Illuminati Poll

Is there a secret organization called, Illuminati

  • Yes

    Votes: 20 38.5%
  • No

    Votes: 32 61.5%

  • Total voters


Refined Reinvention
Valued Senior Member
Is there really a secret organization Illuminati trying to take over the world?

Just don't do it!!

No topic of discussion.

There will always be people either corrupted by power or corrupted while trying to gain power and they won't be termed "Illuminati", however those in power do run in particular circles, circles that those who aren't in power or those who don't have a chance for power obviously don't run in. Thats the main reason why so many people think there is some sort of secret society responsible for everything, where only if you have the right handshake (Golden) are you allowed in.
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there most probably is an illuminate sect but are most probably not trying to take over the world, and im pretty sure that they originated from bavaria in germany, so i dont really know how to answer the poll because i agree with half and disagree with a half
There IS a secret organization that has already taken over the world, but it's not called Illuminati - that name was created for the conspiracy theorists in order to keep them busy looking elsewhere.
cool skill said:
Who came up with illuminati?
2 theories on the subject:
History of the Illuminati

Considering that the 2nd describes part of the Illuminati goal as -
At that time, (When the Illuminati are able to openly rule the world) religion, private property and government will be abolished in the New World Order, replaced by a dictatorship of the enlightened that would wither away as all people became illuminated -- or so they say.
- in my estimation, the Illuminati are a bunch of hooey.
I can believe they might want to abolish religion and government, but getting rid of private property would seem to me to imply eliminating the rationale behind the rich & powerful backing the effort, since it seems to suggest the abolition of the sort of unbridled consumption of goods which their financial empires have been built on.
Well I don't want to answer for Q whom I agree with but while people run around trying to decipher secret organizations they ignore who attends and what goes on in a G8 conference for example. There are those running around addressing the Da Vinci Code and Masonic lodges and Merovingians, Illuminati and all the rest and it insulates them from the reality of what is happening in their local neighborhood and State. Those who are actually engaged in politics or social change have no time for theories because they are attempting to address power as it actually exists and THAT is no secret. What can one do about an all powerful inaccessible secret society which controls everything? Nothing. We feel impotent in today's political climate and don't access the local grassroots groups who's efforts are towards social change and international solidarity with those who share the same agenda or values. Its easier to watch the Manchurian Candidate and pretend we have latched on to something. Conspiracies are often but not always distractions.
Good gravy, no. The secret organization's proper name is the Wxthrflblrgyghl. But everyone falls for the Illuminati front because it's easier to pronounce.
There is no way the bumbling idiots in DC could be capable of keeping such a vast conspiritorial secret. First not one of them is smart enough to be a part of such a secret society. 2: Since when can anything be a secret anymore? Even blowjobs are impossible to keep secret. 3: The plots I've heard & read from Illuminati Drones are far too fantastical and bizarre to be anywhere near the truth.

I do like the theory racing about though. It peels away Republican votes! I have a brother-in-law that was once a hardcore Christian conservative supporter of Bush. Now he's infected with the Illuminati disorder and he DETESTS Bush AND almost all televangelists! Insisting they are all a part of a vast conspiricy to erase global borders and allow the UN to take over the world!! :p I encourage his delusions. They are much less dangerous than his former ones. HIP HIP HORRAY FOR THE ILLUMINATI NUTCASES!!!!!!!!