millenia and we can extend that curve beyond the data into pre-history. This shouldn't be too hard, but as far as I can tell, no one has ever done this (probably because it would show how badly flawed the current system is). Without this kind of theory validation, dating is all guesswork. Is this too much to ask? If dating known relics produces ages other than what is known, then something must be wrong. Just admit it is wrong and fix it instead of going on as if everything is hunky dory.
Probably you cannot? What of it? we have many fossils from hundreds of feet thick layers of strata that represent thousands of years. And fossils do not form when they are buried in water, its being buried at all that counts. Water is one of teh ways they are turned into fossils, but being buried and affected by the small amount of water that percolates past is not quite the same as being "buried in water."
I did not say it had to be by flood, but it does have to have continuous submersion in water. The point is that so called strata is often only inches thick, yet it has fossils and is supposed to represent thousands or even millions of years. What is supposed to have happened? Did the fossil get buried under a hundred feet of sediment, the fossil formed and mysteriously all but an inch or two went away so that the next layer could form? This doesn't make any sense.
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spidergoat said:
Just read this month's National Geographic. Some of Darwin's assertions have proven untrue, but not the basic theory. What is your objection to evolution, precisely? Our genetic code is not fixed, but varies from person to person, and through time. It is reasonable to assume that some genetic variations are more suited to a particular environment that others, and that natural selection would favor the survival of animals with certain traits, and that these animals would be more likely to reproduce, passing their successful traits to their offspring.
I have no problem at all with the theory of Microevolution - species change to fit or adapt to their enviornment - survival of the fittest is true. However, this speciation or small variation is then used in an imaginary way to theorize that a series of small steps can be added together to accomplish large steps - like changing a reptile into a bird - which is sometimes called Macroevolution. This is not possible. No amount of small steps can bridge the gaps between biological Kingdoms. This is most obvious at the microbiology level. There are no small steps which can bridge the gap between non-living matter and a living cell with all its intricate processes.

I have no problem with the idea of organisms varying around a mean (like humans with different color skin) but extending that idea to cover the vast animal kingdom and trying to show a common ancestor to all life, it just not valid and not scientifically testable.

Life is based upon an organic computer program - called DNA. The program is run by an organic computer called a Cell. If you input human DNA into a human cell (not a cell from say a frog), then the cell will run the program (under the right conditions) and produce a Human. You can't make wholesale changes to the Human DNA, and end up with a monkey, or a horse, or a fish. Those are totally different programs, even the computer (Cell) to run the program is different. There cannot be a common ancestor and random mutations cannot be shown to provide a path to bridge between Phylum.
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trying to show a common ancestor to all life, it just not valid and not scientifically testable.

Same goes for Adam and Eve.. ;)

(I know I misquoted you no need to raise hell - was a joke)

Seriously your belief in Adam and Eve as the common ancestors of humans is also scientifically untestable. Any reason for the double standard?
What's to stop small steps from accumulating into large steps? Don't you know that whales have many features of land mammals that they wouldn't have unless their ancestors at one time walked on the land, even vestigal hind limbs? Just the fact that all animals use DNA is something of a strange coincidence. Our DNA is not that different from a rat or a banana.
If someone insists the moon is made of green cheese, you don't argue with them; you feel sorry for them. - Bertrand Russell
David you are all over the place.
David F. said:
I have no problem at all with the theory of Microevolution - species change to fit or adapt to their enviornment - survival of the fittest is true. However, this speciation or small variation is then used in an imaginary way to theorize that a series of small steps can be added together to accomplish large steps - like changing a reptile into a bird - which is sometimes called Macroevolution. This is not possible.
Why don’t you think it is possible?

Early events in speciation: polymorphism for hybrid male sterility in Drosophila

It is possible and has been published to occur – as such it’s even testable.

Small changes CAN and do, over a long time, eventuate into different organisms - yes it is possible and yes ultimately humans evolved from small single celled organisms.

David F. said:
There are no small steps which can bridge the gap between non-living matter and a living cell with all its intricate processes.
It’s funny you toss this in, as if evolution has anything to say on the subject – it doesn’t.

1) Evolution is the change of allelic frequency within a population, which is a fact.

2) The FACT of evolution has no bearing on:
a) weather or not there is a god
b) how life came from non life
c) anything about dating C14 etc . . .

David F. said:
I have no problem with the idea of organisms varying around a mean (like humans with different color skin) but extending that idea to cover the vast animal kingdom and trying to show a common ancestor to all life, it just not valid and not scientifically testable.
There is no need to show a common ancestor to all life.

Evolution could be occurring on another planet in a different universe without . . . OMG – having a common ancestor to us??!?!?!? :)

The only thing invalid here is your premise.

David F. said:
Life is based upon an organic computer program - called DNA. The program is run by an organic computer called a Cell. If you input human DNA into a human cell (not a cell from say a frog), then the cell will run the program (under the right conditions) and produce a Human. You can't make wholesale changes to the Human DNA, and end up with a monkey, or a horse, or a fish. Those are totally different programs, even the computer (Cell) to run the program is different. There cannot be a common ancestor and random mutations cannot be shown to provide a path to bridge between Phylum.
I have no idea what the hell you’re talking about here.

Anyway, you write: “Life is based upon an “ . . . . what exactly is “Life” David? How do you define life?

Out of curiosity, how is it David that humans happen to share such extensive amounts of DNA with other creatures? It’s interesting, don’t you think? You know, almost all of the biological pathways found in humans were first discovered in drosophila – a fly (KREBS cycle et al), funny that we carry nearly the same genes as not only flies, but even yeast . . . etcetera.

Our bodies work much like other animals - wow, funny that? You must be perplexed by this – why are we so much alike to other living things? Weird huh? Even humans and plants share commonalities – so very crazy huh?

Funny, it’s all just as evolution predicted it should be – which I should remind you was before the concept of genes and DNA even existed.

But, I digress, how is it David that you explain this?

Oh yeah, God made it like that.

David F. said:
There cannot be a common ancestor and random mutations cannot be shown to provide a path to bridge between Phylum.
You know David, yeah if the earth was only 6000 years old then it wouldn’t be possible, but luckily enough the earth has been around for the billions of years it takes to go from single cells to animals such as monkeys and their close relative the human.

But again, I digress, what exactly are Phylum? Why are “Phylum” so important to you? Aren’t “Phylum” just a nomenclature system that was made up to keep track of living things? Why is it that “phylum” is the lynch pin for you?

