In a World...where God (Christian) had finally revealed himself...


The Ethereal Paradigm
Registered Senior Member
Hello all,

It's been a while since I have posted on the forums. I have spent waayyy too much time here in the past and almost feel weird to be's funny that the same exact conversations with the same people involved are still going on nearly 6 years later. But, I have a new question for you all. One that you may not have come across before.

I am writing a book/screenplay and was wondering: if tomorrow God showed himself, almost irrefutably, I mean, everyone can hear Him, "see" his power, know that he exists. He comes to help the humanity with all of his glory, how would you respond. Would you ask for forgiveness? would you inquire into all of the B.S. that had been shoved down your throat prior to his appearance? Would you drink "koolaid" to be released from the world? Would you ask "how?" Would you assume there is a greater force at work? A hoax?

Imagine what would you do? What would it be like?

In a world...where God has proved his own existence...
Hello all,

It's been a while since I have posted on the forums. I have spent waayyy too much time here in the past and almost feel weird to be's funny that the same exact conversations with the same people involved are still going on nearly 6 years later. But, I have a new question for you all. One that you may not have come across before.

I am writing a book/screenplay and was wondering: if tomorrow God showed himself, almost irrefutably, I mean, everyone can hear Him, "see" his power, know that he exists. He comes to help the humanity with all of his glory, how would you respond. Would you ask for forgiveness? would you inquire into all of the B.S. that had been shoved down your throat prior to his appearance? Would you drink "koolaid" to be released from the world? Would you ask "how?" Would you assume there is a greater force at work? A hoax?

Imagine what would you do? What would it be like?

In a world...where God has proved his own existence...

It all depends on precisely what "power" is displayed to establish god as an object. IOW what is it that establishes something as god (the summum bonum, etc).

I think "helping humanity" is a bit vague ... especially since the help that most of humanity would anticipate in receiving would probably be akin to nescience.
I imagine that he would use his power to explain himself to everyone's satisfaction and help us realize what he wants from us.
Yes cure the sick, heal the wounded, destroy the wicked...or at least put them aside to be forgiven...ha.

It's vague because its assumed to be a "positive experience for human society at large"? How would you feel, what would you do? How would your life be changed?
Hah, is that a response in itself...just utter confusion?

I have no preference, I am getting a general sample of what would happen...I surely have already considered what people would do, as I have shown some general examples. Beg, cry, revolt, attempt to escape...etc....

You would be in awe of how upside-down your world would be?!

That is the underlying difficulty of this question. It requires imagination or at least a solid introspective understanding of who "you" are.
Hello all,

It's been a while since I have posted on the forums. I have spent waayyy too much time here in the past and almost feel weird to be's funny that the same exact conversations with the same people involved are still going on nearly 6 years later. But, I have a new question for you all. One that you may not have come across before.

I am writing a book/screenplay and was wondering: if tomorrow God showed himself, almost irrefutably, I mean, everyone can hear Him, "see" his power, know that he exists. He comes to help the humanity with all of his glory, how would you respond.

i'm already there dude.

Would you ask for forgiveness?


would you inquire into all of the B.S. that had been shoved down your throat prior to his appearance?


Would you drink "koolaid" to be released from the world?

if that "koolaid" is the blood of christ, then yes i will.

Would you ask "how?"

all the time.

Would you assume there is a greater force at work?

greater than what? human? it's obvious. no assuming necessary.

by whom?

Imagine what would you do?

break down, humble myself, learn how to live.

What would it be like?

it would be like waking up.

In a world...where God has proved his own existence...

it would be just like this world., you should know, not everyone believes it's like that let's bury that because this isn't about what you believe in now, it's how you would act later. I only say this little caveat because it's not a debate if it's true now, we know you and many many others believe it.

But I mean really proved, indisputably, insofar as you might DISBELIEVE its validity because it didn't happen the way it was supposed to in the bible. You might even think the devil is at work...thus the hoax...

Would you join a "Missionary Force" of sorts, to reteach the buddhists and the jews, and the stubborn atheists? Would you actively seek orders, would you inquire what you should do next? Would you simply praise and praise, no eating no sleeping? Would you throw a party? What would you do?!
Yes cure the sick, heal the wounded, destroy the wicked...or at least put them aside to be forgiven...ha.

