If you had a chance...

Hapsburg said:
...to kill God, supposing it exists (though I don't believe it does), with absolutely NO negative consequences whatso-freakin-ever, would you? Suppose that god can die from direct stab, jab, or slash wounds from a close-combat weapon, but not from a firearm or an explosive.

I myself, would. It would be the ultimate challenge to my abilities with a blade weapon. Plus, I'd like to put that on my resume'..."I killed god with a knife"....aww, yeah... :D

If there were negative consequences for letting 'God' live then I might be
inclined to kill it; otherwise, I wouldn't destroy such a unique and valuable life
M*W: From where I stand, it appears that the universe does, in fact, surround me.
Yorda: There's no reason for us to believe that we are somehow "separate" from the universe... accept all views, and you have no views.

I think I'll send you a PM about suns and gods.
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Hapsburg said:
Precisely that: boredom. Nothing to do, so why not?

Why don't you have anything to do, and why are you, thus, bored?

Beacuse you have refused God to live in you?
Crunchy Cat said:
If there were negative consequences for letting 'God' live then I might be
inclined to kill it; otherwise, I wouldn't destroy such a unique and valuable life
You're no fun. :p :(
water said:
Beacuse you have refused God to live in you?
No, because killing is fun. Water, where have you been the past...25,000 years? Humans like to kill things, get with the program!
Hapsburg said:
No, because killing is fun.

Alright. Then how about a gang of angry niggas come at you, rape your tight burgeois ass, and tear it open, cut your pinky off, and then stab you several times in the eyes, and then smash your head in? Yes? Killing is fun, after all.

Water, where have you been the past...25,000 years? Humans like to kill things, get with the program!

Justify why I should "get with the program".

Alright. Then how about a gang of angry niggas come at you, rape your tight burgeois ass, and tear it open, cut your pinky off, and then stab you several times in the eyes, and then smash your head in? Yes? Killing is fun, after all.

"Yes! I can Feel your hatred! Give in to the Dark Side and your journey will be complete!"

(water, again, reaches for her light saber).

"Yes? You want to... kill me?"
I think the dark things are good things... because without them, the good things wouldn't be good. so... if someone kills someone and someone gets sad... it's a good thing... because then we'll know that it's not good to kill.
water said:
Alright. Then how about a gang of angry niggas come at you, rape your tight burgeois ass, and tear it open, cut your pinky off, and then stab you several times in the eyes, and then smash your head in? Yes? Killing is fun, after all.
Why would they do that? I'm on good terms with the black people. They are on good terms with me. I, strangely though as I am a white dude, support pan-african unification. I, however, am not on good terms with the one you call 'god', I think he (if it exists) is a pompous, self-righteous, self-absorbed, egomaniacal, jerk.

Justify why I should "get with the program".
Because killing is what humans do best. Be a human. Kill.
It's also what christians have been better and more creative at than almost any other group throughout history! Cool!

Why would they do that? I'm on good terms with the black people. They are on good terms with me. I, strangely though as I am a white dude, support pan-african unification.

This matters not. There are enough people out there who would kill someone just because they could. You just don't know them.

I, however, am not on good terms with the one you call 'god', I think he (if it exists) is a pompous, self-righteous, self-absorbed, egomaniacal, jerk.

And it is because you think Him to be "a pompous, self-righteous, self-absorbed, egomaniacal, jerk", you are not on good terms with Him.

How do *you* treat someone whom think you "is a pompous, self-righteous, self-absorbed, egomaniacal, jerk"??

Because killing is what humans do best. Be a human. Kill.

Humans do many things.
But since you order to kill: How about that gang taking your own advice, and killing you? You asked for it.

* * *


It's also what christians have been better and more creative at than almost any other group throughout history! Cool!

Will you please be scientific and make your claims based on statistic data?
You keep spouting strawmen.
water said:
And it is because you think Him to be "a pompous, self-righteous, self-absorbed, egomaniacal, jerk", you are not on good terms with Him.

How do *you* treat someone whom think you "is a pompous, self-righteous, self-absorbed, egomaniacal, jerk"??
First thing, stop capitalizing pronouns..."him" is not a name, it's a pronoun. Not a proper noun. Take an english class, waßer.

Second, if someone acted like a pomous, self-righteous, self-absorbed, egomaniacal jerk, I'd kill said jerk.
Hapsburg said:
First thing, stop capitalizing pronouns..."him" is not a name, it's a pronoun. Not a proper noun.

You need to take classes, in many things.

Take an english class, waßer.


Second, if someone acted like a pomous, self-righteous, self-absorbed, egomaniacal jerk, I'd kill said jerk.

Yah right.

It's also what christians have been better and more creative at than almost any other group throughout history!



You keep spouting strawmen.

Start here:


Then this: (one of your own - theist)

The obvious answer to this question is: absolutely. Without question, people calling themselves Christians have participated in acts of murder, torture, persecution, bigotry, immorality, and much more. The Crusades and the Spanish Inquisition are two notable examples, and many others could be produced with little effort. So Christianity can't really be true, right?


I had a lovely comparison chart of violence in history somewhere... working on it...
Hapsburg said:
...to kill God, supposing it exists (though I don't believe it does), with absolutely NO negative consequences whatso-freakin-ever, would you? Suppose that god can die from direct stab, jab, or slash wounds from a close-combat weapon, but not from a firearm or an explosive.

I myself, would. It would be the ultimate challenge to my abilities with a blade weapon. Plus, I'd like to put that on my resume'..."I killed god with a knife"....aww, yeah... :D


Well now...well...well.
Killin' 'im is too easy...

I'd file a civil suit against the sumbitch...!

After all... I was done "Irreparable Emotional Trauma" by the unjust organization of the Universe. (Me not being one O' the "Chosen People" & all...)

Clearly I'm being discriminated against....!

I ain't greedy, though...

I'll settle out of court with God for say...

Immortality (with eternal youth and escape clause in case I get bored with life) -

Perpetual Bill Gates-class wealth -

And a free pass into Heaven no matter what I do from here on out.


No need for violence at all...

I just wants Justice - as is my right.
