If islam is the religion of peace

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If islam is the religion of peace,

Why does it kill shi’as & sunni’s in Iraq?
Why does it kill shi’as & sunni’s in Pakistan?
Why does it kill Sindhis and Muhajirs in Pakistan?
Why does it kill Christians in Darfur?
Why does it kill Christians in Indonesia?
Why does it kill Christians in the Philippines?
Why does it kill Baha'is in Iran?
Some would say the actions of the followers don't reflect the religion... but seeing as Kuran encites violence and hatred, that sort of blows that out of the water.
Islam is not the religion of peace...some foolish people say that because the word salam means peace...but its just a root word...its like saying submission and mission are the same words or underwater and water are one in the same..Islam means submission

thank you for starting this thread

usign the same logic Is christiainity the religion of peace?

Of the situations you refer to above are humans killing humans, the killing would be the same regardless of religion...


Take care
If islam is the religion of peace,

Why does it kill shi’as & sunni’s in Iraq?
Why does it kill shi’as & sunni’s in Pakistan?
Why does it kill Sindhis and Muhajirs in Pakistan?
Why does it kill Christians in Darfur?
Why does it kill Christians in Indonesia?
Why does it kill Christians in the Philippines?
Why does it kill Baha'is in Iran?

If Christianity is a religion of peace, then
why does it kill blacks in Congo?
why does it kill indians in America?
why does it kill aztecs, mayans in mexico, south america?
why does it kill muslims in Algeria?
why does it rape altar boys in Churches?
why does it kill muslim civilians in Iraq?
why does it burn mentally ill people alive, thinking they are possessed?
why does it kill muslims on the way to Jerusalem, (crusaders)
why does it drop 2 ATOMIC bombs on 100 thousands civilians in Japan?
why does it kill jews and muslims in Spain?
and ...so on
wildblueyonder, you always attack muslims, without looking your own past
must be awful and sad to be around you
All those things can be justified in the name of creating peace. Massacre all your enemies and peace prevails.
The Roman Catholic church performed many horribly un-Biblical atrocities, this is the same church which prevented commoners from reading the Bible, so you can see that they obviously had an agenda other than preaching the Gospel.

The American government was and is not a Christian government, the theocracies are in the Middle East.
Suppose you hear in one of the towns the LORD your God is giving you that some worthless rabble among you have led their fellow citizens astray by encouraging them to worship foreign gods. In such cases, you must examine the facts carefully. If you find it is true and can prove that such a detestable act has occurred among you, you must attack that town and completely destroy all its inhabitants, as well as all the livestock. Then you must pile all the plunder in the middle of the street and burn it. Put the entire town to the torch as a burnt offering to the LORD your God. That town must remain a ruin forever; it may never be rebuilt. Keep none of the plunder that has been set apart for destruction. Then the LORD will turn from his fierce anger and be merciful to you. He will have compassion on you and make you a great nation, just as he solemnly promised your ancestors. "The LORD your God will be merciful only if you obey him and keep all the commands I am giving you today, doing what is pleasing to him." (Deuteronomy 13:13-19 NLT)

Deu 13:12 And if word comes to you, in one of the towns which the Lord your God is giving you for your resting-place,
Deu 13:13 That good-for-nothing persons have gone out from among you, turning the people of their town from the right way and saying, Let us go and give worship to other gods, of whom you have no knowledge;
Deu 13:14 Then let a full search be made, and let questions be put with care; and if it is true and certain that such a disgusting thing has been done among you;
Deu 13:15 Then take up arms against the people of that town and give it up to the curse, with all its cattle and everything in it.
Deu 13:16 And take all the goods into the middle of its open space, burning the town and all its property with fire as an offering to the Lord your God; it is to be a waste for ever; there is to be no more building there.
Deu 13:17 Keep not a thing of what is cursed for yourselvesDeu 13:12 And if word comes to you, in one of the towns which the Lord your God is giving you for your resting-place,
Deu 13:13 That good-for-nothing persons have gone out from among you, turning the people of their town from the right way and saying, Let us go and give worship to other gods, of whom you have no knowledge;
Deu 13:14 Then let a full search be made, and let questions be put with care; and if it is true and certain that such a disgusting thing has been done among you;
Deu 13:15 Then take up arms against the people of that town and give it up to the curse, with all its cattle and everything in it.
Deu 13:16 And take all the goods into the middle of its open space, burning the town and all its property with fire as an offering to the Lord your God; it is to be a waste for ever; there is to be no more building there.
Deu 13:17 Keep not a thing of what is cursed for yourselves
That was for that time and circumstances, and to be symbolic to future generations of how much God hates sin, however, we now live under the New Covenant in New Testament times, but I can assure you, if groups of people are nearly thwarting the plans of God, nasty things can happen.
So the Bible isn't the literal truth? We shouldn't follow anything in the OT? I guess we shouldn't condemn homos or abortion either?
Maybe Islam's violent passages are contradicted by later ones too?

I've done this before, Muslims are willing to explain the Koran too, just like you.
usign the same logic Is christiainity the religion of peace?
Haa! Hardly so!
Christianity and Christians are by far and wide responsible for more death and destruction of other peoples and cultures than any other philosophy on earth. I'm not sure, give human nature, if it would have made any difference were we Mythranic or Polytheistic - but that is the case.
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