Imagine God


~^~You First~^~
Registered Senior Member
I consider myself to be a deep thinker.
When neccessary.
Sometimes my job allows me alot of time to think.
This evening, I began to consider the possibility of an existence of a god.
For many of you, reading this, this will seem to be just another shallow thread. More talk about God blah blah.
But in this case I challenge you to consider the possibility very intensely.
My intent in this thread is not a debate as to whether or not there is or is not a god, but a question of what if...........
Does it creep you out?
Make you scared.
Or what?

My first reaction upon this creative indeavor was...WOW.
A FUCKING GAWD!!!!!!!!!!
How fucking cool that would be.
If there was a GOD!!!!!!
To bad there is so many preconceived ideas of "GOD" for this to be as fun as it could be.
I don't think I can quite find the words of awe that this idea creates for me.
Since I will not take anything on faith, I will have to settle with my imagination of a god. Still pretty cool though.
Blah blah.
Fuck I'm awesome!
*Imagining there is a god*

What is he? Did he really create everything? Whew, fucking awesome, must´ve been a lot of work.
But why did he create?
His reasons?
my place in it?

A lot of questions, but no fear inside of me,
I am long past the point where you feel fear.

It would be interesting to meet God, I think.
To see if anyone on earth came near to the real thing
with his imagination.

Well, perhaps I will meet him when I die, IF I can find him then.
(IF=if he exists, cares about me, if I am able to do something like that when I am dead)


If there is a God, so what?
Does he do anything?
Dunno, but I will live my life as I see fit,
lets see what comes of it.
I´ll be waiting for ya , do you hear me GOD?
Ask God to give you a home, money or take care of a medical problem and see how far God gets you. If there were a God how is this God going to help you in the present day? Ask also who or what made God to begin with.
ask "if there is a god, what purpose would he have for allowing suffering?" If it is truely a test to find those worthy of him, as many religions claim, then ask why the test would need to be done at all - he would be your creator, and so he would know before the test even began if you would fail or not. Our failures would only be a reflection of his own.

Ask why, according to the church, if a person fails his tests, if they fail due to a weakness of his creation, they are unceremoniously sent to hell.

Ask why his religion(s), and his representatives can never agree. Why the religion and the church are so vastly different.

I say F God, and help those around you who are suffering. If helping people is enough to get into heaven, then good. if it isn't, then I don't personally care to spend time with heaven's bouncer.

My one constant quesiton is this: we have a good amount of info that there was a time when people didn't worship *a* god. there were religions, but they worshiped the earth, the sun, the trees and animals...If God created everything, where was he then? If the acceptance of God is needed to get to heaven, and he created everything, what about those people who live on a polonesian island, and have never heard about this God fellow? Are then doomed to hell by no fault of their own, simply by where they were born?

Now, let me just assume that there is a God, and all of this world makes sense once you get to talk to him. It's all needed for some grand plan. It would be impressive, yes, this creation. Vastly beautiful and horrifying, complex, and infinatly simple.
But there are people in this world who do things that I can't; people who impress me with their abilities, but I'm not going to start worshipping them because of what they can do.
I honestly doubt that, if I were to die right now and found myself in front of God, that I would begin worshipping him. I would have alot of questions, and possibly an acceptance, if the answers were valid, but I don't see worship in there.
What annoys me is that people believe in God, believe in free will... and then prey their heads off, expecting God to intervene. If there is a God and you believe in him, then be than thankful he gave you life and decent living conditions and cash and whatnot.

Humans are so demanding.
jadedflower said:
What annoys me is that people believe in God, believe in free will... and then prey their heads off, expecting God to intervene. If there is a God and you believe in him, then be than thankful he gave you life and decent living conditions and cash and whatnot.

What bothers me is that people believe in free will and that God is all knowing. That makes no sense.

Humans are so demanding.

We require some things and developed other needs from wants in order to survive or live a meaningful life in our own small worlds which we call a brain.
To bad there is so many preconceived ideas of "GOD" for this to be as fun as it could be.
I don't think I can quite find the words of awe that this idea creates for me.
Since I will not take anything on faith, I will have to settle with my imagination of a god. Still pretty cool though.

