I'm sorry, but there is no god.


Registered Member
It's true, I'd love to believe otherwise, I'd love for there to be a heaven where I go and be with my daughter when our times come. But that won't happen...why? For so many reasons.

The birth of deformed babies. This is odd, but it is the number one reason I believe there to be no god. If he doesn't atleast have to power to protect children, what does he have?

Child sex abuse from within the church. Do I really need to ask how this so called "God" could ever allow such a thing to happen? Cleary it is another display of how there is no god.

Religion causes war and has been adapted for countless centuries as a means of justifying and carry out wars. History proves that ultimately, these wars were carried out for the purpose of wealth.

There just is no god; we all know it deep inside somewhere, but many of us, by no fault of our own, choose to believe because it gives us a direction, or it brings a sense of community to us, and many of us need that. Often we are taught by our loving and trusting parents to believe in god, to attend church and such. That too is a form of idealism.

You know that "feeling" you get in church? The one where people start crying and putting their hands in the air, and sing, and are overcome with the spirit of the lord, as they say. Well, you can get that feeling from many other outlets in life. Some good, some bad. They are all a bit extreme in my opinion.

I will add more reasons to accept the truth as I have the time to.
We should now close down the religion forum and observe a minute of silence.
Do you think we can go without saying anything for that long?
Those things you are talking about are caused by humans.

From the last paragraph of the last chapter of A. E. Haydon's "The Biography of the Gods": "For too long, we have put off unto the gods those things that we should be doing for ourselves."
And I believe you posted this thread to be proven otherwise.

The man who holds the truth is blissfull, if you are not blissfull then you should recognize that your knowledge is flawed. I myself believe many things, irrelevant for you, but all I know is that we don´t know.
I posted it because I believe that religous people need to put down there books, so we can move on in the world. Stoping wasting your life on reading and preaching the bible or the karan or whatever religion it may be.

It's not real.
I posted it because I believe that religous people need to put down there books, so we can move on in the world. Stoping wasting your life on reading and preaching the bible or the karan or whatever religion it may be.

It's not real.

its not real for you (and me) but for most people it gives them strength to think that we are not alone! leaven them to they're books and let them belive in what they want
I posted it because I believe that religous people need to put down there books, so we can move on in the world. Stoping wasting your life on reading and preaching the bible or the karan or whatever religion it may be.

It's not real.

Did you ever think of reading any of the *one or two) posts on this site before posting?
I bet 90% (minimum) of the believers here could give you far, far better reasons for not believing than yours.
And they still believe, so how much effect do you think you're going to have?
I posted it because I believe that religous people need to put down there books, so we can move on in the world. Stoping wasting your life on reading and preaching the bible or the karan or whatever religion it may be.

It's not real.

You are trying to impose your beliefs in others in order to feel better with what you think. Isn´t this the same thing than what those people preaching the Bible or the Koran are doing?

At least Jesus, Mohammad, Zarathustra, Mahavira, etc, etc... believed there is a God, and you don´t, so who is right?

Certainly, we are not the ones who decide. Lets better let each other be...
It's true, I'd love to believe otherwise, I'd love for there to be a heaven where I go and be with my daughter when our times come. But that won't happen...why? For so many reasons.

The birth of deformed babies. This is odd, but it is the number one reason I believe there to be no god. If he doesn't atleast have to power to protect children, what does he have?

Child sex abuse from within the church. Do I really need to ask how this so called "God" could ever allow such a thing to happen? Cleary it is another display of how there is no god.

Religion causes war and has been adapted for countless centuries as a means of justifying and carry out wars. History proves that ultimately, these wars were carried out for the purpose of wealth.

There just is no god; we all know it deep inside somewhere, but many of us, by no fault of our own, choose to believe because it gives us a direction, or it brings a sense of community to us, and many of us need that. Often we are taught by our loving and trusting parents to believe in god, to attend church and such. That too is a form of idealism.

You know that "feeling" you get in church? The one where people start crying and putting their hands in the air, and sing, and are overcome with the spirit of the lord, as they say. Well, you can get that feeling from many other outlets in life. Some good, some bad. They are all a bit extreme in my opinion.