It's vague because its assumed to be a "positive experience for human society at large"? How would you feel, what would you do? How would your life be changed?
Would you expect us to feel any different if a scientific breakthrough revolutionized the treatment of disease and the world got a political overhaul for the better?
(BTW I am a theist - I am just bringing to the fore problems with defining god in purely altruistic terms)
It's vague because its assumed to be a "positive experience for human society at large"?
In my musings about a god—the God—He would only need to approach mankind to have it fall apart and go mad—especially for the goody good two shoes who have an audacity to assume themselves familiar.
Would you expect us to feel any different if a scientific breakthrough revolutionized the treatment of disease and the world got a political overhaul for the better?
(BTW I am a theist - I am just bringing to the fore problems with defining god in purely altruistic terms)

I wouldn't expect MUCH of a a difference in those things particularly, no. Most would sit back, relieved, comfortable.

But when God is placed into the mix, there is a different situation. That's the point. You're in a new world, hitherto unknown. God is readily accessible, you're not "asking and waiting" it's a direct line. You say "God, can I get a bologna sandwhich" and God sets it in your hand from a ball of light. There's nothing more to it than that. Imagine yourself in such a world, and respond accordingly. And assume that things would have been evened out for most, meaning, if you lived in poor conditions you won't anymore, and if you lived lavishly the superfluous things would be gone, things that you think God would say "you don't need that"., you should know, not everyone believes it's like that let's bury that because this isn't about what you believe in now, it's how you would act later. I only say this little caveat because it's not a debate if it's true now, we know you and many many others believe it.

But I mean really proved, indisputably, insofar as you might DISBELIEVE its validity because it didn't happen the way it was supposed to in the bible. You might even think the devil is at work...thus the hoax...

Would you join a "Missionary Force" of sorts, to reteach the buddhists and the jews, and the stubborn atheists? Would you actively seek orders, would you inquire what you should do next? Would you simply praise and praise, no eating no sleeping? Would you throw a party? What would you do?!

is it imperative that it didn't happen the way it was supposed to in the bible? and how is it supposed to happen in the bible? revelations prophecy is prophecy. it's interpretive until it actually happens. but it says that in the last days 144,000 will be sealed, lose their lives, and be resurrected first into the kingdom. how do you think that will happen? without a show of power and truth? think again. no one will be beheaded for a nice idea. the lie of the false prophet will be a nice idea. i would indeed join a missionary force, to help. as a matter of fact, i already have.
In my musings about a god—the God—He would only need to approach mankind to have it fall apart and go mad—especially for the goody good two shoes who have an audacity to assume themselves familiar.

I agree, mostly, hence the reasoning for the idea itself...Here's my take on such a world, if it will make it easier. It seems the question itself is too imaginative for anyone to really respond to it properly.

I The Ethereal Paradigm would immediately ask,

"Really, you've been here the whole time, watching us, and you couldn't help those in need when they needed it?! You waited around?! You gave me this brain partial to QUESTIONING my entire existence, you give me no such reason to believe in you, and just show up at my front door? Why have you been holding out?"

Others may say, "Praise be to the Lord, salvation is here! Salvation is here!" Gitty, running around like children on Christmas morning. Packing their bags to go to heaven, asking when they can see their mother again, or their son lost in war.

Others may sit utter disbelief, perhaps becoming fully non-verbal, unable to speak, with nothing to say. Scared of judgment, of punishment. They've spent their whole lives disbelieving and the whole damned thing got turned inside out...what a waste...

These are the types of responses I'm looking's difficult for many, I know, like I said, it takes a deep sense of "self" a true sense of self...not the one projected into one's mind that seems to hide in the face of adversity. Maybe it's a "private" thing that no one wants to share, but surely it couldn't be too difficult to think about. I am sure we've all wondered, what WOULD it be like...
Imagine what would you do? What would it be like?

