If God existed, do our efforts to know God matter?

Your question supposes if God exists, whether searching for Him is of any consequences.

If He is Just and Merciful, which all monotheistic faiths state, then God would welcome the search for Him. God shall judge man based on what he gained from his search for God and how this knowledge was utilized.

According to the Abrahamic religion, God created mankind that they may worship Him and recognize His authority of them in a manner which fits His Greatness. God does not have need of us, but it is we who are in need of God. Therefore seeking God is not only necessary, it is the very reason for our existence. Man's existence is tied to the awareness of God. That one who does not recognize God, he is not truly alive.
According to the Abrahamic religion, God created mankind that they may worship Him and recognize His authority of them in a manner which fits His Greatness. God does not have need of us, but it is we who are in need of God. Therefore seeking God is not only necessary, it is the very reason for our existence.

Why do we need god?

Man's existence is tied to the awareness of God. That one who does not recognize God, he is not truly alive.

Yet, we all exist and we're all alive, completely unaware of gods.

How do you define "truly alive"?
Originally Posted by Adstar
I never formulate prayers, when i talk to God i just talk to Him. I know that God knows all the thoughts i think towards Him. Sometimes i will use one of the acceptable titles then again sometimes i will not. The intent of my mind to communicate with the Creator of all existence is i believe enough.

Do you think it should be enough for others as well?

Yeah. But each individuel will follow they way they will.

I find your approach very abstract. In fact, so abstract that I see no way to implement it in my life.

"abstract". In what way?

• ABSTRACT (noun)
The noun ABSTRACT has 2 senses:

1. a concept or idea not associated with any specific instance
2. a sketchy summary of the main points of an argument or theory

Familiarity information: ABSTRACT used as a noun is rare.

• ABSTRACT (adjective)
The adjective ABSTRACT has 3 senses:

1. existing only in the mind; separated from embodiment
2. not representing or imitating external reality or the objects of nature
3. dealing with a subject in the abstract without practical purpose or intention

Familiarity information: ABSTRACT used as an adjective is uncommon.

• ABSTRACT (verb)
The verb ABSTRACT has 4 senses:

1. consider a concept without thinking of a specific example; consider abstractly or theoretically
2. make off with belongings of others
3. consider apart from a particular case or instance
4. give an abstract (of)

How is it abstract?

And what is it that you think would be implementable in your life?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days