If you had a chance...

Yeah I would kill God. Because that would be the end to my creepy feeling that I'm being constantly watched. And when I do, I'll post it on Sciforums, so that everyone can live a free, happy life.

P.S: I don't belive in god. But if I did, this is the reason why I'd kill him.
...to kill God, supposing it exists (though I don't believe it does), with absolutely NO negative consequences whatso-freakin-ever, would you? Suppose that god can die from direct stab, jab, or slash wounds from a close-combat weapon, but not from a firearm or an explosive.

I myself, would. It would be the ultimate challenge to my abilities with a blade weapon. Plus, I'd like to put that on my resume'..."I killed god with a knife"....aww, yeah...
You sick bastard! Why would you want to put and end to such wisdom? Besides, I'm sure it wouldn't be possible; perhaps the universe would end.
Darkman said:
You sick bastard! Why would you want to put and end to such wisdom? Besides, I'm sure it wouldn't be possible; perhaps the universe would end.

Wisdom?????????!!!!!!!!!! What world are you living in? Have you been sheltered your whole life from the evil that "god" has done? Assuming, of course, that god lives, which I don't believe. If you ask me what "evil" god has done, I'm going to tell you to get out more. To escape the self-imposed blinders you wear over your eyes. To look for the evil "god" is doing through his chosen right now. To find the discrepancies between what god, through his bible and his koran and his blah, blah, blah, says is, and what really is.
Hapsburg said:
...to kill God, supposing it exists (though I don't believe it does), with absolutely NO negative consequences whatso-freakin-ever, would you? Suppose that god can die from direct stab, jab, or slash wounds from a close-combat weapon, but not from a firearm or an explosive.

I myself, would. It would be the ultimate challenge to my abilities with a blade weapon. Plus, I'd like to put that on my resume'..."I killed god with a knife"....aww, yeah... :D
Is killing humans permitted in your area Burg? I am just curious.
Killing God :rolleyes:

Killing God would take away hope for the future. because the world would remain as it is and humans would continue being the same old violent prideful corrupt nepotistic abusers that they have been for thousands of years.

There is no Hope for a better world without the intervention of God that we eagerly await. :)

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
enton- no. I'm just violently anti-religion.

adstar- again, no negative consequences would result from this. god does not really exist. Get that through your thick fucking head. This thread is entirely hypothetical. If you choose "no", come up with a better fucking reason, or you will forfeit your answer as an automatic "yes".
Poor old Hapsburg, You don't make your point any better by using nasty words. :) It only shows that your desperate when you resort to nasty words ;)

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
No, for violence only begets violence so that if were to strike it down, something else would strike me down. Those who live by the sword, die by it. Why would I want to kill anything unless it was trying to kill me or my family? It makes no sense, just as you don't , to just kill for the sport of killing.
hapburg: as you I know, coming to your senses and ceasing to believe a god exist, makes it dead to reality.
however I would take great pleasure destroying something so evil,(the god of the bible/quran) but it should be tortured over a millenia slowly, and by that I mean taking it to the brink of death, so as it is actually begging for death when it comes, then it will realise how evil it was, and then killed slowly, death is to quick.
but this is only an imaginary tale as we both know.
Cottontop3000 said:
Wisdom?????????!!!!!!!!!! What world are you living in? Have you been sheltered your whole life from the evil that "god" has done? Assuming, of course, that god lives, which I don't believe. If you ask me what "evil" god has done, I'm going to tell you to get out more. To escape the self-imposed blinders you wear over your eyes. To look for the evil "god" is doing through his chosen right now. To find the discrepancies between what god, through his bible and his koran and his blah, blah, blah, says is, and what really is.
?Why so strong feelings about that? He just said that God was wise.

Actually, I'm being constantly reminded of how strong emotions atheists really has towards God and His servants. Particularly since the emotions allways seem to reflect anger, disappointment...even fingerpointing...somehow it seems unjustified.

Surely some christians have done bad things in His name, which the Bible warned us about. But should we really blame the german people for Hitler? Should we the same way then blame every christian for what few does? God said that the evil is even inside His own church. Walking amongst the rightous.

Sure there are wolfes in sheep-costumes, even priests, on top of that we are all sinners. Being a christian doesn't mean that you are suddenly becoming another person (sure for some it might mean that), for most it is the way to become better, not an instant solution.
Adstar said:
Poor old Hapsburg, You don't make your point any better by using nasty words. :) It only shows that your desperate when you resort to nasty words ;)

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Yeah, go tell yourself whatever you need to to feel secure...you know I'm right, though. God does not exist, and if he did, he would need to be punished for his crimes against humanity.
Hapsburg said:
Yeah, go tell yourself whatever you need to to feel secure...you know I'm right, though. God does not exist, and if he did, he would need to be punished for his crimes against humanity.

Cyperium, I want there to be a god, and I want to go to hell. god can bite me, right now, with lightning if he likes.
There is no Hope for a better world without the intervention of God that we eagerly await.

What an intensely stupid comment. You assume that God will micromanage the universe. The big bang may have been his one and only action to our universe. It is more likely to be a universe that was created then left to it's own devices rather than being micro managed by this fantasy figure of yours.
Kenny- Yeah, that's the premise of Deism, which I find makes the most sense out of any monotheistic religion.

Clock- Sure, why not?
Correct. There is no basis in reality for ANY religion, by definition. It's all supernatural (wooohoooowwhaaaa) twz. There is no remotely convincing physical evidence of any deity of any kind, ever. All of you theists are stuck in the mental cage evolution saddled us with. It appears that some of us have managed to break free from our mental prisions. What's stopping you? Fear. Deny it. You can't.
I love the Twilight Zone. The Outer Limits and The X-Files too.

I love the Bene Jesserit chant: Fear is the mind killer.....