I'm your God


Registered Senior Member
Hi, okay, i think it's the time to disclose my self - i am Jesus, i just came back recently, tried to hide my presence for a while, but people start recognising me

so now i decided to disclose my self publicity!

yea, it's me - your Jesus

Please ask any questions, but don't disclose me to anybody at other forums yet as i need to build my bunker first with good customer support, as i expect many questions from my missing brothers and sisters..

I'm happy to help anyone in this forum, you are blessed people here, please post, don't pm

Should we ask con-artists if they are really who they claim they are?
Should seems that too guiding as a modal verb in this case. I think it could be interesting, depending on the abilities of the con artist. It is a bit like devising a Turing test. You are seeing it as encouraging a neo-troll. I see it as imagining how to hone in on a good litmus test.
Dragon, i was trying you, my brothers and sisters..

Should people circumcise their children?

people should let children decide for them-selfs if they want to be circumcised or not, thought i would recommend circumcision, as it looks better in the Womans eyes..!

and also every brother in Jesus should shave their balls for the same reasons

thanks my brothers and sisters for giving me your trust, so far so good..

Your Jesus
Hi, okay, i think it's the time to disclose my self - i am Jesus, i just came back recently, tried to hide my presence for a while, but people start recognising me

so now i decided to disclose my self publicity!

yea, it's me - your Jesus

Please ask any questions, but don't disclose me to anybody at other forums yet as i need to build my bunker first with good customer support, as i expect many questions from my missing brothers and sisters..

I'm happy to help anyone in this forum, you are blessed people here, please post, don't pm



I do not think so.:D
I mean with focus on the thread topic...:cool: and not trolling.
Ah. See that doesn't seem relevent. I am the only person who could possibly be conceived of as supporting the alleged con-artist - they are certainly something, but con-artist is not my guess. But I challenged the claimant and their answer was found wanting. This leaves no nagging doubts hanging in the air. Plus it was good training. Should I start a thread claiming this person is Jesus, well, that would be a horse with another name.
Hi, okay, i think it's the time to disclose my self - i am Jesus, i just came back recently, tried to hide my presence for a while, but people start recognising me

so now i decided to disclose my self publicity!

yea, it's me - your Jesus

Please ask any questions, but don't disclose me to anybody at other forums yet as i need to build my bunker first with good customer support, as i expect many questions from my missing brothers and sisters..

I'm happy to help anyone in this forum, you are blessed people here, please post, don't pm


my dear brothers and sisters, i know how long you have been waiting for me..

i'm here finally, here to help you and guide you ..

i loved and missed you all so much..

finally my father God alloved me here, but you all have to keep a secret yet and dont disclose, as i dont want the same thing to happen to me...

this time all will be much better, Father assigned me with a laptop and a better budget, and he said- he will increase the budget for this my mission in the near future - ones i'll build a strong follower base (he said 1000 people min)

as per your question "should i believe a liars?"

you know my answer : "there is no truth but perception in human world", my brothers and sisters

the only truth is i'm here, came back to save you..
the only truth is that which Bible speaks of

Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not.
For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
Behold, I have told you before.
Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not.
For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together.

Matthew 24:23-28.