If ghosts exists, I have a theory of how they come to be and what makes them exist.


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Hello members of Sciforums.com. My name is Intellect31490 and I am new to this site. I am currently a student and I study so many sciences and philosophies. Now long ago, I was reading some information on ghosts and I remember them saying how people use some sort of device used for measuring the electromagnetic field and I thought "ghosts aren't made from ectoplasm or any type of matter that we can explain at this moment." Now I studied and believe that ghosts are actually made of both positive and negative energy, there is an energy we humans beings have deep inside of ourselves and this energy is what interferes with the magnetic field when we die. To be more specific, say that we have this special force from the universe that gives us positive and negative energies depending on how we live our lives. Now say when someone lives their lives with a lot of positive energy and most of their life they were attached to some place or someone or some object, the energy that they have interferes with the magnetic field when they die and then they use the magnetic field and the heat of the area of place that is haunted. Now if you have positive energy, say if a physic was to try to sense you, then they would feel that you are positive and mean no harm, as with someone who had negative energy would be the complete opposite. Ghosts also use the heat to make themselves appear because heat is a fuel that create images if a device is needed to make one. (Example projectors use the heat from electricity to power the device to make an image of whatever you want to show on a projector board.) This can explain why people feel cold when they claim to have an experience a haunting from a ghost. Now I am giving a hypothesis and feeling this can be a theory of how ghosts come to exist but I can be wrong and I will experiment it only if ghosts exists thats if lol. What do you guys think?
Now I am giving a hypothesis and feeling this can be a theory of how ghosts come to exist but I can be wrong and I will experiment it only if ghosts exists thats if

Strange that over the past few hundred years that no scientific evidence has proven any "theory" about the existence of "ghosts" to be factual. All testing done by very competent scientists have determined that "ghosts" aren't real and those who claim to see them cannot provide any SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE that they actually see them or that others can duplicate and see as well.
Now I studied and believe that ghosts are actually made of both positive and negative energy, there is an energy we humans beings have deep inside of ourselves and this energy is what interferes with the magnetic field when we die.

For someone who supposedly has studied science you are using the term 'energy' rather loosely!

Ghost are made of positive and negative energy? What does that mean? What is positive energy, I thought there was just energy.

We have energy deep in side us? We do? And this energy 'interferes' with magnetic fields? So this energy is electrical or magnetic. Should be easy to measure - where is the evidence that this exists?
Based on your idea of positive and negative energy, psychics would only be able to detect the most pure thinking or the most evil people..."average" ghosts would be invisible, since they'd have both energies. And of course, this assumes some absolutes on what good and evil are.

There have been many tests in the past to see if the human body loses something on death, and so far nothing conclusive has been found. If there was something of substance that was removed, then it should be detectable. Sadly it appears that final death of the "self" is when the energy within the neurons of the brain decay to nothing. There's nothing there to persist beyond that event.
You should have stopped right here when you said this: "Now long ago, I was reading some information on ghosts..."

Because that statement in itself is totally false - there IS no information on ghosts, just speculation, idle opinions and nonsense.

There's also no such thing as "positive" or "negative" energy. Those terms were invented by idiots as well.:shrug:
Well I am just speculating. I don't what would this energy or unknown force be and believe me, sometimes I doubt the existence of ghosts but I'm open minded to study it. If you don't conduct an experiment then it will never be proven because people simply just jumps to conclusions. I am still learning physics more and more everyday so I can make I can accurately conduct my experiments. But who knows maybe there isn't ghosts at all or maybe ghosts haunts certain people and maybe thats people who's mind is just can see things we cannot see. In my opinion, I'm kinda very skeptical of ghosts but like I said before I am also very open minded.
Well I am just speculating. I don't what would this energy or unknown force be and believe me, sometimes I doubt the existence of ghosts but I'm open minded to study it. If you don't conduct an experiment then it will never be proven because people simply just jumps to conclusions. I am still learning physics more and more everyday so I can make I can accurately conduct my experiments. But who knows maybe there isn't ghosts at all or maybe ghosts haunts certain people and maybe thats people who's mind is just can see things we cannot see. In my opinion, I'm kinda very skeptical of ghosts but like I said before I am also very open minded.