Right on. :)

Actually, it would be preposterous from a person who thinks logically to think that there is no god. Logics helps you see that your experience and your perception is limited and changeable, and it is already for this reason that one has to accept that there can be a god. It cannot be proven that he is not, so we have to accept that he can be. What characteristics he may have is completely another thing.

My God doesn't have a name, it doesn't have any characteristics I could put into words, so many believeres think me a dilettant and a hypocrite. But I'm just so happy with my God!
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if there is a god, then awsome, but if there isnt, then who cares. the only problem is is that we will never know.
why do Christians picture God as an old man?....

Revelations 1,13 1,14

And in the midst of the seven lampstands One like the Son of Man, clothed with a garment down to the feet and girded about the chest with a golden band.
His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow, and His eyes like a flame of fire.


Isn't this describing the Son of Man... ie Jesus, not god itself?

The Bible is necessary for many people, as many need someone to tell them what is right and what is wrong. They need hope and the need to feel they will be rewarded for doing the right thing.

As the Dalai Lama put it "Jesus lied, but he lied for the good of man, so it is not truely a lie".

Am I going to hell?
already been there,
not allowed back, got too drunk and picked a fight...

Hi moment...:
You, as you said consider yourself a deep thinker. That is very nice. I am not a deep thinker. But I think.
For the person who belives in God and 100% sure believes that God exists, your possiblity seems as shallow as if someone asks : Does the sun exist?
As a child, we were asked very simply: who made that house? We said: the architect or the bricklayer. Then we were asked: who planted that tree? We said: the gardner. Then we were put the question: who made this world?
We thought of God. But I read religious texts and about the creation of the univeres in six days and... the evolution.
Though they were contradictory, I always thought that house could not have been built by accident. That tree must have been planted by someone even if the seed of that tree was brought by the wind.
"God is dead", according to the 19th century philosopher. But don`t you think if there exists a God, he is not going to reveal "Its" plans to whoever comes by?
I do not want to prove you whether that He exists or not. I have never tried it. You know all over the history His name has been abused. One reason for some people not wanting to believe in Him.
Have you read the Bible? Whenever I read different parts of the Bible or The Quran, I think is it possible that these people, who are talking in These holly books, are talking of something that does not exist?
With a dead or abused God everything is possible, but with the one who is everywhere I feel very frightened?
Not because I think him to be horrible, no just because we might lose his friendship. He is a very cruel almighty friend!
If I sound illogical, it is because I do not know how to write logically. Whatever I have written on this thread is what I feel and think.
cheers, :)
jadedflower said:
What annoys me is that people believe in God, believe in free will... and then prey their heads off, expecting God to intervene. If there is a God and you believe in him, then be than thankful he gave you life and decent living conditions and cash and whatnot.

Humans are so demanding.

If your Christian, it is your responsibility to pray. Jesus says so himself to pray and to pray with faith. He also states that if one prays with strong faith, they can move mountains, which I choose to translate as he can change things in our lives that seem unchangable.

I obviously believe in God but obviously lack the comprehension to understand how he works, which is where intellectual atheists go wrong, in my opinion. They're attempting to understand and explain something that they lack 1/1000000 of the brainpower to even begin to comprehend.

Education without values, as useful as it is, seems rather to make man a more clever devil.
- C. S. Lewis
Religion without education, as useful as it is, seems rather to make man a more unwitting devil.
I've read maybe one or two replies to the question and I was unable to read anymore.. you people make me sick.

I'm not a conservative christian fundamentalist zealot or even jointed with organized religion at all, I consider my self agnostic but..

Are the majority of you that shallow? That you deny the entire existance of god if he doesen't smack you right in the fucking face? Suppose we are here for a reason, and not to live for 90 years, die, be mounted in the dirt,and rot forever,.

Do you think that god would introduce himself to you? Suppose we saw and acknowledged god everywhere, theoretically consious would be replaced with unadulterated good nature. Than what, were zealots that contradict the purpose of why we may be here for?

Than what?

