I'm ok, You're a CLONE!

Other than the religious ones, not that I'm aware of anyway.

Well, hopefully some rogue scientists somewhere in the world are working on it. I am positive that they are. Religious dogmas (not that there are any in this field) should not bind us.
That's just it, China-Genetic experiments are much more widely done than in the US-Are we backing ourselves into a technological corner?
That's just it, China-Genetic experiments are much more widely done than in the US-Are we backing ourselves into a technological corner?

We've already done that. We produce the least amount of scientists than any other Western nation, and we are bound by religious dogmas that prevent proper funding of some scientific studies (see: Stem Cell research).

Do you think it's a coincidence that the two largest hadron colliders are in Europe? Do you think it's a coincidence that we do not lead in any major scientific field of study?
Enmos, shut up, you. You have legal marijuana for god's sake. Of Course your scientists are more inspired. :D
No really..


Identical twins are human clones of each other.

Just having the same genetic material doesn't make you the same people.

Current artificial cloning technologies is not terribly effective and the animals produced tend to have problems and die young.

Other than producing non viable clones for organ use I don't really see much demand. "Mom2" for example would be younger than the daughter, have none of mom1's memories and a different personality. What good is a "mom" you have to change the diapers on?
We can't study cloning humans? Why not? Whether or not they have any legal rights is a seperate issue. Cloning technology just seems to be a good idea. "Mommy died when I was 2, so Daddy had them make me a NEW Mommy. I can't tell the difference!"

Doesn't the title sort of date you, Mr. Hamtastic? I got the book that the title came from last week.
When Dolly was cloned my brother expressed concern that the President could be cloned & covertly replaced.
Cloning is replacing DNA in an egg with specific DNA taken from someone. The egg is implanted then it grows & developes as any other being of its species. There's no question of whether a person's clone would have moral or legal rights. They will be a person.
That person will have its own life & memories. There's no way it could have any other memories any more than I could have your memories.
If a 40 year old human is cloned, when the clone is 40 the other will be 81. They can't look the same. When the clone is 40 she may or may not look like the other did at 40. There are other important factors besides DNA which determine how a person looks.
A clone would be her own person in every way you are. There's no reason for your wife's clone to feel any obligation concerning your wife that other offspring wouldn't. If you're 42 & your wife is 40 when she dies, you will be 61 when the clone is old enough to marry.

I love science fiction but sometimes it's absurd & people don't know any better. I can't recall any story that got much right about cloning.

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Why should it not ? What is your argument ?

No. Enmos you know better. The burden of proof lies upon you, as does your convincing us. The creation of the act/law banning cloning of humans was a mistake, that doesn't mean we argue from there. We(United States residents) live in a free country, and if any of our rights are taken away, there better be a damn good reason.
I'd just like to point out that just a hundred years ago, Computers were silly science fiction, and 50 years ago, AI was thought to be a simple weekend project for an intern. My point-50 years of study into the human brain and human cloning could give us cloning tech to the level seen in modern science fiction. If we don't study it, of course, progress will be much slower and more dangerous.
No. Enmos you know better. The burden of proof lies upon you, as does your convincing us. The creation of the act/law banning cloning of humans was a mistake, that doesn't mean we argue from there. We(United States residents) live in a free country, and if any of our rights are taken away, there better be a damn good reason.

What, are you serious ? I have already given several good reasons why it should not be allowed. See post 12.
I'd just like to point out that just a hundred years ago, Computers were silly science fiction, and 50 years ago, AI was thought to be a simple weekend project for an intern. My point-50 years of study into the human brain and human cloning could give us cloning tech to the level seen in modern science fiction. If we don't study it, of course, progress will be much slower and more dangerous.

Good point, Hamsteak. There was even a point in time when someone (maybe the President?) declared that all inventions had been invented, and there was nothing left to be discovered. That was, like, in the 50s or somesuch.
People seem to have the absurd idea that clones are exact duplicates of a person like it was some sort of magical 3-D copy machine.
Cloning is nothing like the movie Multiplicity.
Actually, a much more accurate analogy would be artificial insemination.
They start the same way YOU started and must grow up.

Clones would be human beings, not machines, not lumps of meat.
They would be no less human than any other human which was conceived through artificial means.
Twins are actual clones of each other.

Artificial cloning would be like twins except with years or decades difference in ages.