If ghosts exists, I have a theory of how they come to be and what makes them exist.

...What do you guys think?

I think that what you posted is not a valid theory. Theories are literally models of observable phenomena. There are no observable ghost entities, hence there is nothing to build a model from. What you have posted however is a snippet of creative writing, maybe turn it into a story?
Ghosts do exist, I see them on the streets all the time...;)

It's what we call unmarked police vehicles :D
Strange that over the past few hundred years that no scientific evidence has proven any "theory" about the existence of "ghosts" to be factual. All testing done by very competent scientists have determined that "ghosts" aren't real and those who claim to see them cannot provide any SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE that they actually see them or that others can duplicate and see as well.

So you want a way to make ghosts appear to you? Not possible.
what make ghosts appear is their imprint , and intensity on their life experiences when they actually lived

life has an energy different from the energy of the galaxies , stars etc
what make ghosts appear is their imprint , and intensity on their life experiences when they actually lived
Evidence please.

life has an energy different from the energy of the galaxies , stars etc
How do you know?
How come we can't detect this "life energy"?
Where and how does it show up in living things?
That's a very interesting theory you have there and well thought out. I do have one question thought, assuming ghost do exist. What if one had mixed energies of equal proportion due to what he/she has done while they were alive. What if that ghost were to emit both positive and negative? It sounds absurb, but I'm guessing in spirit realm, they don't obey the basic laws of Physics and what now.
Bad advice.
At least one of these "pseudo know it alls" has been reading and checking crap like this for ~50 years. Zero results.
I'm trying to stop her wasting her time.

The truth is that ghosts do not exist.

what about acts of the past ? Do they follow humanity . The shadows of past deeds . Like revenge for example . A kills B , Bs family will not let it go 2 generations later B kills A family member and so on . Demons of the past come haunting by way of actions . Like religions past down generation to generation .
Built empires with ghosts from the past . Rocky foundations so to speak . How can I put it ? Built on fairy tales held as a belief . The fairy tales belief and the effects of believing the fairy tale . Ghosts of the past that made the system and we trapped in the system they built . Each generation building a little more on the myth . O.K. a just a little more Jesus bashing . The ghost of Jesus lives in Christians. They carry the burden of Jesus like they is haunted. Possessed by the belief of salvation. So like bad little dogs they try to please there master yet being bad little dogs they can't cause the ghost Christ made them all sinners . Not that there is a spooky floater running around but by the imagination that is in the head of the believer . So know we got a ghost of someone from the past in your head .

Like reading a Steven King novel . Scared shitless reaction spooky in your head . Now you see things based on the spooky Steven King . They seem real because of the presentation and your fear developed makes you see