If you were a psychopath...

Thats interesting. A lack of conscience as a social handicap.

It is a social handicap, but a lot of people can make up for that with charisma. A conscience is what allows you to know WHY something is wrong, if you don't have a conscience you can still know something is wrong, but the reason it's wrong wil be a bit different.

It's wrong to rape, why is it wrong to rape? If you have a conscience I'll never have to explain it to you, you'll know automatically. If you don't, then it's wrong to rape because you'll go to prison if you get caught, or the family will kill you, or it will ruin your reputation, in general if you harm other people it ultimately comes back to you. It might not come back to you in the same package, it might be a different group of people who will screw you over, but you can be damn sure that if you screwed someone over in the past, it is going to increase the chances that someone will screw you over in the future.

So thats basically how it works, you get out of life what you put into it in most cases, and if you only put crap into it, and misery into it, thats all you'll have around you. The proof is, if you look into a community filled with violent crime, and other types of problems, eventually it's not a community anymore, it's every man/woman for his or herself, and without a community, psychopath or not, you will have no one to watch your back, you will have no one to help you when you are sick, you will have no support of any kind, you won't even have God on your side.

Do you see my point? It's basically rational to have a conscience, it allows you to make more rational decisions involved with maintaining a community. When you have no conscience there is a whole range of decisions you'll have problems with, it will be like not knowing math but trying to launch a space shuttle into space, it's not going to be so easy if you don't know the physics due to not having the math intuition.

So not having a conscience is equal to not having the math intuition, you won't know why the formulas work, you'll just know that the answer to 1+1=2 because it is. But if you can feel, then 1+1 always feels 2 even when people around you want to tell you it's 3, you'll still feel 2.
as have I, it is merely a matter of choice. When to care and when not to, and in the case of 'work', one has to justify ones actions else one could not continue doing them and then one could not feed ones own family.

Imagine an abortionist with a conscience about it. How could they do it if it plagued their conscience, they could not. So they 'turn it off'. Are they psychopaths, people who rip babies apart for a living? We consider not. But it is a good demonstration of how 'we' switch the rules to suit ourselves.

Psychopath = someone doing something we have not given them permission to do, repeatedly and without consideration to us and our rules.

Not a psychopath = someone given permission, working within the rules.

It's not that people can turn off their conscience. You have to show me that trick because I've never seen anyone do that.

It's more that people who are trained to follow orders, and who believe in what they are doing, will follow any orders. Soldiers are a perfect example here, but most soldiers believe it or not are afraid to kill, killing does not come natural to most soldiers, or even most psychopaths. A soldier can kill because they are given an order by someone they respect, and it's usually because in that situation it's morally right to do so, like killing one person to save a million people. Or killing to protect the country.

Think of it this way, if you were on a plane being hiijacked by terrorists, wouldnt you kill them on the spot? It's not that you don't have a conscience, you do, but because you have a conscience you know it's better to kill those few than to let them do whatever it is they are going to do.
Think of it this way, if you were on a plane being hiijacked by terrorists, wouldnt you kill them on the spot? It's not that you don't have a conscience, you do, but because you have a conscience you know it's better to kill those few than to let them do whatever it is they are going to do.

That is what I'd call a lack of conscience, to kill on the pretext of some sort of quasi pedictive suspicion, with no due process of jurisprudence.
That is what I'd call a lack of conscience, to kill on the pretext of some sort of quasi pedictive suspicion, with no due process of jurisprudence.

Thats because you aren't in the plane while it's happening. You'd have killed the hiijackers.

Not based on suspicion either, because you know they want to hiijack the plane, and you know what happens once people hiijack planes. Are you telling me you would not defend your country? You woudl not defend your plane? You would let the hiijackers do that?

Either you are lying, or you are completely apathetic.
Thats because you aren't in the plane while it's happening. You'd have killed the hiijackers.

One should rather kill you for the effrontery of this, and in the mean time reserve the right to speak for myself.

