I'm tired of this... all Christians please come here...


I believe someday the whole world WILL Love this way. At least when He comes back...
Originally posted by spookz
this is an unlawful gathering!

please disperse immediately!

Is this true? Do you mean to say that this is like some kind of back-behind-the-bar homosexual sex orgy or something? Because if that is what your saying then I was just back here to um ah take a pee ya annnd so I'll jest be going officer you can arrest them now.
Hey my father is a Buddhist and that’s how he seem to interpret it! Don't ask me about it I don't want to call him and hear any more!

My personal beliefs about love is that it is nothing but the appropriate firing of neurons and a lot of dopamine. I believe in the theory of the "love" Pon in the medulla that also shows that all higher mammals can experience this emotion.

And to get all humans to love would be impossible do to the fact that altruistic beings usually don’t live and reproduce as well as cruel and evil beings: as a result nature (or your god) has predisposed most people to only give a @#$% about them selves. We need a lot of genetic engineering, Direct mind control or just strong pot to get everyone to love each other!
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Originally posted by spookz
this is an unlawful gathering!

please disperse immediately!

luckily its not in north america and europe!

and athiests let us be for a while! this is SUPPOSED to be adressing CHRISTIANS! so give us a break for once!
Originally posted by Vienna
No more stupid questions please.

Hey, Vienna - ( I can't resist)
What does a dyslexic, insomniac agnostic do?

...stays up all night wondering if there is really a dog!
Originally posted by New Life

and athiests let us be for a while! this is SUPPOSED to be adressing CHRISTIANS! so give us a break for once!
I must, conditionally*, agree.

What are you trying for? The atheistic version of whatsupyall or (oh damm, what's his name who posted with the big letters and the flag and crap?)?

This is not a thread discussing whether God exists or religion is correct.
Your take, thus far, is inappropriate for the thread.

* Atheists may well have something meaningful to contribute here but it would not be in the form of an attack upon theistic beliefs. Certainly, there is something to be said for those who's POV is within the paradigm requesting that they live up to the ideals of that paradigm. And when all is said and done, regardless of how we might feel about some of those beliefs, there are certainly many other aspects that we would agree with.

I applaud TruthSeeker for taking up this issue and for my part I will try to do the same.


Nah that was Sir Loone and we haven't seen him for a long time.
Oh yeah... Sir Loone... Now I remember...:D
But it is hard to remember the difference...:rolleyes: :D
[]originally posted by Turduckin[/i]
What does a dyslexic, insomniac agnostic do? ...stays up all night wondering if there is really a dog!

What does his dyslexic satanist friend say?

There is no dog! I love santa!
Originally posted by Raithere
Certainly, there is something to be said for those who's POV is within the paradigm requesting that they live up to the ideals of that paradigm.

Ahhh, another lamp lights the almost infinite darkness. This is an example the kind of intellectual integrity I was hoping to see more of when I joined. My hat's off to you for trying to raise the level of discourse and understanding. :cool:
Originally posted by Raithere

What are you trying for? The atheistic version of whatsupyall or (oh damm, what's his name who posted with the big letters and the flag and crap?)?

sorry raith
(actually i was trying for a cop with a megaphone hence the large font!)

Originally posted by Vienna
Truthseeker asked me some direct questions, to which I gave direct replies. So if you think that my take is inappropiate for the thread, I apologize profusely.
Actually, I believe you hopped in on your own with:

Yep, I read it....seen the video, wore the t-shirt.....etc.
I don't need god to help me believe in love for others.
Which really didn't have anything to do with the thread. I'm no authority here I'm just asking you to be more considerate. After all, how annoying was whatsup who'd jump into every thread with irrelevant comments? I think this is an interesting thread and I like to see interesting threads continue without being subverted into something else.

To wit: That's the end of my side-track here. Sorry for the interruption.
