I'm not sure if this is the right section (Illuminati)

Actually I was responding to post 13.
Except that post 13 was links added as an addendum to post 8, which in turn was an expansion of the OP.

I found your post an uninteresting discussion jammer.
Of course you did. But then you've always been short on reasoning power and capability in actually reading a post for its actual content.

Except that post 13 was links added as an addendum to post 8, which in turn was an expansion of the OP.

So what's that got to do with anything.
Stop being a busy-body.

Of course you did. But then you've always been short on reasoning power and capability in actually reading a post for its actual content.

You think your response is reasonable, especially after watching those links
for the very first time (by your own admission).
You don't know what you're talking about, so step aside and let me discuss
with someone who has genuine concerns. :D

So what's that got to do with anything.
Stop being a busy-body.
This is an excellent example of your lack of reasoning.
AS I STATED: my post was a response to links given which were directly related to the points raised in post 8. And post 8 was an expansion of the OP. In other words the links are what the OP was about.
Which part of this do you not understand?
And as for "busy body", how is answering the OP being a busy body?

You think your response is reasonable, especially after watching those links for the very first time (by your own admission).
Of course. Please tell me why you think it isn't reasonable.

You don't know what you're talking about
Utter bull. You're assuming again.

so step aside and let me discuss with someone who has genuine concerns.
How, exactly, am I stopping you?
I do think another organization inherited the original intent of the Illuminati organization. There are numerous "conspiracy" theories on that which I would leave to conjecture. What I do pay attention to is that certain people are given opportunity after opportunity from banks/powerful financiers that I have to think they are "in" on something. Like Donald Trump, he would know if there is such an organization as one example. No one fails like trump did and gets more chances without major connections with an extremely financially powerful cadre.

I used to give a shit about that stuff, but the more I learn about people in general, and I mean from common people who just want to find their next fuck after their next paycheck, to the fucking know-it-alls like on this site, that talk and talk and talk and actually pretty much do fuck all with their lives despite having all these great ideas and no means to implement them(cause they just talk about it)...............Well I realize these fucking people I really can't stand get to vote and they vote for even more repulsive people who suck ass for a few months and then fuck everyone for their own benefit for a few years after...........Then I understand that is all a big distraction for all the stupid fucking sheep(myself firmly included) so the people who REALLY run the show can sneak in a new law to fuck people out of more money to their goals, or a new tax that they benefit from but do not pay, or a new freedom turfed that isn't profitable or whatever they want....because they WRITE THE CHECKS.

Even to you people who run your own businesses or 'think' you are free. You are only free because you are too weak to climb to the glass ceiling you cannot see.

But I don't give shit anymore, because any person or group of people willing to work toward a goal over the course of hundreds of years, even if it is to fuck everyone over...Deserves POWER and the right to give the human race direction. I am so disgusted by most people to even look forward a few years let alone long range thinking like 100s of years , which we desperately need now more than ever. And these ruling elite can do that. So bend me over a barrel and fuck me hard Illuminati because I'm willing to take it for humanity's sake. Long range thinking. Wins.
i don't necessarily.

i think there's some really weird shit going on right now on this planet, and it's just about to hit the fan.

and i've often thought, if god could choose a voice for himself on this planet, would he choose politicians, religious people, or something effective like good musicians?

He has no track record for choosing politicians, religious figures or musicians.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I do think another organization inherited the original intent of the Illuminati organization. There are numerous "conspiracy" theories on that which I would leave to conjecture. What I do pay attention to is that certain people are given opportunity after opportunity from banks/powerful financiers that I have to think they are "in" on something. Like Donald Trump, he would know if there is such an organization as one example. No one fails like trump did and gets more chances without major connections with an extremely financially powerful cadre.

I used to give a shit about that stuff, but the more I learn about people in general, and I mean from common people who just want to find their next fuck after their next paycheck, to the fucking know-it-alls like on this site, that talk and talk and talk and actually pretty much do fuck all with their lives despite having all these great ideas and no means to implement them(cause they just talk about it)...............Well I realize these fucking people I really can't stand get to vote and they vote for even more repulsive people who suck ass for a few months and then fuck everyone for their own benefit for a few years after...........Then I understand that is all a big distraction for all the stupid fucking sheep(myself firmly included) so the people who REALLY run the show can sneak in a new law to fuck people out of more money to their goals, or a new tax that they benefit from but do not pay, or a new freedom turfed that isn't profitable or whatever they want....because they WRITE THE CHECKS.

Even to you people who run your own businesses or 'think' you are free. You are only free because you are too weak to climb to the glass ceiling you cannot see.

But I don't give shit anymore, because any person or group of people willing to work toward a goal over the course of hundreds of years, even if it is to fuck everyone over...Deserves POWER and the right to give the human race direction. I am so disgusted by most people to even look forward a few years let alone long range thinking like 100s of years , which we desperately need now more than ever. And these ruling elite can do that. So bend me over a barrel and fuck me hard Illuminati because I'm willing to take it for humanity's sake. Long range thinking. Wins.

Your expressed loathing of people reflects the Elites loathing of the common people. They look upon most people in the world as Utermensch (sub-humans) there to be kept i the dark and fed on shit. And your expression of support for them makes you one with them in spirit. But don't expect an invite any time soon, Your just an expendable slave like the rest of the vast majority of humanity.

And they are leading the world to destruction; they are just to blinded to see that the capstone on their pyramid, satan, is their worst enemy. I have no doubt satan looks upon them with more loathing and contempt then they look upon us with.

All Praise The Ancient of Days
Is "illuminati" enlightment?