Oh.. If He is good like everybody says than he would awnser my prayers, and if he doesent than, he is not all good and does not exist.

God didn't talk to us. All attributes we believe we know about him were derived from a human source. Would you deny the existance of god because humans created a belief system concerning the stipulation of his existance?

Ask God to give you a home, money or take care of a medical problem and see how far God gets you. If there were a God how is this God going to help you in the present day? Ask also who or what made God to begin with.

I think the conception of god you trust, is emended by you being a twit. You probably see organized religion as a contradiction, and feel that if organized religion is not true, than god does not and can't exist.
If "God" stopped a bad thing from happening would u even know it? There would be no such thing as a miracle if "God" stopped all evil. We would have no concept of evil and good.
If "God" stopped a bad thing from happening would u even know it? There would be no such thing as a miracle if "God" stopped all evil. We would have no concept of evil and good.

God doesn't stop bad things from happening. It's the good and evil that balanced out one another in this world. Bad things happen and good things happen. Bad extremes happen and good extremes happen. So when you breathe that sign of relief of a bad act being stopped because good overcame it, just remember that last act where bad triumped to balance it out.

There is an Almighty, but as far as him/her/it ever showing his/her/its face, we're all left alone to play and learn. God can't hold our hand. If we're to advance to the next plane of existance, the spiritual, we need to do it on our own. So here we live our lives, die, get reincarnated and sent back to this physical plane of Hell over and over until we're finally ready for the higher planes to get closer with the Almighty.

Yep, Hell is an eternity because of the reincarnation loop. It's until our selfish, sheep-like selves finally figure everything out from our many lives that we get to be released. And when some of us finally make it through the many planes of existance and get to be next to the Almighty.. what will he/she/it look like? Heck, I have no idea. But I do have an idea I have brewing in my mind on that we're already a part of him/her/it in regards to the spherical nature of everything which I made a post here:

- N
Simplicity is the key.
You are god.
If you were to create the world, you would do it exactly as it is now.
The good needs to be balanced with bad.

You are god.
You exist in nothing, but you have the power to do anything.
You are on your own.
What do you want?

You want to feel something.
A perfect being cannot love.
In perfection there is nothing.

For the love of love
For the love of people
For the love of family
For the love of music
For the love of food
For the love of laughter
All for the love of yourself.
Thanks for everybodies input.
However, this was not a thread started on any claims one way or the other.

This was to be in a context by itself, whether you beleive in god or not.

This was mainly for people undecided or of non-beleif.
Just to imagine God or Gods.
And to share their experience.
Not whether there IS or IS NOT a God.
Just a "WHAT IF" question.
Not that I am saying there isn't a God.
It does not make a difefference in my life one way or the other.
I'm still me one way or the other......Awesome :D

If you want to debate the fact of IS or ISN'T, there is plenty of that in the religious section......beleive ;) me.
When I imagine God...

I see a dark green field of tall smooth grass swaying in the wind. It's night time and the sky is filled with stars and wisps of cloud. A cool breeze sweeps long waves up the hill. There is no sound but the wind. Suddenly, I am the wind, I am the grass, I am the air, I am the stars, I am everything. It is a moment of pure perception. There is no consciousness, there is no thought. There is only me-everything. There are no words....

And then it ends and I am thinking about my next meal, buying gas for the car, and going to work tomorrow.

If you take away everything that is physically me, including thought, mind, body, everything. What's left is God, the real I.

Perenial(sp?) Philosophers sometimes call this experience "One Taste". I don't know... you call it what you like, if you ever experience it.
moementum7 said:
This evening, I began to consider the possibility of an existence of a god.
But in this case I challenge you to consider the possibility very intensely.
ok I tried,and I came to conclusion there is no God :p
gods definition is contradictory!
now what?
My intent in this thread is not a debate as to whether or not there is or is not a god, but a question of what if...........
Does it creep you out?
Make you scared.
Or what?
god is irrelevant.
My first reaction upon this creative indeavor was...WOW.
A FUCKING GAWD!!!!!!!!!!
so,who is he fucking? :D
How fucking cool that would be.
If there was a GOD!!!!!!