Illuminati Poll

Is there a secret organization called, Illuminati

  • Yes

    Votes: 20 38.5%
  • No

    Votes: 32 61.5%

  • Total voters
Never heard of Illuminati. Who are they?
They are the legendary secret organization that rules the world according to modern time legend. I would prefer some hard evidence to support this claim.

There is no doubt that many political leaders are involved in secret societies. Some of which practice human sacrifice. There is hard evidence for this.

However, I have yet to see any hard evidence of the illuminati as an organization.
I wouldn't know if the Illuminati is what they really call themselves but it is a fact that secret or semi secret societies do exist locally and internationally, the most (in)famous being the Freemasons, which is made up of different strata of personell, from ordinary people that are harmless, to rich and powerful that can be extremely dangerous. It's like a pyramid and the higher one goes the more secretive and select it becomes. Based on that alone, it wouldn't surprise me if something like the illuminati truly existed, but I would draw the line at the ET alien 'leaders' of it. I think that is just a manufactured red herring ruse to make people think that the whole concept of illuminati is ridiculous.
there is a very good documentary called 'invasion of the bodysnatchers'. I suspect the illuminati are prickish aliens who have come to earth to rule and oppress. BECAUSE they are aliens but look human we can't figure out what the fuk they are doing and why they do the sh*t the way they do. Don't you gt it??
They are the legendary secret organization that rules the world according to modern time legend. I would prefer some hard evidence to support this claim.

There is no doubt that many political leaders are involved in secret societies. Some of which practice human sacrifice. There is hard evidence for this.

However, I have yet to see any hard evidence of the illuminati as an organization.

David Icke is making a reasonable living with thousands of followers on roughly this topic.

However, he does cross over various elements (Illuminati, reptilians from Draco, media manipulation ... as well as relatively accurate 'prophecy' and spiritual intelligence)... so it makes it difficult to understand what he wants people to do or think.

I haven't read any of his many books, but I gather he does provide some verifiable facts.
There is a group often referred to as the Illuminati. And they have taken over SciForums.


Probably the same structure does not yet exhist today. Adam Weishaupt's sect claimed origins with the Templars(whom have been since "vindicated" by the roman catholic church), and other previous free mason societies.

They certainly had a major hand in the formation of many modern democracies, republics and oddly, socialist societies. We see elements of their philosophy in the trilateral commission, United Nations and world banking.

Frankly, in my opinion, I will take the rulership of the elite, over the rulership of the mob(meaning the average STUPID ass you meet everyday, that is willing only to discuss eating, weather and whatever social program is most beneficial to them).

My only problem with them, is these guys engage in hand-me-down inheritance to stupid progeny just as bad as the monarchs they originally conspired to take down. Result - inbred moronic leadership.

The olde Nietzsche axiom rings true: "He who fights with monsters for too long, risks himself becoming a monster".
Illuminati - weren't they the group who supported rationalism against the censorship of the religious ideologues. The history of rationalism bears fruit for those who enquire as to the root of anti-Illuminatism.