If God exists, why doesn't he come right out and show us?


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
M*W: I believe that if a god existed, he would be obvious, and there would be no doubt in believing in him. For those of you who believe in him without any proof, why is he not showing himself to each and everyone of us? We all can't be that bad. What's your theory?
This question gives theists an easy way out with non-answers that can not be disputed.
God shows himself everyday, everywhere, through everything, but only those who understand what God is can see him.

Everyone sees God every day, but they don't recognize it, because they have their own personal picture of what God is.

God truly is obvious. He is life itself, like Christ said.
See what I mean?

Thank you Medicine Woman for raising this stupid thread and thereby forcing me to listen to this crap.

Now if you will excuse me, I am going to bed. I will try not to fucking trip over God on the way there, dumbasses.
Not only have I tripped over God, I accidentally touched his ass on the way down. I was summarily smacked, as God? Ironically a woman.
How bout we change every noun to God like in the Southpark episode with the marklars.

Greetings, God! I am God! This is God.

You see, young god. Those gods don't care about god god. They just want to take your god and god their own god. The only god for this is to god.

Kyle: God, these gods want to change your god. They don't want this God or any of his god to live here because it's bad for their god. They use God to try and force god to believe their god. If you let them stay here, they will build gods and gods. They will take all your gods and replace them with their Gods. These gods have no good god to live on God, so they must come here to God. Please, let these gods stay where they can grow and prosper without any gods, gods, or gods.

Marklar: Young one, your God is wise and true.
M*W: I believe that if a god existed, he would be obvious, and there would be no doubt in believing in him. For those of you who believe in him without any proof, why is he not showing himself to each and everyone of us? We all can't be that bad. What's your theory?

How does this sound, coming from the mouth of a high school drop out

I believe that if an electron existed, it would be obvious, and there would be no doubt in believing in them. For those of you who believe in electrons without any proof, why are they not visible to each and everyone of us? We all can't be that blind. What's your theory?

In otherwords it is sufficient to hold that something is true only if vast numbers of people can directly perceive it

I think you can see that if we uniformly apply this general principle we will be forced to wipe out 95% of what we have in the way of knowledge (Art, science, music, language etc) - and interestingly enough it will wipe out the top end and leave us with animal activities such as sleeping eating mating defending and grunting which are uniform across all levels.



- that's just an example of grunting in case you didn't know
How does this sound, coming from the mouth of a high school drop out

I believe that if an electron existed, it would be obvious, and there would be no doubt in believing in them. For those of you who believe in electrons without any proof, why are they not visible to each and everyone of us? We all can't be that blind. What's your theory?

Your favourite analogy. But hundreds of experiments demonstrate evidence for the existence of electrons.

Do you have any similar experiments which demonstrate evidence for the existence of God or confirmation that Astrology is not superstition?


- that's just an example of grunting in case you didn't know

Oh right, I thought that was the sound of you talking out of your arse again.
Your favourite analogy. But hundreds of experiments demonstrate evidence for the existence of electrons.

Yes, but my beloved highschool drop out is adverse to science and says all the text books are full of crap and the people who advocate them are moronic eggheads etc etc, hence his statements

Do you have any similar experiments which demonstrate evidence for the existence of God or confirmation that Astrology is not superstition?

Do you have such experiments and demonstrative evidence for the existence of electrons that can be understood by the high school drop out?
lightgigantic said:
I believe that if an electron existed, it would be obvious, and there would be no doubt in believing in them. For those of you who believe in electrons without any proof, why are they not visible to each and everyone of us? We all can't be that blind. What's your theory?

Wow, the sad thing is I bet your faulty logic works on most people. The difference is the effect of electrons and the effect of an all knowing, all loving, all powerful creator of the universe. Through sheer common sense one of these would be more obvious than the other. I think that was the point. You see certain things are SUPPOSED to be obvious. By definition this being should be extremely obvious, he wants us to believe in him and he loves us all, right? Shouldn't he be helping people? Shouldn't he be appearing before us every week and giving us lectures on love and peace? Why does everything in reality seem to support his non-existence?
lightgigantic said:
How does this sound, coming from the mouth of a high school drop out

I believe that if an electron existed, it would be obvious, and there would be no doubt in believing in them. For those of you who believe in electrons without any proof, why are they not visible to each and everyone of us? We all can't be that blind. What's your theory?

In otherwords it is sufficient to hold that something is true only if vast numbers of people can directly perceive it

I think you can see that if we uniformly apply this general principle we will be forced to wipe out 95% of what we have in the way of knowledge (Art, science, music, language etc) - and interestingly enough it will wipe out the top end and leave us with animal activities such as sleeping eating mating defending and grunting which are uniform across all levels.



