Imagine God

MarcAC said:
But according to your position you can't be sure that I do or do not know that an objective truth exists if you say we determine everything subjectively. I know I know. Why then argue that I can't know?

I'm not arguing that you can't know the objective truth. Hell, you just might. I'm arguing that it would be by pure chance if you did -- and you couldn't be sure of it anyway. It would be a good guess, not a provable hypothesis. And, until you ascend into some higher life form/spiritual body that is completely, 100% free of error, bias, and self-delusion, you could never know you'd stumbled upon the real deal.

The Bible was written by men who had faith in God. You can apply that to your 'if'.

Again, so was the Koran. Why don't you believe it?

How do these societies pursue their mode of self preservation? You see you have to be careful about morality. Moral rules have context and I notice many people have a problem with context. Sometimes it is o.k. to take a life, other times it isn't. I know many church leaders who do not denounce abortion in certain situations. The point is love. Apply those rules and you will see if they don't tend towards a universal moral standard.

That's a pretty vague answer there, Marc. What are you, Deepak Chopra all the sudden?

Your own argument undermines itself. If this "love" guide is leading to a universal moral standard, then why do some church leaders disagree about abortion? If you look around, the reality is many major issues are coming to a head -- and populations are growing more polarized, not unified.

Sure, subjectively you believe you are.

Ahh, I see. I'll take that as a "no."

From where I stand I don't know but from what I observe I can form an opinion and this is where I put forward your short-comings as I see them. Only God (as source) can lead you to truth.

Let me tell you something, Marc. I can tell by the vigor with which you debate that you are not some lazy Christian, blindly holding to your beliefs and not thinking, questioning, doubting, etc. After all, you came here to sciforums and now you're debating an avowed agnostic. Obviously, you're interested in the truth, and you are pursuing it. From what I've seen, I consider you a truth seeker, even if I disagree with you.

But from your quote, I see you don't regard me quite as highly. All you will admit is that I <i>think</i> I am a truth seeker. Gee, thanks. Not only will you not concede that I <i>could</i> be right about anything (usually a given in religious debates), but you will not even consider that I might <i>truly</i> -- and not just in my own delusional mind -- be honestly seeking the truth.

And therein lies the rub, eh?

Point is yah can't. How convenient huh?


Oooh so that's what Heart was so broken about. Well I don't see where it says God sent the bears (am I mistaken?). Remember Jesus' quote; "Faith can move mountains"? Maybe it can 'move' bears too.;) Otherwise read it in context. Sure, I find a lot of what the Romans did shocking - but hey, that was their culture.

Oh read the damn thing, for Pete's sake. It's obviously implying that Elisha's prayer somehow affected revenge on those children. Otherwise, why even mention it anyway? This is exactly the kind of obfuscation that pisses me off the most. Why, if not to reiterate the "my god has a bigger dick than your god" argument, would that story be included?

Let's say faith moves bears. Well, who is the faith in? The bear? No. It's in God -- an almighty high school sophomore with a penchant for bloody pranks apparently. Tell me. If this passage about bears attacking kids was in some other religious book, how would you feel about it? Would you ridicule it as being obviously wrong? Just curious.

I read it in context -- which, btw, it has very little of -- and it's still just a barbaric afterthought tagged onto the end of a story that has little to do with it. "Oh yeah, by the way, Elisha got made fun of, so he prayed to God and some bears came and ripped up 42 kids. The end." The only context that could make that story anything but a barbaric curiosity would be if it were preceeded by, "You'd have to be an idiot to believe..."

So you got the point.

Yeah. Did you?

Exactly. God desires a relationship with humans. Accepting Jesus as Son of God is a personal decision - it's not forced. But you can't (based on your position) really say there's no subjective way of knowing it now can you?

I didn't say there is no subjective way of knowing it. I simply said a lot of people "know" a lot of things subjectively (everything, in fact). And a lot of people are full of shit. This does not bode well for "subjectivity" as a barometer of truth.

You're doing a marvelous job of muddling the agnostic position, btw, but allow me to clarify one more time. The fact that I cannot say you don't "know" the truth does not mean you are <i>ipso facto</i> correct in your assumptions. "Well, since you can't say I'm wrong, I must be right!" Nope, sorry. Not that simple.

Heh, not to me. If you hold the belief and it doesn't mean crap to you then I really can't see why you'd keep believing it. Now what parallel does this have with God (gives meaing and purpose to everything)?

Plenty. By the way, my hypothetical was not meant to suggest that -- if I believed in Goatism -- it wouldn't mean "crap" to me. I just meant that, as far as ultimate, objective truth is concerned, it wouldn't mean a damn thing.

My analogy was clear. Belief in an invisible, odorless, tasteless, noiseless entity who, at one time, made water part and created men whose strength was determined by the length of their hair seems crazy to those who do not believe it. So, Goatism is probably crazy to you, for obvious reasons. But if I sincerely believe it (subjectively, as we like to say), then my opinion has just as much validity as yours, whether you like it or not.

