If god is love, how can the world have so much hate?


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
M*W: So, is god love? Prove it! Why does the world have so much hate? Why doesn't god eradicate the hate? Is he a vengeful god? If there were a god, he'd save the world (isn't that supposed to be what he was supposed to do?) Why does god bring hate to the world?
M*W: So, is god love? Prove it! Why does the world have so much hate? Why doesn't god eradicate the hate? Is he a vengeful god? If there were a god, he'd save the world (isn't that supposed to be what he was supposed to do?) Why does god bring hate to the world?
Well... ummm... since there isn't a god, all you really see is the species homo sap. exercising it's well tested tribal defence and resource acquisition behaviors.
What's the point of threads like this on a forum where nobody believes in god?
What's the point of threads like this on a forum where nobody believes in god?

M*W: There is maybe no point, but I like the conversation anyway. There is no god, but maybe some people still believe. I am curious why they still believe when it's been proven no god exists!
M*W: There is maybe no point, but I like the conversation anyway. There is no god, but maybe some people still believe. I am curious why they still believe when it's been proven no god exists!
The question of the day I'd say. I'm convinced that it's millenia of cultural momentum.
Well, God - as I see it - both loves and hates. The phrase "God is love" is to be taken ... well, metaphorically, in a way. I don't think 'metaphorically' is the right word to use here, but you see what I'm trying to say?

I'm assuming you're referring to the Christian God. I'm not a Nazi Christian, by the way ... I'm just a Christian, hoping to answer your question :) ... I was, for several years, an agnostic (leaning more towards atheist), so I'm not looking to get on anyones bad side.

Anyways, back to the original topic.

While God's nature is love, he is also righteous and holy. God doesn't owe anyone anything - humanity sins. We are all sinners, and as such, we have offended him, because we broke his rules. His rules are a reflection of what he is like.

If you don't understand, let me try to explain in this way: Imagine a father with four kids. Two of the kids are very rebellious - all they want to do is go against their dad's rules, and then when they turn eighteen, they pretty much abandon their father, and go tell all their friends that their dad walked out on them. Their friends only see what the kids say, so they see the father as a bad person. The father, however, isn't a bad person - he justly punishes the two kids for being rebellious brats :D

The other two kids, while they do get punished when they do bad things (because they are only kids, and are prone to doing bad things ;)) seem to magically have life easier with their father, though ... because they "believed" in their father's rules. They trusted them to be right, and did what he said - even though they may have had several conflicts with them in the past.

The dad doesn't owe his kids anything ... the kids actually owe their dad! But the dad isn't going to hold it against him, of course.

Back to talking about God. I also, personally believe that if God was to suddenly save the entire world and let them off the hook ... well, what would the purpose in that be? If you had a few kids that just went and got themselves laid and all kinds of other crazy things in a night (bad things, whatever your idea of bad is), when they came home, would you say, "Oh, it's okay, just don't do it again!" ... or would you punish them?


Edit: What proof is there that God does not exist, besides "I haven't seen him yet"?
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God has been tested and found to not exist.

Give me any claimed attribute for "god" and I will give you the proof that it ain't so.

How does one TEST a spiritual being for existence? I hope your post was sarcastic.
LOL! No.

Does your god answer prayers? No. Proven by strictly controlled studies.

Does your god work miracles? I.e. things that defy known natural laws? No. Proven by all known test of such claims.

What else dosen't your "god" do?
As I stated, God does not owe anyone anything. Mate, do you honestly believe that God is going to answer to some atheist's science experiment? "OK, God, here's a deal. You answer my prayer, I write up an article, answer a few more prayers, and you get an assload of new believers. That sound ok? No answer? Aight den, let's go. ... Oh look, my hypothesis was correct! No God! End of story."

God answers to those who truly have faith in him, or are honestly seeking faith. You cannot wear a mask and hide your true self from him - he reads your heart like an open book.

God does work miracles. Every day, when a believer asks for assistance through him, they normally get their prayers answered. Not all prayers are answered, not all requested miracles occur - God knows what's better. If I ask God to kill me, and he doesn't, do you look at that as an ignored prayer, or a prayer left unanswered for the better?
God answers to those who truly have faith in him, or are honestly seeking faith. You cannot wear a mask and hide your true self from him - he reads your heart like an open book.

God does work miracles. Every day, when a believer asks for assistance through him, they normally get their prayers answered. Not all prayers are answered, not all requested miracles occur - God knows what's better. If I ask God to kill me, and he doesn't, do you look at that as an ignored prayer, or a prayer left unanswered for the better?
Wow. Just like every other arrogant, selfrighteous, holier-that-thou theist out there. You seem to know exactly how god is to behave. Bully for you, lil' miss. What tricks can you make your god do next?
As I stated, God does not owe anyone anything. Mate, do you honestly believe that God is going to answer to some atheist's science experiment? "OK, God, here's a deal. You answer my prayer, I write up an article, answer a few more prayers, and you get an assload of new believers. That sound ok? No answer? Aight den, let's go. ... Oh look, my hypothesis was correct! No God! End of story."
No, O dim one. People pray for specific outcomes and the results are tallied. The result is always the same. It's as good as if no one prayed. i.e. RANDOM.
lmfao. Okay then, I'm arrogant.

I'm just telling you that he's not a lap dog that does "tricks" for you (or me or anyone else in the world), and responds to your science experiments on him. He never responded to my little crusades against him. He still doesn't respond to my little crusades that I go off on every once in a while. But you know why I still believe in him? Because of faith, mate.

Self-righteous? Ok, we'll go with that too. Are you not self-righteous in yourself, absolutely CONVINCED that he's non-existent because these absolutely one hundred percent accurate tests you're asking him to do, he won't respond to?


People pray for specific outcomes? You're still asking him to do tricks for you in the name of science. If you - by the wildest stretch of imagination - became invisible (humor me), and no one would believe you were invisible, and they wanted you to prove to them that you were invisible - and you did. You drew your name in the ground. Stood in front of a mirror and breathed on it, your breath showed up ... but they thought they were just crazy, or it was their own breath, or a coincidence or whatever ... what exactly would you do after a couple million people just didn't accept it?
So by that logic, are you saying he exists? Because from here, it looks like you're saying he is the subject that applies to permanence. And I'm pretty sure that, in order to be a subject, you have to exist.
Because of faith, mate.

I don't need to respond to any other part of your post. There it is. The be-all end-all of intellectual shielding. Impervious to any and all discussion, debate, or analysis. The end of any discussion with a theist.

And something that all theists say with pride. As if blindly accepting anything is something to be proud of. Faith is the pacifier of the masses. I totally understand your position. You wouldn't want to actually admit that the very concept of faith was designed to enslave the weak-minded to their intellectual superiors (religious "leaders").

You have faith that god is there. The very admission that there is nothing better to recommend your god-thingy than a gut feeling. Good. Very good. Sleep tight tonight, wrapped in your blanket of ignorance, ummm... I mean faith.