im curious whats up with


Registered Member
ok,ive read all the crap on this site every lil interview,everything,this is quite the enigmatic 19 now but in 1997 back when i was in middle school i remember seeing briefly on the news including cnn about "lights over phoenix" and seeing the weird footage,i thought it was neat and i always had a mild interest in ufo's.As of late ive been intrigued by this phenomenon,and so remembered this event and found the videos.Eventualy i stumbled on this website and im utterly confused by it,i found out the gentlemen behind it is a film maker on this link look for 14 ways to wear lipstick segment of the page,secondly i found this as well which shows a bit of who this person is "daniel pace" the updates to this lightsoverphoeniz site dont seem to be very recent two years old infact,and im curious what the hell is up with this site,and i wanted other people's opinion about all this business...
I saw the footage and these "lights" reminded me of the artillery flares that we used when I was in the Army... they behaved almost exactly like them, enough that if I had seen the footage without the UFO hype, that's what I would have assumed them to be....
i agree but i realy reccomend u look at this site for im more inquiring into the site specificly u should read what they have in this thing its very odd they say indeed many people saw flares and that it was only a part of what happened that night....but this site is awfuly strange
Often it's not what you know or don't know, it's what you know that isn't so that will hurt you. There are those that know and don't whant you to find out, and those that know and want you to know too. You decide who is right and who is wrong.
Sorry, am on slow speed net here at the moment, and it seems to be a bit commercial for my tastes. If your reference is to the lights over Phoenix that got a politician boosted, yes I am aware of that case. The case of lights over Puerto Rico is even better. But these are only a couple in the thousands that are out there. What anyone does with the data is up to them.
I looked at the sites... I saw nothing very compelling. The webmasters are very talented, however. Nice sites as far as layout and use of html.
Hey Mulder,
I live in Phoenix and saw the lights/v-shaped object that flew over on 3/13/97. My wife and a couple of our friends also saw it - along with hundreds of others in town. Everything you read about it can be confusing, because there were at least two distinct different events that night. What we SAW with our own eyes was an ENORMOUS v-shaped formation - hard to tell for sure if it was just 5 individual lights or 5 lights that were all fixed on a huge black/transparent object, but my perception was that it was one huge object. It was by far the most incredible thing any of us have ever seen. Because it was hard to see the object, it was hard to tell how high it was but it "felt" like it was only about 1000 feet up, and traveling only 30mph, yet was completely silent. The only way I can think of that humans could achieve such a feat would be with a blimp-type object that floated on air, rather than having to be elevated by engines. This object flew directly over our heads, from NE to SW. It was not just a bunch of lights off on the horizon and definitely not flares. That event happened later, around 9-10PM I think and could've been flares for all I know - I didn't see it, but what we saw was unlike anything I've ever seen before and DEFINITELY NOT flares. Anyway, I'm rambling and not sure if you're even checking this post anymore since it's a few months old. I am also very curious to find out what that thing was that flew over us and will never stop searching, but so far don't have any answers. I also found the website a few weeks ago and was intrigued but very dissappointed it seems to be abandoned. I've emailed and left voice mails to no avail. That site is the only place I've ever heard any mention of the story they tell with the Mexicans and the box. My feeling is that it is a hoax, but I'll probably never know. If you have any questions for me, my email is

Bubba, do people in phoenix discuss the event, is it commonly accepted that it was a UFO?
it was explained away as a national guard exercise involving flares. the timing coincides.
problem now is bubba's "object"
Actually, it was not a national guard exercise involving "flares" flares do not behave as I have seen in some footage, and nor would our jets scramble to these "flares" Skinwalker is willing to swallow anything that is not a UFO. So I honestly would not listen to him.