Also, here's a fun little proof, just for shits and giggles:

1. The proposition "Everything is a Goat" is either true or not true.

2. If it is false, then it's opposite must be true.

3. The opposite of "everything" is "nothing", which gives us the proposition "Nothing is a Goat".*

4. Now, this statement is clearly false, for goats certainly exist - we have all seen them. This means that it's opposite must be true.

5. Therefore, "Everything is a Goat" must be a true statement.

<i>From</i> (don't worry, it's a joke site)​

The fun part is you can do it with anything. I myself am a Orgasmist. :cool:

If I know I'm right why should I then say to you I might be wrong?

Because that's what reasonable people -- who realize their limitations -- do. It is only hubris that leads people to the point of believing in their own infallibility (which, by the way, is what you just admitted). I can believe I no longer have to take a shit, but that won't stop the shit from coming. Denying your intellectual or spiritual fallibility is no different. And that goes for the Pope too.

So, All Hail Marc! He <i>cannot</i> be wrong!

Well actually you don't know where the starting line is so you can't tell if I'm at the finish or not. You're not in a race. You're nowhere. Agnostic?

Perhaps if I were a lazy agnostic. Remember the term "agnostic" is not a substitute for a religious label. If there is an afterlife, I do not intend to remain permanently agnostic, demanding to never "know" anything. I merely seek the truth -- and I'm afraid latching onto one 2000-year-old book (among the many) and convincing myself of its inerrancy does not satisfy my truth lust, as it were. That would be taking the easy way out: No more wondering. No more thinking. No more questions. Just sweet Christian bliss. No thanks. I'm waiting until I get a real answer. And hey, if the Bible turns out to be 100% true, so be it, but I'm afraid while I'm here on Earth in this fallible skin, a book and some people who say it makes them happy doesn't satisfy me.

Not to say? I guess you'll be discovering this 'ultimate truth' by some yet to be discovered method? Throough human evolution perhaps? We'll evolve into some "truth knowing" creatures right... (?) and agnosticism shall be no more...(?)

I couldn't have put it better myself. Ironically, you -- who believe in angels and demons and invisible battles of mythic proportions between the spiritual forces of Good and Evil -- cannot conceive of something beyond what you've figured out. You like to paint me as the one who has "limited" himself, locked myself in a cage of doubt, but the reality is I am only allowing for a vast number of possibilities, far beyond earthly, man-made religion or science. And I am holding out -- not shooting my wad before I even have half a clue what's going on -- because I am prepared to accept whatever the truth turns out to be. You, it seems, are not.

I'm confident in my creator.

Well, confident in your belief in a creator.

Anyone can claim they know how to search for truth too. The prob is that if you can't know what truth is, how the hell will you know when you find it bro? That's the implication of your position so unless something changes in your position you'll never find truth.

If I knew what I was looking for, then I wouldn't really be open to all possibilities. I'd be looking for a <i>preconceived idea</i> of the truth.

As the joke goes, if a person believes that elves cause the rain, then every time it rains, that person will see "proof" of elves. Scientists early in the last century set about proving that black people had smaller brains than white people. And you know what? They proved it. At least to themselves and like-minded scientists. Lesson: in this life, you get the truth you look for... not necessarily <i>the</i> truth.

Fine. So is that or isn't that the "ultimate truth"? If not, again; How the hell do you know when you get there?

That's a good question. I don't know. Then again, I don't what will happen when I die either. We'll just see, won't we?

You're worrying yourself far too much with this obsession over knowing everything before it happens. Chill, bro. Niether of us knows what's going to happen tomorrow. And you know what, I wouldn't want to either. That's what makes life fucking interesting.

Lovely, but not that simple. You are then claiming you know what is not truth. Now what do you compare that conlusion to bro? The fact that when you multiply two numbers of said magnitude the product can't be less than the numbers? Is that truth? But you don't know that now do you. Then how do you know my answer (7) is incorrect. See why I don't rely totally on logic? It's such crap at times (and damned funny too).

Actually, the lesson was this: No, I cannot know for sure that the answer you gave is wrong, but I can bet on it's probablity (as our system dictates, anyway). And that's all any of us are doing. Right now you are betting that your beliefs will get you to Heaven. You can say you "know" the ultimate truth for sure, but honestly, that's a lot like saying you know for sure what will happen tomorrow.

That's actually a good comparison. Let me ask. Do you know for certain what will happen tomorrow? If so, then I would say you are responsible for allowing September 11th to occur. If not, then what the hell makes you think you know exactly what happens when you die? Or what the Master Creator of Everything is like? Bit of a leap there.

