If eating meat is unethical, why is it ok to kill babies?

Personally, I do not think it is unethical to eat meat... at the same time, I don't think it's O.K. to hurt animals. So, for me... killing animals should be permissible in some circumstances but not others.

Personally, I don't think it's O.K. to abort unborn children. At the risk of being called an idiot, I do see them as individuals.
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If eating meat is unethical, why is it ok to kill babies?

It's not ok to kill babies. You can go to jail for it.

BTW Roman the correct term for 'unborn baby' is fetus.
You should be careful not to confuse the two. Otherwise you end up starting threads by mistake.

And yes, it is ok to kill a fetus and eating meat is not unethical.

Hope this helps.
Dee Cee
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Actually, the only vegan I know is also mostly against abortion. However, he feels that people suck, so it's OK to kill them. Animals are awesome and cool, so eating them is bogus. Eating people is fine if there's no vegetables or soy protein around.

In an ideal society, everyone including unwanted babies would get enough to eat, and be ensured of a good life. However, this is not an ideal society. Conservatives that are against abortion also balk at the kind of social organization that would take care of a child you weren't ready for, or even promoting the contraception (or simply sexual education) that would have prevented such an occurrence.
I eat meat, and am pro-choice for other people; but its not an option I personally endorse.
Roman said:
Why are so many vegans/vegetarians aghast at the idea of raising dumb animals for food meat, yet believe it's an unalienable right to kill unborn babies?

Why do you think it's ok to kill animals for food?
Roman said:
Because animals don't have feelings that matter.

Explain yourself, what are human feelings that matter? Animals feel pain and fear, so what's the difference if I decide to factory farm humans for meat?
Hell.. do feelings matter anyway? What if animals are here for human consumption and entertainment?
Absane said:
Did I imply that was my view? I am asking a question.

I see, then yes, feelings do matter. Animals are not here for human consumption and entertainment, although that doesn't seem to stop people from using them as if they are.
Why are animals here then? Maybe the same reason we are here. Evolution and an accident. Act of God? Why?
Absane said:
Why are animals here then? Maybe the same reason we are here. Evolution and an accident. Act of God? Why?

Oh the meaning of life!! A great question, but evolution is just the how, not the why. Since humans and animals are on this planet then the why is irrelevant, there is no why.
What do you think? God placed animals on this planet so that we could use them in any way we see fit?
Eating animals and abortion (or infanticide) are both means to the same end: increasing calorie intake. Animals are a good efficient source of nutrients, especially if you kill something big. Also, it is well known that top predators have a low population density, and although humans achieved a breakthrough in transcending this law of nature to some extent, limiting the population of one's tribe could be a benefit to those remaining.
Unless one argues against eating meat from an ecological vantage, it's contradictory to be in support of coat hangering fetuses and hugging cows. Taking a life is taking a life, right?
Roman said:
Why are so many vegans/vegetarians aghast at the idea of raising dumb animals for food meat, yet believe it's an unalienable right to kill unborn babies?

It may depend on effects of veg+diary and meat on our health and health of nature.

It may depend upon gross variations in chemical constituents of both substances, Iron, Mg, Ca etc and effect on our acid/base balances. It may also depend upon overeatings--eaten for need or greed/luxory, lesser time given for complete metabolism, cost, demand, supply and availabilty as per nature's balance. Veg are in plenty but non-veg limited and can become scrace, About killing, except fruits, some leaves, veg are also beings--probably causes more individual killing.
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Roman said:
Unless one argues against eating meat from an ecological vantage, it's contradictory to be in support of coat hangering fetuses and hugging cows. Taking a life is taking a life, right?

That's right, taking a life is taking a life. You could argue that an aborted fetus does not suffer as much as an animal kept in confinement and then painfully killed. If you're anti-abortion then why not be anti-animal slaughter?
wsionynw said:
If you're anti-abortion then why not be anti-animal slaughter?

Anology to slavery: I (generic person) see my people (white) as superior and it is, therefore, wrong to kill unborn babies (also white). However, slaves are not "people" (relative to generic person's race). They serve a purpose (work). It does not make sense to keep them alive if they are around to serve me.

Does that work? To me it seems to be the thinking of anti-abortion/pro-animal killing.