If you could make up your own religion, what would it have in it?

M*W: That's called "hedonism."

Nah, I don't mean it like Hedonism....Hedonism isn't eternal, hedonism is based off material pleasure and enjoyment which is only temporary and since it's temporary it causes suffering when the environment changes, it also doesn't solve anything, you can still become agitated, angry, fearful, etc....my religion would be all about acheiving eternal enjoyment, pleasure, happiness, etc....which can only come by the destruction of the defiling impulses which cause us fear, anger, sorrow, etc, all problems only exist within you as feelings...I think it's much closer to Buddhism, it's however not emphasized that much although mentioned many times by Gautama Buddha...

For instance when asked by Gautama Buddha who has more pleasure the king who has all material opulences, or himself, Gautama Buddha said himself because he has a higher degree of unalloyed pleasure...

"'Now, I — without moving my body, without uttering a word, can dwell sensitive to unalloyed pleasure for a day and a night... for two days & nights... for three... four... five... six... seven days & nights. So what do you think: That being the case, who dwells in greater pleasure: King Seniya Bimbisara of Magadha or me?'

"'That being the case, venerable Gotama dwells in greater pleasure than King Seniya Bimbisara of Magadha.'" (Cula-dukkhakkhandha Sutta)
Openly allowed to have sex with children.

Edit: Oops thats Catholicism.

Free Sprinkles with all Ice Creams then.
Reincarnation, all is one and one is all *accept and treat equally as oneself, seek your own path, life is struggle, acceptance of life as struggle is the path to ascension, life is what you make of it.
1.the religion of satan where i can yank the virgin nuns outta the nunnery and umm.... u know wat
2.where what the individual does is right
3.walking naked on the road compulsary on a particular day
I would call it the Church of Chance, and the form of worship practiced would be gambling of every sort, celebrating the prime motive force in the universe.

Roll them bones, baby... daddy's a Believer !

There's a Phillip K. Dick novel (I forget which one), in which the ultimate function of government has become the running of a lottery whereby all wealth gets redistributed randomly. I could see something similar in a religous organization.
I think my religion would involve subservience to me as well as regular and ample donations.
I would make the religion of the church of The sparrow, The duke, and pikey, we would base our moral beliefs on characters from my favorite movies ...boondock saints, Fear and loathing, snatch, our commandments would be called "the fucken rules man the rules" they would be as follows
1. do not talk about this religion
2 do not talk about this religion!
2. the rum shall never be gone
4. Dont stop in bat country
5. everyone shall be an irish pirate
6 ereone shoul liek degs
7 If someone should piss you off...feed em to the pigs
8 if its your first sermon...you have to pray

Or I could just make a giant hypocricy based on fear and greed ......but then I would just be a copycat =p