The point of my number analogy was not that I could be absolutely, 200%, cut-my-balls-off-with-a-hacksaw-if-I'm-wrong certain of the untruth of your answer -- it was merely that I could use good ol' man-made logic and make a good educated guess. And that's all everything is. An educated guess.

Did you watch that movie "Dumb & Dumber" or "Dum & Dummer)"? When the red-head tells Jim Carey that his chances with her are like one in a million his response is; "So you're telling me there's a chance!" (with all happiness hope and conviction). My faith gives me hope.

Yes, I've seen "Dumb and Dumber" - t'was indeed a stunning film.

As far as hope goes, I'm all for it. Believe what you must to get through the day, by all means. Just don't pretend that your feel-good medicine is everybody's panacea.

Versatile is a baaaad word I think. More ambiguous - leading to very imprecise communication. That's what I have against it. It can express joy, amazement, disgust, sex

Umm, dude. That's the definition of "versatile."

- of course you've had first hand experience. Can get you in trouble too. Then you have the 's' word which can have the same meanings. But then you can't use them interchangeably all the time. Oh crap. Language.

Oh, I'm shocked! You think I engage in disgusting sex? You know, not everyone who doesn't believe in God is an evil atheist beastman bent on carnal pleasure.

Some of us prefer <i>masochistic</i> carnal pleasure. :D

But seriously, I can say I've had first hand experience when it comes to joy and amazement. And, truth be told, the word "fuck" is no more offensive to me than than the word "copulate" -- after all, they can both mean the same thing and their sequence of letters was arbitarily chosen. Society determines how "dirty" a word is -- and frankly, society is full of overly-sensitive idiots.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Anyone who cannot handle reading or hearing a word -- just a WORD, mind you -- should not be able to vote, drive, or have children.

So I see we agree on the Sun analogy. So until the String Theorist's theory of everything arrives with no space for God in it (including explaining that there is no underlying purpose to anything) I'll continue on my "above the earth" path, as I suspect you will do bro. But how would you know you were 'above' the earth in your position anyway to get back down to earth? Hmm, no biggie. Nothing against you bro, just saying it like I see it.

How do you know you're not inside a big computer simulation? Could you ever be <i>absolutely</i> sure you weren't? And if so, how?

Sorry. Had another Matrix moment.

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§outh§tar said:
Again with the masochistic carnal pleasure Josh?

Is it any wonder our evil, black, secular, God-denying minds are one track?

Besides, I wouldn't be too quick to throw stones... Some might consider any Christian who continues to post at sciforums a masochist. :D

JustARide said:
Is it any wonder our evil, black, secular, God-denying minds are one track?

Besides, I wouldn't be too quick to throw stones... Some might consider any Christian who continues to post at sciforums a masochist. :D


Christians live to die and die to live. :p

I'll see you on the other side of the other side. ;)
>>>>I'll see you on the other side of the other side. <<<<

Southstar you might not realise but your brain holds all your thoughts, once you die and the brain rots or watever you are gone, so why hold onto some thing that makes you think you will go to heaven?
So what happens after you die you will never know, Because you will be brain dead.

