I'm your God

i knew it would not be easy, my loved brothers and sisters to win your trust, especially in todays hoaxed society, when everybody is loosing their believes and senses..

but I'm here, ask me anything, i will give you the real Fathers answer, my dear loved brothers and sisters
Hi, okay, i think it's the time to disclose my self - i am Jesus, i just came back recently, tried to hide my presence for a while, but people start recognising me

so now i decided to disclose my self publicity!


Hey , I know.

I have a question:

What do you smell like?

thanks my brother for your question

i just smelled my self- i smell sweet and soft- like baby smell, thought my different parts of the body can produce stronger or lower levels of smells- i am all smelly- i must say..but all- sweet
i knew it would not be easy, my loved brothers and sisters to win your trust, especially in todays hoaxed society, when everybody is loosing their believes and senses..

but I'm here, ask me anything, i will give you the real Fathers answer, my dear loved brothers and sisters
This is my favorite part
when everybody is loosing their believes and senses..
kind of like ee. cummings. 'loosing' - some process similar to loosening I suppose - their believes - the verb form used as a plural noun. Classic.
you are upsetting me people, you know our original language wasn't English, i was trying hard to learn it for this mission.., i did it in 77 hours..

at least this time my mission is so much easier- i can just communicate with all online, it is very dangerous yet for me to show-up in the media, so many disbelievers..
This is my favorite part

kind of like ee. cummings. 'loosing' - some process similar to loosening I suppose - their believes - the verb form used as a plural noun. Classic.

Surely my son, this has been seen before....

Sadly, this is an obvious misinterpretation of Hebrew, Arabic and other middle eastern tongues. Surely you know that words similar to this are occasionally mistranslated. It has been a constant labor of love for linguists and Biblical scholars to make sure the Bible, and now Jesus in this instance, is not misunderstood by the mere typing or verbalizing of the word. Your infantile attempt at ridiculing Jesus will not hold you in good stead. I have instructed the bookkeepers to etch a red mark in your book of life, sorry...no I'm not!...God
Surely my son, this has been seen before....

Sadly, this is an obvious misinterpretation of Hebrew, Arabic and other middle eastern tongues. Surely you know that words similar to this are occasionally mistranslated. It has been a constant labor of love for linguists and Biblical scholars to make sure the Bible, and now Jesus in this instance, is not misunderstood by the mere typing or verbalizing of the word. Your infantile attempt at ridiculing Jesus will not hold you in good stead. I have instructed the bookkeepers to etch a red mark in your book of life, sorry...no I'm not!...God

Thank you, my Father, I'm glad you came here to speak trough PsychoticEpisode's skin, i though you did not wanted them to see that you are watching??

My bad, i must admit, this is a very unusual circumstances for me to start my mission in todays technological world but I'm trying to learn and adapt as quickest, as i can..

If you are Jesus, who was that dude I was talking to yesterday?

my Brother Vkothii, have you spoke to someone , called Jesus last night ?

I'm only real Jesus- no one else, what was your name/date of birth and concern? i will check it in my books, i had 157 requests last night :mad:

i wouldn't mind if my Father would decide to extend our family, so i could have a little administration help this time, Father ???

Get this pop out of pope-mobile, we will be cleaning off all unholy priests in this mission too

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so i could have a little administration help this time, Father ???


From Father to Son: Remember what I had to do last time? Well something's come up that is very similar. I was just checking the Sin-o-meter and it has spiked. Unfortunately the bill is now due. So I'm afraid you're in for a bit of a rough time in the next little while. Don't worry though, once everything comes down you'll be back up here in 3 days. No thorns, spears or crosses this time, I promise. How much do you know about the TASER and Canadian law enforcement?
Surely my son, this has been seen before....

Sadly, this is an obvious misinterpretation of Hebrew, Arabic and other middle eastern tongues. Surely you know that words similar to this are occasionally mistranslated. It has been a constant labor of love for linguists and Biblical scholars to make sure the Bible, and now Jesus in this instance, is not misunderstood by the mere typing or verbalizing of the word. Your infantile attempt at ridiculing Jesus will not hold you in good stead. I have instructed the bookkeepers to etch a red mark in your book of life, sorry...no I'm not!...God

You seem to be a diety with limited powers. English in 77 hours. You'd think God could do it in under 50. And now defensive protestations about the problems of translating certain ideas. Still any deity worth his stuff would know that believes is a verb. I mean you had 77 hours. Let me know if you come in contact with one of the head honchos. You must be an angel or something. And speaking about red marks....

God is not going to take kindly to this charade.
You seem to be a diety with limited powers. English in 77 hours. You'd think God could do it in under 50. And now defensive protestations about the problems of translating certain ideas. Still any deity worth his stuff would know that believes is a verb. I mean you had 77 hours. Let me know if you come in contact with one of the head honchos. You must be an angel or something. And speaking about red marks....

God is not going to take kindly to this charade.

Simon Anders: you are blind- open your eyes- you can't even see who you are quoting.., the demons has invaded the bigger part of your sense - it's me-Jesus, who learned English in 77 Hours, we have decided on this number as it looks nice

Rest, my brother..

we will help you..

either way..

Jesus, I am in great need of an answer, it's been bothering me lately...

Does god look like that thing on that one South Park episode? I mean, couldn't god look like a giant mecha or something cool?

Also, has any lightning come dangerously close to hitting you lately? :D
Jesus, I am in great need of an answer, it's been bothering me lately...

Does god look like that thing on that one South Park episode? I mean, couldn't god look like a giant mecha or something cool?

God can take any appearance he likes, he does change often when comes out to the society, but normally he's just pretty busy managing all Ministry Affairs

Also, has any lightning come dangerously close to hitting you lately? :D

no, all lightings works fine in my Bungalow.., which is such a relieve, comparing to my latests missions uncomfortable circumstances

Thanks my brother for the question