Anyway, the point of the thread is ANOTHER type of living creature that is similar to humans and our closest living kin was found. Many others have already been found, this is just another one. As this is how evolution predicted it should be, it plops another nail into the coffin of creationists, which is always good :cool:

All the things like different fractination rates that you list about the Carbon dating problems are fully correct. But there are solutions. We also measure the d13C and from various sources like ocean sediment cores and limestone strate we have an overview of the ambient d13C values during its formation. Now the fractination of 13C also tells us something about the fractination of 14C leading to a reasonable assumption about the original delta14C.

Well, that's a good start, but until you test against real samples with known ages, how can you know if all the theory is correct? Checking C13 levels (C13 is decayed C14) helps only a little since you don't know the original level of C13 (you can't just assume zero).
§outh§tar said:
Same goes for Adam and Eve.. ;)

(I know I misquoted you no need to raise hell - was a joke)

Seriously your belief in Adam and Eve as the common ancestors of humans is also scientifically untestable. Any reason for the double standard?
Humor again?

Why are you bringing religion into this? I did not say Adam and Eve were the common ancestors. Religion and science don't mix. Let's stick strickly to science for this discussion, shall we?
Michael said:
David you are all over the place. Why don’t you think it is possible?

Early events in speciation: polymorphism for hybrid male sterility in Drosophila

It is possible and has been published to occur – as such it’s even testable.

Small changes CAN and do, over a long time, eventuate into different organisms - yes it is possible and yes ultimately humans evolved from small single celled organisms.

It’s funny you toss this in, as if evolution has anything to say on the subject – it doesn’t.
You are mixing subjects here. I distinctly separated Microevolution (speciation) from Macroevolution. Darwin specifically called Evolution (Macroevolution) the "origin of the species" or the rise of all life from a single ancestor (and he describes the cell as a chance happening from non-life). Are you saying Darwin's definition of Evolution has no bearing?
1) Evolution is the change of allelic frequency within a population, which is a fact.

2) The FACT of evolution has no bearing on:
a) weather or not there is a god
b) how life came from non life
c) anything about dating C14 etc . . .

There is no need to show a common ancestor to all life.

Evolution could be occurring on another planet in a different universe without . . . OMG – having a common ancestor to us??!?!?!? :)

The only thing invalid here is your premise.

I have no idea what the hell you’re talking about here.
I have no idea what you are talking about. I never brought up the subject of God. Let's stick to science here. If life (the cell) did not come from non-life, then where did it come from? C14 dating is crucial to determining the age of supposed evolutionary specimens (a younger sample cannot be the ancestor of an older sample).
Anyway, you write: “Life is based upon an “ . . . . what exactly is “Life” David? How do you define life?

Out of curiosity, how is it David that humans happen to share such extensive amounts of DNA with other creatures? It’s interesting, don’t you think? You know, almost all of the biological pathways found in humans were first discovered in drosophila – a fly (KREBS cycle et al), funny that we carry nearly the same genes as not only flies, but even yeast . . . etcetera.
There are only 13000 genes in a fly yet there are 25000+ genes in a human. How exactly is it that a fly with only half the genes of a human contains all the DNA for a human? I think you need to check your facts. It is a very good thing that all life is based upon the same basic framework (amino acids, food/energy cycles) or we could not consume other life as our food. How does this similarity prove evolution? If an alien race designed life on Earth, along with the food cycle, wouldn't they by definition have had to make the basics the same? This is not proof of evolution at all.
Our bodies work much like other animals - wow, funny that? You must be perplexed by this – why are we so much alike to other living things? Weird huh? Even humans and plants share commonalities – so very crazy huh?
Evolution is by definition a random event. If it is so random, then why is everything so much the same? Randomness should mean that things diverge, yet they don't - which argues for design not randomness not evolution.
Funny, it’s all just as evolution predicted it should be – which I should remind you was before the concept of genes and DNA even existed.

But, I digress, how is it David that you explain this?

Oh yeah, God made it like that.
I never mentioned God, why are you?
You know David, yeah if the earth was only 6000 years old then it wouldn’t be possible, but luckily enough the earth has been around for the billions of years it takes to go from single cells to animals such as monkeys and their close relative the human.
I never gave an age for the Earth and if I did, I would certainly make it more than 6000 years old. Why are you putting wordsin my mouth? How do you know the Earth has been around for billions of years? What is your proof? Please provide data (not just someone else's opinion which is a clueless as you are).
But again, I digress, what exactly are Phylum? Why are “Phylum” so important to you? Aren’t “Phylum” just a nomenclature system that was made up to keep track of living things? Why is it that “phylum” is the lynch pin for you?
I pick Phylum because it is above the Species level. If you like use Kingdom or Class. I do not dispute that Species diverge and occasionally split in two. This only means parts of the Species have varied far enough from the mean, in different directions, so they can no longer breed. This is a biological definition and means nothing in the long run. I pick Phylum (or Kingdom or Class) simply because it is high enough not to be confused.
Anyway, the point of the thread is ANOTHER type of living creature that is similar to humans and our closest living kin was found. Many others have already been found, this is just another one. As this is how evolution predicted it should be, it plops another nail into the coffin of creationists, which is always good :cool:
How do you know this is an ancestor? Please provide some proof or test data.
No David 13C is most definitely not decayed 14C, 14N is:

14C => 14N + b

It may be a good idea to study that link first.

Indeed 13C is most definitely not constant as well but the variation is not very large. Moreover, several abiotic yearly layers in stalagtites can give a calibration of 13C versus age.

And there is the error margin of course accounting for that variation.
David F. said:
Really? Can you find something in one of those books - written by a Historian, not a paleontologist or archeologist - which uses C14 to date a relic or artifact? Please give us a quote.
Actually, I can't seem to find any history books not written by archeologists or using archeological evidence. Your point is presumably that all their dates are wrong?

David F. said:
Yes, I know the theory, but somewhere along the way the atmosphere has to change to 20% or so oxygen. As soon as that happens, life must be already in progress and the cell must already be living, working, reproducing - which as far as we know - requires oxygen. Which came first, the amino acid or the oxygen? How did life, which requires oxygen, develop without oxygen?
Since you want us to do all your digging for you, heres some links:
I think they'll answer some of your questions. Needless to say, these are still under development, so if you can come up with any new evidence I'm sure the researchers will be glad to know.