If not. It must be.
Try and see in the threads here the newest monotheist religion which is explored within the folkloric remnants of eurasians!
here's an interesting article on yahoo today about the bilderberg club.
Not quite.
The article is about Castro quoting from an "exposé" about the Bilderburg Club in a Communist newspaper. I.e. it's not so much about the club as Castro getting excerpts published.

And as far as the book itself goes:
"The method here is to initiate the reader into a special group of in-the-know; of mixing facts with assertions so that the casual reader won’t tell them apart, and to draw lines between A and B, when A is the person you want to impeach and B is a known wickedness."
I.e. the author of that book, Estulin, is also a conspiracy theorist.

talks about music in the 9th paragraph...
Or more specifically it repeats unsubstantiated claims made by a conspiracy theorist.
Not quite.
The article is about Castro quoting from an "exposé" about the Bilderburg Club in a Communist newspaper. I.e. it's not so much about the club as Castro getting excerpts published.

And as far as the book itself goes:

I.e. the author of that book, Estulin, is also a conspiracy theorist.

Or more specifically it repeats unsubstantiated claims made by a conspiracy theorist.


why do you have to lock everything down, as if you're
trying to defend something?

why do you have to lock everything down, as if you're trying to defend something?
Why is it you can't see past the end of your nose and consider me pointing out pertinent facts as a "locking down"?
As if you're utterly clueless or something.
Why is it you can't see past the end of your nose and consider me pointing out pertinent facts as a "locking down"?
As if you're utterly clueless or something.

I'm not knocking your points.

There's is alot more to this stuff than just labeling people conspiracy theorists and banishing them to room 101, that's all.

Your expressed loathing of people reflects the Elites loathing of the common people. They look upon most people in the world as Utermensch (sub-humans) there to be kept i the dark and fed on shit. And your expression of support for them makes you one with them in spirit. But don't expect an invite any time soon, Your just an expendable slave like the rest of the vast majority of humanity.

And they are leading the world to destruction; they are just to blinded to see that the capstone on their pyramid, satan, is their worst enemy. I have no doubt satan looks upon them with more loathing and contempt then they look upon us with.

All Praise The Ancient of Days

Well sitting around and waiting for Jesus to open up a can of whoopass on on the whores of Babylon, is going to amount to fuck all. You sit there on your high horse Praising the Ancient days when people believed that bullshit, you don't even believe the new bullshit story today's powerbrokers feed us:

Democracy makes you "free". Constitutions make you "free". You have exactly as many rights and privileges as is convenient for their goals. What isn't is whittled away each generation, slowly like a blacksmith making a tool.

Get with the year 1776 ferfucksake. I can't talk to someone who believes a conspiracy bullshit story from 1000s of years ago that kept people slaves, in regards to the current bullshit story that keeps people slaves.

You got a lot of nerve calling me a slave when you haven't even emancipated yourself from Roman trickery some 1500 years ago. At least I know and accept my enslavement (as I said for the hopefully better direction of the stupid masses), you are literally living in the clouds.
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Well sitting around and waiting for Jesus to open up a can of whoopass on on the whores of Babylon, is going to amount to fuck all. You sit there on your high horse Praising the Ancient days when people believed that bullshit, you don't even believe the new bullshit story today's powerbrokers feed us:

Of course i don't believe the BS the elites feed us. And waiting for Jesus to set things right is indeed the right thing to do because He has the power to do so. I am not called to launch some revolution to overthrow the elites. I am called on to let them run the show until Jesus returns. The only victory i can take part in now is when those in their elite come to forsake it for the truth of Jesus.

Democracy makes you "free". Constitutions make you "free". You have exactly as many rights and privileges as is convenient for their goals. What isn't is whittled away each generation, slowly like a blacksmith making a tool.

Jesus makes me free. Free indeed. Not some 2 party controlled joke they call democracy where both alternate leaders and controlled by the same bunch of satan worshippers.

Get with the year 1776 ferfucksake. I can't talk to someone who believes a conspiracy bullshit story from 1000s of years ago that kept people slaves, in regards to the current bullshit story that keeps people slaves.

Both stories are not bullshit. You yourself proclaim you are a slave to one:

You got a lot of nerve calling me a slave when you haven't even emancipated yourself from Roman trickery some 1500 years ago. At least I know and accept my enslavement (as I said for the hopefully better direction of the stupid masses), you are literally living in the clouds.

We are free to chose whom we serve, And i see you have chosen to serve evil in some vain hope for a better future. The only future they promise is more of the same shit they have been dishing out for the past 5 thousand years, only now with the growth of technology the damage they are doing is sending the world into a calamity. I choose to serve Jesus i am His willing bondservant. I serve What is Good. I serve what cannot lose.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Alright, I'm finally going to bite. I'm so sick you trying to argue with people locked up in their own dogma. I will argue my point within the context of your own religion or beliefs..whatever they are, that's how confident I am of my position.

What Dogma do you subscribe to?

There is no arguing with a religious person, unless you enter their world. So what books do you believe in? ( be specific - new testament/exodus/enoch?/perhaps mormon?/etc)
Alright, I'm finally going to bite. I'm so sick you trying to argue with people locked up in their own dogma. I will argue my point within the context of your own religion or beliefs..whatever they are, that's how confident I am of my position.

What Dogma do you subscribe to?

There is no arguing with a religious person, unless you enter their world. So what books do you believe in? ( be specific - new testament/exodus/enoch?/perhaps mormon?/etc)

The Scripture i use is the New King James Bible.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days