Not based on suspicion either, because you know they want to hiijack the plane, and you know what happens once people hiijack planes. Are you telling me you would not defend your country? You woudl not defend your plane? You would let the hiijackers do that?

Hijackjing is not necessarily anything to do with a country, nor is it my business to defend a country.
One should rather kill you for the effrontery of this, and in the mean time reserve the right to speak for myself.

Hijackjing is not necessarily anything to do with a country, nor is it my business to defend a country.

You make no sense! You are telling me, that you'd rather a plane filled with innocent people die, than just a few?

You'd rather sit in your seat while the plane is being hiijacked, and let the hiijackers kill you and the entire plane? Thats a lack of conscience to me.

Explain to me your logic, because all you seem to do, is threaten people, and name call, and say other people are wrong or lack this or that. Don't you have anything positive to contribute?

If it's wrong to defend the country, and it's wrong to defend innocent people, and it's wrong to defend yourself, what exactly is right? When is it right to kill?

Sauna, you obviously are not a real person. You are so fake I can sense it through your attitude.
Psychopath = someone doing something we have not given them permission to do, repeatedly and without consideration to us and our rules.

Not a psychopath = someone given permission, working within the rules.

And here is where the romance begins. Those who break the rules are often given high regards in popular culture. The division between hero and psychopath, however, might then be the motivation behind the mask. But even when the given motivation is based on depravity, the attention it attracts through popular outlets is glorified. There does seem to be a public fascination with the psychopathic personality. I sometimes wonder if our source of entertainment is not also responsible for subverting natural paradigms.

Armed with the definitions of antisocial behavior, I would be forced to conclude that our television networks and other sources of entertainment are suffering a personality disorder and that those who produce it are, quite possibly, psychopaths.

As for you formula, my summation would be: To kill for ones own purpose is then wrong. To kill for the purpose of a grand idea is then noble. To not kill given any circumstance and based on ones innate conscience is then moral.

But if the psychopath has no innate morality, then there is no point in even considering the equation. It does not apply. Or could it be that the psychpath has a moral code that is upside down relative to that of normal folk.

no it is not related

anymore than lacking shyness is. Things are not that black and white. We cannot stabilise the world by creating fences around it, putting everything into a neat little box and then labelling the boxes.

This is my point.
We're in complete agreement in that much then, i believe the term 'psychopath' is simply a label ascribed to socially unacceptable forms of sadism, while others may commit acts of similiar sadism that are socially acceptable (hunting for sport, joining the military for the simple pleasure of blowing someone's head off).

Clearly the label psychopath is unwittingly used to describe someone who simply opperates outside of societies norms with a view to case harm.
Shyness is irrational. I've never been shy. I've always been observant, but never because of shyness.

Shyness is usually because people fear something or whatever, or they care what other people people think of them.
I cant see what you find irrational in being warey/afraid of people, there is a hell of alot to be warey of when it comes to other people!
Id argue that its one of the most rational dispositions out there, although it can be damaging and counter-productive if taken to the extreme (like all attitudes/dispositions).

It's not that people can turn off their conscience. You have to show me that trick because I've never seen anyone do that.
You do it without even probably realising it as i outlined in the 'empathy' thread, its not so much a case of 'switching off' its more a case of creating a moral loophole in which you let yourself off the hook.
Ive yet to come across anyone who doesnt do this in some form or another.
Sauna, you obviously are not a real person. You are so fake I can sense it through your attitude.
Something we both agree on, hes a pseudo-intellectual with nothing to offer, best ignored me thinks. :p
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We're in complete agreement in that much then, i believe the term 'psychopath' is simply a label ascribed to socially unacceptable forms of sadism, while others may commit acts of similiar sadism that are socially acceptable (hunting for sport, joining the military for the simple pleasure of blowing someone's head off).

Clearly the label psychopath is unwittingly used to describe someone who simply opperates outside of societies norms with a view to case harm.

Some psychopaths are masochists.