David F. said:
Oh no. I don't dispute the decay of C14 at all (No, Andre seems to be unwilling to defend his ideas and beliefs). It has a half life of approximately 5730 years. There is no problem with the fact there is C14 in the environment or that it decays at a steady-state rate, or that the living organism consumes C14 just as it does C12, or that it stops consuming once it is dead so the level should stay approximately constant due only to normal decay (actually there are known problems with specimens encased in bacteria which eat the organic parts of the specimen but get measured as part of the specimen in the analysis even though they are much younger - causing dating errors because of the mix). The problem is the initial conditions. All C14 dating makes an unfounded assumption that the level or ratio of C14 to C12 in the environment at the time of the demise of the lifeform - maybe thousands of years ago - is the same as it was in 1950.
That was in 1950. In 2004, they know better. look up Bristlecone pines. They have been used to calibrate C14 for over 5,000 years back.
I think this should answer your questions:
Or this quote:
"It has also been tested on items whose age is known through historical records, such as parts of the dead sea scrolls and some wood from an Egyptian tomb [Watson 2001; MNSU n.d.]."

David F. said:
Just admit it is wrong and fix it instead of going on as if everything is hunky dory.
They have done so, as pointed out above.

David F. said:
I did not say it had to be by flood, but it does have to have continuous submersion in water. The point is that so called strata is often only inches thick, yet it has fossils and is supposed to represent thousands or even millions of years. What is supposed to have happened? Did the fossil get buried under a hundred feet of sediment, the fossil formed and mysteriously all but an inch or two went away so that the next layer could form? This doesn't make any sense.
Sometimes it did wear away. Other times the layer of sediment has been compressed, like with coal. Oddly enough I think you'll find that its hard to find fossils in layers of sediment that have been highly compressed. Do you have any evidence to back up your claims, like photos of strata?
David F. said:
You are mixing subjects here. I distinctly separated Microevolution (speciation) from Macroevolution. Darwin specifically called Evolution (Macroevolution) the "origin of the species" or the rise of all life from a single ancestor (and he describes the cell as a chance happening from non-life).
ALL Life needn’t have risen from a common ancestor.

Yes, there was certainly a common ancestor to Man and to Fly.

David F. said:
Are you saying Darwin's definition of Evolution has no bearing?
No I’m not saying that at all.

Out of curiosity David, what is your Scientific Explanation for Man and Fly sharing so much identical DNA sequences? Or Man and Yeast?

David F. said:
If life (the cell) did not come from non-life, then where did it come from?
Life from non-Life has nothing to do with evolution – which deals with things already living

You never did say – So I’ll ask again, what exactly is “Life” David?

David F. said:
There are only 13000 genes in a fly yet there are 25000+ genes in a human. How exactly is it that a fly with only half the genes of a human contains all the DNA for a human?
Where did I say a Fly contains the entire DNA for a Human?

I didn’t say that did I.

I said a Fly and Human share many many many genes / DNA sequences.

How do you suppose Humans and Flies and Yeast share so many genes? The obvious answer is they share a common ancestor – but I digress, what is your alternative approach to explaining this phenomenon?

David F. said:
I think you need to check your facts.
I think you need to read what I wrote again because I am factually correct.

YOU David, by suggesting that I implied Flies contain the entire DNA for Humans, are blatantly fabricating a straw-man to knockdown. The reason you do this is because my assertion is correct (Humans and Flies share many many many genes and DNA segments). You can not attack the validity of this statement – it is true.

But you don’t want to admit to that agreement – as such you make it appear as if I implied something which I most certainly didn’t and then attack that. Typical.

David F. said:
It is a very good thing that all life is based upon the same basic framework (amino acids, food/energy cycles) or we could not consume other life as our food
True, and this is as evolution predicted it should be – which, I will note, was before people knew what the hell a molecule was.

David F. said:
How does this similarity prove evolution?
How does what prove evolution? Evolution is the change in allelic frequency within a population – a Fact.

But, what it does do is show a fine example of the predictive power of Evolution, this powerful idea describes the mechanism of how life evolved from simple single celled creatures into Humans.

So the fact that most life is based on the same AA is a prediction made by evolution and is true.

David F. said:
If an alien race designed life on Earth, along with the food cycle, wouldn't they by definition have had to make the basics the same? This is not proof of evolution at all.

Yeah, that’s right, evolution has nothing to do with Aliens designing life.

David F. said:
Evolution is by definition a random event. If it is so random, then why is everything so much the same?
No it’s exactly the OPPOSTITE it is a SELECTIVE process.

By that statement alone it’s obvious that the books you are reading are just creationist propaganda. You don’t seem to grasp even the basic notion of evolution.

But that’s what happens when you skip past science into the realm of pseudoscience / creationism.

David F. said:
Randomness should mean that things diverge, yet they don't - which argues for design not randomness not evolution.
No its an argument for selection.

See above.

David F. said:
I never mentioned God, why are you?
Because you’re a creationist.

David F. said:
I never gave an age for the Earth and if I did, I would certainly make it more than 6000 years old. Why are you putting wordsin my mouth?
I didn’t say you said that the earth is 6000 years old, I said that yes IF the earth was around for 6000 years then evolution couldn’t occur – so it’s a good thing that it’s been around for billions of years – or else we wouldn’t be here.

But again, I digress – how old is the earth David?

David F. said:
How do you know the Earth has been around for billions of years? What is your proof? Please provide data (not just someone else's opinion which is a clueless as you are).

A Radiometric Dating Resource List
As of January, 1999, The oldest rocks found on earth are 4.031 ± 0.003 billion years old (meaning it has been that long since the molten rocks solidified and thus reset their internal clocks). This is reported in the paper Priscoan (4.00-4.03 Ga) orthogneisses from northwestern Canada by Samuel A. Bowring & Ian S. Williams; Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 134(1): 3-16, January 1999. The previous record was 3.96 billion years, set in 1989.

You can look up the paper as quick as I,

David, if you are so adimit in your argument - why don’t you just write to the Journal and when they read of your scathing attack and critical insight and when the paper is withdrawn due to this – then you can post the withdrawal of the paper and I will agree that this paper’s evidence is incorrect.

Until then, we’ll leave it in the hands of people who know much more than you about it – so you can drop it.

David F. said:
I pick Phylum because it is above the Species level. If you like use Kingdom or Class. I do not dispute that Species diverge and occasionally split in two. This only means parts of the Species have varied far enough from the mean, in different directions, so they can no longer breed. This is a biological definition and means nothing in the long run. I pick Phylum (or Kingdom or Class) simply because it is high enough not to be confused.
Why is it that “Phylum” is a sticking point for you? What does “Phylum” say adversely about evolution. I believe you’ll find that in actuality the notion of “Phylum” is in agreement with the notion of evolution.

