If you don't believe in evolution, you also can't believe in...

SCIENCE has not always been "right on," nor has evolution. There have been incorrect conclusions. This does not disturb me. Scientists, for the most part, are looking for truth, and not so hell-bent on proving something, as are athiests.

Who says there is no proof that God is. Religion may be screwy at times, just as individuals and groups can be, but anyone who claims that we know all there is to know, knows nothing. Unseen things have always caused some superstition, but this does not change the things unseen. Some we learned about, and others remain a mystery; therefore, I have to agree that "the fool has said in his heart, there is no God." Not that one is a fool not to believe that God is, only to think he knows for a certainty that God is not. It would have been rather strange for God to create that which could not, or would not, evolve. Regards, PMT
Who says there is no proof that God is
Can you (or any other believer) provide any?

but anyone who claims that we know all there is to know, knows nothing.
What does that statement have to do with anything???

therefore, I have to agree that "the fool has said in his heart, there is no God."
Correct. A wise man shouts it from the rooftops.

Not that one is a fool not to believe that God is, only to think he knows for a certainty that God is not
Very few atheists claim that God's existence is impossible.

However, until evidence is submitted to show otherwise, I will assume that he doesn't exist. He is in the same category as unicorns and Santa Claus.
MOUNTAINHARE: Can you (or any other believer) provide any?

Me, my friend. I am proof.

MOUNTAINHARE: What does that statement have to do with anything???

I think we are not in the same pool of thought, because -in my way of thinking-you ought to know why that statement is revalent. What I am trying convey is that if we deny all that cannot be proven at this point, we are being rather naive. There is no very much that we do not know. Realizing this, are you not a bit premature in saying there is no God, or even assuming that He is not?

MOUNTAINHARE: Correct. A wise man shouts it from the rooftops.

That is foolishness. I am serious. We are talking our something that takes up pages and pages of this forum and you choose answers like that. Let me explain. If one says in his heart, "There is no God," that is foolish, because there is no way, at least not at this time, to know such a thing. My children know I exist. For you to decide that I do not exist, without making an effort to confirm it, is foolish. How do they know I exist? You tell me.

MOUNTAINHARE: Very few atheists claim that God's existence is impossible.

I have to disagree. I have too often read that only feeble minded people believe in God; or that only the weak believe in God; or only the ones content with ignorance believes in God. Surely, these are not new to you either, and we have heard many other similar statements, right?

MOUNTAINHARE: However, until evidence is submitted to show otherwise, I will assume that he doesn't exist. He is in the same category as unicorns and Santa Claus.

This does not suprise me; however, the truth is, I have never believed in Santa Clause in a literal way. Not sure that this has anything to do with anything. And no, I did not miss that you were being cute.

Me, my friend. I am proof.
You can be explained using abiogenesis and evolution theory (which both have evidence to support them).

What I am trying convey is that if we deny all that cannot be proven at this point, we are being rather naive.
No we are not.
And proof is for mathematics and alcohol. I judge by evidence.
If a statement or assertion doesn't have evidence to support it, then it is only reasonable to assume that this statement is false, correct?

Realizing this, are you not a bit premature in saying there is no God, or even assuming that He is not?
Aren't you a bit premature is assuming that fairies don't exist?

Let me explain. If one says in his heart, "There is no God," that is foolish, because there is no way, at least not at this time, to know such a thing.
Prove to me that I'm not God.
Then we can continue this line of conversation.

I have to disagree. I have too often read that only feeble minded people believe in God; or that only the weak believe in God; or only the ones content with ignorance believes in God. Surely, these are not new to you either, and we have heard many other similar statements, right?
That doesn't mean that they are denying the possibility of God existing...
I don't deny the possibility that unicorns exist. However, I assume that they don't. Since there is no evidence to suppor their existence, then I roll my eyes at anyone who DOES accept their existence.

I have never believed in Santa Clause in a literal way. Not sure that this has anything to do with anything. And no, I did not miss that you were being cute.
Santa Claus has a lot to do with this.

Santa Claus = God.

Now, why don't you believe in Santa Claus?
MOUNTAINHARE: You know what? I am spending too much time on this forum, but I love you guys. Yep! Even the ones with whom I disagree. My messages are much shorter now, because I cannot prove God, nor do I ever try, but I have tried to explain why I know that God is, and you I fail in that as well. But, I can tell you this, I have yet to have anyone with whom I have talked with in person be so rash as you folks are on this medium. I could throw around scientific data, and compound phrases from the bible apologists, but I do not bother with them either.

Never do I try to sound like I am better than someone else, but it is true, -for better, for worse, or whatever, I am not like most people when it comes to my beliefs. It makes me sad that so many who believe use the Bible, or whatever their choice as a license to dispise the rest of humanity, or -as they say- the deeds of the rest of humanity. The superstition and fear that prevails in Christendom alone bothers me far more than non-believers. I kind of love everybody at least some of the time. I think I am going to quit this, because I do not want to get in anyone's way who is endeavoring to serve his purpose. I do not mind at all discussing religion or God, or politics with anyone, unless they get wild or something. This, however, does not mean that I do not have strong convictions. I do.

Mountainhare, I truly believe in God. He has always been with me, and I believe that God is with you all. Have you ever--maybe when no one is looking--gone down deep within your heart to see who lives there? Sounds silly, doesn't it? I just do not have any proof for you. I am not supposed to; only you have your proof, and you do have it. I promise it is there. So, say something smart, so I know you are not disgusted with me, okay? Just kidding. PMT
P. M. Thorne said:
Unseen things have always caused some superstition, but this does not change the things unseen.
how could something unseen cause superstition?
Some we learned about, and others remain a mystery;
that they are a figment of peoples imagination,right?
It would have been rather strange for God to create that which could not, or would not, evolve. Regards, PMT
how do you know its god and not nature?
P. M. Thorne said:
I believe that God is with you all. Have you ever--maybe when no one is looking--gone down deep within your heart to see who lives there? Sounds silly, doesn't it? I just do not have any proof for you. I am not supposed to; only you have your proof, and you do have it. I promise it is there.
thats the difference between believers and nonbelievers,
you see god behind everything,
when something good hapens,its b/c your prayers were answered and Jesus loves you,and when somethings bad its that rascal satan,or Gd works in mysterious ways,
rather silly explanations dont you think?

only proof we have is that life is the survival of the strongest,smartest,if praying to God worked we would have no free will in life.

if you need a helping hand,you'll find one at the end of your arm ;)
Dr Lou Natic said:
Thats a joke right?
Just have to make sure, you never know around here...

yes twas a joke thankyou doctor

I think creationism is as useful as a dog with no front legs

on the other hand one could believe that:

a) god made us and evolution and science are correct.

b) science and evolution are correct.
spuriousmonkey said:
Sorry to jump in here , but....

If god made us then evolution and science are incorrect.

Not so, god made us using evolution and science???

can that not be considered a plausible view?
i know i could bother debating that point with you, but it just doesn't seem necessary. I've done it too much with people in the flesh.

religion and science rarely mix when two people don't agree on even a minor detail.
Nebuchadnezzaar said:
religion and science rarely mix when two people don't agree on even a minor detail.

I missed that detail I guess.

Religion and science go very well together actually. But not in our times.
there are more lightning strikes in the northern territory of Australia each year than anywhere else on the planet....bet you didn't know that....