Thank you for your first-hand account Bubba, it helps shine some light on the matter. That being said. I also do not believe it was ETI either. I think it was a test of classified aircrafts using antigravity propulsion. The triangular aerodynamic craft is quite telling that it is US technology.
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crazymikey said:
Actually, it was not a national guard exercise involving "flares" flares do not behave as I have seen in the footages,

Unless you saw some "footages" that others have not, flares behave exactly like this. It was an event of artillery flares. Nothing more.

crazymikey said:
and nor would our jets scramble to these "flares"

What "scrambled" jets? Cite a reference that provides evidence of "scrambled jets" and not simply aircraft in support of a military exercise. After having participated in numerous military exercises in my life, I can assure you that simply observing jets in the vicinity or heading to the flares in no way suggests that they were UFOs. In fact, that would support the flare hypothesis, since the flares would be marking the target for the exercise.

crazymikey said:
Thank you for your first-hand account Bubba, it helps shine some light on the matter.

All it does is muddle the issue. If bubba saw anything, it was likely in relation to the exercise. Really... you have to expect the military to attempt to be difficult to identify in a combat operation.

I really wouldn't listen to crazymikey, Bubba. He appears to see everything he can't explain in the sky as some sort of alien ship or anti-gravity technology.
Unless you saw some "footages" that others have not, flares behave exactly like this. It was an event of artillery flares. Nothing more.

You said you have been in the army before, and you know how flares exactly behave?

Do they behave by moving in unison with other "flares" fall toward the ground, and then fly back up into the air and cover several miles while in the same relative position? Please oh army expert, tell me more about these flares.

What "scrambled" jets? Cite a reference that provides evidence of "scrambled jets" and not simply aircraft in support of a military exercise. After having participated in numerous military exercises in my life, I can assure you that simply observing jets in the vicinity or heading to the flares in no way suggests that they were UFOs. In fact, that would support the flare hypothesis, since the flares would be marking the target for the exercise.

Actually, the official explanation was not a military exercise. They claimed flares dropped from a A-10 "Warthog" caused the sightings? Umm, across 5 or so cities at the same time ;)

All it does is muddle the issue. If bubba saw anything, it was likely in relation to the exercise. Really... you have to expect the military to attempt to be difficult to identify in a combat operation.

I really wouldn't listen to crazymikey, Bubba. He appears to see everything he can't explain in the sky as some sort of alien ship or anti-gravity technology.

Actually, Bubba does not muddle the situation at all. He is not the only witness to see a V shape flying object moving in formation. There are many who saw the same, including air force pilots. Still think flares, eh? ;)

And I think he should listen to me - than you. Because, contaray to what you said, I don't call anything alien ships or anti-gravity technology that I can't explain. I've never claimed to having seeing a UFO, and believe you me, I've seen quite a lot of unknown things in the sky. While you call everything you can't explain - a weather baloon; a flare; a frisbee; a neon light; a flying pink elephant ;)
crazymikey said:
Do they behave by moving in unison with other "flares" fall toward the ground, and then fly back up into the air and cover several miles while in the same relative position? Please oh army expert, tell me more about these flares.

First, none of the footage I saw of the event depicted anything "flying." Second, yes, flares will all move in unison. They are fired by an artillery piece, they have a explosive event at a predetermined altitude, or are delievered by an aircraftat, at which time a parachute is deployed and they begin burning. If fired at the same time to the same location, this event occurs at the same time for each flare. They will "move" in unison as they descend based upon meteorlogical forces -shift laterally, suddenly drop a few feet in absence of lift, or even stall and rise in the presence of sudden lift. Air temperatures over the desert play imporant roles in the dynamics of a parachute.

crazymikey said:
Actually, the official explanation was not a military exercise. They claimed flares dropped from a A-10 "Warthog" caused the sightings? Umm, across 5 or so cities at the same time ;)

The official explanation is really irrelevant from my perspective. I didn't seek one out. I looked at the footage, and applied what I saw there to what I saw perhaps 30 or 40 times in my military career.

crazymikey said:
Actually, Bubba does not muddle the situation at all. He is not the only witness to see a V shape flying object moving in formation. There are many who saw the same, including air force pilots. Still think flares, eh? ;)

I think a lot of people want to be witness and are. We have footage of the flares... but none of the so-called "v-shaped object?" Incidently, the F-117 is v-shaped and also has an otherworldly appearance when viewed flying at night. It's engine configuration makes the sound difficult to discern at various perspectives of observation, which is a design feature meant to thwart identification by enemy ground troops. I've had many of these fly overhead in black-out mode.