In a world...where God has proved his own existence...
It's hard to answer without knowing
1) what more did God say after revealing Godself?
2) Did God seem like an angry OT kind of deity? A more Jesuslike figure? like Kali? Like Odin?
is it imperative that it didn't happen the way it was supposed to in the bible? and how is it supposed to happen in the bible? revelations prophecy is prophecy. it's interpretive until it actually happens. but it says that in the last days 144,000 will be sealed, lose their lives, and be resurrected first into the kingdom. how do you think that will happen? without a show of power and truth? think again. no one will be beheaded for a nice idea. the lie of the false prophet will be a nice idea. i would indeed join a missionary force, to help. as a matter of fact, i already have.

No it's not imperative, but if He shows up with a ball of light in the middle of the night, and says "Hello Everyone." Rather than the falling of two cities, the appearance of the Anti-Christ, the second coming of Jesus, I think many would grab their bibles and leaf through it quickly to figure out just what exactly is happening, don't you?
I wouldn't expect MUCH of a a difference in those things particularly, no. Most would sit back, relieved, comfortable.

But when God is placed into the mix, there is a different situation. That's the point. You're in a new world, hitherto unknown. God is readily accessible, you're not "asking and waiting" it's a direct line. You say "God, can I get a bologna sandwhich" and God sets it in your hand from a ball of light. There's nothing more to it than that. Imagine yourself in such a world, and respond accordingly. And assume that things would have been evened out for most, meaning, if you lived in poor conditions you won't anymore, and if you lived lavishly the superfluous things would be gone, things that you think God would say "you don't need that".
I'm just pointing out the problems how having an entity that is obedient to the desires of humanity is not god.
Ordinarily a person feels lack due to material shortcomings. Its the nature of fulfilling those shortcomings that further shortcomings arise.

Hence there are tons of scriptural references about overcoming the dualities of existence (richness/poorness, happiness/distress) and playing up god as some sort of cosmic vending machine.

IOW what you are totally not addressing in your scenario is the nature of desire of the conditioned entity. Simply having "god" come along and fulfill the desire of one and all doesn't solve the inevitable conflict that would arise from such fulfillment.

IOW for as long as one's desires are lodged within the medium of conditioned existence, its not really in god's interests to fulfill them (which brings us back to what we are actually calling upon as a characteristic that designates god)
It's hard to answer without knowing
1) what more did God say after revealing Godself?
2) Did God seem like an angry OT kind of deity? A more Jesuslike figure? like Kali? Like Odin?

Ok Doreen.

God appeared unto the earth and said unto its people mouth-gaped and still...

"It is I, your Lord-God. I have revealed myself for all to see, my children. Listen close, for there is much work to be done." And everyone sat still and attentive, able to speak when ready, able to hear all replies. Able to walk around if they felt necessary. Able to ignore it as if it wasn't happening. Able to pinch themselves to wake up from this strange to shriek in terror. Able to give praises. Able to ask for forgiveness.

He would not be "angry" per se...that is a very human emotion, and surely being an omniscient all powerful being would not present himself for the first time in (by those alive at the time) human history as a parent scolding his child who walked in at 2am when they were supposed to be home at 10pm.
If God showed up irrefutably as God, we couldn't take it as a hoax.

You COULD it wouldn't be logical to do so, but does humanity always act logically? I am sure many many many people would be skeptical.

"Is this a form of Mind control developed by the government, surely one that would NEVER be released to the public until it was being put into use?

Is it a hallucination? A dream. A really good magic trick?"

I say irrefutably in the sense that you can't say "well that's not God that's a weather balloon with the light reflecting off of it weird."

Surely, there exist few things if anything at all that is truly "irrefutable" in totality...that would say that all human understanding is guided by deductive and not inductive reasoning, which is surely incorrect.
I'd just like to be around when all the fundies start "explaining" to him exactly what he meant when he said X, Y or Z in the bible and they keep insisting "No. No, no, no God, you're not reading it the right way. It clearly means...".
And his response?
"OMM!!!* I gave you f*cking brains to work shit out for yourselves and you've spent the last 2,000 years arguing over what you thought I wanted you to do? Have you lost your minds?"

* OMM = Oh My Me, of course.