David F. said:
How do you know this is an ancestor? Please provide some proof or test data.
Proof? What do you mean by Proof?
a) It is possible it is a skeleton put there by the Devil to trick man into believing it is a common ancestor.

That is possible.

b) It is also possible that it is a single alien that landed on Earth and just happens to look like a common ancestor.

That is possible too.

But I think these are highly unlikely. Don't you?

I leave it to the Authors themselves. I believe that the paper’s authors make the argument, if you care to crack open a REAL scientific publication and read it.

Again David, if you are so sure of your reasoning – well you can write a critical attack against their argument as well – when that paper is withdrawn I will agree that their conclusions are flawed – until then you’ll have to live with it :)
Yeah, that’s right, evolution has nothing to do with Aliens designing life.

I have tried a thousand times to explain to David what evolution is, and is not. However, David seems happier just to close his eyes to it, while creating some personal version of what he wants evolution to be, in order to have something to debate against.

There is really little point going through it with this person, because not only does he not have the capacity to study or to learn, but he refuses to see anything other than that which his mind has created for him.

By that statement alone it’s obvious that the books you are reading are just creationist propaganda. You don’t seem to grasp even the basic notion of evolution.

But that’s what happens when you skip past science into the realm of pseudoscience / creationism

I explained all of this to him aswell, to which he once again started talking about unrelated issues while shouting "EVOLUTION IS DEAD".

I feel sorry for this man's children.
Andre said:
No David 13C is most definitely not decayed 14C, 14N is:

14C => 14N + b

It may be a good idea to study that link first.

Indeed 13C is most definitely not constant as well but the variation is not very large. Moreover, several abiotic yearly layers in stalagtites can give a calibration of 13C versus age.

And there is the error margin of course accounting for that variation.
Yes, you are right and I stand corrected. I was up at the college and I answered without checking. C14 does in fact decay by emitting an electron (Neutron decay) into N14.

Please tell me though, has there ever been a dating test of the C14 dating method on a sample with a known age and what was the result? Any links?
Michael said:
ALL Life needn’t have risen from a common ancestor.

Yes, there was certainly a common ancestor to Man and to Fly.

No I’m not saying that at all.

Out of curiosity David, what is your Scientific Explanation for Man and Fly sharing so much identical DNA sequences? Or Man and Yeast?

Life from non-Life has nothing to do with evolution – which deals with things already living

You never did say – So I’ll ask again, what exactly is “Life” David?

Where did I say a Fly contains the entire DNA for a Human?

I didn’t say that did I.

I said a Fly and Human share many many many genes / DNA sequences.

How do you suppose Humans and Flies and Yeast share so many genes? The obvious answer is they share a common ancestor – but I digress, what is your alternative approach to explaining this phenomenon?

I think you need to read what I wrote again because I am factually correct.

YOU David, by suggesting that I implied Flies contain the entire DNA for Humans, are blatantly fabricating a straw-man to knockdown. The reason you do this is because my assertion is correct (Humans and Flies share many many many genes and DNA segments). You can not attack the validity of this statement – it is true.

But you don’t want to admit to that agreement – as such you make it appear as if I implied something which I most certainly didn’t and then attack that. Typical.

True, and this is as evolution predicted it should be – which, I will note, was before people knew what the hell a molecule was.

How does what prove evolution? Evolution is the change in allelic frequency within a population – a Fact.

But, what it does do is show a fine example of the predictive power of Evolution, this powerful idea describes the mechanism of how life evolved from simple single celled creatures into Humans.

So the fact that most life is based on the same AA is a prediction made by evolution and is true.


Yeah, that’s right, evolution has nothing to do with Aliens designing life.

No it’s exactly the OPPOSTITE it is a SELECTIVE process.

By that statement alone it’s obvious that the books you are reading are just creationist propaganda. You don’t seem to grasp even the basic notion of evolution.

But that’s what happens when you skip past science into the realm of pseudoscience / creationism.

No its an argument for selection.

See above.

Because you’re a creationist.

I didn’t say you said that the earth is 6000 years old, I said that yes IF the earth was around for 6000 years then evolution couldn’t occur – so it’s a good thing that it’s been around for billions of years – or else we wouldn’t be here.

But again, I digress – how old is the earth David?

A Radiometric Dating Resource List
As of January, 1999, The oldest rocks found on earth are 4.031 ± 0.003 billion years old (meaning it has been that long since the molten rocks solidified and thus reset their internal clocks). This is reported in the paper Priscoan (4.00-4.03 Ga) orthogneisses from northwestern Canada by Samuel A. Bowring & Ian S. Williams; Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 134(1): 3-16, January 1999. The previous record was 3.96 billion years, set in 1989.

You can look up the paper as quick as I,

David, if you are so adimit in your argument - why don’t you just write to the Journal and when they read of your scathing attack and critical insight and when the paper is withdrawn due to this – then you can post the withdrawal of the paper and I will agree that this paper’s evidence is incorrect.

Until then, we’ll leave it in the hands of people who know much more than you about it – so you can drop it.

Why is it that “Phylum” is a sticking point for you? What does “Phylum” say adversely about evolution. I believe you’ll find that in actuality the notion of “Phylum” is in agreement with the notion of evolution.

Proof? What do you mean by Proof?
a) It is possible it is a skeleton put there by the Devil to trick man into believing it is a common ancestor.

That is possible.

b) It is also possible that it is a single alien that landed on Earth and just happens to look like a common ancestor.

That is possible too.

But I think these are highly unlikely. Don't you?

I leave it to the Authors themselves. I believe that the paper’s authors make the argument, if you care to crack open a REAL scientific publication and read it.

Again David, if you are so sure of your reasoning – well you can write a critical attack against their argument as well – when that paper is withdrawn I will agree that their conclusions are flawed – until then you’ll have to live with it :)
Your post is quite rambling and in some places nonsensical but I will try to pick out and answer questions I can identify.

My explaination for the fact that flys and humans and everything else have common DNA is that they were designed by someone or something to have common DNA. Who might that be? I suspect, as you say, that it might be God, but I can't prove that so it has no place in a Scientific discussion. OTOH, neither can you prove that this happened by Evolution. Actually, if Evolution were responsible, there should be many different forms of life rather than one common form. When you inject that Evolution is only about already living things, you are not disagreeing with me as much as you are disagreeing with Darwin and the bulk of the Biological Evolution field of Science. Perhaps you should pick your battles a little more carefully.

You seem to be arguing from the inane position that Evolution is the default position – we are here therefore we must have evolved? No matter how unlikely or scientifically improbable, Evolution must be true because we have no other explanation? It’s OK to drop a ridiculous idea even without another to replace it. It’s OK to just say we don’t know but we are still working on it. The failure of Evolution does not mean the success of Creationism. When science shows the futility of one path, it should discard that path and look for another. It is stupid to hang onto a bad theory just because you don’t want to admit lack of any other.

You don't understand Evolution at all. Evolution theory is that RANDOM MUTATIONS occur, some good and some bad, and the good ones, through survival of the fittest (the strongest organisms survive). There is no selectiveness to the mutations, only in that bad mutations cause the organisms to die and good mutations presumably allow the organism to go on living (I am not sure there is such a thing as a "good mutation" but I would not stipulate there are none since one would no doubt be found - are blue eyes a "good mutation"?).

You in fact did say:
Out of curiosity, how is it David that humans happen to share such extensive amounts of DNA with other creatures? It’s interesting, don’t you think? You know, almost all of the biological pathways found in humans were first discovered in drosophila – a fly (KREBS cycle et al), funny that we carry nearly the same genes as not only flies, but even yeast . . . etcetera.
While you did not say that Flys carry all the DNA of a Human, you did say that Humans carry very nearly all the DNA for a fly. I am trying to verify this - care to give me a link since I can't seem to find one and I don't want to disbelieve your good word... This link says we share proteins, but it doesn't say anything about sharing genes. There are about three times as many proteins in Humans as in Flys and since DNA sequences are used as the blueprints to build proteins, I would expect that the DNA sequences to build the roughly one-third of the human proteins common to both species would also exist in flys - a far cry from humans carrying all the genes of the fly. I'm not even sure there could be two different DNA sequences used to build the same protein? This argues for common design not common ancestry.

As for DNA, when something magnificent and beautiful like this is found, something as exquisitely complicated and beyond the ability (at least thus far) of humans to even comprehend or decode, along with the intricate complexity of the cell, I don't think of random chance as building such a thing. I think of intelligent design (I'm not going to speculate here about who the designer was). If I saw a beautiful building with long straight sides and graceful, symmetrical arches and complex heating and cooling systems and sleek elevator systems, and energy conversion systems and energy storage systems and automatic garbage collection and disposal systems - I would not think of it randomly popping out of the ground, even in small steps. I think of intelligent design. So it is for life.

As for a definition of life... there are many. How about the idea that life is (as far as we know) built of living cells:
But such creatures are metazoans, which means that they are all composed of many single living cells, and generally each cell is itself capable of self-reproduction. Many human cells, for instance, will reproduce both in the human body and in the laboratory. In general, all known forms of living creatures contain as sub-structure cells which can self-reproduce, or the living creatures are themselves self-reproducing single cells. All organisms with which we are familiar must contain such cells in order to be able to repair damage, and some damage is bound to occur to every living thing . . . The ability to self-repair is absolutely essential to a living body.

Since all living things are largely composed of cells which can self-reproduce, or are autonomous single cells with self-reproductive capacity, we will say that self-reproduction is a necessary property which all living things must have at least in some of their substructure.

For More of this quote... ref
When I discussed life as being based upon the Cell and upon DNA (DNA is not life but it is the instructions to build a living organism) I believe I spoke truly. Do you have some objection to this definition? Can you think of some life not built on the basic structure of a Cell?

As for looking at the Science article itself, I have tried at the web site and could not gain access to that article, but I have reputedly asked anyone on this thread to give more details. I don't have to just live with their article, I can and will question everything in the article until I am satisfied with the answers. Your unwillingness to discuss those questions is evidence to me that you cannot or will not. Perhaps it is you who does not know enough? Your acceptance without question of facts not in evidence, shows your motivations to be more religious than scientific. Telling me to sit down and not question the wisdom of the wise authors is very much what I would expect from a religion, not a scientist.

I looked at your link and it said much the same thing - "creationists are ignorant and uninformed - just look at my book to prove it". Of course their book was not available to be viewed. Words do not make convincing arguments, facts do. A claim, with no data, that the oldest rocks:
As of January, 1999, The oldest rocks found on earth are 4.031 ± 0.003 billion years old (meaning it has been that long since the molten rocks solidified and thus reset their internal clocks).​
What does it mean by resetting their internal clocks? Lava/Magma does not reset anything. Molecules are not susceptible to the relatively cool temperatures of molten lava/magma? Radiometric decay is not affected by temperature as is pointed out in your own link. What could this possibly mean? I believe the rocks mentioned were not even native to Earth but were in fact Meteorites? How are Meteorites and Magma in the same discussion? Is this yet another false claim? Can anyone explain this please?

I must once again ask, have there ever been any successful datings performed, by any radiometric method on samples with known ages? What is so hard about asking this? It seems like you run when asked for a simple test of proof? If your theory is so good, PROVE IT.

In fact, I do NOT believe that the earth is only 6000 years old. I see no evidence at all to believe such a thing. I did not make any claim at all as to how old the Earth is. I simply don't know and I am not afraid to admit my lack of knowledge. What I did, is ask you to prove your assertion. If you make such a claim, then prove it. If such proof is forthcoming, why can't anyone point to the data? Your link is full of the same assertions you made, and still with no data. What is the deal here?

If you insist that we must discuss creation, then realize that that too makes no claim at all concerning the age of the Earth. Creation, as it is called, discusses a terra-forming operation about 6000 years ago and the seeding of life at that time. It says nothing about the age or condition of Earth prior to that time (if you are going to make arguments against creation then at least get the story straight).
David F. said:
As for DNA, when something magnificent and beautiful like this is found, something as exquisitely complicated and beyond the ability (at least thus far) of humans to even comprehend or decode, along with the intricate complexity of the cell, I don't think of random chance as building such a thing. I think of intelligent design (I'm not going to speculate here about who the designer was). If I saw a beautiful building with long straight sides and graceful, symmetrical arches and complex heating and cooling systems and sleek elevator systems, and energy conversion systems and energy storage systems and automatic garbage collection and disposal systems - I would not think of it randomly popping out of the ground, even in small steps. I think of intelligent design. So it is for life.