I will add more reasons to accept the truth as I have the time to.

Whooooooa you are SO going to hell....
It's true, I'd love to believe otherwise, I'd love for there to be a heaven where I go and be with my daughter when our times come. But that won't happen...why? For so many reasons.
Well I don't if your daughter will be there or whatever, but heavenly worlds and universes do exist.......

Micholi said:
The birth of deformed babies. This is odd, but it is the number one reason I believe there to be no god. If he doesn't atleast have to power to protect children, what does he have?
The birth of deformed babies is caused by bad karma....I wish I could prove this, because it's so true...

Micholi said:
Child sex abuse from within the church. Do I really need to ask how this so called "God" could ever allow such a thing to happen? Cleary it is another display of how there is no god.
I wonder which religion says since God exists everything should be good in this world...hmm let's see none do...rather most (if not ALL) describe this world as a place of suffering and sin, where evil takes place....

Micholi said:
Religion causes war and has been adapted for countless centuries as a means of justifying and carry out wars. History proves that ultimately, these wars were carried out for the purpose of wealth.
Religion causing wars doesn't really prove God doesn't exist because it has nothing to do with the existence or non-existence of God...

Also it should be noted that Stalin (an atheist) killed over 20 million people...that's more than 6 times all religious wars combined...

Micholi said:
There just is no god; we all know it deep inside somewhere, but many of us, by no fault of our own, choose to believe because it gives us a direction, or it brings a sense of community to us, and many of us need that. Often we are taught by our loving and trusting parents to believe in god, to attend church and such. That too is a form of idealism.
What you "feel" deep down really has no relation to the truth...people feel lots of things deep down...the truth is the truth, with or without evidence, with or without feeling it's true, with or without believers, the truth is just the truth....

Micholi said:
You know that "feeling" you get in church? The one where people start crying and putting their hands in the air, and sing, and are overcome with the spirit of the lord, as they say. Well, you can get that feeling from many other outlets in life. Some good, some bad. They are all a bit extreme in my opinion.
Yeah exactly emphasizing my point, feelings really have no relation to the truth...

Micholi said:
I will add more reasons to accept the truth as I have the time to.
Go ahead, but this time try to get reasons that actually makes the existence of God less likely or false...

So basically your argument right now is just that "it just doesn't feel like God exists"
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Welcome :)

Your reasoning for there not being a God are not really logical. For example, deformed babies could be evidence that there is a God or Gods and that they are wicked.

It's often told to me that God likes to test people. So it could be that a Priest or Prophet, or whomever, that has sex with a young child is really just Gods way of testing that child. So when the child grows up and doesn't worship God .. well, then God can say "Haa!" and send that person to burn in a Hell that would have made their life-time of rape comfortable by comparison.

Just some things to consider,
It's true, I'd love to believe otherwise, I'd love for there to be a heaven where I go and be with my daughter when our times come. But that won't happen...why? For so many reasons.

The birth of deformed babies. This is odd, but it is the number one reason I believe there to be no god. If he doesn't atleast have to power to protect children, what does he have?

Child sex abuse from within the church. Do I really need to ask how this so called "God" could ever allow such a thing to happen? Cleary it is another display of how there is no god.

Religion causes war and has been adapted for countless centuries as a means of justifying and carry out wars. History proves that ultimately, these wars were carried out for the purpose of wealth.

There just is no god; we all know it deep inside somewhere, but many of us, by no fault of our own, choose to believe because it gives us a direction, or it brings a sense of community to us, and many of us need that. Often we are taught by our loving and trusting parents to believe in god, to attend church and such. That too is a form of idealism.

You know that "feeling" you get in church? The one where people start crying and putting their hands in the air, and sing, and are overcome with the spirit of the lord, as they say. Well, you can get that feeling from many other outlets in life. Some good, some bad. They are all a bit extreme in my opinion.

I will add more reasons to accept the truth as I have the time to.
You're a true believer.
You believe you know the final truth. You think that those that believe other than you are deluded and immoral. How is this not fundamentalism?
It's true, I'd love to believe otherwise, I'd love for there to be a heaven where I go and be with my daughter when our times come. But that won't happen...why? For so many reasons.