crazymikey said:
And I think he should listen to me - than you. Because, contaray to what you said, I don't call anything alien ships or anti-gravity technology that I can't explain. I've never claimed to having seeing a UFO, and believe you me, I've seen quite a lot of unknown things in the sky. While you call everything you can't explain - a weather baloon; a flare; a frisbee; a neon light; a flying pink elephant ;)

I've seen many UFOs and believe each one has a more probable earthly explanation than an alien one. As a child, I witnessed a circular light that was many feet in diameter if it was only above the treetops that it slowly disappeared behind. It made no sound. Until I was 20, I believed it was a UFO from space. Sitting in Honduras on the Palmerola Air Base flightline in 1986, I saw the same exact object again. This time I was able to see it land. I had no idea that a Harrier jet could seem make very little sound if you were angled from it just right. Later I found out that Harrier jets were landing at a nearby base to my childhood home around the time I was 7.

Since then, I've questioned everything I see and refuse to give into anthing that defies probability simply because there is a willingness to believe.

Incidently, I don't buy the A-10 flare explanation. Those flares were too distant, too high and too bright. The A-10 flares are smaller with smaller parachutes, so they fall faster. Those were more likely to be Artillery flares.
SkinWalker said:
First, none of the footage I saw of the event depicted anything "flying." Second, yes, flares will all move in unison. They are fired by an artillery piece, they have a explosive event at a predetermined altitude, or are delievered by an aircraftat, at which time a parachute is deployed and they begin burning. If fired at the same time to the same location, this event occurs at the same time for each flare. They will "move" in unison as they descend based upon meteorlogical forces -shift laterally, suddenly drop a few feet in absence of lift, or even stall and rise in the presence of sudden lift. Air temperatures over the desert play imporant roles in the dynamics of a parachute.

Skinwalker, flares do not dramatically move left to right, up and down, in seconds - parachute; or no parachute - And yes, many eye-witness reports have reported these "flares" flying over them; again behaviour, flares do not exhibit.

The official explanation is really irrelevant from my perspective. I didn't seek one out. I looked at the footage, and applied what I saw there to what I saw perhaps 30 or 40 times in my military career.

Wait, it is relavant. If you say this was a large-scale military exercise involving flares, which apparently was conducted over the skies of 5 different cities. Why would the government lie about it?

I think a lot of people want to be witness and are. We have footage of the flares... but none of the so-called "v-shaped object?" Incidently, the F-117 is v-shaped and also has an otherworldly appearance when viewed flying at night. It's engine configuration makes the sound difficult to discern at various perspectives of observation, which is a design feature meant to thwart identification by enemy ground troops. I've had many of these fly overhead in black-out mode.

It's not just isolated cases of "people" there's quite a lot of unrelated eye-witness testimony, that attest to the same. Perhaps, it is you, who wants to believe it is a "flare"

It may have been a F-117 testing out new flight technology, like anti-gravity propulsion. However, eye-witness testimony, suggests an object much more larger - and we'll not get into the angle of elevation fallacy - this object was flying low and quite slow according to it's witnesses:

"Trig Johnston, 50, is a retired commercial airline pilot who lives in north Scottsdale. His 22-year-old son was looking for Comet Hale-Bopp that night when he noticed the lights and told his dad.

"I looked up and remember saying out loud, "I'm going to chalk this up to an illusion.' It was the size of 25 airliners, moving at about 100 knots at maybe 5,000 feet, and it didn't make a sound.

I've flown 747s across oceans and not seen anything like I saw that night," Johnston said. "

Dr. X is a physician who lives near Squaw Peak in Phoenix and asked to remain anonymous for fear of ridicule.

Her home has an elevated, panoramic view of the Valley, and she has some of the best known videotape and photographs of the lights. Though she had no prior interest in UFOs, the episode prompted her to begin her own investigation.

"I think what happened is mind-boggling," she said. "I'm trying to be as scientific as I can, and a number of things just don't compute."