It seems to me that your entire argument stems from this idea of a watchmaker. Maybe you should read: The Blind Watchmaker: Why the Evidence of Evolution Reveals a Universe Without Design I’m sure it will answer many of these questions for you.

David F. said:
When you inject that Evolution is only about already living things, you are not disagreeing with me as much as you are disagreeing with Darwin and the bulk of the Biological Evolution field of Science. Perhaps you should pick your battles a little more carefully.
Firstly, there is nothing wrong with disagreement, that’s how science marches forward. But, I do not see where you think I have a disagreement with the field?

The notion of replication and replicators has similarities with the notions of evolution, and may in fact have precipitated from evolution – however, evolution is not abiogenesis.

Although - obviously abiogenesis occurred at some point – else we wouldn’t be here having this conversation :)

As to flies and men, most of the biochemical pathways have been described in flies and found to be the same pathways in humans (see: any biochemistry text book). However, the proteins are not always identical (for example the human p75 protein is 75% identical to it’s counterpart in mice).

This is evidence of a common ancestor, whether you care to believe it or not.

By the way, what exactly is it you have a problem with concerning evolution?
has there ever been a dating test of the C14 dating method on a sample with a known age and what was the result?

But David that's exactly what dendrochronology is about, counting the rings, carbon dating the sequences and compare. The same happens with year rings in lake sediment stratificating. This is how the calibration tables are constructed. Then everything is compared to leave no room for misinterpretation.

study this
And this one may be of special interest.

Science, Vol 300, Issue 5617, 315-318 , 11 April 2003

14C Dates from Tel Rehov: Iron-Age Chronology, Pharaohs, and Hebrew Kings
Bruins HJ et al

Stratified radiocarbon dates provide an independent chronological link between archaeological layers and historical data. The invasion by Pharaoh Shoshenq I (Shishak) is a key historical synchronism, ~925 B.C.E., mentioned in both Egyptian inscriptions and the Hebrew Bible. The list of places raided by Shoshenq, mentioned at Karnak (Egypt), includes Rehov (Israel). The site yielded a consistent series of radiocarbon dates from the 12th to 9th century B.C.E. Our results (i) suggest a revised Iron-Age chronology; (ii) date an archaeological stratum to Shoshenq's campaign; (iii) indicate the similarity of "Solomonic" and "Omride" pottery; and (iv) provide correlation with Greece and Cyprus

cont ......

But you need to sign up for a (free) acccount first.
My turn!

David F. said:
How is it they know how old this find is?

How do they know this is not just a modern monkey or one of the millions of recently extinct species?
By the same means by which it is possible to me to watch a film set in the 1930s (lets say) and make a pretty accurate guess as to whether it was made in the 1930s or a period film made later - and in the latter case I could make a pretty good guess to within a decade of when the film was made. I picked an example of something that I think most of us here could do, primarily because we are exposed to this kind of material fairly frequently. I know when a film was made because of the quality of the film, or the soundtrack, the colours (or absence of) in the film stock, the identities of the people in the film. It's the same for palaentologists, archaeologists and geologists. They are experienced in examining various strata, rocks, animal bones, what have you, and their personal experience coupled with their knowledge of the body of knowledge already built up makes them experts in this area.

David F. said:
Fascinating... Please continue. How exactly do you know the age of the particular strata and how do you know whether one strata is laid down on top of another in one minute or whether it took a million years?
Geologists have undertaken any number of experiments to determine sediment deposit rates, and have done so over more than a century. Why don't you get a book and find out? This is not a subject which can be adequately researched by Googling, you have to actually read text books.

David F. said:
Do you know how Ice Cores are dated? There is no radioactivity to measure and no landmarks (timemarks) along the way. Ice dating is done in the same way that tree dating is done - by counting rings or layers. The problem of course is that you have to know how long a period is represented by the ring or layer. It used to be thought that tree rings represented a summer/winter cycle. It turns out that this is not true. Tree rings are laid down based upon weather patterns and wet/dry cycles. While some locations have only one wet season per year, others have two, or even the rare three seasons per year. In the same way, Ice Archeologists assumed that layers of ice were laid down as summer and winter layers but this is also turning out to be incorrect. Ice layers are laid down by storms and then sunny periods between storms. If a high precipitation storm comes through the polar region and then the sun comes out and melts the top layer of snow into an ice sheet, and then another storm comes through, a series of layers can indeed be established in only a few days or weeks - but the Ice Archeologists count each layer/cycle as an entire year, making the count significantly incorrect. Ice Layer counting, like tree ring counting, is turning out to be much more difficult then originally theorized. Thus far, no one (that I am aware, please correct me if I am wrong) has come up with a method for establishing how many storms per year come through the Polar Region and thus how many layers are laid down per year. Even if such a method could be established for the present conditions, what were the weather patterns like last century or last millennium? While Ice Layer counting is intriguing, it is still fraught with errors and unanswerable questions.
If Ice Archaeologists are getting the age of ice cores wrong, exactly who is getting it right? Or finding the errors? It seems to me that the experts on Ice Core dating are the Ice Archaeologists you claim to be getting their numbers wrong. I think the same people are the experts on determining where the errors may be occurring, the extent to which storms need to be taken into account.

David F. said:
I am very interested in knocking down silly ideas like Evolution of life from non-life or the Evolution of reptiles into mammels and birds - Fish simply do not become horses.
Evolution of life from non-life is not a silly idea because you say so. You believe the evidence of microevolution, but you simply don't believe the evidence of speciation. Fish do not, indeed, become horses. But some blob of protoplasm did eventually become fish and horses. Expecting non-existant intermediates, by the way, is a hallmark of Creationism.

David F. said:
I'm looking at your link and I will admit, it looks very impressive.

However, I see two problems. first, all the dating methods except counting layers are labed with "The major disadvantages of this method are ...", while at the end it explicitly says:
While unable to provide specific dates (within a millenia), the analysis show definate evidence of the the last two ice ages. Using the methods listed above the bottom of the ice-core was laid down 160,000 +- 15,000 years ago. It should be noted that all of the methods listed above were consistent with the above results.​
Really? Despite major disadvantages, the methods were all consistent? I'm not trying to be critical here (I don't necessarily disagree that the Earth is over 160k years old - I simply don't know) but this sounds a little fishy. How can all these methods which all have major problems, all come up with the same date?
If all the methods, with their different problems, all come up with the same date, that is the evidence that despite the problems and the difference in methodology, that the methods are indeed sound.

