I'm not sure if this is the right section (Illuminati)

What he meant was: how can the Illuminati be a troll?
Illuminati (unless you're talking about Weishaupt's Bavarian organisation) is a conspiracy theory.
A troll is someone who posts inane crap on the internet.
What he meant was: how can the Illuminati be a troll?
Illuminati (unless you're talking about Weishaupt's Bavarian organisation) is a conspiracy theory.
A troll is someone who posts inane crap on the internet.

Well if there is a group of people who rule the world behind puppets we call governments that group could never be called a troll.

As you say a troll as far as the Internet is concerned is a person who seeks to cause strife by posting inane crap for the fun of provoking others.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Dywyddyr, what's your I.Q. I've always been interested and that's not an insult lol but I feel like the whole Illuminati thing is an act
Dywyddyr, what's your I.Q.

but I feel like the whole Illuminati thing is an act
There was an Illuminati (started by Adam Weishaupt) and they died off. Unfortunately a no-longer extant "secret" organisation isn't a useful scapegoat for conspiracy theorists so their version is that the Illuminati didn't die off, they just went underground.
It's far easier to blame a non-existent organisation because, being non-existent, no one can point to any documents saying they didn't do whatever they're claimed to have done.
You know, like there's no documentary evidence that I didn't start WWII (something I deny, of course) so I must have done...
Yea, I get it but I'm talking about all the rap artists nowadays selling their "soul" to the devil and what not
Oh, news to me. Link please.
I don't know anything about rap artists and I can't remember the last time I listened to the radio or watched TV (er, that's a lie - I looked after a friend's cats two weeks ago and saw a couple of re-runs of NCIS - but that's it: two hours of TV in the last 3-4 years).
And I especially don't bother keeping up with "showbiz" news or personalities.
Yea, I get it but I'm talking about all the rap artists nowadays selling their "soul" to the devil and what not

is that right? i don't regularly listen to rap music, and i had no idea.

you think that has something to do with the illuminati?

you think artists are really selling their souls to the devil?
is that right? i don't regularly listen to rap music, and i had no idea.

you think that has something to do with the illuminati?

you think artists are really selling their souls to the devil?

That's what I mean, I think it's all an act lol
Oh, news to me. Link please.
I don't know anything about rap artists and I can't remember the last time I listened to the radio or watched TV (er, that's a lie - I looked after a friend's cats two weeks ago and saw a couple of re-runs of NCIS - but that's it: two hours of TV in the last 3-4 years).
And I especially don't bother keeping up with "showbiz" news or personalities.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WvwV2yxuiaI&feature=fvst this is about Michael Jackson's death

And this is about Eminem's depression both are very convincing
Yes, I think you're misreading this slightly. It IS about the Illuminati (conspiracy theory sense), and the "selling their soul" is more metaphorical than real.
What they fail to mention (conveniently) when claiming that it causes depression (in the Eminem video) etc. is that we know that people are prone to depression if:
1) they are highly artistic
2) they have demands on them from all directions
3) they are under pressure from many directions
In other words they're looking at something that probably arises from himself and blaming it on a fictional, external organisation.

The Michael Jackson video: once again we're back to claims of a nearly omnipotent organisation that can kill off public figures like Jackson with virtual impunity (and Princess Diana too? I didn't watch the entire thing, it made me laugh too much) yet, surprise, some nameless nerd on the internet manages to expose them weekly.

Ask yourself one question: if you were in charge of a world-spanning secret society that controlled pop stars, trillions of dollars, national economies, stopped and started wars at whim, "disposed of" inconvenient people in the public eye etc. what would you do to to some nameless geek who tries to expose you on YouTube?

Me? I'd make sure he disappeared, and his files... It's easier than you think. But no... oopsy! Oh noes we've been outed again. :rolleyes:
That's what I mean, I think it's all an act lol

i don't necessarily.

i think there's some really weird shit going on right now on this planet, and it's just about to hit the fan.

and i've often thought, if god could choose a voice for himself on this planet, would he choose politicians, religious people, or something effective like good musicians?
If you'd bothered reading the posts or looking at the provided links it's STILL about the (supposed) Illuminati.
As indicated by my response in post 14...
If you'd bothered reading the posts or looking at the provided links it's STILL about the (supposed) Illuminati.
As indicated by my response in post 14...

Actually I was responding to post 13.
I wanted to find out why he feels it's all an act.

I found your post an uninteresting discussion jammer.
