If Jesus is God, Jesus had MPD

The problem is how you define "to be born". If you ask an atheist how he was created, he would say: by his mother and father. If you ask an Aquarian who his brothers and sisters are, he would tell you: the whole world.

"Spiritual" and "biological" are adjectives that describe the object and context of discussion. Meaning begs for words.
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Biological birth of Jesus

Originally posted by Guru
First, welcome to sciforms. You'll soon realize that East is East and West is West and never the twain shall meet on the religion forum!
I have some questions for you regarding this post:

Was Jesus born Biologically .....Yes

Can this be proven? His 'birth' was documented in the Gospels, I know, but is there any other record of Jesus' birth say the name of the midwife? What about her history? Was it a difficult birth? How long was Mary in labor?

Was Jesus Conceived Biologically .....No ...Spiritually

All of Creation was conceived spiritually. That's a whole nother topic, though. Did Jesus have DNA like everybody else?

Was God father of Jesus ....Yes

This is so elementary.

Did God then Mate with the Spirit ...No

The Spirit of whom? Please explain!

God had a Son ....Yes

We're all creations of the positive force that created the universes.

Which had to be born from a Mother ....Yes

Why? Couldn't God impregnant a male if he wanted to? THAT would be a miracle! Oh, I get it. It had to have a passageway to be born, okay. So God went looking for a surrogate mother whose vagina would be blessed by giving birth.

Was Adam born Biologically.....No

How do you know this? The Garden of Eden story came much later than the Flood story, but the Bible wasn't compiled in the correct sequence. How do you know Adam wasn't 'born' like the rest of us? Oh, dirt and clay, dirt and clay. No vagina needed here!

Was Adam Born spiritually .....No

All of Creation was born, evolved, emerged spiritually even before physically!

Please Come out of your Charades and look at life as it is passing you by and see Bible as a Best Seller and stop acting out like Star Trek Convention guys by carrying a Phaser on your belt

My friend, you are lost in your charades! You have been blinded by your own delusions. So sad.

I am sorry for sounding so tense ..believe me I am not ...

You don't sound tense. You sound stupid. Okay, ignorant.

Also, I don't mean to sound better than you ...Pardon me

You don't need to apologize, because you DON'T sound better than or appear to be any wiser than any of the other Xians on this forum!

Again, can you PROVE Jesus was born biologically? The Gospels were written some 100 years after Jesus was no longer around. The Gospels were commissioned by Paul to help him create this new lucrative business of saving souls for a price. The Gospel writers never new Jesus. Paul never knew Jesus. It's all a created myth! Let's hear your proof! If you have some novel information that the other Xians on this forum have not been able to come up with, then I beg you, please show me!
I don't mean to be mean here...but why do you guys play with words such as Biological and Spiritual and pick and choose whenever you want to ....
Because of the obvious context. You completely don't understand the Trinity. Did God have a Son? No, of course not because that implies that Jesus did not exist at some point. Revelation 12 says that we are her decendants.

Again, can you PROVE Jesus was born biologically? The Gospels were written some 100 years after Jesus was no longer around.
Mark and Mathew were written around 70AD. Paul's letters were written around 50AD. The martyrdom of James was recorded in Josephus I think. There are also writings such as the didache, which support early christians.
Re: Biological birth of Jesus

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
First, welcome to sciforms. !

Thank you ... Though I have been a member for quite some time I hardly get time to post ..and one post from me and I get hammered by Med Woman

My friend, you are lost in your charades! You have been blinded by your own delusions. So sad.

You don't sound tense. You sound stupid. Okay, ignorant.

I did not mean to sound stupid :D but it so happens when ever I open I mouth ......:D

Let me make it clear ...I never meant to say that I believe in Gospels or all the Jesus Shit thats been going on around ..
I just got frustrated reading these Xians use the words and make them work for their belief in many times contradicting themselves.
About Birth of Jesus, creation of adam, creation of earth in 6 days and then 40 days of fire ...I try to stay clear of getting in to Bibilical details as I believe the book not to be a true potrayal and at many times misleading...I feel if there has to be any Messiah then it has to be all the guys who invented all the things we use ...and not the guys who invented Hate and discrimination based on someone's belief.

Very good Godlied, now come back when you have thought this through more fully. :p :D
Re: Re: Biological birth of Jesus

Originally posted by Guru
Thank you ... Though I have been a member for quite some time I hardly get time to post ..and one post from me and I get hammered by Med Woman

Guru, thank you for clarifying your position. You sure fooled me. I took your statements to be those of yet another Xian trying to cram their religion down our throats. Consider yourself unhammered!