If man creates life does it mean there isn't a god?

At one time it was said that God guided the Earth around the sun, but Newton figured out orbits, and more.

Newton did indeed push God out of the equation to some significant extent, but still invoked His hand at the limit of his own understanding. He felt that the actions of planets on each other, and other bodies such as comets, would conspire to create orbital irregularities that needed to be corrected by some sort of divine intervention (lest the solar system eventually be thrown into disarray).

A perfect example of the progress of science, it's gradual diminishing of the role of God in natural affairs, and the subsequent revision of that role into something that is itself also destined for further revision in the future (we understand orbits much better than Newton did).

Somehow, though, we are supposed to believe that this process has stopped. That the unsolved mysteries of the present age will remain unsolved until the end of time. Really? Please.
In many minds, the notion of a God existing seems absurd. To many, religion (and consequently the notion of God) seems like pure superstition. Many think that there is no reason to even consider the seemingly man-made notion of God. Some believe that there is no room for God in modern scientific understanding. Others look at ancient religions and recognize their absurdity. It is often these ancient notions of God that are conjured in the mind when thinking about that which the word God describes.

The Bible seems to me to have done a very good job of what it was intended to do, which includes instilling the fear of god within men and women. And while many of its stories may seem absurd from a modern standpoint, the success of the Bible over thousands of years is testament to the effectiveness of its stories. I do not see the Bible's ancient stories as reason to dismiss the possibility of God existing.

It is unwise to assume that something does not exist simply because there seems to be no evidence of its existence. I think we can all agree on the importance of objectivity. What is there to gain by closing the mind to the possibility of God existing? I think it can help to let go of preconceived notions about what is meant by God. Don't fall victim to paradigm paralysis.
1. Yes it is wise.
2. Atheists don't necessarily close their mind to the possibility of God, there is just presently no reason to believe it.
3. The idea of god is non-sensical in the first place, and can be dismissed without evidence of it's non-existence. For example, if I were to suggest the existence of a universal infinite salad, you know what the words mean separately, but they mean nothing when combined. It's the same with god. God is nothing without defining it's attributes, and it's attributes are non-sensical.
2. Atheists don't necessarily close their mind to the possibility of God, there is just presently no reason to believe it.

Faith speaks before reason speaks, for good reason.

Remember being a baby, what did you believe?
KilljoyKlown, et al,

Did I strike a nerve?

So religion makes up a fictitious soul, which you believe in and I'm supposed to be impressed by your reasoning. What other supernatural tripe do you believe in? Ghost, demons, angels, leprechauns, fairies? Let me guess, you grew up in a family that taught you that the Bible was inspired by God and as a child you weren't exactly in a position to make up your own mind and why would you want to question what your parents taught you? I have to wonder when your ancestors were first forced to accept a religion or suffer a miserable death and then to protect their children they taught them to believe in God and to accept the Bible as the word of God, and so it went from one generation to the next. Gee, what's not to believe? That primitive humans would take a popular cult and make a state sponsored religion out of it, and the state religious leaders would piece together a Bible and pawn it as the inspired word of God. How original and unexpected?:bugeye:

I didn't say I believe in anything. But since you ask, I'm agnostic. You certainly make a number of suggestions about me, of which you can't possibly know anything. So, am I to assume that it is an ad hominem approach you seek.

Most Respectfully,
KilljoyKlown, et al,

Did I strike a nerve?

I've had better days.


I didn't say I believe in anything. But since you ask, I'm agnostic. You certainly make a number of suggestions about me, of which you can't possibly know anything. So, am I to assume that it is an ad hominem approach you seek.

That's true you didn't, but you brought the subject up, and you weren't clear about your position on it. Could it be you were deliberately trying to provoke a reaction? But whatever, you have to take some heat, by associating with that subject. Rocco, is that really your name? If I had to guess, I'd say Italian?

If your still hanging out on this forum a couple of years from now, you will understand that very few questions are even close to being original and those that involve religious beliefs get particularly irritating after awhile.:D
KilljoyKlown, kx000, et al,

Yes, I've had days like that!

That's true you didn't, but you brought the subject up, and you weren't clear about your position on it. Could it be you were deliberately trying to provoke a reaction?

Well, actually, I was trying to directly answer the question. It is actually a question of unique God Powers.

Rocco, is that really your name? If I had to guess, I'd say Italian?

Yes, my real first name is "Rocco." And you are close to being right. I'm partly Sicilian (Rosano).

If your still hanging out on this forum a couple of years from now, you will understand that very few questions are even close to being original and those that involve religious beliefs get particularly irritating after awhile.:D

I don't contribute often, but over the last year of lurking, I've noticed that the topics, while sounding simple enough, are really complex questions with undefined terms. Before you can ask a question of "God," you must define the characteristics of the entity. For instance, in the Comment #27, supra:

I'd assume God lived in some way before he created anything.

In "kx000's" comment, there is an assumption not held in evidence; and may not be logical. The question of "life" (versus existence) is undefined; and its association and applicability to an undefined "God" that may have existed before the Universe, or possibly created the universe (or was created with the universe) is unknown. Like any equation, these need to be solved before an answer to the original question can be derived. In "kx000's" question - it must be reduced to its basics and answered in stages.

In addressing the original question, like I did above (Posting #7), it is reduced to its simplest form - in that way - answers can be derived.

