If you were God, how would you...


Registered Senior Member
If you were God and you created humans (humans have free will), how would you convince them that you exist?
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Could you ask the question again please? I'm not sure I understand it correctly the way you've worded it.

How would you convince people you created them with free will?
How would you convince people you created them out of your own free will?
How would you convince people they had free will to come into existence?
I would float over all the nations of the world as a large luminescent head and proclaim my nature in all the languages. Then I might reverse the effects of industrialization, like erase all the pollution or greenhouse gasses, you know, something no one else could do in an instant.
No prob. I re-worded it above. Basically, if you were God, what would you do to show people that you existed.
I would float over all the nations of the world as a large luminescent head and proclaim my nature in all the languages. Then I might reverse the effects of industrialization, like erase all the pollution or greenhouse gasses, you know, something no one else could do in an instant.

Yeah but, one could argue that the luminescent head was some new form of technology that we don't understand, right?
Is this different from the question in the thread: What if it all turned out to be real?
Say for instance for no particulair reason the one and true god desends on earth to prance about. What are the changes people would believe him?
Meaning what should he/she/it have to do/look like to convince the majority that he is indeed the true god?
Is your hypothetical god on earth as in the other thread, or is he in heaven (or some other non-earthly realm) trying to do a long-distance convincing?
He is in heaven (or some other non-earthly realm) trying to do a long-distance, or trans-realm convincing (unlike the other thread).
Is this different from the question in the thread: What if it all turned out to be real?
Is your hypothetical god on earth as in the other thread, or is he in heaven (or some other non-earthly realm) trying to do a long-distance convincing?

Considering the idea of the unlimited power of God, it could be both.
Yeah but, one could argue that the luminescent head was some new form of technology that we don't understand, right?

He would have to craft His message in such a way so that would be an impossible interpretation. He could bring back a few extinct animals, reforest the deforested lands, there is no end to the kind of things he could do to prove Himself. The fact is He could have done this long ago...
It'd probably need to be a custom made convincing. If some people on earth believed god was a strawberry flavored zebra, then convincing them would be as simple as appearing in the form of a strawberry flavored zebra. "I am your God - lick me".

For those that don't believe, a different approach would be needed. So god would need to know the mind of the individual, and what act it would take to make a convincing enough argument for the individual to brush aside illusion, advanced ET's, a deceitful demon etc in favor of an unquestioning belief that what they're seeing is from God.
I would do something that physics couldn't ever explain. Like a group of stars in a smiley face pattern.
He would have to craft His message in such a way so that would be an impossible interpretation. He could bring back a few extinct animals, reforest the deforested lands, there is no end to the kind of things he could do to prove Himself. The fact is He could have done this long ago...

Yeah, I agree. Any of those things would convince me.

It'd probably need to be a custom made convincing. If some people on earth believed god was a strawberry flavored zebra, then convincing them would be as simple as appearing in the form of a strawberry flavored zebra. "I am your God - lick me".

For those that don't believe, a different approach would be needed. So god would need to know the mind of the individual, and what act it would take to make a convincing enough argument for the individual to brush aside illusion, advanced ET's, a deceitful demon etc in favor of an unquestioning belief that what they're seeing is from God.

I agree with that. Everyone needs a different type of phenomenal event.

I would take: parting of a sea, raising someone from the dead (fresh out of the cemetary), etc.

I would do something that physics couldn't ever explain. Like a group of stars in a smiley face pattern.

LOL. That be both hysterical and convinving. If I looked up into the night sky at say, Orion, and suddenly the Orien stars formed into the pattern of the words "I Am God" or a smiley face, I would believe. It's hard to rationalize stars moving into a pattern of words. Good one.
What if you already are GOD? And like some fool...you are waiting around for proof when you should be proofing this to yourself?

It's just a question.
true. Stars can't just move on their own. That would be pretty amazing to see Orien or the big dipper turn into a giant smiley face. Or if God was mad, I guess it would be an angry face!

What if you already are GOD? And like some fool...you are waiting around for proof when you should be proofing this to yourself?

It's just a question.

But if we were God, why would we lower ourselves to human existence and make ourselves suffer? What purpose does that serve? I see your point though.
true. Stars can't just move on their own. That would be pretty amazing to see Orien or the big dipper turn into a giant smiley face. Or if God was mad, I guess it would be an angry face!

But if we were God, why would we lower ourselves to human existence and make ourselves suffer? What purpose does that serve? I see your point though.

What would a parent do for its children if that parent was full of love and patience? Does a flower bloom as soon as its seed sprouts? Do gardeners not tend their garden?
If you were God and you created humans (humans have free will), how would you convince them that you exist?

i would convince them the same way the real god does it: by doing nothing... by writing a book called bible, quran vedanta, dividing a red sea, lightning, tsunamis, earthquakes. then i would sit back and enjoy the show.