If there's a God:

God Cites 'Moving In Mysterious Ways' As Motive In Killing Of 3,000 Papua New Guineans

VANIMO, PAPUA NEW GUINEA—In His first official statement since the July 17 tsunami that claimed the lives of an estimated 3,000 Papua New Guineans, the Lord announced Monday that He killed the island villagers as part of His longtime "moving in mysterious ways" policy, calling the natural disaster "part of My unknowable, divine plan for mankind."

"Though the need for such a tidal wave is incomprehensible to you mortals, flawed as you are by sin, I can assure you that I had a very good reason for what I did," God said of the disaster, whose death toll is expected to climb to 5,000 once the effects of disease, starvation and marauding crocodiles become known. "Trust me."

Yahweh, whose unknowable purposes have necessitated, among other things, the death of 40 million Europeans from the Bubonic Plague, 40,000 Peruvians in a 1868 earthquake, and six million of His chosen people in Nazi concentration camps, said he was "not unmoved" by the suffering of the Papua New Guinea flood victims.

"Of course I hear their prayers," God said. "I see every sparrow that falls. But it is My will that these prayers not be answered, and that life continues to be nasty, brutish and short for the majority of mankind. And My reasons are not yours to question."
Great link. And there are other gems there as well....

Easy. You are not enlightended as I am, so it is impossible for you to even understand anything really.
What would really be useful would be if you revealed ANY enlightenment that you claim you have since as yet none of us have seen any. But then this is the primary approach of the religionist - make empty claims and fail to provide ANY support.
You are not enlightended as I am, so it is impossible for you to even understand anything really.

If you are that enlightened then why are you making lame excuses for failing to convey your enlightenment?
What would really be useful would be if you revealed ANY enlightenment that you claim you have since as yet none of us have seen any. But then this is the primary approach of the religionist - make empty claims and fail to provide ANY support.

If you are that enlightened then why are you making lame excuses for failing to convey your enlightenment?

*tsk tsk*

The unenlightened by definition cannot recognize whether someone else is enlightened or not.
*tsk tsk*

The unenlightened by definition cannot recognize whether someone else is enlightened or not.

And, that can be said to anyone, including the ones that claim to be enlightened.
But.. how can you know this is true, unless you are enlightened yourself ? Are you ?
What is it exactly that you find problematic about these conditions?

LFA - my brother has it, enough said.
Lesch Nyhan's Disease - I was trying to think of an unpleasant disease to use as an example, and decided at LND.

So, why did God invent those? And other such horrid diseases?
Why did the he invent Low functioning autism? Or Lesch Nyhan's Disease?

why did people invent the automic bomb..it's not like humanity NEEDS someone to blame for it's distruction..

my answer is:
i don't know!:D

and it doesn't bother me..

on the other hand..if your question is generalized to be: if god is good, why did he create bad??

1-again, i don't know..

2- theisms:to challenge humans..and see how they respond..(don't say why?; doesn't he know everything? cuz their answer is yes..then you go: so did he create us for his amuesment? like a kid dropping pebbles on an ant to see how it dodges them? i can safely answer for them: "we don't know, as long as he has shown us the rules of the game and promised us fairness, we comply..", lol, think about it, what other choices DO they have? foldtheir arms and say:"that's not fair..we want to all live in heaven from now!!"..and sulk?

3-theisms: "do not care..if it is done we live with it, unless questioning it will come up with a benefit...if questioning gets in the way of avoiding then to hell with the questions"..

want some more?:)

i replied to each of these in the pic which is identical to this and posted on skinwalker's account..and he deleted it:bawl:

excellent example of..
human (not atheist) fallacy..

the root of all mind games and illusions..

the mosquito bite..

the question mark which if dissected will generate more question marks..and no..you can't catch up with them all.....you'll die before you do..

the question which will make most sense (and you should try it) when answerd by:

" i don't know".., or "beats me"

can't someone outwit all of you people??