David F. said:
How can there be definite evidence of the last two ice ages, when no one knows exactly when those ice ages were - and the article even mentions this lack of knowledge? This is just a little too good to be true (and I don't even have a problem with it being true). What I would really like to see is the evidence for Europes "little ice age" and how that age was determined in the ice cores since this is an event which is really not in dispute - I mean the dates are not in dispute.
But the evidence of the ice ages is not related to when the ice ages were. Now with this dating, the last two ice ages can be more firmly placed in time. This is how science works, signs of ice ages are identified, but the age isn't - then in a different environment, the signs are seen again. The previous scientific work showed that these signs are the signs of ice ages, and the new work can satisfactorily date them. And the store of human knowledge grows a little bit.
David F. said:
Second, I found this article, and I just can't think that this has never happened before in the history of the world. The concern here is that one of the major glaciers in Antartica is thinning and will float off of the ocean floor and literally leave the continent. It also says that the ice flows (at its fastest point) at a rate of about 2.5 km per year. That's pretty fast. At that rate (granted that is the fastest rate) ice could flow all the way from the center of Antartica to the outermost point in only 1000 years? Ice flow rates like this do not bode well for the proposition that Ice Cores show 160,000 years of continuous growth. With ice flowing out from the center at measurable rates (which do very from decade to decade), how can there be ice-cores which span a hundred times the known flow rate? - And the glacier in the article flows up hill!

I will keep investigating.
The 160,000 year old ice core is obviously not formed from ice which flows quickly - but is permafrost that pre-dates recent ice ages and warm periods. That same page cited before points out, for example, that Greenland could not have formed its ice cap as we now see it from bare ground in a short a period as 10,000 years or so (since the ice age or the proposed age of the earth by Creationists - which is what that page is going on about, I know you're not going on about that specifically, David).

Keep investigating - well, do so, primarily by purchasing some books on geology and palaentology and archaeology, so that you can argue from a position of knowledge, not a position of ignorance.

David F. said:
Many modern biochemists and evolutionary biologists have recognized this fact and are looking for some other method whereby the first cell might have been realized on Earth. The most prevelent theory is seeding from space, although no one has any clue how the first cell might have originated in space any more than it might have originated on Earth.
Seeding from space is very far from being "the most prevalent theory". Fred Hoyle advanced it many years ago, but it hasn't really been taken seriously for decades. There are a number of reasons why it might be considered impossible for any kind of seeding from space (assuming, well, actual seeds, as opposed to Aliens landing and planting life here) but I'll put the argument by Isaac Asimov when he dealt with this issue in Extraterrestrial Civilizations (Crown, 1979): "Besides, of what use is it to claim that life originated elsewhere? One would still have to determine how that life originated, and you're no further forward."

David F. said:
A one-celled animal is not just a bubble with some chemicals in it. It is a biological machine which runs a predefined, very complex program called DNA. It also has mechanisms for locomotion, gathering food, converting food into energy, storing energy, moving required molecules around within the cell to the locations they are needed, creating new proteins and enzyms. disposing of waste and of course the hardest of all, replicating itself. This is not something which just pops up out of nowhere.
All this is very true. On the other hand, the imaginary evolutionist that supposes that a one-celled animal (which does all that living organism stuff) has "popped out of nowhere" is just that: an imaginary straw man. Straw person, sorry. The one celled organism with mechanisms for locomotion, gathering food, converting food into energy, storing energy, moving moving required molecules around within the cell to the locations they are needed, creating new proteins and enzymes, disposing of waste and of course the hardest of all, replicating itself, evolved from bits of life which did none of those things except the last. You may feel that replicating itself is the hardest thing for such an object to do, but in fact it's the basic original and only thing that is required. It is, in fact, the definition of life. Anything else is just a chemical reaction. Which is not to say that the appearance of a self-replicating molecule was not a difficult and low-probability event - it was. But if it only happened once in a billion years on once in a billion planets, that's plenty of time for it to have happened about 3000 times in our galaxy alone.

David F. said:
It is a vastly complex machine which defys all attempts to define in any Darwinian sense or to show how such a mechanism might have occured by chance. The key phrase here is irreducably complex, meaning many of the mechanisms within the cell must have sprung up fully formed and fully functioning because there is no less complicated system which can be shown to work thus negating the idea of Darwinian evolutionary progression. Where did this animal containing many irreducably complex organic machines come from and how did it originate? Well, the best answer thus far seems to be that the first cell was originally designed and built by an alien species with far superior intellegence of unknown origin (careful, that sounds an awfully lot like God). They even made a movie about it - Mission to Mars (2000).

Of course, even once such a cell does find itself on this planet, it is still a huge unsubstantiated leap from one celled animals to multicelled animals and branching into the various Kindoms, Phylum, Order... No one has yet shown any method whereby such an ordered progression might be accomplished (just hand waving and a vague comment about "survival of the fittest"). My favorite book on the subject, as I have mention before, is Darwin's Black Box by Professor/Microbiologist Michael Behe.
Lets start with Behe first - a past master of the "Argument from Personal Incredulity". For a simple debunking, simply read the customer reviews on

I've dealt with the uselessness of the "Aliens created life on earth" theory - you're just pushing the problem of life-from-nonlife to somewhere other than Earth, and where does that get you? Mission To Mars was, by the way, practically a re-hash of 2001: A Space Odyssey, which dealt with those concepts in a far more intelligent fashion.

David F. said:
I have read and I have researched (I have several books sitting right in front of me) and No there are not researchers who are trying to refine the current hypothesis. When it comes to biochemical evolution, there are very few working in the field and there is a resounding silence in the scientific literature concerning the subject. The idea that all things are possible given enough time and enough tries, is simply not so - its called lieing with statistics.
Nope, calling it that is what is called lying. I don't need a full mathematical treatment to see that unlikely events are possible, given enough time. And there is very far from silence on the issue, but like the origin of the Universe, we're still at the stage at which the precise origin of Life has to remain somewhat speculative.
David F. said:
Biochemical Evolution is impossible, not improbable but impossible. It doesn't take all that much research and study to understand this (although it is certainly more than I can type into a thread like this).
A thing is not impossible just because a single, one-size-fits-all, this-is-definitely-the-way-it-happened explanation has not been found. Science has come up with many different plausible explanations of how life could have arisen, but just because not one of those may be the correct one does not make the thing impossible.

David F. said:
The truth is that we don't know how life got here and we don't know how old the Earth is. There are NO DATING METHODS which have passed anything like a rigorous scientific evaluation showing that correct results emerge.
This is just a lie.

