If eating meat is unethical, why is it ok to kill babies?

o you forgo even eating plants? I doubt it. That issue is moot. Every living thing percieves suffering in some way.

Plants do not perceive suffering. But you already know that.
nobody kills unborn babies

a fetus and an unborn baby are completely different things
alain said:
nobody kills unborn babies

a fetus and an unborn baby are completely different things

How so? A fetus, in all likelihood, will become a born baby if not tampered with. It is not yet born. But it will be. Fetus = baby not yet born.

How else are we going to classify it?
A fetus, in all likelihood, will become a born baby if not tampered with.

And Prince Charles will, in all likelihood, become King of England eventually.

Does that mean he should have all the rights of the King now?
Does a sperm have the right to life?

If so, you are a murderer millions of times a day

If not, why should a fetus?

A fetus is not a cell. A fetus is not genetically identical nor is it the same being as its mother. Even as a zygote, it cannot be equated to an egg or sperm. Objectively, your argument should be this:

"Does a fetus have a right to life? Millions of humans die every day."

you want to know what 'baby' is doing in the womb and when, read about it, don't y'all just talk through your asses about senseless blobs when the unborn child is far from it.

Week 10
The embryo is now about 1 inch in length. Facial features, limbs, hands feet fingers and toes become apparent. The nervous system is responsive and many of the internal organs begin to function.

Second Trimester

Week 14 The fetus is now 3 inches long and weighs almost an ounce. The muscles begin to develop and sex organs form. Eyelids, fingernails, and toenails also form. The child's spontaneous movements can be observed.

Week 18 The fetus is now about 5 inches long. The child blinks, grasps, and moves her mouth. Hair grows on the head and body.

Week 22 The fetus now weighs approximately 1/2 a pound and spans about 10 inches from head to toe. Sweat glands develop, and the external skin has turned from transparent to opaque.

Third Trimester

Week 26 The fetus can now inhale, exhale and even cry. Eyes have completely formed, and the tongue has developed taste buds. Under intensive medical care the fetus has a over a 50% chance of surviving outside the womb.

Week 30 The fetus is usually capable of living outside the womb and would be considered premature at birth.

Week 40 This marks the end of the normal gestational period. The child is now ready to live in outside of his mother's womb. "



These are pics of 'what' you are ripping the arms and legs off and stabbing through the skull and sucking out the brains of....looks like a baby to me.
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Theoryofrelativity said:
These are pics of 'what' you are ripping the arms and legs off and stabbing through the skull and sucking out the brains of....looks like a baby to me.

It doesn’t matter if it looks like a baby or not. Would you want someone to force you to go through the pain and misery of pregnancy and childbirth for a child that you do not want? I am assuming that your pregnancy was not unwanted, but think about the pain that you experienced. Now think about the government forcing you to experience it.

Do you have a problem with embryonic stem cell research?
q0101 said:
It doesn’t matter if it looks like a baby or not. Would you want someone to force you to go through the pain and misery of pregnancy and childbirth for a child that you do not want? I am assuming that your pregnancy was not unwanted, but think about the pain that you experienced. Now think about the government forcing you to experience it.

Do you have a problem with embryonic stem cell research?

Who's forcing them? Nobody (with exception of rape) is FORCED to have sex without using contraception.

The government does not get these girls pregnant, they get themselves pregnant.

Say no, take it up the arse, use contraception or take the morning after pill

It's really no that hard

RE myself, my pregnancies were MORE than 'wanted' they were PLANNED.

You know women plan their abortion more they plan pregnancy these days, ie when going into sex unprepared they think: Oh well I can have an abortion, rather than thinking oh well, I can say no.
Education! Self respect!
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q0101 said:
Do you have a problem with embryonic stem cell research?

I don't know enough about it, but on face of it...no

the embryo does not have arms legs and a brain that is being pulled apart, CNS in place at 10 weeks.
Theoryofrelativity said:
Who's forcing them? Nobody (with exception of rape) is FORCED to have sex without using contraception.

The government does not get these girls pregnant, they get themselves pregnant.