I cant see what you find irrational in being warey/afraid of people, there is a hell of alot to be warey of when it comes to other people!
Id argue that its one of the most rational dispositions out there, although it can be damaging and counter-productive if taken to the extreme (like all attitudes/dispositions).

Sure, people are dangerous, but that does not mean you should give in to your emotion(fear). How exactly are you going to interact with people if you let your emotions guide you?

You do it without even probably realising it as i outlined in the 'empathy' thread, its not so much a case of 'switching off' its more a case of creating a moral loophole in which you let yourself off the hook.
Ive yet to come across anyone who doesnt do this in some form or another.

Emotions cannot be turned off, only ignored. If you mean not giving into your conscience if it's irrational, sure people can do that the same way they can not give into their fear, or their sadness, or any other emotion.

Does this mean they don't feel it? of course they feel it, but when your best option is the option which feels worst, it's still morally right to take the best option.

Example, do you defend yourself at the cost of another? Yes, because it's your best option. It does not matter how you feel about it, you'll feel it later on, because when that moment arrives you don't have time to feel what you are doing.

So it's not that you shut it off, you just delay it until later. In the situation of self defense, if you have to kill someone to protect yourself, later on you will feel bad about it even if you were doing it in self defense, it's not the sort of action that a normal person will feel good about.

Does this mean it was wrong to defend yourself? it's never morally wrong to defend yourself, you did the morally right thing, but sometimes doing the morally right thing feels bad because it hurts someone else. Sometimes in order to survive, you have to hurt others, and it always feels bad, but if you are not given any better options you'll take the best option from the list you have to choose from.

I used the plane hiijacking example to show people that sometimes you only get to choose between bad option, and worst option, sometimes you don't have a choice and killing is no longer optional, it's a must for survival. In this case, even if you have a conscience, it's not going to matter, even if you feel bad about it and lose sleep about it for years, it was unavoidable, it was a choice between feeling bad, and feeling worse than bad.
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I'm not some big fan of being social or of people, but I'm not shy either. Shy is irrational because it's self defeating, your shyness defeats you more than the people you fear.
youre mis-representing my position as you offen seem to do, i purposefully outlined that shyness if taken to the extreme can be counter-productive, so youre really just reiterating what i already said.
Not to be rude, but do you not read my posts properly :confused:
Some psychopaths are masochists.

Yep, and coupled with a few nice sadistic psychopaths, the masochists would be in a heaven on Earth, huh? So, it's perfectly obvious that the world is in need of psychopaths and we should all be more tolerant and understanding of them.

People need each other regardless of how they feel emotionally about being social.

Yeah, sadistic pyschopaths need masochistic psychopaths. Murderers and violent rapists need victims. Ain't life really grand and wonderful? :D

Shy is irrational because it's self defeating, your shyness defeats you more than the people you fear.

I'm sure that people will say that same/similar thing about many facets of human life. But shouldn't we all try to be tolerant and understanding, instead of condemning and derogatory and, perhaps worse, volunteering to help those who don't want our help?

Baron Max
Yep, and coupled with a few nice sadistic psychopaths, the masochists would be in a heaven on Earth, huh? So, it's perfectly obvious that the world is in need of psychopaths and we should all be more tolerant and understanding of them.

Yeah, sadistic pyschopaths need masochistic psychopaths. Murderers and violent rapists need victims. Ain't life really grand and wonderful? :D

I'm sure that people will say that same/similar thing about many facets of human life. But shouldn't we all try to be tolerant and understanding, instead of condemning and derogatory and, perhaps worse, volunteering to help those who don't want our help?

Baron Max

People seem to have forgot natural law.

People have to remember, that self preservation is the most rational of all motivations, not feelings and emotions.

And people make the mistake of thinking psychopaths are rational, but psychopaths are thinking short term gain at the expense of long term.

So a psychopath might try and own the moment, even if theres no future. And this is why money was invented.

