If there were a just God

But I still don't see what this or anything you have said has to do with the proof of a just God or any god for that matter. You are just making mindless posts in an attempt to try and look like you know what you are talking about.
I'll say it once more ....

A conditional statement has no requirement for proof and can even be relegated to a completely hypothetical scenario.

For instance the statement .... If I become President, I'll lower taxes. .... is not under-ridden by any proof of one actually standing a snowflake's chance in hell of being elected.

Constantly bemoaning "But where is the proof for god" in a thread that asks "If there is a god, is he just" is simply an exhibition of muddled thinking.

Perhaps you could make the argument that god doesn't exist by establishing how he isn't just, but several posts ago you diverted from that ......

I suppose much comes down to the image a person (theist or atheist) has of God.

Many Westerners conceive of God as an old moloch with teenage angst issues who also happens to be omnipotent.
"God is that being than whom no more evil being can be conceived."

I think people arrive at that notion because they conceive of god having no ultimate environment outside of taming the madness that goes on in the material world (or they conceive of heaven as being some sort of community of the sedated). It's kind of like they accept the material world as the "real" or ultimate world and everything else is relative to it. Kind of like a person in jail thinking that prison life is the "real" society while being totally oblivious to the fact that it is housed within not only a greater society but also a more greatly functioning society.
I am not exaggerating.

Being expected to trust this monster, to think it authoritative ... it's no wonder people are atheists.
The calculations tend to go askew when one doesn't have proper knowledge of god, proper knowledge of the material world and also proper knowledge of the living entity. For instance if one is thinking that the material world exists to serve as a vehicle for the fulfillment of happy desires, that god's duty is to facilitate this process and that the living entity is capable of comfortable existence in such a state of independence (which tends to be the dominant understanding of most mainstream christians ... an understanding that most people take in the formation of their a/theistic dispositions ... basically all these assumptions, whether atheistic or theistic, lead down down the same dark alley - "I am this body"), then its small wonder.
I often hear the argument that we envy God. I have had a lot of trouble accepting this, because my image of God was that of that old moloch - and who would envy that?!
All opulences (beauty, strength, knowledge, renunciation, wealth and fame) exist in their fullest form within god. The name of the game in material existence is acquisition of opulences. IOW whatever envy we have of opulent personalities in this world is simply a shadow of our envy of god. Of course, due to our particular framing of an opulent personality, we may not like them, but that doesn't discredit from the attraction of their opulences
SP himself once noted that people in India are sometimes envious of God, whereas Westerners are not so -
I'm not sure of the statement you are talking about but I think that might be about how having a knowledge of a past time of god can be cheapened (for instance a lover saying "you are my radha").

Anyway, this is not to say that Westerners in no way envy God. But the Western envy of God seems different than the Eastern one. The way God is presented in Indian theism - that God actually is enviable. The Western one is not (unless one is really deranged).
Interesting enough, western culture is characterized by a greater mobility for the acquisition of opulence .. not sure how directly related this is to envy of god (since the act of living in a place where you can only grow vegetables for 6 months of the year predisposes the community to looking to distant lands with an appraising eye), but nevertheless, acquisition of opulence as the panacea for material miseries is the default position of misery for any conditioned soul, regardless of geography.

It helps to understand one's incompetence ...
but its often a slow learning curve
How do you know what God wants?

How are theistic practices derived?
The easiest way to know what any personality wants is to find out from others familiar with them or literature on the subject. (One can also meet with success by trial and error, but that takes a considerably longer time for the same result. ) That literature is even better when it comes with normative descriptions for determining those who are actually in knowledge. Since the topic of god also encompasses the issue of desire in the material world, a healthy part of the subject also deals with questioning or understanding the greater picture of what we really want, too.

Theistic practices (or normative descriptions) are also indicated by god and also fine tuned by saintly persons according to time, place and circumstances. IOW a distinction is drawn up between secondary and primary practices (so a devout jew in downtown NYC has the luxury of disregarding the regulative principles that surround camel maintenance)
The easiest way to know what any personality wants is to find out from others familiar with them or literature on the subject.
Appeal to authority? How do they know?

(One can also meet with success by trial and error, but that takes a considerably longer time for the same result. )
How does one distinguish between error and non-error?

That literature is even better when it comes with normative descriptions for determining those who are actually in knowledge. Since the topic of god also encompasses the issue of desire in the material world, a healthy part of the subject also deals with questioning or understanding the greater picture of what we really want, too.
How is that knowledge aquired?

Theistic practices (or normative descriptions) are also indicated by god

and also fine tuned by saintly persons according to time, place and circumstances.

Do you see a trend in my questions here? How does one distinguish what is knowledge from what is simply an opinion of an authority figure?
I'll say it once more ....

A conditional statement has no requirement for proof and can even be relegated to a completely hypothetical scenario.

For instance the statement .... If I become President, I'll lower taxes. .... is not under-ridden by any proof of one actually standing a snowflake's chance in hell of being elected.

Constantly bemoaning "But where is the proof for god" in a thread that asks "If there is a god, is he just" is simply an exhibition of muddled thinking.

Perhaps you could make the argument that god doesn't exist by establishing how he isn't just, but several posts ago you diverted from that ......


You know you are right there I did divert from that perhaps it was due to someone diverting me as they do not have any proof to the contary that God actually does exsist other then a Book of his words that when read in context does not make a lot of sense and contradicts most of our modern social values. Such as rape murder and incest. I would say that is not very just now would you.
Then there is no way it would create a world knowing children would be raped, murdered, enslaved. Not to mention all the other horrid stuff. It just wouldn't do that. It would not make a world where humans must murder to survive. Murder plants, animals, fungus, etc... to derive energy. Not when it could make a universe where energy is not needed.

well we know you exist and if we suppose the God exists then...

you must be the only "real" being other than the God. Everyone, Everything, All of it, is an illusion just for you. Therefor nothing is eaten, nothing is murdered, nothing is harmed - well, other than you. And it's It doing it to you.