I'm not given to an otherworldly answer. But neither do I think these four people and so many others who saw the lights are all exaggerating or delusional. "

"Max Saracen, 34, is a real estate consultant who lives in north Phoenix. He and his wife, Shahla, were driving west on Deer Valley Road when they saw a huge triangular craft. They pulled off the road, got out and watched it pass overhead. "It was very spooky -- this gigantic ship blocking out the stars and silently creeping across the sky. I don't know of any aircraft with silent engines."

I've seen many UFOs and believe each one has a more probable earthly explanation than an alien one. As a child, I witnessed a circular light that was many feet in diameter if it was only above the treetops that it slowly disappeared behind. It made no sound. Until I was 20, I believed it was a UFO from space. Sitting in Honduras on the Palmerola Air Base flightline in 1986, I saw the same exact object again. This time I was able to see it land. I had no idea that a Harrier jet could seem make very little sound if you were angled from it just right. Later I found out that Harrier jets were landing at a nearby base to my childhood home around the time I was 7.

Since then, I've questioned everything I see and refuse to give into anthing that defies probability simply because there is a willingness to believe.

Incidently, I don't buy the A-10 flare explanation. Those flares were too distant, too high and too bright. The A-10 flares are smaller with smaller parachutes, so they fall faster. Those were more likely to be Artillery flares.

Skinwalker, it does not mean because the UFO's you have seen, when you were 7 mind you, have an ordinary earthly explanation, that all UFO's do as well. There is a lot of UFO encounters that can be explained, but, there is also a lot of UFO encounters that cannot be explained.
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Radio's War of the Worlds Broadcast (1938)

Patrolman John Morrison was on duty at the switchboard in the Bronx Police Headquarters when, as he afterward expressed it, all the lines became busy at once. Among the first who answered was a man who informed him:

"They're bombing New Jersey!"

"How do you know?" Patrolman Morrison inquired.

"I heard it on the radio," the voice at the other end of the wire replied. "Then I went to the roof and I could see the smoke from the bombs, drifting over toward New York. What shall I do?"

I'm always amazed by the gullibility of some among us.
Greco, seeing as that has nothing to do with this topic. I can assume you, you are trying to call the witnesses of this UFO sighting gullible. So simply because someone in 1938 said "Then I went to the roof and I could see the smoke from the bombs, drifting over toward New York."

I could play that back at you, and say: Someone went to the roof, and said, "I could see smoke from the bombs, drifting towards me --- but no don't worry, it's probably just a weather baloon ---- KABOOM!"

I'm actually amazed how you ignore all the data, and testimony. Have you ever seen the video? What's the word for that? Ah, ignroant.
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Ah, ignroant

Hm, look who's calling the kettle black.

Mikey the lights over Phoenix were investigated and found to be flares, now why do you think a bunch of aliens would put their headlights on? Because it was dark and they had lost their way? Or the aliens thought the flares were intelligent and they were trying to communicate with them?

I have found in life that the simplest explanation is true most of the time.
Mikey the lights over Phoenix were investigated and found to be flares, now why do you think a bunch of aliens would put their headlights on? Because it was dark and they had lost their way? Or the aliens thought the flares were intelligent and they were trying to communicate with them?

Just like Roswell was investigated and proved to be a "weather baloon" right?
Do you need a 2nd hand investigation to tell you, what you should be working out yourself?

Look at the data:

Lights drastically move up and down, left, and right, in seconds. Lights fly over hundreds of people's heads - in around 5 cities. You going to have a hard time telling me that was a flare. I'm not stupid :)

Dozens of witness testimony of large triangular and spherical ships. Many close encounter accounts of football field size ships flying over peoples heads.

"Trig Johnston, 50, is a retired commercial airline pilot who lives in north Scottsdale. His 22-year-old son was looking for Comet Hale-Bopp that night when he noticed the lights and told his dad.

"I looked up and remember saying out loud, "I'm going to chalk this up to an illusion.' It was the size of 25 airliners, moving at about 100 knots at maybe 5,000 feet, and it didn't make a sound.

Incidentally we have a witness here(bubba) who thinks the flare theory is complete baloney. It sure sounds like baloney too.

Oh come on, are you that gullible, or can't you think for yourself?
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It is beginning to look like you are flogging a dead dog Mikey, I have said it before, if they don't understand the evidence, they never will.