In Defense of Religion

Everyone has faith. Atheists have faith. In something. Nobody on this planet has no faith in anything.

Some like to have faith in a higher power
Others may have faith in Human power

Well why make up all this fuss if everybody has "faith" anyway.

But all your posts have been about religious faith.
Well why make up all this fuss if everybody has "faith" anyway.

But all your posts have been about religious faith.

Yes, religious faith. Faith is simply confidence and hope. Having confidence and hope is something almost everyone has in something.

Religious faith is a form of faith that deals with the unknown. If it gives the faithful peace of mind, why take that away from them?
Religious faith is a form of faith that deals with the unknown. If it gives the faithful peace of mind, why take that away from them?

Because it's bullshit and it's everywhere.

I would be more tolerant if I didn't have to listen to evangelical bullshit day in, day out. All these news reports about religion, politicians in high office pandering to the vote of the most idiotic of citizens, signs on billboards telling you to accept a FLYING ZOMBIE as your savior.

5 years ago, it didn't bother me that much. But then I started reading some science books and started thinking rationally, then this supernatural stuff really began to piss me off. It really does get in the way of more important things.
But it's a part of society, it's a part of culture and a part of tradition.

It's part of Human identity.

And it's "bullshit" to you.
But it's a part of society, it's a part of culture and a part of tradition.

So are a lot of undesireable things

It's part of Human identity.

And it's "bullshit" to you.

Of course it is (and you can remove the quotes from that word). People who claim to talk to the dead, astrology, religion, FLYING ZOMBIES. Bullshit.
But it has helped shape what society is today

And again it's bullshit to you. Not to believers.
But it has helped shape what society is today

You don't know that. Religion was merely along for the ride. Morals would have been the same reguardless... except maybe they would have progressed much quicker without the ball and chain of religion.

And again it's bullshit to you. Not to believers.

That's the nature of delusion.

I guess you would also say that 9/11 Truthers faith should be respected?
So I'm guessing you don't live in an uncivilised city where people aggregate in a tribal backward manner? You live the civilised life of the hermit in the cave?

Cities are awful places which are filled with ignorant and aggressive humans. Visit any underground or metro system and you'll see humans being herded through gates, down tunnels and onto trains like cattle. Go to the high streets and shopping malls, watch them greedily feed on cheap slops, and all the brightly colored, shoddy goods they love to buy.

It's sales time in London:


It's stoning time in Mecca:


Is nature so easily circumvented?
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Buddhist nations have strong traditions of charity going back more than a thousand years.

They do not believe in any creator deity.

You're kidding right? Japan? Burma? Tibet? They were all slave societies. And Buddhists do not consider themselves as atheist. While they do not believe in a creator God, they do believe that supernatural beings like devas exist. And that anyone can become one of the gods.
You're kidding right? Japan? Burma? Tibet? They were all slave societies. And Buddhists do not consider themselves as atheist. While they do not believe in a creator God, they do believe that supernatural beings like devas exist. And that anyone can become one of the gods.
They are atheists, not materialists, and you obviously know nothing of Buddhism, as it depends on charitable donations of food for the monasteries.

Devahood in Buddhism is not the goal...a Bodhisattva is the ideal.
Seems a bit odd to see a thread starting out in defense of religion veer off into railing against Judaism and its followers right in OP. Doesn't exactly argue for the benefits of religion on clarity of thought.

SAM said:
He did not ask secular, he asked atheist.
Nah, he started out talking about religion, and the atheism bit was his standard theist's confusion of theism and religion.

Once into that tangle, there's no easy clarity. The OP hopes to speak in defense of religion - I presume atheistic religions such as Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, various Animisms and Red religions, and so forth, would be included.
SAM said:
And Buddhists do not consider themselves as atheist. While they do not believe in a creator God, they do believe that supernatural beings like devas exist. And that anyone can become one of the gods.
Some do, some don't. I've met atheist Buddhists, and deities are not necessary in Buddhism.

Besides, if you are stretching your idea of "Deity" to include all supernatural beings, even a discussion of atheism gets muddled quickly. Elves are not gods. Neither are angels, I think. It seems to me quite arbitrary to include tree spirits that govern nothing except their tree, and exclude truly worshipped entities such as an Egyptian Pharaoh or Mao Tse Tung.
SAM said:
You're kidding right? Japan? Burma? Tibet? They were all slave societies.
We were all slave societies, at least those of us who lived in cities. Non-feral ancestry, in your terms, includes slavery for almost all of us.

Are you drawing a connection between religion and slavery ? I think it's circumstantial - they arise from a common set of circumstances, I think, not one by way of the other. Do you agree ?
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