Most Respectfully,
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the issue is what everyone seem insisting on being from getting to b first
unfortunately rare are the conscious that respect the fact of their freedom from everything else while appreciating to consider superiority that mean to give to all positive result of being existing

if u get to b then objectively u do not exist then what are u?? if u r not how could u claim seeing anything?
when u mean to get to b then ur end is the subjective belief of being urself one object as u sense enjoying it, and this is god, the one that cant recognize else facts to b bc it means to get to b first from any providence that it would refute existing too

if god as u claim is smthg that existed alone before shouting being creator, he would recognize everyone sense of means as being true different ones from his own geniun reality of being principally free means
if god was truly creator of himself existence before becoming objective creator, he will never mean in his words all conscious being for existing, he would clearly mean all conscious as existing facts already
it is clear that god didnt realize himself that is why for him any enjoy to b made from getting positive thing by what superiority give, as him
the issue is what everyone seem insisting on being from getting to b first
unfortunately rare are the conscious that respect the fact of their freedom from everything else while appreciating to consider superiority that mean to give to all positive result of being existing

if u get to b then objectively u do not exist then what are u?? if u r not how could u claim seeing anything?
when u mean to get to b then ur end is the subjective belief of being urself one object as u sense enjoying it, and this is god, the one that cant recognize else facts to b bc it means to get to b first from any providence that it would refute existing too

if god as u claim is smthg that existed alone before shouting being creator, he would recognize everyone sense of means as being true different ones from his own geniun reality of being principally free means
if god was truly creator of himself existence before becoming objective creator, he will never mean in his words all conscious being for existing, he would clearly mean all conscious as existing facts already
it is clear that god didnt realize himself that is why for him any enjoy to b made from getting positive thing by what superiority give, as him
If (atheist) science is so superior, then how does it come to be that those (atheist) scientists cannot just shoo the theists away with an idle hand gesture? I mean, they shoo at the theists, but the theists don't leave. Why not? Is it because the (atheist) scientists aren't scary and awe-inspiring enough?

For the same reason that communists and Nazis don't leave. It doesn't matter how thoroughly your ideology is debunked, there will always be people desperate/gullible/stupid enough to believe in it.

Why don't you leave? You've never won an argument here, nearly everyone you've interacted with has called you on your parasite tactics, and yet you persist. I'd say you're a pretty good metaphor for the ID movement.
Hey buddy, I believed in "God" long before I talked to reason. Reason has been heard, faith of God stands strong in my mind, still.

Science, yay!

That's the power of indoctrination for you. All you've demonstrated here is that it takes a stronger mind than yours to overcome the brainwashing that occurs to children of the devout.
That's the power of indoctrination for you. All you've demonstrated here is that it takes a stronger mind than yours to overcome the brainwashing that occurs to children of the devout.

You don't know me. I am the devout, I am the preacher man. Those churches are WRONG. Get it, you stereotype.

Love is my God, Pacifism is my Son.
Faith speaks before reason speaks, for good reason.

Remember being a baby, what did you believe?

OK, that's good proof, so I'm a believer now, which I forgot that I was as a baby.

On my first day of life, I was a bit discombobulated. My new world was very bright and so I asked for sunglasses. I am a writer, so I was already able to speak. On the second day I realized by the very great reason of faith that God's system of mind had planned, designed, and created everything. I deduced that God is First, eternal, and the boss of everything. On the third day I noted that God had done nothing to earn His position, having been lucky to be in the right place at the right time. Boy, talk about a 'silver spoon'. So, there was God sitting around forever, most of which time he wasted searching for His earliest memory, of which there wasn't any. So, approximately 13.573976453106388118204 billion years ago, He implemented the universe, but it didn't work out so well, most of it amounting to a load of crap. He was disappointed with Adam and Eve who had been around for 13.573976453106388118204 billion years, so He threw them out, but still tried some more, sending a flood, then the Thirty Commandments, then His son, followed by Our Lady of Fatima, and soon to do, the burning up of the Earth via global warming. So, anyway, now I could pray and worship, crawling on my knees to Church. On the seventh day I rested, sleeping 18 hours, and became atheist.
OK, that's good proof, so I'm a believer now, which I forgot that I was as a baby.

My faith was all the same as a little baby, don't be foolish you know yours as well.

On my first day of life, I was a bit discombobulated.

I was not. I did not cry. I think I figured I was a baby quickly, so I did baby things like play with puppies and kittens, and I got use to my limbs. Feet were important. Crawling under things right on through high school. Before I figured that I was a baby when I was most sound, thought is unnecessary, science is enough for me. I wonder. :rolleyes:

My new world was very bright and so I asked for sunglasses. I am a writer, so I was already able to speak. On the second day I realized by the very great reason of faith that God's system of mind had planned, designed, and created everything. I deduced that God is First, eternal, and the boss of everything. On the third day I noted that God had done nothing to earn His position, having been lucky to be in the right place at the right time.

Non of this is necessary.

Tell me, are you a simple man? Most basic. Love.

Boy, talk about a 'silver spoon'. So, there was God sitting around forever, most of which time he wasted searching for His earliest memory, of which there wasn't any. So, approximately 13.573976453106388118204 billion years ago, He implemented the universe, but it didn't work out so well, most of it amounting to a load of crap.

Im not crap. God thought up faith, and temptation. We are the gods. Yee.