It's OK - a good thing, actually - to be open-minded. BUT don't let it get o the point that your brains fall out. :D

The thing is, physics and science in general will get you nowhere with this topic. People have been trying for hundreds of years (thousands, actually) and have come up with absolutely NO proof that ghosts exist. Not even the tiniest shred of evidence. Nada. Nothing. Zip. Ziltch. Zero.

And there is no "hidden" energy of any type.
My Theory

Hi, I may be only 12 years of age, but I know a lot about paranormal. I was born on the 13 of July and many of my birthdays have been on Friday the 13, and next year I am going to turn 13 on Friday the 13. I feel like I have some kind of special gift. My theory is very similar to your's, I to believe that ghosts become attached to places, objects, or a human. My Theory, however, differs from yours. I believe that another reason why ghosts "haunt" or stay around is because they promised to do or say something, or they were going to get a family heirloom and they have stayed to get it. My other belief is that they could have had a enemy during life and they seek revenge. I really enjoy researching the supernatural. I myself have experienced some "paranormal activity" but with several different supernatural figures. I still have a lot more research to complete, I keep a whole "field journal",if you will, on my research and my personal stories.Please if you can take the time to read this and respond.

"There have been many tests in the past to see if the human body loses something on death, and so far nothing conclusive has been found. If there was something of substance that was removed, then it should be detectable. Sadly it appears that final death of the "self" is when the energy within the neurons of the brain decay to nothing. There's nothing there to persist beyond this point."

Not completely true, we don't know this for sure we can't test this so there for you have no proof.:rolleyes:
If you believe all of that then you obviously don't know a lot about the "paranormal".
Ghosts do not exist.
Friday 13th has no actual significance: it's merely a superstition.
No one has "special gifts".
You don't have a theory. (What you do have is unfounded speculation).
The supernatural is hogwash.

I read it. I responded.

You're young enough to forget about all this rubbish, concentrate on your education.
FaithLynn . . . . Don't let these "pseudo-know-it-alls" get to you! . . . . now that you have kindled (at age 12, no less!) the "curiosity' and 'creative' fires to pursue the truth . . . . go for it!
FaithLynn . . . . Don't let these "pseudo-know-it-alls" get to you! . . . . now that you have kindled (at age 12, no less!) the "curiosity' and 'creative' fires to pursue the truth . . . . go for it!
Bad advice.
At least one of these "pseudo know it alls" has been reading and checking crap like this for ~50 years. Zero results.
I'm trying to stop her wasting her time.

The truth is that ghosts do not exist.
FL: (Quote OP) "Now I am giving a hypothesis and feeling this can be a theory of how ghosts come to exist but I can be wrong and I will experiment it only if ghosts exists thats if lol. What do you guys think? "

Refer to my previous post above . . . .FL, at least you're willing to apply the scientific method! . . . .that's better than Dywy's assnine-comment approach!
I too was born on July 13th, and I know a lot about the paranormal. Over the course of my life have had some strange experiences and studied a lot. I have concluded all this paranormal stuff is bull.

I could be wrong but I don't think so. Keep questioning, learning and evaluating with logic and you won't go wrong.
"There have been many tests in the past to see if the human body loses something on death, and so far nothing conclusive has been found. If there was something of substance that was removed, then it should be detectable. Sadly it appears that final death of the "self" is when the energy within the neurons of the brain decay to nothing. There's nothing there to persist beyond this point."

Not completely true, we don't know this for sure we can't test this so there for you have no proof.:rolleyes:

If you can't test for something, even theoretically, then it isn't a scientific hypothesis. But, there are perfectly valid scientific explanations for the illusion of ghosts, centering around the mind and how expectations control our perceptions. If you believe there are ghosts, then you will tend to interpret any unclear signals as a ghost. If you don't, you won't. The idea of ghosts creates the false perception of ghosts.
Refer to my previous post above . . . .FL, at least you're willing to apply the scientific method! . . . .that's better than Dywy's assnine-comment approach!
Oops, someone else who fails to read. Or think.