If man creates life does it mean there isn't a god?


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What is the view of religion on the creation of life? Is it seen as something only God can do? If so what would happen to religion if man did create life?
I've got a whole bunch of little cells in my body right now that are beavering away creating new cells. Does that mean I'm creating life?
Surely the creation of life from none living life is the ultimate scientific achievement/mirical (sp) and something that would only be within the domain of a God, if there was such a thing?
Surely the creation of life from none living life is the ultimate scientific achievement/mirical (sp) and something that would only be within the domain of a God, if there was such a thing?

Actually, the creation of life in it's simplest form(self replicating molecules)has already occurred. But it is just sufficiently complex chemistry, nothing more.

arauca, et al,

I cannot speak for, or on behalf of any particular religion; merely how I perceive it.

Man just copied what was created.

Understanding the concept and intent of a "GOD" or Supreme Being (SB) is limited by the imagination of man and man's inability to see the grand design for the future.

  • If there is an SB, whatever man does is already part of the grand design; whatever man creates, is merely a recombination of the essence of the universe given to man. However man accomplishes an achievement, it is through the use of the tools of intellect supplied by the SB (inevitable).
  • If there is NO SB, then any achievement of man is a result of an outcome incapable of being avoided, in the pursuit of scientific inquiry and exploration. The assembly by man, of any mechanism (through bio-electric, chemical, or mechanical means) that replicates life is a human invention; not a supernatural power projected by the SB.

In both cases, one learns that the forces and power of the SB are much more than just the ability to create life. In almost every religion, there is something included in humanity that is supernatural; sometime referred to as a soul. Man may be able to create life, but not a soul. The case of replication: that which is supernatural, by definition, cannot be replicated by man which is natural.

Most Respectfully,
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In both cases, one learns that the forces and power of the SB are much more than just the ability to create life. In almost every religion, there is something included in humanity that is supernatural; sometime referred to as a soul. Man may be able to create life, but not a soul. The case of replication: that which is supernatural, by definition, cannot be replicated by man which is natural.

Most Respectfully,

So religion makes up a fictitious soul, which you believe in and I'm supposed to be impressed by your reasoning. What other supernatural tripe do you believe in? Ghost, demons, angels, leprechauns, fairies? Let me guess, you grew up in a family that taught you that the Bible was inspired by God and as a child you weren't exactly in a position to make up your own mind and why would you want to question what your parents taught you? I have to wonder when your ancestors were first forced to accept a religion or suffer a miserable death and then to protect their children they taught them to believe in God and to accept the Bible as the word of God, and so it went from one generation to the next. Gee, what's not to believe? That primitive humans would take a popular cult and make a state sponsored religion out of it, and the state religious leaders would piece together a Bible and pawn it as the inspired word of God. How original and unexpected?:bugeye:
yes only an absolute superior stand can do objective life out of inferior perspectives

it is too easy to take advantage from a plus u inherit by using it as a proof of being superior to others dimensions that u can force to stay inferior

like taking advantage from others misery to enslave them to work for ur benefits at a very low salary, while sure u could b anytime the reason of their smiles by making them hoping anything, so the source of a superficial life sense from that plus over them u know how to use over their infinite miseries to u

for a living sense to b real, true superiority must b an objective link of different free stands revealing their own positive potentials of being objective values too

so any rich guy could sponsor the illusion of potentials in bringing others to get smthg out of objective project money sound credible to realize so everyone around look believing the union it needs for success
So religion makes up a fictitious soul, which you believe in and I'm supposed to be impressed by your reasoning. What other supernatural tripe do you believe in? Ghost, demons, angels, leprechauns, fairies?
If they believe in the fiction that life arose from anything else but life are they in the clear?
One of the favorite memes of the IDer is that we have not yet recreated genesis--that is, we haven't taken the components of life and made them become life--and that this is "proof" that life can only be created by God.

That will of course happen one day, but rational human beings won't see it as evidence of anything other than the power of the human mind. There's already enough evidence for disbelief in the supernatural, creating life from inorganic matter would just be us filling in one more of the gaps the faithful have been reduced to.

And as has already been demonstrated by some believers in this thread, they'll just cook up another hurdle by pushing their god back another level of abstraction. "Man can't create life. You say man has created life? Well then, man can't create the soul."
And as has already been demonstrated by some believers in this thread, they'll just cook up another hurdle by pushing their god back another level of abstraction. "Man can't create life. You say man has created life? Well then, man can't create the soul."

That's precisely what would happen, and is essentially what has been happening all throughout history. In fact even if we one day have a proper scientific account of phenomenal consciousness, the argument will become "Well, man can't create the fabric of existence itself, can he?".
At one time it was said that God guided the Earth around the sun, but Newton figured out orbits, and more.
The bill of goods is overdue…

A bill collector drives up…

Woe is sitting on the doorstep…

Life cannot ever have an endless series of Lives and LIVES, behind, so…

…defeat has entered the house.
That's precisely what would happen, and is essentially what has been happening all throughout history. In fact even if we one day have a proper scientific account of phenomenal consciousness, the argument will become "Well, man can't create the fabric of existence itself, can he?".

And that would be fine, so long as they didn't insist upon it being taught in schools.
And that would be fine, so long as they didn't insist upon it being taught in schools.

If (atheist) science is so superior, then how does it come to be that those (atheist) scientists cannot just shoo the theists away with an idle hand gesture? I mean, they shoo at the theists, but the theists don't leave. Why not? Is it because the (atheist) scientists aren't scary and awe-inspiring enough?