- that's just an example of grunting in case you didn't know

M*W: I'm not a high school drop out. Are you refering to yourself?
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: I'm not a high school drop out. Are you refering to yourself?

I was actually referring to the application of the exact same premises you raise in your argument to a slightly different situation.

I also went on further to show how applying the general principles of your argument to society at large results in a very strange view.

Wow, the sad thing is I bet your faulty logic works on most people.

To the degree that someone is logical, yes it works, which I guess, while including most people, does not include everyone.

The difference is the effect of electrons and the effect of an all knowing, all loving, all powerful creator of the universe.

Yes these differences can be perceived by someone who knows - this why the high school drop out cannot perceive the former amd the sneering atheist cannot understand the later

Through sheer common sense one of these would be more obvious than the other.
Common sense is onsly sensible is the knowledge is common

I think that was the point. You see certain things are SUPPOSED to be obvious.

Yes, like electrons and god, but they are only obvious to one who is qualified by knowledge

By definition this being should be extremely obvious, he wants us to believe in him and he loves us all, right?

That's correct, so obviously there must be something missing from your half of the equation if you have a different idea of his nature

Shouldn't he be helping people?

If you mean helping in the sense of helping us get deeper into illusion, no.

Shouldn't he be appearing before us every week and giving us lectures on love and peace?
By every week I guess you are implying it would be good if there were six day breaks in between his lectures so we could "restore" things to the "proper order" in between

Why does everything in reality seem to support his non-existence?
Illusion I guess, which empowers us to be stupid
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c7ityi_ said:
God shows himself everyday, everywhere, through everything, but only those who understand what God is can see him.

Everyone sees God every day, but they don't recognize it, because they have their own personal picture of what God is.

God truly is obvious. He is life itself, like Christ said.

M*W: Well, c7ity_, you have many hallucinations, and your vision of god is just one of them. Tis better to believe in reality than to hope for a god who isn't there.
lightgigantic said:
Yes these differences can be perceived by someone who knows - this why the high school drop out cannot perceive the former amd the sneering atheist cannot understand the later

Should an all knowing, all loving, all powerful, creator of the universe not be something obvious, seen by all? I mean he did supposedly create us. If it's our fault we don't see him isn't it safe to assume it's an error in his creation? Could he not simply do something that would allow us to see him, seeing as how he can do anything? Why do I have to be fed BS about how god is in the beauty of the trees and sky like that's some kind of logical conclusion? He's GOD, he can't just come on down and say hi? He's supposedly done it before, why would he intervene once and then never bother again?

Common sense is onsly sensible is the knowledge is common

Wow maaaaaan....That's like....so poetic!!! How about saying something that has some kind of substance to it instead of meaningless platitudes.
“ Originally Posted by lightgigantic
Yes these differences can be perceived by someone who knows - this why the high school drop out cannot perceive the former amd the sneering atheist cannot understand the later ”

Should an all knowing, all loving, all powerful, creator of the universe not be something obvious, seen by all?

I guess he has reservations about being a shit magnet

I mean he did supposedly create us. If it's our fault we don't see him isn't it safe to assume it's an error in his creation?
If he created us with free will it could also be an error of our free will

Could he not simply do something that would allow us to see him, seeing as how he can do anything?
Wll there are scriptures , but since they require sincerity I guess thats another mistake he made huh?

Why do I have to be fed BS about how god is in the beauty of the trees and sky like that's some kind of logical conclusion? He's GOD, he can't just come on down and say hi? He's supposedly done it before, why would he intervene once and then never bother again?

If you actually investigate the circumstances where he did come down they tend to reveal the normative values required by practioners to be innvolved in such situations

“ Common sense is onsly sensible is the knowledge is common ”

Wow maaaaaan....That's like....so poetic!!! How about saying something that has some kind of substance to it instead of meaningless platitudes.

I am worried that if I did you would be even more insulted
lightgigantic said:
Yes, but my beloved highschool drop out is adverse to science and says all the text books are full of crap and the people who advocate them are moronic eggheads etc etc, hence his statements

Do you have such experiments and demonstrative evidence for the existence of electrons that can be understood by the high school drop out?

I suppose the angle you are aiming for here is that the atheist dismisses religion/god/scripture etc despite the fact he/she has not properly studied those things.

This assumes that extensive study in religion, astrology and other belief orientated systems, would reveal supporting evidence for that belief.

Just out of interest, there must be atheist professors in theology, right?