Say no, take it up the arse, use contraception or take the morning after pill

It's really no that hard

A woman can take the necessary precautions, but it only takes one mistake to get pregnant. Alcohol or drugs can make people do things that they would not normally do. And condoms are only 99.99% effective. That means that 1 in 10000 condoms could have small holes in it that could allow sperm to pass through.
q0101 said:
A woman can take the necessary precautions, but it only takes one mistake to get pregnant. Alcohol or drugs can make people do things that they would not normally do. And condoms are only 99.99% effective. That means that 1 in 10000 condoms could have small holes in it that could allow sperm to pass through.

news flash, all contraceptives offer 99% chance of success only, so condoms no more a risk than any other.

If they pop, ther is the morning after pill , can take up to 72hrs afterwards.

Alcohol no excuse, I have yet to know anyone who really had sex without knowing they were having sex and not making a conscious decision to 'take the risk'.

Last I checked, the government forces us to accept many pains and sufferings. Pain and suffering is not an excuse to kill something in any civilized country, specifically outside self-defense.
ToR, if you had a time machine and went back to abort your unborn baby, would you consider it murder? Or would you just be killing a "mass of cells," in your mind?
FallingSkyward said:
ToR, if you had a time machine and went back to abort your unborn baby, would you consider it murder? Or would you just be killing a "mass of cells," in your mind?

If you've read any of my posts then you know I would consider it murder, although I am aware the definition of murder is the unlawful killing of a human being. Different countries though do have different ideas re unborn babies and whether or not they constitute human beings and of course abortion being lawful differs to. Thus while abortion is not considered murder in the Uk, I consider it so.

People don't like calling me calling it murder as it hurts their sensibilities ...tough shit to that.

I have a question for you, do you just see a mass of cells in the links I posted or do you see a formed baby?
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Prince_James said:
Last I checked, the government forces us to accept many pains and sufferings. Pain and suffering is not an excuse to kill something in any civilized country, specifically outside self-defense.

I’m just glad that I'm not a woman. I can’t imagine how horrible it must be to be forced to have a child. If I had a parasite in my body I would want to have it removed. Giving birth to an unwanted child is like giving birth to a parasite. A woman that does not want the child that she is carrying probably doesn’t experience the same chemical relief that makes pregnancy and childbirth less painful. (High levels of oxytocin, endorphins, Ect.) I am talking about the love that a mother has for her child.

Chemical reactions generally occur despite our mental state. Note that even rape victims can experience physical pleasure from the act, as well as molested children.

But yes, we all have unpleasant things to go through.
A fetus is not a baby.

It may look like a baby, but to me a human fetus also looks a lot like a mouse fetus. If it is ok to kill a mouse fetus is it then also ok to kill a human fetus? Because they look similar?


At one point the human fetus will become viable outside the womb. A critical point.

Societies decide at which point they think abortions are acceptable. Usually that point is well in advance of the time point when a fetus becomes viable.

A fetus has the potential to become a human and therefore you may not kill it? That's purely a cultural statement. Nature is rather less sensitive. Many conceptions end in natural abortions. The mother will abort a fetus when it senses that there is something wrong. On the other hand the fetus is actively trying to kill the mother but usually doesn't succeed because of limiting regulatory mechanisms of the mother. The mother and fetus are at war. There are some common interests, but the mother isn't the fetus and the fetus isn't the mother.

To decide for others wether they can or cannot abort is selfish. A society can set restrictions, but why condem women to lead a life they don't want to or can't lead because you feel different about the matter. You don't have to have an abortion. Legal abortion is there to protect women. Let them have the abortion in a relatively risk free environment. Why burden women even more because you do not want an abortion. So duly noted. Some people do not want an abortion.

Nobody is killing babies by means of abortion. Abortion terminates the pregnancy prematurely. A new cycle starts.

Is it better not to have an abortion?


Ironically in the countries where a large portion of the people are against abortion sexual education is usually minimal. The same morals that condem abortion condem sexual education.

Now that is criminal.