For whatever purposes we do not know. We being part of illusion and all.
Maybe its a chance to see if It wants to live with you for a while?
Who knows?

Murder and rape is not a result of what God has done, but a result of what we have done.
Murder and rape is not a result of what God has done, but a result of what we have done.

What so it was not god the told abraham to kill his own son to show hom much he loved God. And then when the brain dead retard was actually going to do it God tells him oh wait dude you dont really have to do that. Com on if that was any thing else other then a make believe enity people would say WTF are you trying to do. Come on God did not murder anything waht about the flood. Oh yeah Man brought that on himself Bullshit.
What so it was not god the told abraham to kill his own son to show hom much he loved God. And then when the brain dead retard was actually going to do it God tells him oh wait dude you dont really have to do that. Com on if that was any thing else other then a make believe enity people would say WTF are you trying to do. Come on God did not murder anything waht about the flood. Oh yeah Man brought that on himself Bullshit.

First of all, I don't think God intended for him to kill his son. It was a test, but I don't think he would have made him. Also, people prior to the flood were more than just immoral, it was not murder, it was judgment. The world prior to the flood was more perverse than the world is now.
Being just doesn't only apply to being kind and loving :]. It also applies to judging those who need to be judged. Maybe not now, but they will be judged.
First of all, I don't think God intended for him to kill his son. It was a test, but I don't think he would have made him. Also, people prior to the flood were more than just immoral, it was not murder, it was judgment. The world prior to the flood was more perverse than the world is now.

Oh really so they had worse things then the holocaust before the Bible they had worse things then poluting the planet burning fossil fuels really they had it worse and were more preverse this is you argument really for real.
Being just doesn't only apply to being kind and loving :]. It also applies to judging those who need to be judged. Maybe not now, but they will be judged.

People are judged every day by religious group’s name your group and they will judge.
Yes, based one what I have read. God does not judge for no apparent reason. Now I do not come close to understanding why God does certain things, but I do know that He would not kill people for no good reason. Honestly, no matter what I say, no matter how many questions I answer, you will keep throwing new questions at me.
People are judged every day by religious group’s name your group and they will judge.

When I say judge, I don't mean foolishly assume things about people based on their outward. I mean wise punishment that is given for something wrong that a nation or one person has done.
Yes, based one what I have read. God does not judge for no apparent reason. Now I do not come close to understanding why God does certain things, but I do know that He would not kill people for no good reason. Honestly, no matter what I say, no matter how many questions I answer, you will keep throwing new questions at me.

You did not answer what I asked about the state of the world pre flood verses post flood
You did not answer what I asked about the state of the world pre flood verses post flood

If you mean the question about the holocaust, then yes, chances are it was much worse. Not to say that the holocaust was a terrible thing, the holocaust is more than tragic. But, I still believe that pre-flood the world was worse.
If you mean the question about the holocaust, then yes, chances are it was much worse. Not to say that the holocaust was a terrible thing, the holocaust is more than tragic. But, I still believe that pre-flood the world was worse.

Wow really that must have been some world to live in then as this one is extermely screwed that one must have been really bad. So in the flood was the whole world then covered or just the know world and if it was the whole world how did Noah get the animals from the West and the Paciifc Islanda and well from any other place that was geographically remote.. But alas that is off topic the question before us is If there was a Just God well I still maintain you have to prove there is a god in order to define if it is a just one or not and the proof I have seen thus far show by todays stanbdards a very unstable and unjust god. One mans God is another man devil which is another fictional individual.
Wow really that must have been some world to live in then as this one is extermely screwed that one must have been really bad. So in the flood was the whole world then covered or just the know world and if it was the whole world how did Noah get the animals from the West and the Paciifc Islanda and well from any other place that was geographically remote.. But alas that is off topic the question before us is If there was a Just God well I still maintain you have to prove there is a god in order to define if it is a just one or not and the proof I have seen thus far show by todays stanbdards a very unstable and unjust god. One mans God is another man devil which is another fictional individual.

Believe it or not, I don't have all the answers. You drill me with these questions as if I know everything. You know what, when we die, we'll see who is right. As long as there is an afterlife, if there isn't we really will never know will we?
Wow really that must have been some world to live in then as this one is extermely screwed that one must have been really bad. So in the flood was the whole world then covered or just the know world and if it was the whole world how did Noah get the animals from the West and the Paciifc Islanda and well from any other place that was geographically remote.. But alas that is off topic the question before us is If there was a Just God well I still maintain you have to prove there is a god in order to define if it is a just one or not and the proof I have seen thus far show by todays stanbdards a very unstable and unjust god. One mans God is another man devil which is another fictional individual.

Also, I believe all the continents were combined, I forget what that is called. Also, all of the other separate islands also.

I believe the world is archipelago.
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Believe it or not, I don't have all the answers. You drill me with these questions as if I know everything. You know what, when we die, we'll see who is right. As long as there is an afterlife, if there isn't we really will never know will we?

Sorry to say but the afterlife you are hoping for is not there never was when you die you rot in a hole in the ground or you get paced on the mantle in an urn. there is nothing after this nothing but nothing. And you say you dont have the answer that is the problem is it not the answers I have proof on my side all you have is a book well several books of Gods word that was wrten down some 3 thousand years ago talking an bunch of shit that could not hold water intodays world. So is God Just no God is not just even if it ever exsisted.