Man is not naturally good, Hobbes claimed, but naturally a selfish hedonist -- "of the voluntary acts of every man, the object is some good to himself". As human motives were, in their natural state, guided by unenlightened self-interest, these could, if left unchecked, have highly destructive consequences. Left unrestrained, humans, propelled by their internal dynamics, would crash against each other. Hobbes tried to envision what society would be like in a "state of nature" -- before any civil state or rule of law. His conclusion was despiriting: life would be "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short", a "war of every man against every man".
Hobbes was right. Read some of his writing, the man was a genius.
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People seem to have forgot natural law.

People have to remember that self preservation is the most rational of all motivations, not feelings and emotions.

And people make the mistake of thinking psychopaths are rational, but psychopaths are thinking short term gain at the expense of long term.

Isn't self-preservation an extension of fear? I see a perpetual loop here: "The world is insane."
Last things first:

Things are not that black and white. We cannot stabilise the world by creating fences around it, putting everything into a neat little box and then labelling the boxes.

This is an 'of course'.

I said as much two pages ago in my response to Metakron:
"The label 'psychopath' is an abstract and artificial concept. It's defined by behavior and is very imprecise. The term 'fact' really doesn't describe anything about it. It's purely subjective, except from a behavioralist point of view."


please copy and post the statement where I display a romantic view of psychopaths .....the murdering kind..which is what I assume you refer to.

You assume too much.
I never mentioned murder.
Don't try to get me on a red herring.

"You have them, but they do not have you."

The psychopath is free. He controls them, yet he is free from their control mechanism. A glorious spirit flying above it all.

I responded to this post in very explicit terms demonstrating just how unfree the psychopath (or, more properly, the sociopath) truly is. But you evaded it.

"Because they are more powerful, more effective and they simply do not care what you think about what they do."

That seems to glorify the mighty sociopath. Free, free, free.
And powerful.

"Psychopaths are merely immune to the inadequacies, the neediness, and the manipulation. They are immune to the bullshit that humans engage in..."

Immune to the inadequacies of the human race. They are superior to the needy humans. Above the pettiness of the human squabblings.

Of course, you've forgotten, by this time, that the psychopath (sociopath) is most certainly not above the manipulation. His life actually centers, to a large extent, around the manipulation of other humans.
Thus, he must dwell in their rules. As I said, you don't drive a car with the glove box.

There's more, of course, but I don't really feel like copy and pasting practically every word you've said. You've already shown a predilection for avoidance, so you'll probably simply avoid this post as well.

And no, I am not a fan of murderers, but psychopaths and murderers are not in fact one and the same.

Nobody's mentioned murder, I don't think.
But, psychopaths do derive enjoyment out of cruelty. They are more dangerous than sociopaths. Sociopaths are simply empathy deficient. Psychopaths are cruel and take pleasure in manipulation and power games.

Anyway. How would you know if the psychopath is a murderer or not? Surely you don't think he'd tell you the truth, do you?

You're just another inferior thing to be manipulated like all the rest.

The reality is simply those more dangerous members of our society do not acknowledge societies rules, they are not bound by them.

The problem is deeper than this.
As I've previously posted, there is a continuum of ethics in our society. Some of our rules are based on simple empathic terms. Others are based on more artificial terms.
It's no wonder that we have so many criminals in our culture. The rules of society have become so abstract that we often feel little connection or reason to obey them. The only reason is fear of consequences. And an adept manipulator can often elude such punishment for a goodly time if not permanently.

A short thesis on custom vs. law:
"Natural societies are comparatively free from law first because they are ruled by customs as rigid and inviolable as any law; and secondly because crimes of violence, in the beginning, are considered to be private matters, and are left to bloody personal revenge.
Underneath all the phenomena of society is the great terra firma of custom, that bedrock of time-hallowed modes of thought and action which provides a society with some measure of steadiness and order through all absence, changes, and interruptions of law. Custom gives the same stability to the group that heredity and instinct give to the species, and habit to the individual. It is the routine that keeps men sane; for if there were no grooves along which thought and action might move with unconscious ease, the mind would be perpetually hesitant, and would soon take refuge in lunacy.
When to this natural basis of custom a supernatural sanction is added by religion, and the ways of one's ancestors are also the will of the gods, then custom becomes stronger than law, and subtracts substantially from primitive freedom. To violate law is to win the admiration of half the populace, who secretly envy anyone who can outwit this ancient enemy; to violate custom is to incur almost universal hostility. For custom rises out of the people, whereas law is forced upon them from above; law is usually a decree of the master, but custom is the natural selection of those modes of action that have been found most convenient in the experience of the group."
The Story of Civilization - Will Durant​
So, perhaps this continuum from custom to law explains part of the continuum of empathy to no empathy. One can hardly be said to be a psychopath for breaking the law, yet when one violates custom... that is another matter altogether. Custom is based on more natural urges. When one fails custom, then one is deserving of the title anti-social.

If you can not tell when someone is less intelligent than you, perhaps you have yet to meet someone less intelligent than you.

And if you have never underestimated someone, then you are very proficient at self-deception.

By the way, the above quote indicates a sense of judging yourself superior. In order to be superior, there needs be an inferior. More evidence of entanglement in social concerns despite yourself.

translate please
To humour you or to amuse myself at your expense?


Including your response to my bait which was in response to yours. You revealed yourself too easily. You're too keen for a reward.

The psychopaths circling each other. Testing and probing.
Who is the superior? Who is the inferior?
Who reveals what?
How can you know he's revealed anything except what he's wanted to reveal?



True to a degree, my problem with the label psychopath is that it only alludes to one who harms other humans, rather than relating directly to a deficit in empathic reasoning as i believe it should.

That's why there are two terms for this type of condition. Sociopathy and psychopathy.
Neither are exact categorizations, of course, but psychopathy is connected more with violence and cruelty than sociopathy.

This erroneous thinking is clearly apparent as we can see that one who hunts deer/bear/foul for fun is allowed to path through a social loophole in which he is not labled as a 'psychopath' despite displaying clear traits of being so.

Why is psychopathic about hunting? There is more to hunting than hurting animals. In fact, most hunters do their best to not hurt the animals. To kill them quick. Quick kills taste better. Less stress hormones in the meat.
Cruelty to animals, however, is a warning sign.

The two are not the same.


A lack of conscience as a social handicap.

Of course it is. How could it not be?
Those who lack empathy must struggle hard to fit in if that's their choice. They must constantly be analyzing the situation to judge how they should act. Their instincts don't provide the answers.


But if the psychopath has no innate morality, then there is no point in even considering the equation. It does not apply. Or could it be that the psychpath has a moral code that is upside down relative to that of normal folk.

Define morality.
I wouldn't say that the psychopath has no morality. The issue is one of empathy. Due to lack of empathy, the psychopath has constructed a moral structure which differs from the norm to varying degrees. Empathy is a vital teaching and learning tool in the human animal.
Isn't self-preservation an extension of fear? I see a perpetual loop here: "The world is insane."

No actually it's not. It's an extention of cell reproduction, the human body preserves itself, to stay alive, as does the species preserve itself to continue it's existance, as does the earth, and the universe. This is a law that is beyond simple fear, because people also do it out of love, and any other emotion. The point is, it's rational to protect yourself, thats what rationality is.
Adolf Hitler was kind to dogs and children, and friends who were nice to him.

Such a personality is not devoid of empathy but rather afraid of the power of it, with a desperate need to be protected from the weak and needy for fear that the very pity of them would overhwelm, and appropriately unforgiving of those who drain the very life with their needlessly pathetic reliance upon it.
I don't think Adolf Hitler was a psychopath.

He was a touch of a hysteric though. He was known to froth at the mouth and bite the carpets.

But, I don't think he lacked empathy. And he was a very social person.

By the way, someone mentioned Einstein. He wasn't shy at all. He was quite the extrovert, actually.