David F. said:
In fact, Radiocarbon dating has totally failed many times - so many that professional historians reject all C14 test data. Somehow we still use these incredibly long dates, 4-5 billion years, as the accepted age of the Earth, without any scientific data to back them up at all.
Radio carbon dating is only useful for dating documents and other human-historical artefacts. None of this has anything remotely to do with the 4.6 billion year age of the Earth, which is quite well attested using other age-determination factors. All of said methods involve physics, which subject you are supposed to be expert in. Exactly on what grounds are you rejecting all the different results which come up with the same solution? The age of the Earth is "well-attested". That means that all sorts of different people have come to the same conclusion in different places and different times and using different methods.

David F. said:
Why? Because any date less than this would certainly doom the whole science of Biological Evolution - thus the need in science for these dates to be true (actually even this age is ridiculously small when faced with the needs of evolution, but other sciences have to struggle to just maintain this incredible age).
That's palpable nonsense. Evolution has created the entire plant and animal world that we recognise in only 600 million years (based on the earliest fossils of creatures which had hard parts), let alone the enormously diverse ecologies which have developed over the last 100 million years since the continents broke up. 3-4 billion years is quite long enough to create the far simpler lifeforms that existed prior to that.
David F. said:
The idea that there are scientists out there fixing the problems and validating the data, is simply wrong wishful thinking – kind of like faith in one’s religion. (Lightning in gloop jars does not produce the correct amino acids nor explain how they might survive even if they were produced since amino acids decay quickly in the presence of oxygen).
Already covered elsewhere, but you make the same mistake lower down in so laughable a fashion, I'll leave it until then.
David F. said:
MW, I also was educated in Texas in the '60s. I have a BS & MBA and am working on a PhD (Physics). I don't think I would qualify as uneducated. I have enough science training to know not to believe Evolution. May I qualify that rejecting the scientifc validity of Evolution does not mean accepting Creation.
Since more or less everybody else with actual scientific training believe Evolution, how is it that you are coming to a different conclusion? Science is not a democracy, but it is a consensus. The explanations for various results are arrived at by logical processes which are accepted by the vast majority of reasonable, reasoning people. Saying you are "scientifically educated" but that you disagree with the general consensus of opinion without a viable alternative explanation of your own is anti-scientific and irrational.

David F. said:
Actually, in my opinion, it is the lack of real science education which allows pseudo-intelectuals to foist ridiculous theories like this on a scientificly-illiterit population.
It is your lack of scientific education which is allowing you to place a scientifically well-attested fact - called Evolution - in the realm of pseudoscience. There is nothing ridiculous about Evolution, and you have not been able remotely to show why it should be considered ridiculous. And the one word you should not misspell under any circumstances, is, of course, illiterate.

David F. said:
I suppose you are calling my world "religious" although I have not invoked religion in any way in my arguments.
You are doing here exactly what you are accusing Andre of - he never said that "your world" was religious, any more than you do. He merely stated that your view of things is inconsistent with the world that Andre lives in (and me too) and that therefore you live in a world of your own, where obviously the rules must be different. Time and time again, you have argued that people have put words in your mouth - but on that occasion you are doing exactly the same thing! Other people have accused you of being religious. I personally take you at your word. But your claim that there is no known explanation is based solely on your own inability to accept the explanations that science gives you. You are at liberty to point out the many times that science has been wrong in the past, but to do so with the current consensus, you must show some valid unexplained or unexplainable phenomena which proves the current paradigm to be incorrect - which you have failed to do. You simply continue to state and restate your incredulity, which is not a valid argument.
David F. said:
I don't know how old the Earth is - nor do I have to. I can tear down a false theory without knowing what is true. It's OK to just say we don't know.
You simply ignore or state as false all the validly arrived at results for the age of the Earth, the (even easier to determine) age of the Universe as a whole. Also, what you state is incorrect - you cannot really base your ideas as to an alternative theory of creation without knowledge of acknowledged facts. You claim that there's no problem with the age of the Earth and yet you continue to claim that "we don't know the age of the Earth". Either the evidence for the earth's age came about through natural means, or it was put there. Your position is that, since nobody was about at the time, it's impossible to say. If this was the case, mankind would not have made any advances, certainly not as far as allowing me to broadcast my thoughts across the world in this way.

David F. said:
Yes, I know the theory, but somewhere along the way the atmosphere has to change to 20% or so oxygen. As soon as that happens, life must be already in progress and the cell must already be living, working, reproducing - which as far as we know - requires oxygen. Which came first, the amino acid or the oxygen? How did life, which requires oxygen, develop without oxygen?
Lets assume you mean free oxygen in the form O[sub]2[/sub]. I don't know about you but I personally encounter a great many life forms which would exist quite happily without oxygen - in fact they produce oxygen, and they're called plants. And there are millions of anaerobic microscopic life forms, and have been for billions of years. Mobile animal life of the kind we're used to seeing (all of which is less than 600 million years old at the oldest) needs oxygen, but its evolution was preceded by a long period of oxygen-creating life existing. Most of which I learned in primary school.

Everybody? I knew this was pointless, but I felt like answering David point by point, although I know many of you have already done so far better than I could.

David, the way we know you're a Creationist is because you reject known scientific facts on the basis that the science result was arrived at to "fit the theory of Evolution". But this is manifestly not the case. In your Ice Cores example, you claim that the people who know all about Ice Cores are ignoring sources of error in providing their data. But if their data showed that no ice was as old as 6,000 years, why would they fake an older result? If no ice predates 6,000 years, that doesn't mean Creationism is true and Evolution is false - it just means that no ice is older than 6,000 years. The people trying to determine the age of the ice core are doing so in order to determine the age of the ice core, not to "disprove Creationism" They are doing this, because it is useful information, and consequently it had better be right. As it happens, the data they have found does disprove Creationism. Quite a lot of scientific discovery, in all fields, has disproved Creationism. None has disproved Evolution (and Evolution, as it is understood, is certainly falsifiable - ie, subject to disproof - unlike what Creationists state).

Michael said:
It seems to me that your entire argument stems from this idea of a watchmaker. Maybe you should read: The Blind Watchmaker: Why the Evidence of Evolution Reveals a Universe Without Design I’m sure it will answer many of these questions for you.
Why the hell do these American editions have those useless bloody subtitles?? The book is properly called The Blind Watchmaker - no inflammatory subtitle required. It is also one of the best books on the subject, and in my view Dawkins' best book of all.