Go on tell me I am wrong lemme hear it. ;)
JustARide said:
I'm arguing that it would be by pure chance if you did -- and you couldn't be sure of it anyway. It would be a good guess, not a provable hypothesis. And, until you ascend into some higher life form/spiritual body that is completely, 100% free of error, bias, and self-delusion, you could never know you'd stumbled upon the real deal.
I get you but you fail to see my point. Looking at things subjectively from your view you can't say anything[/b] about what I do or do not know. Once I am sure and I know (by some internal undetectable (by you) process) that I have knowledge of the truth you cannot tell me that I don't/can't/guessed/am fallible/am deluded or whatever in any objectively justifiable sense. The fact is I could've evolved into that higher life form that is completely 100% error free and you would not know. I'm not saying I believe any of this, of course, but the fact is if perceptions remain purely subjective then nothing is objectively justifiable.
Again, so was the Koran. Why don't you believe it?
Because I know it's wrong.;)
Your own argument undermines itself. If this "love" guide is leading to a universal moral standard, then why do some church leaders disagree about abortion? If you look around, the reality is many major issues are coming to a head -- and populations are growing more polarized, not unified.
You have to be careful about what you refer to as a moral value. Is abortion a moral value??? I don't think so. The question is whether abortion is morally justifiable. Does it show love? Does it save lives (one gone 100 saved)? What if coming to term may result in the mother's death? Moral values are inherrent in such debates. That's why I propose that there are objective moral values. Love is primary, it's simple, not vague. Your conjecture about societies becoming more polarised is arguable. There are insitutions such as the International Criminal Court, treaties such as the Geneva Convention. Of course you can believe what you want as you see evidence for what you say.
Ahh, I see. I'll take that as a "no."
Actually, I prefer not to formulate such judgements. That's left up to God to decide. I don't know if any Christian, Jew, Muslim, Hindu, Agnostic, Atheist, are true truth seekers. I can say that I do my best to seek truth at all times. I can't/don't speak for anyone - they speak to God for themselves. That's just me.
It's obviously implying that Elisha's prayer somehow affected revenge on those children. Otherwise, why even mention it anyway?
Maybe to encourage power-hungry (be it X-Men like or whatever) people that "my God is a Super God and when you put your faith in Him you get all kinds of perks". Shocking and indeed questionable but it doesn't shake my faith much. The fact that there is a six day account of creation in the Bible and I tend more to the scientific mainstream doesn't really challenge my faith either. Go figure.
Yeah. Did you?
I think I got your attempted point. Are you hinting that some writings may obsolutely contradict others? If so, examples?
The fact that I cannot say you don't "know" the truth does not mean you are <i>ipso facto</i> correct in your assumptions. "Well, since you can't say I'm wrong, I must be right!" Nope, sorry. Not that simple.
Of course not. Heh. The fact is if I know (by some means - like above) I know the truth, then I know the truth. What you have to say is irrelevant (no offence). That's putting it simply - based on your position. Not that I believe any of this, but again, can you deny it?
I just meant that, as far as ultimate, objective truth is concerned, it wouldn't mean a damn thing.
Well if you didn't know you knew that Goatism was indeed objective truth, sure.
But if I sincerely believe it (subjectively, as we like to say), then my opinion has just as much validity as yours, whether you like it or not.
Sure it does, according to you, because you don't know if I or you know truth.
So, All Hail Marc! He <i>cannot</i> be wrong!
Yeah! You betta recognise!
Ironically, you -- who believe in angels and demons and invisible battles of mythic proportions between the spiritual forces of Good and Evil -- cannot conceive of something beyond what you've figured out.
But that's what God is - "something beyond what 've figured out". Lemme try to make it clear. Saying I figured out God exists is tantamount to me sitting and pondering for a moment and then concluding; "YYYYYYess! I've got it!! I exist!!!". If the world is a matrix I'd still exist. If I really don't exist then hell, whatever, it's "Just a Ride".
Well, confident in your belief in a creator.
Just as confident in my existence or my "belief in existence".
If I knew what I was looking for, then I wouldn't really be open to all possibilities. I'd be looking for a <i>preconceived idea</i> of the truth.
In other words you could intrinsically be disposed (by some divine means?) to what truth is. You just have to follow that inner direction to get you to it. Otherwise you'll never find it because everything could be truth and if there is no means by which you can find it then its pointless to search. To me the existence of truth (objective) and us being ever able to know it points to the existence of purpose (objective) and God.
You're worrying yourself far too much with this obsession over knowing everything before it happens. Chill, bro. Niether of us knows what's going to happen tomorrow. And you know what, I wouldn't want to either. That's what makes life fucking interesting.
I don't (want to) know everything before it happens. I just know what I know now (what I'm supposed to know now). Saying God exists isn't declaring; :"O.k. I know everything and now I shall sit and be bored." You still enjoy life, study science, listen to music, and share your views with foul mouthed masochistic agnostics and strange feminist atheists who think they'll physically live forever. Otherwise I agree fully with your conjecture.
You can say you "know" the ultimate truth for sure, but honestly, that's a lot like saying you know for sure what will happen tomorrow.
Only God knows the ultimate truth. I know what God wants me to know. Sure the Bible states that one day everything will start again (New Beginning) and those who choose to be with God will be with God: but how detailed and specific with no uncertainty is that?

With regards to this;

No, I cannot know for sure that the answer you gave is wrong, but I can bet on it's probablity (as our system dictates, anyway). And that's all any of us are doing. Right now you are betting that your beliefs will get you to Heaven.

It all then becomes pointless as far as searching for the ultimate truth is concerned. We are using a system we (the fallible errant beings) created via our untrustworthy(?) perceptions to dictate what truth is. Unless we can somehow know when we know truth for sure (by some form of guidance outside ourselves) we will never find an ultimate truth. Otherwise an ultimate truth is whatever our system dictates. There are no ultimate truths then, and I'll convert to Goatism.;)

I really think I've had enough here for now - I'm no masochist so I can't bear the pain of watching my fellow humans dig their own graves and commit suicide. It was good. Learned a lot from you Josh't a Ride'. You too Katwoman. Lata.
Dug-T said:
>>>>I'll see you on the other side of the other side. <<<<

Southstar you might not realise but your brain holds all your thoughts, once you die and the brain rots or watever you are gone, so why hold onto some thing that makes you think you will go to heaven?
So what happens after you die you will never know, Because you will be brain dead.

Go on tell me I am wrong lemme hear it. ;)

Well you're claiming that "it's" all in my head... if it was, then I would be born with "it" ;)