The birth of deformed babies. This is odd, but it is the number one reason I believe there to be no god. If he doesn't atleast have to power to protect children, what does he have?

Child sex abuse from within the church. Do I really need to ask how this so called "God" could ever allow such a thing to happen? Cleary it is another display of how there is no god.

Religion causes war and has been adapted for countless centuries as a means of justifying and carry out wars. History proves that ultimately, these wars were carried out for the purpose of wealth.

There just is no god; we all know it deep inside somewhere, but many of us, by no fault of our own, choose to believe because it gives us a direction, or it brings a sense of community to us, and many of us need that. Often we are taught by our loving and trusting parents to believe in god, to attend church and such. That too is a form of idealism.

You know that "feeling" you get in church? The one where people start crying and putting their hands in the air, and sing, and are overcome with the spirit of the lord, as they say. Well, you can get that feeling from many other outlets in life. Some good, some bad. They are all a bit extreme in my opinion.

I will add more reasons to accept the truth as I have the time to.
You know, there are things that we might never understand. It's all subjective, you have a subjective feeling that God doesn't exist. I have a subjective feeling that He exist, it's more than a feeling for me, but it all starts with the feeling I think, there's a truth out there that can't be explained externally, but must be experianced. Look at all the scientific theories, we are way above our heads even trying to explain the simplest thing about the universe, we use supercomputers to simulate what the universe does freely and without err. The more we explain and look into the world, the more we should realise that there IS something more, just by the way it all works! You think that we created all these ideas, but WE didn't create anything! Understand that?
It's true, I'd love to believe otherwise, I'd love for there to be a heaven where I go and be with my daughter when our times come. But that won't happen...why? For so many reasons.
M*W: Welcome to sciforums. My heart goes out to you.

Even though there is no "heaven," I hope that your pain will be relieved.
The birth of deformed babies. This is odd, but it is the number one reason I believe there to be no god. If he doesn't at least have to power to protect children, what does he have?
M*W: You are right. There is no god. Babies are born. Sometimes they are born but not healthy. That's a heartache that parents sometimes face, but there is no god that causes this. It is nature, but it's sad when it occurs. My heart goes out to you.

Child sex abuse from within the church. Do I really need to ask how this so called "God" could ever allow such a thing to happen? Cleary it is another display of how there is no god.
M*W: Yes, this is an abomination. It shouldn't happen, but obviously it has. I have my opinion on it, but that still doesn't make it okay.

Religion causes war and has been adapted for countless centuries as a means of justifying and carry out wars. History proves that ultimately, these wars were carried out for the purpose of wealth.
M*W: The Crusades, the Inquisition, and all the atrocities that the Church caused have NO reconciliation of rightfullness.

There just is no god; we all know it deep inside somewhere, but many of us, by no fault of our own, choose to believe because it gives us a direction, or it brings a sense of community to us, and many of us need that.
M*W: You are right. There could be no god at all! Those who believe there is are sefely deluded.

Often we are taught by our loving and trusting parents to believe in god, to attend church and such. That too is a form of idealism.
M*W: Yes, and I was deluded to.
You know that "feeling" you get in church? The one where people start crying and putting their hands in the air, and sing, and are overcome with the spirit of the lord, as they say. Well, you can get that feeling from many other outlets in life.
M*W: Some good, some bad. They are all a bit extreme in my opinion.

That's all histrionic behavior. It isn't a real phenomena. It's all for show. I've been there, praying my heart out in a catholic charismatic prayer group! I guess my true heart showed itself. The very pious of that group believed that I was "not spirit-filled!" I couldn't speak in tongues even though I desparately tried, but I had some sensation of the gift of prophecy, but the regulars didn't accept my gift saying that I "was not spirit-filled!"
will add more reasons to accept the truth as I have the time to.
M*W: I do look forward to hearing from you again. I once believed, but now I know it was a delusion. I hope you don't follow into this lie. There is no god, no savior, and no redemption. That's all a lie!
I once believed, but now I know it was a delusion. I hope you don't follow into this lie.

Think Medicine Woman speak with forked tongue...sound um like you really want him to believe lie...why you want him to believe lie? So that you make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves?