im curious whats up with

Amen zonabi! The way they go back and forth, you'd think for sure they are husband and wife :) I've only been on this forum for a few days and already can't take any more of it. Anyway, to get back to the main point of this thread.

Skinwalker, how can you "dismiss my account" when I didn't even make a claim as to the origin of what I saw? I clearly stated that I do not know whether it was ET, Military, or other and I remain open to all possibilities. I, like you claim to be, am a man of science and I do not take belief lightly. I only believe that which is backed by scientific, empirical evidence. Therefore, I don't believe in God, UFOs, the Boogeyman, Big Foot, Bermuda Triangle, Loch Ness Monster, etc.

What are the more probable explanations you refer to and by what formula do you calculate their probability? Remember that the past often has no bearing on the future when it comes to probability - i.e. if you flip heads 100 times in a row, it doesn't make it any more likely that the next flip will be heads - the probability is still 50/50.

Do you think I'm lying about what I saw or do you think that what I saw was just flares flying over me in a V formation? If the latter, please how flares could accomplish this? Also, I am pretty sure I saw an actual connecting the 5 lights, but I honestly can't say with 100% certainty. It's all fuzzy now after 7 years and reading numerous other accounts. Part of my mind says that I actually saw it and the other part says maybe my mind just connected the dots - like a typical optical illusion.

If you think I'm lying, all I can say is that I am a man of honesty and integrity and it is your choice to believe me or not. Obviously you don't know me and I could just be some slimy car salesman for all you know. But, I have better things to do with my time then try to convince people I saw a UFO. There is no doubt that it WAS a UFO (unidentified flying object) - the question is whether or not it was ET and what was its purpose. I only came to this forum because I'm trying to find more info on what I saw. I'm seeking the evidence to explain what it was that I saw. If you had seen it, you'd want an explanation too. Okay, done rambling for now.

I live in Phoenix (By the way, Phoenix is part of a greater metropolitan area, so one event will be seen by Phoenix, Scottsdale, Tempe, and Mesa, they are all squished together. This is in response to some claims that five cities saw the "object" simultaneously) I didn't see the lights that night, but the next day and the following weeks there was a local news bonanza. Our local news is HIGHLY armature and I don't believe them capable of sticking to a cover up. After seeing the footage, and looking for comparisons, these looked exactly like flairs. I have heard some of you talking about strange behavior, but I have never seen any in the footage. Do you have any links?

And I think I saw a question earlier in the thread about if the people of Phoenix talk about this a lot and do we think it was a UFO. The answer is that we don't talk a lot about it and have been convinced by the GOVERNMENT™ that something in the sky that looks like flairs, and behaves like flairs were probably flairs. We are used to seeing military exercises over our sky, helicopters, and the occasional jet. It’s not at all uncommon around here.
I think you mean, "flares" Spymoose, and it is actually quite possible, flares were also released at the same time, in addition to these UFO's being sighted. After all, hundreds/thousands of witnesses who saw the objects Bubba saw. Can't all be delusionals or over-exaggerating.

I saw quite a compelling video of the event, I am trying to track it, for you to see. Bare with me.
One question for anybody that claims they were flares and also claims that flares are used regularly in the Phoenix area. If both of these statements are true, then how do you explain the massive amounts of people reporting the UFO on 3/13/97? If they were just flares, which are used regularly, then why wouldn't 1000's of people be reporting them all the time when the military is dropping flares. Obviously there was something different on 3/13/97 that prompted all of this. As I've said about 4 times now - I DO THINK that there were some flares that night, however there was a separate event earlier in the night that was NOT flares - it was an enormous V formation that flew right over my frickin head! Anyone that saw it knows it was not flares. Flares drop down and blow with the wind - they do not fly across the sky in formation. The flares (if they were flares) later that night may or may not have been part of a cover-up for the earlier event, I have no evidence to support either claim.
BTW, before someone else brings it up - I just want to correct an earlier statement I made. The object I saw flew from NW to SE - just like everyone else who saw it reported. Just a typo . . . (I originally wrote NE to SW).

SpyMoose, if you live in Phoenix, you REALLY missed out. It was the most incredible thing I've ever seen. I only happened to see it because my friend was out loading golf clubs into his trunk as we were all heading out to go to Cracker Jax to hit some golf balls, play games, etc. While he was out loading his clubs, he looked up and saw it approaching and yelled for us all to come out and look. My wife (girlfriend at the time) and I, and a few other friends all ran out and looked up to see the most amazing thing we've ever seen. This was in N. Phoenix (32nd St. and Cactus) around 8:45PM. The flares were way off in S. Phoenix a couple hours later.
It seems to me that there is no way there would be this much contoversy if the only thing seen was flares, I remember seeing the flares on the news and wondering what people thought they were seeing. So, the way I see it...the reason controversy exists to this day is because something controversial was seen...the controversial thing seen was most likely not a government plane because the government would not fly a secret plane over a city.
alright damnit lol,i did a google search and stumbled upon my old thread and read threw it,first of all,MOST of u have gotten off topic in a sense...i asked about the actual website,which i believe no was a website to a dead indie film that was being developed by a daniel pace i have additional links if anyone wants them.and for the record based on testimonials and footage i would have to say that there was indeed two incidents one involving flares and one not involving these same flares,could they have been new types? maybe new technology?could be..was it traditional flares as we know them certainly not.but what i wanted was people insight to the actual website which by now has not been updated in about 2 years.
Any speculation as to what these lights could be besides flares? Speculation is allowed in pseudoscience, just ignore the mischeif makers.... the time, what feeling came over you and your friends?
A question I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned is why was a Flare used in the first place. Flares are used usually to see things in twilight and usually by the military or certain architypes of civillians.

Perhaps a hunter was using flares to find game, perhaps the flare was launched to help with "the retreival" of something, perhaps it was launched by either military or survival militants doing some form of training exercise.

However the question there would be why the flare? then you can question what the "other" lights were.
I have a few questions for Bubba:

Can you describe the lights as you remember them as if we are witnessing through your eyes. Such as

Were they spherical or elongated?
If elongated, were they vertical or horizontal?
Did the lights have depth that you can make out or looked flat if not spherical?
The color of the lights?
Why do you say the object was V-shaped, or was the light you saw was V-shape formation and you thought the object must be.
Was there any smell like ozone or any other change in atmosphere?

In my personal Opinion i would suggest that it was a Govt Craft or simply a Blimp.You can have a simple explaination of the Phoenix observations such as Choppers creating a formation etc.Testing doesnt necessarily restricts itself from covert regions...
Formation Pics can perhaps help you to make out that it was easily a Normal Craft.

Couple of Years back,while in Phoenix,I saw a tower while in Cab from Airport,which had lights blinking starting from top to botton,that would start from the top and go down as if a UFO was landing...For a first time Observer,it was real magic...But for Locals,it was simply legerdemain.
bubba said:
I only believe that which is backed by scientific, empirical evidence. Therefore, I don't believe in God, UFOs

There is a mountain of scientific, empirical evidence relating to UFOs. Way too much to even detail here. You might want to look around harder before proclaim what you do or do not "believe in." Whether you believe in them or not, UFOs exist. The question before us today is what they are and what they represent.
I only believe that which is backed by scientific, empirical evidence. Therefore, I don't believe in God, UFOs
Our Eyes,Observations are dependent on Logical Dogmas established by Science.What we see is real,so you might as well assume it as real.Therefore,hypothetically in a Perfect Virtual World,everything our eyes see and our senses make us feel would be real by Conventional Scientific Dogma,but essentially contradictory on the other side,as Scientific Reality today is too subjective.

Our Science today by convention offers Possible explainations for Strange phenomenons,but it(Explaination to ParaNormal) might be ephemeral.Since Science itself learns from its Experiences and essentially changes its strict Axiomatic Laws,Plus the fact that science sometimes relies too much on Observed behaviour and deductions are primarily based upon conformity with previous Laws.So,one can never say wether the Observation made by Science was Real to our understanding or not.
This is not to say that I am projecting that UFOs are Real or anything.This is just some food for thought.

This wouldn’t even come close to many of the great cover-ups done by the powers that be.
1 Deny it.
2 Disclaim it.
3 Lie about it.
4 Spread false rumors about it.
5 Confuse the facts.
6 Twist the information.
7 Discredit the witnesses.
8 Threaten all involved.
9 Slander the witnesses.
10 Slander and ridicule those that want to talk about these things.

Information Control Agents abound at sciFOOLEMS forums. :bugeye: :confused: